Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: wr104 on April 01, 2015, 04:06:46 AM

Title: Gavin reveals Satoshi's been secretly working on BTC 2.0 [April's Fools Prank]
Post by: wr104 on April 01, 2015, 04:06:46 AM
Sorry if this is a re-post.

The guys at CryptoNews just posted an exclusive interview with Gavin. Here are the parts of the interview that I found interesting. You'll see why:


Tim: First, I would like to thank you Gavin for accepting this interview on such short notice...

Tim: I know this has been asked many times, but... Are you Satoshi Nakamoto?

Gavin: Am I Satoshi?... No...

Gavin: If I were Satoshi, I wouldn't be here talking to you, I'd be in Bahamas sipping Piña Coladas...

Tim: I had to ask...


Tim: When was the last time you were in contact with Satoshi?

Gavin: As a matter of fact, we were chatting this morning.

Tim: Is he back working at the Foundation?

Gavin: Well, not in the flesh but, he has been actively working on (Bitcoin) 2.0 since January and wanted an account in our private Git server to begin checking-in his code changes.

Tim: This is breaking news for us. Could you please elaborate more about Satoshi's new ideas for Bitcoin 2.0?

Gavin: I won't elaborate on his entire project but, basically he wants to move Bitcoin to a different Hashcash Proof-of-Work algorithm in order to slow down the current trend where the mining power is rapidly getting concentrated in a handful of players. When Satoshi launched Bitcoin back in 2009, he didn't envision SHA-256 getting so effectively implemented in Hardware and that the network could end up being controlled by small groups of people with warehouses full of mining rigs. He believes it is dangerous for the future of Bitcoin, that it could end up destroying his legacy so, he wants to make the changes now in order to go back to the old days where individual miners were the backbone of the Bitcoin network.

Tim: And which algorithm does he want to use in 2.0?

Gavin: After he tested several candidates, he settled with a new one called KSHAKE that is used by a new altcoin called KryptoHash.

Tim: I never heard of KryptoHash. Is this one of the hundreds of coins you can find in the forum at Bitcointalk? Does Satoshi read that forum at all?

Gavin: He surely does. He's always sending me links of new altcoins that have new interesting features. He has even mined few altcoins and posted opinions on forums using his other accounts.

Tim: How about you? Do you read the altcoin forum? Do you post in there?

Gavin: I used to frequent, not much anymore. Unlike him (Satoshi), I don't have the patience to sort through the noise. There are few altcoins with true innovations out there but, with so many new altcoins getting released every week, it is now impossible to find the good ones.  

Oh Man!, I was so proud when I read Satoshi will be adding some of my work into BTC 2.0   ;D

Here is the link of the full interview (

And the follow up discussion:

Title: Re: Gavin reveals Satoshi's been secretly working on BTC 2.0
Post by: operezm on April 01, 2015, 04:09:01 AM
I like this part  :D

Gavin: If I were Satoshi, I wouldn't be here talking to you, I'd be in Bahamas sipping Piña Coladas...

It is good to see these people do pay attention to the real innovation being brought by the altcoins.

Title: Re: Gavin reveals Satoshi's been secretly working on BTC 2.0
Post by: AgentofCoin on April 01, 2015, 04:14:10 AM
Sorry if this is a re-post.

Great find wr104!
I have not seen this posted before. I'm enjoying the article greatly.  ;)

Title: Re: Gavin reveals Satoshi's been secretly working on BTC 2.0
Post by: H.W.Z on April 01, 2015, 04:22:06 AM
Great artical. We know they notice the weakness of bitcoin and put their effort to counter it.

Title: Re: Gavin reveals Satoshi's been secretly working on BTC 2.0
Post by: cooldgamer on April 01, 2015, 04:27:44 AM
I have a hard time believing that everybody will be willing to fork and make all the SHA miners obsolete (besides altcoins).

He started this, but it is a decentralized network.  Unless the majority of node owners agree with him, BTC will stay with it's current algo.  

I don't really see what his concern is anyway.  There was that scare with a while back, but now no pool has more than 20% of the hashpower.  That makes an attack based on centralization pretty impractical.  

Title: Re: Gavin reveals Satoshi's been secretly working on BTC 2.0
Post by: Sarthak on April 01, 2015, 04:30:09 AM
Sorry if this is a re-post.

The guys at CryptoNews just posted an exclusive interview with Gavin. Here are the parts of the interview that I found interesting. You'll see why:


Tim: First, I would like to thank you Gavin for accepting this interview on such short notice...

