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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: BIT-Sharon on April 13, 2015, 03:29:16 AM

Title: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: BIT-Sharon on April 13, 2015, 03:29:16 AM
The prolonged prologue to Hillary Rodham Clinton’s second run for the White House will reach its suspenseless conclusion on Sunday: The former secretary of state, senator and first lady is to announce that she will indeed seek the Democratic nomination for president.

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: Sithara007 on April 13, 2015, 02:40:22 PM
She has good chances of winning the coming elections. What do you say people?

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: Pentax on April 13, 2015, 02:50:39 PM
Just the latest in a long line of worthless fucks to occupy the Oval Office.

Get real, this is the most qualified person for president?  Bill's Wife?

The American people are lazy and the system is broken.  She has gone far on name recognition alone and wouldn't have had a snowball's chance in hell of a Senate seat much less the White House if she wasn't recognizable and, in that, is the pitiful state of American politics.  

People are too lazy, by and large, to actually research candidates.  They do not demand the best.  They don't even demand basic qualifications, aside from those spelled out as the minimum to run.

They follow their party line and vote for someone they recognize as if it's a fucking cocktail party, instead of demanding and vetting a qualified candidate for one of the most important jobs in the entire country.

And money rules the day, not qualifications.  The system is so awash in money that money has become the system.

It's a damn joke.

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: Sithara007 on April 13, 2015, 03:11:29 PM
Money was the system and it will be in future also. God has created us in such a way that we all are defined by our selfishness. Money is not God but it's not less than God either.

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: Pentax on April 13, 2015, 03:18:06 PM
Money was the system and it will be in future also. God has created us in such a way that we all are defined by our selfishness. Money is not God but it's not less than God either.

Well that's a whole nuther philosophical discussion I imagine.

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: Rmcdermott927 on April 13, 2015, 03:58:31 PM
Unfortunately, the current 2 party system makes it damn near impossible to have someone qualified.  It will take a popular candidate from one of the parties splitting off and becoming independent to change things.   People are stuck in the way of thinking Democrat or Republican.   Any other candidates are never even thought about.   It's unfortunate because they are usually the most qualified.

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: BuzzAldren on April 13, 2015, 05:19:04 PM
I wouldn't piss in her mouth if her teeth were on fire.

she's a damn liar just like her hubby Bill "depends on the what the meaning of is is" Clinton

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: Bitware on April 13, 2015, 06:03:58 PM
I believe it will be difficult for Hillary Clinton to overcome the hurdles of the Benghazi incident as well as the illegalities of her maintaining a State Department email server in her home/office and unlawfully deleting a potion of those emails that were legally required to be stored in the National Archives, let alone her deficiencies during the Bill Clinton administration and her time as Senator. These are all serious issues and blatantly unlawful and even some felonious activities. Opponents may even bring up Whitewater and other scandals from decades past to add more to the list.

The Email Scanel Issues of legality, or a lack thereof:
  • The Federal Records Act requires agencies hold onto official communications, including all work-related emails, and government employees cannot destroy or remove relevant records. -
  • FOIA is designed to "improve public access to agency records and information," and those emails are public information if not determined to be state secrets, which they have not. Mrs. clinton does not ahve the authority to bdetermine them to be state secrets. -
  • The NARA regulations dictate how records should be created and maintained. They stress that materials must be maintained "by the agency," that they should be "readily found" and that the records must "make possible a proper scrutiny by the Congress." -
  • Section 1924 of Title 18 has to do with deletion and retention of classified documents. "Knowingly" removing or housing classified information at an "unauthorized location" is subject to a fine or a year in prison. -

Now, it will probably never be known what exactly was in those deleted emails, but we do know that she blatantly broke the law and by maintaining the private email server for government use and deleted those emails. We can surmise that she didnt want anyone reading them because of their content. Then we can assume they - or some of them - concerned the Benghazi incident. It's unknown whether or not she will be indicted, but you dont need an indictment to be considered political poison, because you have her blatantly breaking the law in so many ways. Then then there is her conflicting and combative testimony before Congress.

