Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Services => Topic started by: on March 29, 2015, 01:38:08 AM

Title: Post a cartoon image of yourself and a Bitcoin address | Provide or fund!
Post by: on March 29, 2015, 01:38:08 AM
Can you provide or fund this service for tips or do you know someone that can?

Post for tips (Changetip, Dogecoin etc)

Specs: Post a cartoon image of yourself and a Bitcoin address. You can only use images in the public domain for this or make your own.


Title: Re: Post a photo of yourself and a Bitcoin address BTC (0.3 USD) | Provide or fund!
Post by: lucasjkr on March 29, 2015, 01:39:33 AM
Whose paying for us posting this?

Title: Re: Post a photo of yourself and a Bitcoin address BTC (0.3 USD) | Provide or fund!
Post by: on March 29, 2015, 01:44:43 AM
Whose paying for us posting this?

We need to find someone to pay you for posting this. I updated OP to clarify. But, you can offer to provide already. I put you on the list?

Title: Re: Post a photo of yourself and a Bitcoin address BTC (0.3 USD) | Provide or fund!
Post by: gogodr on March 29, 2015, 03:32:01 AM
whats this? I don't get it.

Title: Re: Post a photo of yourself and a Bitcoin address BTC (0.3 USD) | Provide or fund!
Post by: on March 29, 2015, 04:00:33 AM
whats this? I don't get it.

It is specs for a service.

You can offer to provide the service of posting a cartoon image of yourself and a bitcoin address.

Or you can fund someone else doing it for BTC (0.3 USD)

I hope you get it now.

Title: Re: Post a photo of yourself and a Bitcoin address BTC (0.3 USD) | Provide or fund!
Post by: adaseb on March 29, 2015, 04:03:02 AM
This is retarded!

Why would someone post their own photo on the internet just for a few BTC.

What's even more retarded is why would anyone pay someone just because they posted their photo.

Title: Re: Post a photo of yourself and a Bitcoin address BTC (0.3 USD) | Provide or fund!
Post by: SaltySpitoon on March 29, 2015, 04:04:12 AM
Why? Who needs a photo of someone for $0.30? For what purpose would someone sell their image for 30 cents lol? What prevents people from just going onto google images and finding thousands of pictures of people?

I would question anyone who got involved in this in any way, there is no benefit and so much potential for abuse. Sounds very scammy.

Updated to photo or cartoon image. Not sure why someone would need it. It is a bit of a funny service at the moment. But, actually some people might want to see photos or caricatures of others.

Nothing currently prevents people from doing that.

BTC (30 cents) is not a lot. But on the other hand it's kinda easy to provide this service.
*edit* I didn't want to make another post, as it would end up being spam in itself. Gonna update this with a picture of me

BTC can be sent to the BTC address in my profile: 1JXwGd1N8eP4WWMP6mLe6UNAycDhzqvhJo

Thanks dooders.

Title: Re: Post a photo of yourself and a Bitcoin address BTC (0.3 USD) | Provide or fund!
Post by: on March 29, 2015, 04:08:45 AM
Why? Who needs a photo of someone for $0.30? For what purpose would someone sell their image for 30 cents lol? What prevents people from just going onto google images and finding thousands of pictures of people?

Updated to cartoon image. Not sure why someone would need it. It is a bit of a funny service at the moment. But, actually some people might want to see cartoon images of others that they can easily tip.

Nothing currently prevents people from doing that.

BTC (30 cents) is not a lot. But on the other hand it's kinda easy to provide this service.

Title: Re: Post a cartoon image of yourself and a Bitcoin address | Provide or fund!
Post by: TheButterZone on March 29, 2015, 06:10:44 AM


Title: Re: Post a cartoon image of yourself and a Bitcoin address | Provide or fund!
Post by: neoneros on March 29, 2015, 04:18:08 PM
I could make a cartoon of myself and post my BTC Wallet, but who will be paying?

Title: Re: Post a cartoon image of yourself and a Bitcoin address | Provide or fund!
Post by: Riley Nico on March 29, 2015, 09:40:54 PM


Title: Re: Post a cartoon image of yourself and a Bitcoin address | Provide or fund!
Post by: on April 03, 2015, 08:34:26 AM

i would like to get paid for having fun with cartoon images. i think that thread will more interesting. ;D

Getting paid for having fun would be interesting.