Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Project Development => Topic started by: pajamac on April 05, 2015, 03:12:21 PM

Title: Make bitcoin with browser.
Post by: pajamac on April 05, 2015, 03:12:21 PM
Hello,Im c# programer and I have an idea to make my own edited chrome,firefox webbrowser which will pay you for browsing.
Yeah,this browser will pay you cause he will show ads but they will be in borders and they will not affect your normal browsing.So no pop-up or wait 10 sec then go.
Feel free to ask.
Ps:If you want help me write me please some good bitcoin ad services.
Cheer pajamac.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q:How much websites should I visit to get decent money?
A:Program dont work like this,he work in  money per time browsing.So you can visit 1 site and be active for 10 minutes on this site and earn more than user which will visit 10 sites in 1 minute.

Q:Will owners of sites you visit lost money cause I replace their ads with mine?
A:Nope,I will not replace your I will put my own ads.

Title: Re: Make bitcoin with browser.
Post by: needFREElunch on April 05, 2015, 03:15:20 PM
It browser seem like a good idea at first but it is just take revenue away from the people that are creating the content that you are veiwing with the browser which is something that I can't get behind.

Title: Re: Make bitcoin with browser.
Post by: pajamac on April 05, 2015, 03:20:47 PM
You mean I will steal them their money?

Title: Re: Make bitcoin with browser.
Post by: unamis76 on April 05, 2015, 03:23:58 PM
If it paid REALLY well, I would use such app :)

Title: Re: Make bitcoin with browser.
Post by: needFREElunch on April 05, 2015, 03:26:01 PM
You mean I will steal them their money?

I meant that when you put your custom ads over the regular ad the people who put those ads will not get the money it is like ad block but you are replacing with your own ads and I also would assume that you would take a percentage of the ad money which is reasonable because you put in the work to make it.

Title: Re: Make bitcoin with browser.
Post by: Rude Boy on April 05, 2015, 03:26:21 PM
Wow!  ;D good idea, may be try bitclix, coinad, adbitco

Title: Re: Make bitcoin with browser.
Post by: dezoel on April 05, 2015, 03:30:29 PM
interesting idea, if I get paid for browsing, I'll turn off my adblock. But, can we change the ads by category?

Title: Re: Make bitcoin with browser.
Post by: freemind1 on April 05, 2015, 03:30:39 PM
The idea is not bad in itself. But you should consider several things. First is that users can see the source code so they can trust, and second is that the ads do not bother the navigation. I think doing those two things would not have problems and forum users and more people would be encouraged to use pajamac.

Title: Re: Make bitcoin with browser.
Post by: temroa on April 05, 2015, 03:31:28 PM
i will use if its be profitable

Title: Re: Make bitcoin with browser.
Post by: pajamac on April 05, 2015, 03:33:12 PM
You mean I will steal them their money?

I meant that when you put your custom ads over the regular ad the people who put those ads will not get the money it is like ad block but you are replacing with your own ads and I also would assume that you would take a percentage of the ad money which is reasonable because you put in the work to make it.
Oh yeah I agree with you but this app will not put my ads on regular ads these ads will be there still but my ads will be in borders of program.
If you cant imagine where i can do a image for you :)

Title: Re: Make bitcoin with browser.
Post by: needFREElunch on April 05, 2015, 03:39:17 PM
You mean I will steal them their money?

I meant that when you put your custom ads over the regular ad the people who put those ads will not get the money it is like ad block but you are replacing with your own ads and I also would assume that you would take a percentage of the ad money which is reasonable because you put in the work to make it.
Oh yeah I agree with you but this app will not put my ads on regular ads these ads will be there still but my ads will be in borders of program.
If you cant imagine where i can do a image for you :)
Thanks for clearing that up. The program will make the actual browsing window smaller and then it will put the ads around it? That would be better as it would not affect the content creators income like adblock does. How much do you think the user would earn from doing this, because a decent cpm would be around $3 per thousand ads so the user would have to go to a lot of sites to get even a little bit of money.

Title: Re: Make bitcoin with browser.
Post by: Amph on April 05, 2015, 03:39:58 PM
i will use if its be profitable

it is profitable, because it's free you know.... the problem maybe is that  the payment could be really low like faucets

if payments aren't like faucets it could be interesting, otherwise the usual waste of time

Title: Re: Make bitcoin with browser.
Post by: pajamac on April 05, 2015, 03:41:37 PM
i will use if its be profitable

it is profitable, because it's free you know.... the problem maybe is that  the payment could be really low like faucets

if payments aren't like faucets it could be interesting, otherwise the usual waste of time
How it can be a waste of time?It is just like normal browsing,watching youtube,reading  posts on bitcointalk but you will get paid.

The idea is not bad in itself. But you should consider several things. First is that users can see the source code so they can trust, and second is that the ads do not bother the navigation. I think doing those two things would not have problems and forum users and more people would be encouraged to use pajamac.
Which source code you mean?