All that said, Elizabeth Warren has always stated that she will never run against Hillary Clinton, so I believe Elizabeth Warren's appearance on the political stage for presidential candidacy for the 2016 race will be the determining factor for the DNC's decision whether or not they deem Hillary Clinton as electable in 2016, so keep an eye on Elizabeth Warren to understand how the DNC views Hillary's electabiliy... that is, if the DNC considers Hillary unelectable and can convince Warren to run. Warren's feminist and female-centric ties with Clinton may be stronger than DNC pressure. I am really not sure, but you can be sure that if Warren runs, Hillary is extremely weak.

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: BuzzAldren on April 13, 2015, 06:09:26 PM
I believe it will be difficult for Hillary Clinton to overcome the hurdles of the Benghazi incident as well as the illegalities of her maintaining a State Department email server in her home/office and unlawfully deleting a potion of those emails that were legally required to be stored in the National Archives, let alone her deficiencies during the Bill Clinton administration and her time as Senator. These are all serious issues and blatantly unlawful and even some felonious activities. Opponents may even bring up Whitewater and other scandals from decades past to add more to the list.

The Email Scanel Issues of legality, or a lack thereof:
  • The Federal Records Act requires agencies hold onto official communications, including all work-related emails, and government employees cannot destroy or remove relevant records. -
  • FOIA is designed to "improve public access to agency records and information," and those emails are public information if not determined to be state secrets, which they have not. Mrs. clinton does not ahve the authority to bdetermine them to be state secrets. -
  • The NARA regulations dictate how records should be created and maintained. They stress that materials must be maintained "by the agency," that they should be "readily found" and that the records must "make possible a proper scrutiny by the Congress." -
  • Section 1924 of Title 18 has to do with deletion and retention of classified documents. "Knowingly" removing or housing classified information at an "unauthorized location" is subject to a fine or a year in prison. -

Now, it will probably never be known what exactly was in those deleted emails, but we do know that she blatantly broke the law and by maintaining the private email server for government use and deleted those emails. We can surmise that she didnt want anyone reading them because of their content. Then we can assume they - or some of them - concerned the Benghazi incident. It's unknown whether or not she will be indicted, but you dont need an indictment to be considered political poison, because you have her blatantly breaking the law in so many ways. Then then there is her conflicting and combative testimony before Congress.

All that said, Elizabeth Warren has always stated that she will never run against Hillary Clinton, so I believe Elizabeth Warren's appearance on the political stage for presidential candidacy for the 2016 race will be the determining factor for the DNC's decision whether or not they deem Hillary Clinton as electable in 2016, so keep an eye on Elizabeth Warren to understand how the DNC views Hillary's electabiliy.

In principle I agree that these are serious issues.  I doubt, however, that people will actually care.  they will lockstep with their party and vote for this crazy bitch anyhow.

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: Snail2 on April 13, 2015, 06:20:03 PM
She has good chances of winning the coming elections. What do you say people?

I'm outside of the touch line but I think unfortunately she has a good chance.

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: jaysabi on April 13, 2015, 08:26:13 PM
She has good chances of winning the coming elections. What do you say people?

I'm outside of the touch line but I think unfortunately she has a good chance.

That's not unreasonable. No worthwhile democratic challenger means an easy democratic nomination, and that automatically means a 50% chance to win.

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: ashour on April 13, 2015, 08:28:13 PM
She has good chances of winning the coming elections. What do you say people?

I'm outside of the touch line but I think unfortunately she has a good chance.
I agree with that she has good chances since she was so long in the white house .

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: cellard on April 14, 2015, 12:17:32 AM
So when is Andreas Antonopoulous going to run for presidency? I want a Bitcoin advocate president so I dont fall asleep when they do their speeches.

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: Sithara007 on April 14, 2015, 03:29:28 AM
I wouldn't piss in her mouth if her teeth were on fire.

she's a damn liar just like her hubby Bill "depends on the what the meaning of is is" Clinton

Everyone is liar in politics. That's a damn dirty business. Whoever think that they are serving their country are just day dreaming.

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: bryant.coleman on April 14, 2015, 03:40:07 AM
She has good chances of winning the coming elections. What do you say people?

She is almost certain to win the elections in 2016. The demography has changed radically. There is a steep growth in the number of Mexican voters, and a moderate growth in the number of the black voters. Both these sections will vote overwhelmingly for her.

