Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Project Development => Topic started by: Blue_Devil on April 01, 2015, 11:12:01 PM

Title: Anybody interested working with me developing
Post by: Blue_Devil on April 01, 2015, 11:12:01 PM
I'm looking for someone who is interested working with me getting the website called into development. If you are interested let me know.

I already beta tested the real-time btc and altcoin prices by utilizing several api codes. That is working fine. Also, I beta tested the btc casino where betting and payout is done by using btc. I'm currently debugging several codes to make it work properly. The exchange into 88 major currencies is something I'm still working on. The cost of real-time feed and integrating into the system is bit costly so I'm testing it with delayed quotes.

I want to add several more features that's kind of like btcjam and indiegogo with video interface and other things. I know how to setup linux server with ffmpeg and wowza media server for live streaming where investors and borrowers can see each other in real-time to reduce the scams so if you don't have too much of experience in linux don't worry.

I'm looking for someone who is serious and willing to take this project seriously so if you are interested doing this with me, let me know.

This is what I want the btcbyte to be:

BTC Byte is place dedicated to all the BTC Jammers around the world. At the, you will be able to check current prices of BTC and Altcoins, exchange into 88 major currencies, play BTC casino and many more.

Title: Re: Anybody interested working with me developing
Post by: pozmu on April 02, 2015, 01:49:17 PM
Wow, looks pretty interesting, but for who are you looking exactly?
You mentioned you have "beta-tested" several components, does it mean that are you going to build your site using some already available scripts/ programs? So you need someone to integrate them into your site? Or to develop everything from scratch? What technology are you using?
Good luck!

Title: Re: Anybody interested working with me developing
Post by: Blue_Devil on April 02, 2015, 04:22:57 PM
the scripts are written by other programmers, it just that I'm reverse engineering the scripts to make it work for what I want to do. I need someone with indepth knowledge of mysqli, python, c and visual basic.

Title: Re: Anybody interested working with me developing
Post by: Blue_Devil on April 02, 2015, 04:31:24 PM
all the sources are open source. Some of them were encoded with ioncube and base64 which I already decoded. Here's some of the example: I'm trying to integrate video hosting scripts that has live streaming module and trying to integrate into new platform. Also, I'm trying to integrate forex component to give real-time feed into the platform for exchange rate.

Title: Re: Anybody interested working with me developing
Post by: NyeFe on April 03, 2015, 03:58:10 AM
I could reverse engineer the VB.NET code into csharp, which should make it easier to find developers. Ill probably be available to give you a hand 5+ hrs every week.

Title: Re: Anybody interested working with me developing
Post by: Blue_Devil on April 03, 2015, 06:06:48 AM
my email address is, can you contact me through that way.

Title: Re: Anybody interested working with me developing
Post by: Jeremycoin on April 03, 2015, 10:50:58 AM
I interested to be a Beta tester, maybe you can hire me ;)

Title: Re: Anybody interested working with me developing
Post by: Blue_Devil on April 03, 2015, 01:54:32 PM
there's no pay for this one but if this thing make money then we can share the profit.

Title: Re: Anybody interested working with me developing
Post by: pozmu on April 03, 2015, 02:33:07 PM
Some of them were encoded with ioncube and base64 which I already decoded

Errrm, wait - does it mean you're using pirated version of scripts to run bitcoin based website?
I don't think that free scripts use ioncube encoding  ???
And one more thing, you're trying to get a lot of things done at once, will you be able to provide enough traffic to all of these sections of your site?

Title: Re: Anybody interested working with me developing
Post by: Blue_Devil on April 03, 2015, 02:45:54 PM
no its not pirated version. some of the components that I need is written for other uses so I decoded some of the codes to see the functionality of it.

Title: Re: Anybody interested working with me developing
Post by: Blue_Devil on April 22, 2015, 02:27:27 AM
Sorry about not getting back to some of the people regarding this project. I've been busy with work but I'm about 80% complete on this project. I've been working by myself so far on this project.

Now I'm trying to install wallet daemon to the dedicated server with 72Gb memory and dual quad core server that is on 10Gb port with one of top Tier 1 network provider, Level 3, as the main network pipe.

My question is has anybody have installed wallet daemon to the server before? if yes, can my current server spec able to handle running btc wallet or do I need higher spec server.

Any comments or feedback is appreciated!

Title: Re: Anybody interested working with me developing
Post by: Blue_Devil on April 22, 2015, 02:35:09 AM
by the way, I'm always on btcjam as username blue_devil so if I don't get back to you in timely fashion, you can always find me there.

For some reason, emails from here keep going to my spam box and no matter what I do, I can't change it so I have hard time responding to people when they reply.