Title: Re: Make bitcoin with browser.
Post by: Amph on April 05, 2015, 05:12:11 PM
i will use if its be profitable

it is profitable, because it's free you know.... the problem maybe is that  the payment could be really low like faucets

if payments aren't like faucets it could be interesting, otherwise the usual waste of time
How it can be a waste of time?It is just like normal browsing,watching youtube,reading  posts on bitcointalk but you will get paid.

waste of time in the sense that, will not be worth it to surf more(more than what you surf every day) if the payment is too low, on the other hand if the pricce is good, i would surf more just for that

Title: Re: Make bitcoin with browser.
Post by: foolcool808 on April 06, 2015, 10:46:27 AM
i guess good idea..  ;D
but sound like zid*** project  ???

Title: Re: Make bitcoin with browser.
Post by: identifyuser on April 06, 2015, 10:54:17 AM
Eventually we will be over run with advertising, even more lol. At the moment it pays the bills. Currently most people pay for an education. I like bitcoin rewards, I think others will like crypto also, once they learn. Most of us are at ground floor learning from the younger minds making the apps. I'm a self taught trader/miner/investor whom has purely being making a go at this world without fiat injection.
Getting paid to learn with access to resources for ordering as opposed to advertising saturation is what i think will fly. But heck I will give anything a try to see if it works.

Title: Re: Make bitcoin with browser.
Post by: lassdas on April 06, 2015, 12:07:27 PM
The idea itself isn't that bad and also not that new.
Thing is, it probably wont work.

Does anyone remember AllAdvantage (AA ( and all of its followers and competitors?
In the late '90s and early 2000's those "get paid to surf the web"-companies offered so called viewbars to show ads on the top, or bottom of your screen
and all of them got cheated to death (AA got killed by SoA).

Do you have any plans in stock to prevent cheating? Cuz it will happen for sure, that's what you should expect and have to deal with.

Title: Re: Make bitcoin with browser.
Post by: medUSA on April 06, 2015, 12:08:03 PM
The business model works. Users wants to be paid and advertisers wants the maximum exposure. OP needs to work on some issues if you want it to succeed.

A fraction of the users will a bot to surf and browse automatically to cheat payout. You need to find a method to prevent that. Advertisers want to target audience and want clicks rather than just views, but users wants less interaction. You need find a balance. Some users may not want to download a browser from an untrusted source in fear of viruses and malicious code. A plugin could be better.

Title: Re: Make bitcoin with browser.
Post by: sgk on April 06, 2015, 12:19:53 PM
It really depends on how much it pays. I may not sacrifice my browsing experience for very little payment.

Just like people don't want to waste time on Bitcoin faucet sites, because after all that CAPTCHA thing, they get Bitcoins worth pennies.
I use AdBlock regularly to make my browsing intuitive. If I had to see ads again, it better be worth it!

There was a similar service called "Agloco" which shut down few years ago. Very short-lived. Google for more.

Title: Re: Make bitcoin with browser.
Post by: Borisz on April 06, 2015, 02:39:58 PM
I personally leaning against not using such things, but it all depends on how it really work.

Sounds a lot like those advertisement bars you can install on your OS and runs in a small tab.

Title: Re: Make bitcoin with browser.
Post by: ikydesu on April 06, 2015, 03:11:15 PM
Interesting. Its good idea if it real pay and safe for my PC. So your plan is pay who browsing on your app right. And then you put your ads there. So you rent your app for ads or not ???


Title: Re: Make bitcoin with browser.
Post by: pajamac on April 06, 2015, 03:35:13 PM
Thanks for feedback.
This project is in begginer stage so I will not speculate how much money will you earn.
Against cheating.There are 3 ways.
First:Captchas(Yeah,Yeah I know everyone hate them),dont want use text captchas but play game captchas.
Second:Same like VAC anticheat.
Third:My own algorithm.
And ofcourse if someone will have 30000$ on acc he will not get paid so maybe limit.

Title: Re: Make bitcoin with browser.
Post by: Nowi on April 06, 2015, 06:36:24 PM
How much time we will wait ? And can I help you when I dont know how to programing ?

Title: Re: Make bitcoin with browser.
Post by: SebastianJu on April 06, 2015, 09:28:14 PM
Thanks for feedback.
This project is in begginer stage so I will not speculate how much money will you earn.
Against cheating.There are 3 ways.
First:Captchas(Yeah,Yeah I know everyone hate them),dont want use text captchas but play game captchas.
Second:Same like VAC anticheat.
Third:My own algorithm.
And ofcourse if someone will have 30000$ on acc he will not get paid so maybe limit.

Someone could fill in the captcha (at least not automatically if its no text captcha) and then let a bot browse.

Title: Re: Make bitcoin with browser.
Post by: abyrnes81 on April 06, 2015, 09:30:00 PM
I voted : yes and I will use your program. I think it is a fantastic idea, keep us informed thanks.