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: BuzzAldren on April 14, 2015, 04:22:05 PM
She has good chances of winning the coming elections. What do you say people?

She is almost certain to win the elections in 2016. The demography has changed radically. There is a steep growth in the number of Mexican voters, and a moderate growth in the number of the black voters. Both these sections will vote overwhelmingly for her.

No doubt and do not forget women.  Women put the first clinton in the white house (with a lot of help from Ross Perot).  they put the latest jerkoff there also.

I think Hillary wins easily and the very thought makes me want to puke.  that fucking cunt should be nowhere near the Oval Office.

The other issue, aside from the two party system which is itself a joke, is that the republicans have no-one.  That whole party is looking kookier by the day and what they are cranking out as presidential candidates won't win another election in our lifetimes.

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: Wilikon on April 14, 2015, 04:31:07 PM


Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: hdbuck on April 14, 2015, 05:10:55 PM
US people are fucked.

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: Wilikon on April 14, 2015, 05:15:25 PM

Clinton to spend $37.92 for every vote in $2.5 Billion  campaign

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: Wilikon on April 14, 2015, 05:17:37 PM

More than 2 MILLION of Hillary Clinton's Twitter followers are fake or never tweet – and she's already under fire for 'buying' fake Facebook fans

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: Wilikon on April 14, 2015, 07:42:32 PM

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: Snail2 on April 14, 2015, 08:31:15 PM
I'm afraid fake Twitter followers and Facebook fans are the smallest issues with her.

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: Wilikon on April 14, 2015, 10:41:59 PM
I'm afraid fake Twitter followers and Facebook fans are the smallest issues with her.

It seems the media are OK with a secretary of state destroying all the emails belonging ultimately to the American Citizens...

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: Wilikon on April 14, 2015, 11:12:03 PM

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: Wilikon on April 14, 2015, 11:16:34 PM

Chasing the "scooby van"

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: Sithara007 on April 15, 2015, 03:31:05 AM
She has good chances of winning the coming elections. What do you say people?

She is almost certain to win the elections in 2016. The demography has changed radically. There is a steep growth in the number of Mexican voters, and a moderate growth in the number of the black voters. Both these sections will vote overwhelmingly for her.

Yes even I have the same views as yours. The steep growth in Mexican voters will really make a difference but that is not the only factor which will be attributed to her winning, if she wins at all.

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: Wilikon on April 15, 2015, 03:47:24 PM
She has good chances of winning the coming elections. What do you say people?

She is almost certain to win the elections in 2016. The demography has changed radically. There is a steep growth in the number of Mexican voters, and a moderate growth in the number of the black voters. Both these sections will vote overwhelmingly for her.

Yes even I have the same views as yours. The steep growth in Mexican voters will really make a difference but that is not the only factor which will be attributed to her winning, if she wins at all.

Can't Mexican voters cast their ballot for her directly from Mexico? If not, why is this unfair?


Press Can't Figure Out Why Hillary Clinton is Running for President (

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: Chef Ramsay on April 15, 2015, 03:51:19 PM
The major problem with this woman is not so much her awful stances on the issues but her and her husband have a significant track record of being corrupt and using everyone around themselves for their gain - many people have ended up indicted or in jail and even dead for being part of their endeavors. IF Obama promised transparency and has turned out to be anything but, including being terrible towards whistleblowers, then Hillary will be even worse as she merely tries to lie her way out of things and she religiously gets the benefit of the doubt cause she's a woman and a very liberal one at that. She's also very supportive of the military industrial complex and the banking/insider govt complex so she's got strong interests behind her which is why she can get away with all these obvious negative things.

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: BuzzAldren on April 15, 2015, 07:41:32 PM
The major problem with this woman is not so much her awful stances on the issues but her and her husband have a significant track record of being corrupt and using everyone around themselves for their gain - many people have ended up indicted or in jail and even dead for being part of their endeavors. IF Obama promised transparency and has turned out to be anything but, including being terrible towards whistleblowers, then Hillary will be even worse as she merely tries to lie her way out of things and she religiously gets the benefit of the doubt cause she's a woman and a very liberal one at that. She's also very supportive of the military industrial complex and the banking/insider govt complex so she's got strong interests behind her which is why she can get away with all these obvious negative things.