Tim: I know this has been asked many times, but... Are you Satoshi Nakamoto?

Gavin: Am I Satoshi?... No...

Gavin: If I were Satoshi, I wouldn't be here talking to you, I'd be in Bahamas sipping Piña Coladas...

Tim: I had to ask...


Tim: When was the last time you were in contact with Satoshi?

Gavin: As a matter of fact, we were chatting this morning.

Tim: Is he back working at the Foundation?

Gavin: Well, not in the flesh but, he has been actively working on (Bitcoin) 2.0 since January and wanted an account in our private Git server to begin checking-in his code changes.

Tim: This is breaking news for us. Could you please elaborate more about Satoshi's new ideas for Bitcoin 2.0?

Gavin: I won't elaborate on his entire project but, basically he wants to move Bitcoin to a different Hashcash Proof-of-Work algorithm in order to slow down the current trend where the mining power is rapidly getting concentrated in a handful of players. When Satoshi launched Bitcoin back in 2009, he didn't envision SHA-256 getting so effectively implemented in Hardware and that the network could end up being controlled by small groups of people with warehouses full of mining rigs. He believes it is dangerous for the future of Bitcoin, that it could end up destroying his legacy so, he wants to make the changes now in order to go back to the old days where individual miners were the backbone of the Bitcoin network.

Tim: And which algorithm does he want to use in 2.0?

Gavin: After he tested several candidates, he settled with a new one called KSHAKE that is used by a new altcoin called KryptoHash.

Tim: I never heard of KryptoHash. Is this one of the hundreds of coins you can find in the forum at Bitcointalk? Does Satoshi read that forum at all?

Gavin: He surely does. He's always sending me links of new altcoins that have new interesting features. He has even mined few altcoins and posted opinions on forums using his other accounts.

Tim: How about you? Do you read the altcoin forum? Do you post in there?

Gavin: I used to frequent, not much anymore. Unlike him (Satoshi), I don't have the patience to sort through the noise. There are few altcoins with true innovations out there but, with so many new altcoins getting released every week, it is now impossible to find the good ones.  

Oh Man!, I was so proud when I read Satoshi will be adding some of my work into BTC 2.0   ;D

Here is the link of the full interview (

And the follow up discussion:

This is interesting ;D
But is he speaking the truth?
Maybe he is lying to attract the public?
If its real then Satoshi will return soon :D

Edit: I will kill you OP for fooling me on April Fool! lol :P Nice Joke! I really forgot it was April 1st!

Title: Re: Gavin reveals Satoshi's been secretly working on BTC 2.0
Post by: futureofbitcoin on April 01, 2015, 04:34:54 AM
I have a hard time believing that everybody will be willing to fork and make all the SHA miners obsolete (besides altcoins).

He started this, but it is a decentralized network.  Unless the majority of node owners agree with him, BTC will stay with it's current algo.  

I don't really see what his concern is anyway.  There was that scare with a while back, but now no pool has more than 20% of the hashpower.  That makes an attack based on centralization pretty impractical.  
The real reason is to rebrand bitcoin as BTC2.0. With all the crypto "2.0" projects, Satoshi is afraid they will outbrand bitcoin and make his 1 million btc worthless. Besides, Vitalik is actually his evil triplet brother, so he can't lose to Etherium.

For your information, the third triplet is fake grimlock (

Also, they are already planning for the development and release of BTC 6.9 and BTC 666 in the near future. Look forward to it.

Title: Re: Gavin reveals Satoshi's been secretly working on BTC 2.0
Post by: Vod on April 01, 2015, 04:45:02 AM
April Fools Joke?   :-\

Title: Re: Gavin reveals Satoshi's been secretly working on BTC 2.0
Post by: bronan on April 01, 2015, 04:46:02 AM
I have a hard time believing that everybody will be willing to fork and make all the SHA miners obsolete (besides altcoins).

He started this, but it is a decentralized network.  Unless the majority of node owners agree with him, BTC will stay with it's current algo.  

I don't really see what his concern is anyway.  There was that scare with a while back, but now no pool has more than 20% of the hashpower.  That makes an attack based on centralization pretty impractical.  
You really think they are sitting still and not am busy developing new more efficient miners ... really?

