Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Development & Technical Discussion => Topic started by: Taras on March 28, 2015, 05:11:13 PM

Title: Approximate pi to trillions of digits with a sidechain?
Post by: Taras on March 28, 2015, 05:11:13 PM
DAE think it would be feasible to approximate pi as PoW in a sidechain?

PI miner approximates pi to t digits, where t is the number of digits that would be solved in 30 seconds on average

PI miners that get it broadcast a transaction with the hash of the digits and their address in it, sending a certain amount of sidechain BTC to themselves

PoW miners solve a traditional block, all pi-transactions are evaluated and one is selected at random; the odds of a transaction being selected is its output value divided by the output value of all pi-transactions (rather like PoS)

The PoW block sends half of the transaction fees to the PoW miner, and the other half to the winning PI miner

Winning PI miner submits a special block containing the raw digits of pi, and PoW mining resumes after that

The pi-block is of course verified by the nodes; pi digits are a lot easier to verify than to calculate (I think)

This is just one hypothetical made-up way of doing this. Any comments or ideas?

Title: Re: Approximate pi to trillions of digits with a sidechain?
Post by: FuckIdolPlus on March 28, 2015, 05:15:08 PM
I was thinking the same. This will also help to provide insight to the amazing ratio pi is.