Hell yeah.

Gosh, gee golly, just can't find those Rose Law Firm billing records.  Shit, who left them in the first lady's book room, and how did her fingerprints get on them?  she, of course, testified she had not a single fucking clue.  an obvious lie.

and she used a personal e-mail server for convenience purposes.  another obvious bullshit story.

this one is a special kind of liar, and that's not taking into account the silly shit like the claims of dodging sniper fire.

what's weird is that her minions couldn't seem to give a damn.  she makes me want to vomit and they're all charged up for this crazy bitch to be president.  it's wack central.

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: Chef Ramsay on April 15, 2015, 10:12:47 PM
Campaign staff DROVE 'ordinary' Iowans to Hillary's first campaign stop - including health care 'lobbyist in training' who was an Obama campaign intern and Biden chauffeur

Hillary Clinton's astroturf candidacy is in full swing in Iowa.
Her Tuesday morning visit to a coffee shop in LeClaire, Iowa was staged from beginning to end, according to Austin Bird, one of the men pictured sitting at the table with Mrs. Clinton.

Bird told Daily Mail Online that campaign staffer Troy Price called and asked him and two other young people to meet him Tuesday morning at a restaurant in Davenport, a nearby city.

Price then drove them to the coffee house to meet Clinton after vetting them for about a half-hour.
The three got the lion's share of Mrs. Clinton's time and participated in what breathless news reports described as a 'roundtable'– the first of many in her brief Iowa campaign swing.

Bird himself is a frequent participant in Iowa Democratic Party events. He interned with President Obama's 2012 presidential re-election campaign, and was tapped to chauffeur Vice President Joe Biden in October 2014 when he visited Davenport.

'What happened is, we were just asked to be there by Troy,' Bird said Wednesday in a phone interview.

Staging campaign stops now lol, this is too much! I hope this bitch goes down hard and is embarrassed forever. It'll be a treat to see Rand dismantle her in the debates. She's not used to dealing w/ an uncontrolled republican.

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: Wilikon on April 16, 2015, 01:25:03 AM

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: thedreamer on April 16, 2015, 02:39:23 AM
God help us. If she gets elected, this country is in for another 4-8years of ruin that Obama started.  >:(

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: Ingatqhvq on April 16, 2015, 02:46:30 AM
Hilary and Bill C has been calculating and manipulating for almost 20 years to get to this day since Bill was POTUS: using Bill even though she knows of his philandering, becoming a NY senator moving to become "resident" as stepping stone, lost her bid to become POTUS and took the position of Secretary of State as another stepping stone despite Obama's derogatory views of her and Democrats jumping off ship onto an unknown inexperienced Obama to reach today. All those positions is not as a public servant working for the good of the country, it is calculating and scheming to get the position, not because it is to better the country.

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: thedreamer on April 16, 2015, 03:16:24 AM
Hilary and Bill C has been calculating and manipulating for almost 20 years to get to this day since Bill was POTUS: using Bill even though she knows of his philandering, becoming a NY senator moving to become "resident" as stepping stone, lost her bid to become POTUS and took the position of Secretary of State as another stepping stone despite Obama's derogatory views of her and Democrats jumping off ship onto an unknown inexperienced Obama to reach today. All those positions is not as a public servant working for the good of the country, it is calculating and scheming to get the position, not because it is to better the country.

Very well put!

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: bryant.coleman on April 16, 2015, 11:35:47 AM
Yes even I have the same views as yours. The steep growth in Mexican voters will really make a difference but that is not the only factor which will be attributed to her winning, if she wins at all.

Blacks will vote for her in the range of 98% to 99%. Mexicans will do the same, may be at 80% to 90%. Add in some stupid feminists from the Non-Hispanic White ethnic group and we will be having Pinocchibitch as the POTUS in 2016.  ;D

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: hdbuck on April 16, 2015, 01:14:35 PM
america is such a democratic country.. after the first ninja president, a woman! you guise are an example for the rest of the world.

PS: lets not spend the multi billions in campaign this time and get it done with already uh. not like we dont know the obvious winner.

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: Pentax on April 16, 2015, 02:53:27 PM
Yes even I have the same views as yours. The steep growth in Mexican voters will really make a difference but that is not the only factor which will be attributed to her winning, if she wins at all.