Title: Re: Gavin reveals Satoshi's been secretly working on BTC 2.0
Post by: Quantus on April 01, 2015, 04:48:01 AM
Is this real? I think the majority of the community would support a hard fork to change the hashing algo to a more ASic resistant version. As long as it dose not include the Gavin-bloat coin.
Edit: Satoshi is likely dead or hiding.
April fools?  :( Fuck you OP

Title: Re: Gavin reveals Satoshi's been secretly working on BTC 2.0
Post by: DannyHamilton on April 01, 2015, 04:49:46 AM
The number of people that are going to fall for this April Fools joke (even after I've posted this comment) is ridiculous.  People will believe whatever they want to believe regardless of how close to the truth it is.

Personally I find this part the silliest:

- snip -
he wants to move Bitcoin to a different Hashcash Proof-of-Work algorithm in order to slow down the current trend where the mining power is rapidly getting concentrated in a handful of players. When Satoshi launched Bitcoin back in 2009, he didn't envision SHA-256 getting so effectively implemented in Hardware and that the network could end up being controlled by small groups of people with warehouses full of mining rigs. He believes it is dangerous for the future of Bitcoin, that it could end up destroying his legacy so, he wants to make the changes now in order to go back to the old days where individual miners were the backbone of the Bitcoin network.
- snip -

Let's take a look at what Satoshi ACTUALLY said back in 2010 about how he expected the network to operate:

(emphasis in bold added by me)

- snip -
Simplified Payment Verification is for lightweight client-only users who only do transactions and don't generate and don't participate in the node network.  They wouldn't need to download blocks, just the hash chain, which is currently about 2MB and very quick to verify (less than a second to verify the whole chain). If the network becomes very large, like over 100,000 nodes, this is what we'll use to allow common users to do transactions without being full blown nodes.  At that stage, most users should start running client-only software and only the specialist server farms keep running full network nodes, kind of like how the usenet network has consolidated.
- snip -

- snip -
I anticipate there will never be more than 100K nodes, probably less.  It will reach an equilibrium where it's not worth it for more nodes to join in.  The rest will be lightweight clients, which could be millions.

At equilibrium size, many nodes will be server farms with one or two network nodes that feed the rest of the farm over a LAN.

The current system where every user is a network node is not the intended configuration for large scale.  That would be like every Usenet user runs their own NNTP server.  The design supports letting users just be users.  The more burden it is to run a node, the fewer nodes there will be.  Those few nodes will be big server farms.  The rest will be client nodes that only do transactions and don't generate.
- snip -

Title: Re: Gavin reveals Satoshi's been secretly working on BTC 2.0
Post by: futureofbitcoin on April 01, 2015, 04:55:19 AM
Personally I find this part the silliest:
Satoshi anticipated that they'd be on farms, not in warehouses. So that's why he needed to change the algorithm, so people would start farming instead of mining.

Title: Re: Gavin reveals Satoshi's been secretly working on BTC 2.0
Post by: Quantus on April 01, 2015, 04:58:29 AM
I hate April :( I'm so fucking gullible. Already got tricked twice and its only 1 am

Title: Re: Gavin reveals Satoshi's been secretly working on BTC 2.0
Post by: Bit_Happy on April 01, 2015, 05:01:54 AM
I hate April :( I'm so fucking gullible. Already got tricked twice and its only 1 am

It's OK, April Fools is supposed to be fun.  :)

Title: Re: Gavin reveals Satoshi's been secretly working on BTC 2.0
Post by: merve10495 on April 01, 2015, 05:05:29 AM
Annnndddd another one bites the dust.
Man I hate April fools.
This year is by far the worst.

Title: Re: Gavin reveals Satoshi's been secretly working on BTC 2.0
Post by: QuestionAuthority on April 01, 2015, 05:10:14 AM
DannyHamilton you are such a friggin killjoy.  ;D

Title: Re: Gavin reveals Satoshi's been secretly working on BTC 2.0
Post by: DannyHamilton on April 01, 2015, 05:16:56 AM
DannyHamilton you are such a friggin killjoy.  ;D

I know.  8)

Title: Re: Gavin reveals Satoshi's been secretly working on BTC 2.0
Post by: R2D221 on April 01, 2015, 05:19:09 AM
April Fools is a bullshit holiday.

Title: Re: Gavin reveals Satoshi's been secretly working on BTC 2.0
Post by: redsn0w on April 01, 2015, 05:26:58 AM
April Fools is a bullshit holiday.

No I don't think, it is only a joke. If someone don't want to laugh, just pass this thread (however OP funny joke).

Title: Re: Gavin reveals Satoshi's been secretly working on BTC 2.0
Post by: hilariousandco on April 01, 2015, 05:36:39 AM
April Fools Joke?   :-\

Of course. I wonder if any of these today will effect the price? You know how fickle bitcoiners can be and believe the fud.

