Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Electrum => Topic started by: fredericoagent on March 31, 2015, 05:50:23 PM

Title: Electrum Help
Post by: fredericoagent on March 31, 2015, 05:50:23 PM
I have downloaded the Electrum wallet and installed OK.

When I go to pay for an item I ordered using the "Send" Function I get the following error "Error: (u 'message': u'64: dust', u'code': -26)

I get the error when I go to send tab , insert the bitcoin address I want to send to and then press send.

also does anyone know how I pay using electrum to a redeem script that the seller has generated ?

to clarify i bought my bitcoins in 3 equal parts which now total 881.mbtc. I am trying to send 0.00323mbtc

Title: Re: Electrum Help
Post by: Abdussamad on March 31, 2015, 06:27:27 PM
Transactions involving small amounts of bitcoin are not allowed because they are considered spam that wastes resources on the blockchain. The smallest amount you can spend is 5430 satoshis.

Title: Re: Electrum Help
Post by: Bizmark13 on April 01, 2015, 07:07:49 AM
Transactions involving small amounts of bitcoin are not allowed because they are considered spam that wastes resources on the blockchain. The smallest amount you can spend is 5430 satoshis.

This. Basically you're trying to send 323 satoshis. The minimum you can send in most cases is 5,430 satoshis. However, there are ways to attempt to send amounts lower than this (emphasis on the word "attempt") although it's not recommended. You will need to download a client configured to allow non-standard transactions. And even then, since transactions involving amounts lower than the 5,430 satoshi limit are classified as non-standard, they are unlikely to be relayed by nodes which means that your transaction probably won't go through.

Electrum also enforces a minimum transaction fee of 10,000 satoshis (or 1,000 satoshis if you change a few settings). This can be avoided but only in cases where the transaction fulfills certain criteria such as age and transaction size which would most likely not be true in your case.