Blacks will vote for her in the range of 98% to 99%. Mexicans will do the same, may be at 80% to 90%. Add in some stupid feminists from the Non-Hispanic White ethnic group and we will be having Pinocchibitch as the POTUS in 2016.  ;D

Yep, the gimme, gimme, gimme crowd and the feminazis crowd will vote for her in droves.

Really the dems have done a great job of cobbling together all of the special interests groups and convincing them they actually give a shit about whatever their cause is.  A party of takers voting free shit for themselves and getting fucked by the same people they loathe anyhow, as both parties are on the take from the same people.  The whole thing is nothing but bread and circuses.

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: arbitrage001 on April 16, 2015, 05:22:54 PM
She has good chances of winning the coming elections. What do you say people?

She is in the game far too long to win.

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: Chef Ramsay on April 16, 2015, 11:17:53 PM
Hillary: 'How Our Kids are Educated' is a 'NON-FAMILY Enterprise'

Educating “the next generation” is “the most important non-family enterprise” we have, said presidential candidate Hillary Clinton to a six-person round-table at her first campaign stop in Iowa.

Hillary’s statement came in response to a question from one of the members of the panel, Diane, a high school English teacher. In a long and winding question, Diane said: “I think we’re very blessed to live where we do… we have all these opportunities… and I worry that not all of America gets to experience this treasure that we have, and I think the Common Core curriculum is a wonderful step in the right direction of improving American education and it’s painful to see that attacked.”

“I’m just wondering what you can do to bring that heart back to education in the United States?” asked Diane. “What can we do so that parents, communities, and businesses believe in education and that teachers… are respected…?”

“Wow, that is really a powerful, touching comment that I absolutely embrace,” said Hillary.

“When I think about the really unfortunate argument that’s been going on around Common Core, it’s really …painful,” she said, using Diane’s exact word.

Without addressing the deeply unpopular curriculum’s critics, Clinton spoke of Common Core’s apolitical beginnings, before saying:

“Your question is really a larger one: how did we end up at a point where we are so negative about the most important non-family enterprise in the raising of the next generation, which is how our kids are educated.”

Hillary continued: “There are a lot of explanations for that I suppose, but whatever they are, we need to try to get back into a broad conversation where people will actually listen to each other again, and try to come up with solutions for problems, because the problems here in Monticello aren’t the same problems you’ll find in the inner city… that’s a given, we have to do things differently, but it should all be driven by the same commitment, to try to make sure we do educate every child.”

“That’s why I was a senator and voted for Leave No Child Behind because I thought every child should matter… every child should have the same opportunity,” said Hillary. (

She wants the state to have full control over education so they can keep dumbing kids down and never develop any critical thinking skills. It takes a village dontcha know. ::)

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: bryant.coleman on April 17, 2015, 03:35:09 AM
She has good chances of winning the coming elections. What do you say people?

She is in the game far too long to win.

Honestly, I believe that she will win in 2016. There is no credible opposition from the GOP. Rand Paul would have defeated her, but he may not be able to get the GOP nomination. Others, such as Jeb Bush and Christie are good for nothing.

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: Chef Ramsay on April 17, 2015, 03:55:41 AM
She has good chances of winning the coming elections. What do you say people?

She is in the game far too long to win.

Honestly, I believe that she will win in 2016. There is no credible opposition from the GOP. Rand Paul would have defeated her, but he may not be able to get the GOP nomination. Others, such as Jeb Bush and Christie are good for nothing.
The show is just starting BC but I can't imagine why you've already bailed on Rand's chances and then in the next sentence mention that those bozos don't have a chance as if they're worthy of it. Granted, bush, christie and rubio suck hard and I'm willing to put walker on that list atm, let's not do the backpacking for the establishment and their candidate pickings which is the aforementioned minus Rand - included in. BC, you must be in the US to bust out them thoughts.

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: Sithara007 on April 17, 2015, 03:56:37 AM
america is such a democratic country.. after the first ninja president, a woman! you guise are an example for the rest of the world.

PS: lets not spend the multi billions in campaign this time and get it done with already uh. not like we dont know the obvious winner.

hahaha....nice one.
But why are you against it my dear friend. Did she do something harm to you?