Title: Re: Gavin reveals Satoshi's been secretly working on BTC 2.0
Post by: Kprawn on April 01, 2015, 05:43:05 AM
April fools joke or not... there will be a lot of solo miners out there, who would be VERY happy, if they ever implement something like that.

I have to agree with them, that mining farms with full monopoly is not what Satoshi envisioned when he created the protocol.

I will be one of the first people to signup for a coin, who puts "mining" back into the hands of the average daily solo miner.  ;D ;D

Title: Re: Gavin reveals Satoshi's been secretly working on BTC 2.0
Post by: dserrano5 on April 01, 2015, 05:55:01 AM
The guys at CryptoNews just posted an exclusive interview with Gavin. [...]

[...] Gavin: As a matter of fact, we were chatting this morning.

Oops, this fired my April's fools alert. Go fool another one! :P

Title: Re: Gavin reveals Satoshi's been secretly working on BTC 2.0
Post by: R2D221 on April 01, 2015, 05:58:31 AM
I have to agree with them, that mining farms with full monopoly is not what Satoshi envisioned when he created the protocol.

I have to disagree. Please read DannyHamilton's post again.

Title: Re: Gavin reveals Satoshi's been secretly working on BTC 2.0
Post by: Lethn on April 01, 2015, 06:23:32 AM
April fool's and they are TinyURL links that I'm not touching.

Title: Re: Gavin reveals Satoshi's been secretly working on BTC 2.0
Post by: runam0k on April 01, 2015, 10:25:26 AM
April Fools is a bullshit holiday.
It's not even a holiday, that's how bad it is.  Not that I fell for this nonsense, but still, it's almost pointless checking reddit/bitcointalk/coindesk for news today just in case...

Title: Re: Gavin reveals Satoshi's been secretly working on BTC 2.0
Post by: futureofbitcoin on April 01, 2015, 10:31:32 AM
April Fools is a bullshit holiday.
It's not even a holiday, that's how bad it is.  Not that I fell for this nonsense, but still, it's almost pointless checking reddit/bitcointalk/coindesk for news today just in case...

This is why you missed the whale who dumped 100,000BTC for $1 each as an April fool's joke for a few minutes before they were all bought out.

Title: Re: Gavin reveals Satoshi's been secretly working on BTC 2.0
Post by: unamis76 on April 01, 2015, 10:36:18 AM
Amazing interview with a fantastic in depth dive into the world of Satoshi and the development of Bitcoin 8)

Title: Re: Gavin reveals Satoshi's been secretly working on BTC 2.0
Post by: Eastfist on April 01, 2015, 10:38:31 AM
LOLOLOL. Gavin said Satoshi's farts taste like bubble gum.  8)

Title: Re: Gavin reveals Satoshi's been secretly working on BTC 2.0
Post by: Bitware on April 01, 2015, 10:53:14 AM
Believe nothing you read today.

Title: Re: Gavin reveals Satoshi's been secretly working on BTC 2.0
Post by: cr1776 on April 01, 2015, 11:05:14 AM
April Fools Joke?   :-\

Yes.  And pumping the alt coin

Title: Re: Gavin reveals Satoshi's been secretly working on BTC 2.0
Post by: Alexis on April 01, 2015, 11:06:29 AM
Lets all pump Kryptohash coin!! (If it even exists)

Title: Re: Gavin reveals Satoshi's been secretly working on BTC 2.0
Post by: ibminer on April 01, 2015, 11:07:29 AM
Its a kryptohash advertisement.

Play along guys  ;)

Title: Re: Gavin reveals Satoshi's been secretly working on BTC 2.0
Post by: WhatTheGox on April 01, 2015, 11:12:49 AM

Next up will be mark karpeles tweeting that hes found another 200k coins, im getting that prediction out there right now.

Title: Re: Gavin reveals Satoshi's been secretly working on BTC 2.0
Post by: dothebeats on April 01, 2015, 11:39:25 AM
Oh my. I almost got caught in that one! Why is April Fools even considered a holiday? o.O But I know somewhere out there, Satoshi is still among us, using different accounts and the different way of talking to others, so as to hide his/her identity.

Anyway, thanks for the nice topic. A fun read, though it is very unlikely that it is true.  :(

Title: Re: Gavin reveals Satoshi's been secretly working on BTC 2.0
Post by: --Encrypted-- on April 01, 2015, 11:44:57 AM
Oh my. I almost got caught in that one! Why is April Fools even considered a holiday? o.O But I know somewhere out there, Satoshi is still among us, using different accounts and the different way of talking to others, so as to hide his/her identity.

