Bitcoin Forum

Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: vickramhx on April 11, 2015, 11:12:46 AM

Title: How to exchange RMB to USD in USA as a Foreigner?
Post by: vickramhx on April 11, 2015, 11:12:46 AM
I have worked in China since last January. Now i got transfer to United States.

I want to exchange some Chinese Yuan (RMB) to US Dollars.

Which bank offer such fast service to foreigner?

Title: Re: How to exchange RMB to USD in USA as a Foreigner?
Post by: harishdeen on April 11, 2015, 11:53:56 AM
Hi Friend,

Most of the banks have this facility. But the currency exchange tax may vary depends on the bank. And you have a limit of 500 USD/Day to exchange unless you have to show your payslips, documents as proof.,

Calculate your Chinese Yuan money value against the US Dollars - RMB to USD Currency Converter (

Then approach bank for money exchange / conversion.

Title: Re: How to exchange RMB to USD in USA as a Foreigner?
Post by: gentlemand on April 11, 2015, 03:20:42 PM
Isn't this exactly what Bitcoin is for? I'm not totally sure about RMB vs CNY and whether Chinese exchanges like OKcoin and Huobi accept it in the same way, but you could buy BTC on a Chinese exchange, withdraw to your wallet and then convert it with Coinbase or Circle.

I can't imagine the fees would be much or any worse than a conventional bank transfer and it'll be a whole lot faster.

Title: Re: How to exchange RMB to USD in USA as a Foreigner?
Post by: notlist3d on April 11, 2015, 03:29:42 PM
I have worked in China since last January. Now i got transfer to United States.

I want to exchange some Chinese Yuan (RMB) to US Dollars.

Which bank offer such fast service to foreigner?

Most banks will do this.  If you have a account with a bank you have a better chance of having higher limits of exchanging cash.

And when you fly into the US look at the international airport as some will have places to change your cash.  But a bank chances are will give you a better rate, but the airport exchanges are convenient if your  international airport has one.

Title: Re: How to exchange RMB to USD in USA as a Foreigner?
Post by: oblivi on April 11, 2015, 04:15:41 PM
Isn't this exactly what Bitcoin is for? I'm not totally sure about RMB vs CNY and whether Chinese exchanges like OKcoin and Huobi accept it in the same way, but you could buy BTC on a Chinese exchange, withdraw to your wallet and then convert it with Coinbase or Circle.

I can't imagine the fees would be much or any worse than a conventional bank transfer and it'll be a whole lot faster.

Yeah I would do the Huobi -> deposit RMB -> buy BTC -> withdraw in USD in your place of choice path, pretty easy nowadays.

Title: Re: How to exchange RMB to USD in USA as a Foreigner?
Post by: jonnybravo0311 on April 11, 2015, 04:16:51 PM
Not sure what this has to do with any crypto currency... however... head to any airport and they're very likely to have a currency exchange.  No bank account necessary.