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: bryant.coleman on April 17, 2015, 07:09:51 AM
The show is just starting BC but I can't imagine why you've already bailed on Rand's chances and then in the next sentence mention that those bozos don't have a chance as if they're worthy of it. Granted, bush, christie and rubio suck hard and I'm willing to put walker on that list atm, let's not do the backpacking for the establishment and their candidate pickings which is the aforementioned minus Rand - included in. BC, you must be in the US to bust out them thoughts.

It will be extremely tough for Rand to secure the GOP nomination, as all the other (establishment) candidates will come together to prevent him from winning it. Even if he is leading with 30% support, the remaining 70% will unite against him.

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: Chef Ramsay on April 18, 2015, 12:09:29 AM
The show is just starting BC but I can't imagine why you've already bailed on Rand's chances and then in the next sentence mention that those bozos don't have a chance as if they're worthy of it. Granted, bush, christie and rubio suck hard and I'm willing to put walker on that list atm, let's not do the backpacking for the establishment and their candidate pickings which is the aforementioned minus Rand - included in. BC, you must be in the US to bust out them thoughts.

It will be extremely tough for Rand to secure the GOP nomination, as all the other (establishment) candidates will come together to prevent him from winning it. Even if he is leading with 30% support, the remaining 70% will unite against him.
I'm not saying it'll be a walk in the park but if he can manage to take Iowa and NH (the first two) then he'll be riding momentum into SC. Also, you'll see a few or more dropping out after the first two contests and then the supporters will divvy up and go their own way. However, the establishment is definitely funding many of the other candidates so if their Ace - Bush doesn't pan out, they have Walker and Rubio still their back pocket. Many conservatives are being played for fools by buying this inflated candidacy of Walker and the establishment is loving that as it's less supporters/votes for Rand. But, it's still early and there's lots of campaigning to go. If you checked out my thread on Rand, you'd see he has the highest amount of people seriously considering or might consider voting for him of all other GOP candidates per my link from Bloomberg recently.

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: Chef Ramsay on April 18, 2015, 12:11:57 AM
Hillary ditches Scooby van and flies to New Jersey after wrapping up three-day Iowa campaign tour - toting her own luggage! She probably hasn't done that in 20 yrs or more, everything is staged with this bitch it's unbelievable.

-United flight 3954 carried Clinton from Omaha, Nebraska to Newark, New Jersey on Thursday
-Met by a Town Car and a police escort – on the tarmac – for what's likely a short trip back to her Chappaqua, New York estate
-Follows Iowa campaign swing full of controlled interactions, staged conversations and little interaction with real people
-Clinton was, however, photographed pulling her own suitcase down an airport concourse


Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: bryant.coleman on April 18, 2015, 04:29:59 AM
I'm not saying it'll be a walk in the park but if he can manage to take Iowa and NH (the first two) then he'll be riding momentum into SC.

Iowa: Walker is leading by a huge margin (25% vs 13% to Paul). There is not much time, and Rand may not win this state.
NH: As per the latest polls, Walker is again leading this state with Cruz in the 2nd position (24% vs 14%).
SC: The main fight seems to be between Walker and Bush.

Looking at the opinion polls, I am pessimistic about his chances.

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: BuzzAldren on April 18, 2015, 02:26:33 PM
I'm not saying it'll be a walk in the park but if he can manage to take Iowa and NH (the first two) then he'll be riding momentum into SC.

Iowa: Walker is e Benjamin's leading by a huge margin (25% vs 13% to Paul). There is not much time, and Rand may not win this state.
NH: As per the latest polls, Walker is again leading this state with Cruz in the 2nd position (24% vs 14%).
SC: The main fight seems to be between Walker and Bush.

Looking at the opinion polls, I am pessimistic about his chances.

Yeah, I hate the two party system.  It's all about the Benjamins at this point as well.

Paul or someone like him that might try to get thing back on a track more in keeping with the constitution would be great.

I do not think he has a shot, and see little difference between the other parties.  The winner is nothing but a puppet dancing on strings anyhow.

America is a dead man walking, IMHO.  Totally corrupt system and no solution in sight, as those that have the power to Change the system are the ones benefitting.