Anyway, thanks for the nice topic. A fun read, though it is very unlikely that it is true.  :(

same here. I went from curiosity to mad to embarrassed when I found out about the lie.  ;D

April 1st is one of my most hated days, yet I just can't stay mad for long because I know it's the day for jokes.

Title: Re: Gavin reveals Satoshi's been secretly working on BTC 2.0
Post by: dothebeats on April 01, 2015, 11:52:36 AM
Oh my. I almost got caught in that one! Why is April Fools even considered a holiday? o.O But I know somewhere out there, Satoshi is still among us, using different accounts and the different way of talking to others, so as to hide his/her identity.

Anyway, thanks for the nice topic. A fun read, though it is very unlikely that it is true.  :(

same here. I went from curiosity to mad to embarrassed when I found out about the lie.  ;D

April 1st is one of my most hated days, yet I just can't stay mad for long because I know it's the day for jokes.

Well tbh, I even had to searched for the same topic over the web, to find out that it is indeed another April Fools joke. :(

Satoshi, where art thou? ???

Title: Re: Gavin reveals Satoshi's been secretly working on BTC 2.0
Post by: --Encrypted-- on April 01, 2015, 11:56:59 AM
speaking of April Fools, Theymos is trolling the whole forum as we speak.
look around the forum and you'll find out  ;D

Title: Re: Gavin reveals Satoshi's been secretly working on BTC 2.0
Post by: abercrombie on April 01, 2015, 11:59:08 AM
Didn't make sense at first because most Bitcoin'ers for years have heard Satoshi cut off Gavin from further communication once he went to speak to the FBI.

Did forget it was April 1st.  :)

Title: Re: Gavin reveals Satoshi's been secretly working on BTC 2.0
Post by: dothebeats on April 01, 2015, 12:05:04 PM
speaking of April Fools, Theymos is trolling the whole forum as we speak.
look around the forum and you'll find out  ;D

Hmm. Can you point me out to where it is? Does it have something to do with the hidden pages where in we can track mods actions?

EDIT: tried modlog, but I can't see a thing.

Title: Re: Gavin reveals Satoshi's been secretly working on BTC 2.0
Post by: amiryaqot on April 01, 2015, 12:06:38 PM
it is nice to see April Fool post that make sense, nice way to keep busy people in discussion.

Title: Re: Gavin reveals Satoshi's been secretly working on BTC 2.0
Post by: Amph on April 01, 2015, 12:13:50 PM
at first i was starting believing in it, it sound reasonable even so the name of this new bitcoin it's kinda stupid and sounds like one of many altcoin scam out there

then i remembered that today is april 1...everything was explained after this

Title: Re: Gavin reveals Satoshi's been secretly working on BTC 2.0
Post by: dothebeats on April 01, 2015, 12:25:35 PM
at first i was starting believing in it, it sound reasonable even so the name of this new bitcoin it's kinda stupid and sounds like a one of many altcoin scam out there

then i remembered that today is april 1...everything was explained after this

Everything is self-explanatory after all  ;D It's just that we tend to forget what day it is right now.

April 1st. APRIL FOOLS!

Title: Re: Gavin reveals Satoshi's been secretly working on BTC 2.0
Post by: --Encrypted-- on April 01, 2015, 12:28:35 PM
at first i was starting believing in it, it sound reasonable even so the name of this new bitcoin it's kinda stupid and sounds like a one of many altcoin scam out there

then i remembered that today is april 1...everything was explained after this

Everything is self-explanatory after all  ;D It's just that we tend to forget what day it is right now.

April 1st. APRIL FOOLS!

I actually remembers it, I just thought the people in bitcointalk is just way to serious to make a joke for April Fools.

and they proved me wrong  ;D

Title: Re: Gavin reveals Satoshi's been secretly working on BTC 2.0
Post by: Hazir on April 01, 2015, 12:30:02 PM
Actually it was really well done april fools joke. I was so happy to hear that Satoshi is alive and kicking. Some points of that interview were interesting as well. That new algorithm which could change how bitcoin is currently mined looked really inviting, it would be possible to actually mine bitcoins once more if something like that would be implemented... Sadly it was just a joke.