Title: Re: Make bitcoin with browser.
Post by: patrickmh on April 06, 2015, 09:30:35 PM
I voted : yes and I will use your program. I think it is a fantastic idea, keep us informed thanks.
same here

Title: Re: Make bitcoin with browser.
Post by: gielbier on April 06, 2015, 10:32:20 PM
I have an idea to make my own edited chrome,firefox webbrowser
How about browser security? (certstore, keychain,plugin revoking etc?) I doubt anyone would take the risk of running a potential insecure browser (over chrome/firefox) for a few satoshis.

Title: Re: Make bitcoin with browser.
Post by: merve10495 on April 07, 2015, 11:48:51 PM
I voted yes, so I'd use it.
However it depends on the nature of the ads.
If it is like the pirate bay and other warez sites with half naked people everywhere and flashing colors then no thanks.
But if it is like how Bitcoin forum ads work in sigs etc. I'm all for that. Nothing wrong with it.

Title: Re: Make bitcoin with browser.
Post by: ¡ndustrialcoinmagic on April 08, 2015, 03:43:34 AM
Really nice idea i had something similar in mind but with an altcoin cpu pow based. im still working on it.

Title: Re: Make bitcoin with browser.
Post by: dezoel on April 08, 2015, 03:45:39 AM
the importan thing for me is no popads on this browser, I hate popads ( more than 1/session ).. :)

Title: Re: Make bitcoin with browser.
Post by: Jeremycoin on April 08, 2015, 07:35:59 AM
Sounds interesting 8) and it's very creative, please inform me when the The Browser has been released.
I really want to make money from my daily activities. ;)

Title: Re: Make bitcoin with browser.
Post by: pajamac on April 08, 2015, 12:42:28 PM
the importan thing for me is no popads on this browser, I hate popads ( more than 1/session ).. :)
Dont worry no popads :)

Title: Re: Make bitcoin with browser.
Post by: avatar_kiyoshi on April 08, 2015, 01:26:53 PM
I voted for yes. If you create a browser which can earn some money, why not :D Are you using your ads only? Or are you rent space on your browser for who want to advertising?

Title: Re: Make bitcoin with browser.
Post by: dezoel on April 08, 2015, 02:01:38 PM
the importan thing for me is no popads on this browser, I hate popads ( more than 1/session ).. :)
Dont worry no popads :)

that the good news..., :D
will waiting till this software ready to use...

Title: Re: Make bitcoin with browser.
Post by: pajamac on April 08, 2015, 08:08:55 PM
I voted for yes. If you create a browser which can earn some money, why not :D Are you using your ads only? Or are you rent space on your browser for who want to advertising?
I will rent space so everyone will be able to put his ads here.

Title: Re: Make bitcoin with browser.
Post by: NyeFe on April 09, 2015, 02:52:03 AM
It would be a pretty good idea, if this was a chrome extension. However with .NET, if your building your own browser, it would be vulnerable to security threats (since the default is IE) which again is less portable compared to a chrome extension that can wrong in lots of Desktop OS.

Everyone is forgetting that the source also needs to be made public, and free for individual compiling, since a .NET app with administrative access is as powerful as any Trojan horse.

Title: Re: Make bitcoin with browser.
Post by: avatar_kiyoshi on April 09, 2015, 08:44:29 AM
I voted for yes. If you create a browser which can earn some money, why not :D Are you using your ads only? Or are you rent space on your browser for who want to advertising?
I will rent space so everyone will be able to put his ads here.

Nice, i hope this project will release soon. One question again, your system is like we can be an advertising and can be earning too? Or i must contact to you first for advertise?

Title: Re: Make bitcoin with browser.
Post by: rammy2k2 on April 09, 2015, 04:49:56 PM
i really doubt this would work, but would love to see you try  :D

Title: Re: Make bitcoin with browser.
Post by: pajamac on April 09, 2015, 07:53:39 PM
I voted for yes. If you create a browser which can earn some money, why not :D Are you using your ads only? Or are you rent space on your browser for who want to advertising?
I will rent space so everyone will be able to put his ads here.

Nice, i hope this project will release soon. One question again, your system is like we can be an advertising and can be earning too? Or i must contact to you first for advertise?
You must contact me.

It would be a pretty good idea, if this was a chrome extension. However with .NET, if your building your own browser, it would be vulnerable to security threats (since the default is IE) which again is less portable compared to a chrome extension that can wrong in lots of Desktop OS.

Everyone is forgetting that the source also needs to be made public, and free for individual compiling, since a .NET app with administrative access is as powerful as any Trojan horse.
Well,I know chrome extension is better.but in c# it will be easier for me.I dont know.
IE:I wrote chrome or firefox browser and I did it I have implemented WebKit.NET firefox browser core.
Source will not be open source but when the project will be finished I will ask some c# programers who have some rep on this forum to review source.