Title: Re: Gavin reveals Satoshi's been secretly working on BTC 2.0
Post by: Beliathon on April 01, 2015, 12:32:50 PM
I have a hard time believing...
Today is the first of April, commonly known as "April Fool's day"

Title: Re: Gavin reveals Satoshi's been secretly working on BTC 2.0
Post by: Q7 on April 01, 2015, 12:32:56 PM
Wow. I wish if only this turns out to be true. It sounds too good to be real and I mean to have Satoshi still around developing bitcoin means everything to the community. But anyway, nice April Fool's prank. It almost caught me as well.

Title: Re: Gavin reveals Satoshi's been secretly working on BTC 2.0
Post by: dothebeats on April 01, 2015, 12:40:03 PM
Wow. I wish if only this turns out to be true. It sounds too good to be real and I mean to have Satoshi still around developing bitcoin means everything to the community. But anyway, nice April Fool's prank. It almost caught me as well.

What if I tell you, Satoshi still hangs around the forum with a different style of communicating and with a different forum account name as well? Wouldn't it be nice to have him/her all along discussing with us and reaching out with the community and at the same time remains anonymous to us all throughout this time? The perfect plan for staying anonymous: blend with each and everyone of us. :D :D

Title: Re: Gavin reveals Satoshi's been secretly working on BTC 2.0
Post by: mjjbogert on April 01, 2015, 12:43:01 PM
If you made up the entire interview, this was a very good joke

Title: Re: Gavin reveals Satoshi's been secretly working on BTC 2.0
Post by: franky1 on April 01, 2015, 12:45:01 PM
April Fools Joke?   :-\


Title: Re: Gavin reveals Satoshi's been secretly working on BTC 2.0
Post by: OnkelPaul on April 01, 2015, 12:55:52 PM
Well I was specifically looking for an April Fools Joke when I browsed through the forum, and this topic title had "April Fools" all written over it, in 50pt bold red letters.
Some forum members are just too gullible... Folks, please grow some healthy scepticism, especially when it comes to news that you eagerly hope for!

Onkel Paul

Title: Re: Gavin reveals Satoshi's been secretly working on BTC 2.0
Post by: Jeremycoin on April 01, 2015, 01:11:11 PM
What is BTCitcoin 2.0
This is the first time I heard about it ???
Is that real? or just a part of the joke?

Title: Re: Gavin reveals Satoshi's been secretly working on BTC 2.0
Post by: R2D221 on April 01, 2015, 01:12:37 PM
What is BTCitcoin 2.0
This is the first time I heard about it ???

It's a joke, made for the April Fools day.

Title: Re: Gavin reveals Satoshi's been secretly working on BTC 2.0
Post by: --Encrypted-- on April 01, 2015, 01:15:41 PM
What is BTCitcoin 2.0
This is the first time I heard about it ???

It's a joke, made for the April Fools day.

what the Bitcoin 2.0 project is a joke?  :P

Title: Re: Gavin reveals Satoshi's been secretly working on BTC 2.0
Post by: Jeremycoin on April 01, 2015, 01:20:11 PM
What is BTCitcoin 2.0
This is the first time I heard about it ???

It's a joke, made for the April Fools day.

what the Bitcoin 2.0 project is a joke?  :P

I started to believed it when the first time I read this thread
but now, uh...  >:(

This is the best April Fools Joke ever ;D

Title: Re: Gavin reveals Satoshi's been secretly working on BTC 2.0
Post by: Hazir on April 01, 2015, 01:32:23 PM
What is BTCitcoin 2.0
This is the first time I heard about it ???

It's a joke, made for the April Fools day.
For now it is just a joke. But I am sure that this project will be reality sooner or later. I am convinced that we won't mine all bitcoins and before 2140 we would have another global cryptocurrency system - it probably would not be Bitcoin as we know it but bitcoin 2.0 or maybe in worst case scenario FED&IBM coin.

Title: Re: Gavin reveals Satoshi's been secretly working on BTC 2.0
Post by: R2D221 on April 01, 2015, 01:41:38 PM
Wait, is that post supposed to be an advertisement too? Is that even allowed by the rules?

Title: Re: Gavin reveals Satoshi's been secretly working on BTC 2.0
Post by: R2D221 on April 01, 2015, 01:43:12 PM
What is BTCitcoin 2.0
This is the first time I heard about it ???

It's a joke, made for the April Fools day.
For now it is just a joke. But I am sure that this project will be reality sooner or later. I am convinced that we won't mine all bitcoins and before 2140 we would have another global cryptocurrency system - it probably would not be Bitcoin as we know it but bitcoin 2.0 or maybe in worst case scenario FED&IBM coin.

Bitcoin 2.0 IS BITCOIN. If you want “not-Bitcoin” to succeed, then you shouldn't call it Bitcoin in the first place.

Title: Re: Gavin reveals Satoshi's been secretly working on BTC 2.0
Post by: Hazir on April 01, 2015, 02:05:18 PM
What is BTCitcoin 2.0
This is the first time I heard about it ???

It's a joke, made for the April Fools day.
For now it is just a joke. But I am sure that this project will be reality sooner or later. I am convinced that we won't mine all bitcoins and before 2140 we would have another global cryptocurrency system - it probably would not be Bitcoin as we know it but bitcoin 2.0 or maybe in worst case scenario FED&IBM coin.

Bitcoin 2.0 IS BITCOIN. If you want “not-Bitcoin” to succeed, then you shouldn't call it Bitcoin in the first place.
Frankly at this point I want only one successful cryptocurrency. We have too many distractions in the form of various alt coins already, alts are mostly just useless pile of code. That is not good for economy and stability of bitcoin. Without LTC or Doge bitcoin could be stronger by now. But judging from how fast IT are speeding nowadays we definitely will be seeing some bitcoin changes in the future.

Title: Re: Gavin reveals Satoshi's been secretly working on BTC 2.0
Post by: AtheistAKASaneBrain on April 01, 2015, 02:40:41 PM
Sorry if this is a re-post.

The guys at CryptoNews just posted an exclusive interview with Gavin. Here are the parts of the interview that I found interesting. You'll see why:


Tim: First, I would like to thank you Gavin for accepting this interview on such short notice...

Tim: I know this has been asked many times, but... Are you Satoshi Nakamoto?

Gavin: Am I Satoshi?... No...

Gavin: If I were Satoshi, I wouldn't be here talking to you, I'd be in Bahamas sipping Piña Coladas...

Tim: I had to ask...


Tim: When was the last time you were in contact with Satoshi?

Gavin: As a matter of fact, we were chatting this morning.

Tim: Is he back working at the Foundation?

Gavin: Well, not in the flesh but, he has been actively working on (Bitcoin) 2.0 since January and wanted an account in our private Git server to begin checking-in his code changes.

Tim: This is breaking news for us. Could you please elaborate more about Satoshi's new ideas for Bitcoin 2.0?

Gavin: I won't elaborate on his entire project but, basically he wants to move Bitcoin to a different Hashcash Proof-of-Work algorithm in order to slow down the current trend where the mining power is rapidly getting concentrated in a handful of players. When Satoshi launched Bitcoin back in 2009, he didn't envision SHA-256 getting so effectively implemented in Hardware and that the network could end up being controlled by small groups of people with warehouses full of mining rigs. He believes it is dangerous for the future of Bitcoin, that it could end up destroying his legacy so, he wants to make the changes now in order to go back to the old days where individual miners were the backbone of the Bitcoin network.

Tim: And which algorithm does he want to use in 2.0?

Gavin: After he tested several candidates, he settled with a new one called KSHAKE that is used by a new altcoin called KryptoHash.

Tim: I never heard of KryptoHash. Is this one of the hundreds of coins you can find in the forum at Bitcointalk? Does Satoshi read that forum at all?

Gavin: He surely does. He's always sending me links of new altcoins that have new interesting features. He has even mined few altcoins and posted opinions on forums using his other accounts.

Tim: How about you? Do you read the altcoin forum? Do you post in there?

Gavin: I used to frequent, not much anymore. Unlike him (Satoshi), I don't have the patience to sort through the noise. There are few altcoins with true innovations out there but, with so many new altcoins getting released every week, it is now impossible to find the good ones.  

Oh Man!, I was so proud when I read Satoshi will be adding some of my work into BTC 2.0   ;D

Here is the link of the full interview (

And the follow up discussion:

Nice try OP, but you could have bothered to use something else than tinyurl, it makes it too obvious and I didn't fall for it as soon as I saw the URL lol.

Title: Re: Gavin reveals Satoshi's been secretly working on BTC 2.0
Post by: MF Doom on April 01, 2015, 03:02:28 PM
even if this story is bogus, I still find it EXTREMELY STRANGE that Gavin claims to only have spoken to satoshi through the foum and emails, and that "Satoshi" kept his identity secret from everyone, every single step of the way.  It seems too CIA-covert ops-like to be just one guy, who happens to have coded a new digital currency, and then disappears when millions start to use it, leaving behind millions of dollars worth or btc.  Possibly he was a former govt agent, but it seems more likely that "he" was not just one person, but a group of people, many of whom are probably still "running" things

Title: Re: Gavin reveals Satoshi's been secretly working on BTC 2.0
Post by: LiteCoinGuy on April 01, 2015, 03:08:12 PM

Title: Re: Gavin reveals Satoshi's been secretly working on BTC 2.0
Post by: cakir on April 01, 2015, 03:11:46 PM
I just got a phone call from satoshi, and he said to me xmr&drk consensus protocol is the bitcoin 2.0 and he's working on btc 3.0 protocol. ~swh~

Title: Re: Gavin reveals Satoshi's been secretly working on BTC 2.0
Post by: Tomatocage on April 01, 2015, 03:47:45 PM
So the take-away here is stay away from the pump & dump KryptoHash. Got it :)

Title: Re: Gavin reveals Satoshi's been secretly working on BTC 2.0
Post by: WORE on April 01, 2015, 04:16:43 PM
So the take-away here is stay away from the pump & dump KryptoHash. Got it :)

Or perhaps wr104 is up to the asic challenge after the second implementation of his algo. 

Title: Re: Gavin reveals Satoshi's been secretly working on BTC 2.0
Post by: Enzyme on April 01, 2015, 04:19:39 PM
What defines 'Bitcoin 2.0'?

Is it a whole new Bitcoin, brand new technology or integration with everyday life?

Title: Re: Gavin reveals Satoshi's been secretly working on BTC 2.0
Post by: BrannigansLaw on April 01, 2015, 04:30:22 PM
April Fools Joke?   :-\

Nope just obvious shitecoin pump move
Gavin: After he tested several candidates, he settled with a new one called KSHAKE that is used by a new altcoin called KryptoHash.

Title: Re: Gavin reveals Satoshi's been secretly working on BTC 2.0
Post by: WORE on April 01, 2015, 04:33:44 PM
April Fools Joke?   :-\

Nope just obvious shitecoin pump move
Gavin: After he tested several candidates, he settled with a new one called KSHAKE that is used by a new altcoin called KryptoHash.

Read the source, it is not really a shitcoin.  Regardless of this being April fools or not, there is some thought put into the algo on KHC when it comes to being asic resistant.  People that would be against this are likely those that hold uber hash power pointed at BTC.  March 31, 2015, 08:06:46 PM was the time stamp on the post.

Title: Re: Gavin reveals Satoshi's been secretly working on BTC 2.0
Post by: kulme on April 01, 2015, 04:36:36 PM
So the take-away here is stay away from the pump & dump KryptoHash. Got it :)

You can't know. It might just be a conspiracy to pump that coin, of all we know.

Title: Re: Gavin reveals Satoshi's been secretly working on BTC 2.0
Post by: SirChiko on April 01, 2015, 04:37:23 PM
Amazing interview with a fantastic in depth dive into the world of Satoshi and the development of Bitcoin 8)
Are you kidding me? You are probably the only one that didn't notice it's 1st of april and this is shitty joke.

Title: Re: Gavin reveals Satoshi's been secretly working on BTC 2.0
Post by: lophie on April 01, 2015, 04:47:51 PM
Nice! I already sent 15 Bitcoins to the IPO address, This thing is going to make me RICH!

This is the IPO bitcoin address : 9GgRn1miR2tDy2id5qdKu9tb5ZwzYidTjpEw

Title: Re: Gavin reveals Satoshi's been secretly working on BTC 2.0
Post by: DannyHamilton on April 01, 2015, 04:49:19 PM
March 31, 2015, 08:06:46 PM was the time stamp on the post.

Only because you are somewhere between the pacific ocean and the rocky mountains.

Here in Chicago, the timestamp on the post was March 31, 2015, 10:06:46 PM

Almost anywhere in Europe it would already have been April 1 when the post was created.

Title: Re: Gavin reveals Satoshi's been secretly working on BTC 2.0
Post by: johnyj on April 01, 2015, 06:57:26 PM
Bahamas ;D

Title: Re: Gavin reveals Satoshi's been secretly working on BTC 2.0
Post by: dserrano5 on April 01, 2015, 09:03:09 PM
Hey did you make this on purpose? :D

Title: Re: Gavin reveals Satoshi's been secretly working on BTC 2.0
Post by: Sythyn on April 01, 2015, 10:19:28 PM
Happy april fools such a crazy day

Title: Re: Gavin reveals Satoshi's been secretly working on BTC 2.0 [April's Fools Prank]
Post by: wr104 on April 01, 2015, 10:21:31 PM
Since April 1st is almost over, I've changed the title to warn this was a prank.

Thanks guys for being good sports  ;)