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: theymos on April 18, 2015, 05:45:50 PM
It's really flabbergasting to me that anyone could actually be excited about Hillary. I guess you might see her as the lesser of two evils, but how could anyone really think that she's especially good? I've seen several people with "I'm ready for Hillary!" stickers on their cars, and I know some people who really like her. It boggles the mind.

You'd think that having to choose between another Bush or another Clinton (this is a likely scenario) would cause the American people to try voting for at third party or something. But it wouldn't. Democracy just doesn't work. The best possible outcome is that Rand Paul gets elected, but even he isn't perfect, and he is pretty unlikely to become president.

It'd be pretty hilarious of Walker got the Republican nomination. He has basically zero personality and not much of a platform. There's not much about him a Republican can complain about because he doesn't do/say much, but he'd be crushed by Hillary, and who knows what he would do if he somehow managed to win the presidency.

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: moni3z on April 19, 2015, 12:15:13 AM
If Clinton 2.0 is anything like Clinton 1.0 then surveillance will expand and crypto wars will be back. Lot's of countries now (Australia, UK, France) have just put down new laws to intercept TLS and whatever they can to prevent private communications from happening.

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: Wilikon on April 19, 2015, 04:51:11 AM

The definition of a presstitute...

Hillary Clinton's sneakily brilliant launch

But from a marketing perspective, her launch may have been much more successful than critics think. The YouTube announcement video took on the central strategic challenge for the campaign and candidate: To flip Clinton's message from self-absorbed "I" to empathetic "we."

While critics may sneer, it is hard to deny that the image it projects of Hillary is more confident, fresher, simpler and forward-looking, with even a bit of the upstart feel of two of the most successful product launch companies, Nike and Apple. Clinton's team may have begun to create an empathetic relationship with voters that has eluded her in the past, most crucially when she lost the nomination fight to Barack Obama in 2008.

In marketing terms, rebranding is a strategy to bring a new name, term, symbol or design to an established brand with the aim of developing a new identity in the minds of consumers. Reframing is a strategy that goes further: it seeks to change how a consumer (or voter) emotionally experiences an established brand.

A rebrand may change how you think about a brand; a reframe may change how you feel about it. In the Apple case, the company at one time fell on its face when it unveiled the original Macintosh; some thought the company was headed for oblivion. But when Steve Jobs returned as CEO, he went back to the drawing board and soon unveiled the iPod, which not only changed the way consumers thought about Apple, but how they experienced it. Not only a rebrand -- but a reframe.

Take Hillary's road trip to Iowa in the van nicknamed Scooby. The press lampooned her, but I would bet that for many others, her unscripted and anonymous stop at Chipotle reinforced the "everyday Americans" campaign theme. Hillary stood in line to order, an everyday customer among everyday people at an everyday fast-food chain.

Also introduced last week was what will come to be the single most-ubiquitous element of her campaign: Clinton's new and controversial campaign logo. It is a brilliant, iconic expression of the emotional connection she wants people to have with her, her message and her movement. In fact, her logo is all about movement.

Simple, confident, high tech and shorthand to a much younger set of voters, the bold red arrow moving left to right in front of the strong blue H says it all: You are the important ones. I'm here to support you with everything I've got. Let me help you move forward.

Taken together, all the pieces of Clinton's announcement -- as well as the unconventional media she used to deliver them -- bring her back on stage not as a leader from yesterday but, surprisingly, as one for the future.

Coincidentally, the way Marco Rubio announced his run for the Republican nomination most likely amplified the impact of Clinton's reframing. For all his posturing about being the new generation, Rubio followed to a "T" the most traditional script for announcing a candidacy: traditional stage and podium, dark suit, bright tie, wife and kids on camera, a live speech, all about himself, timed for the evening news.

Rubio's logo, the signature of his image, drew immediate criticism for being amateurish and unconsidered, even leaving Alaska and Hawaii off the map of America. In stark contrast, Hillary showed the confidence and finesse to buck tradition on every front. It was Hillary who pulled the ultimate jiu-jitsu.

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: freemind1 on April 19, 2015, 11:37:17 AM
We already know that will do the same to her husband, we do not know is who occupied the role of Monica Samille Lewinsky  ::)

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: BitMos on April 19, 2015, 01:21:20 PM
Okay little scumbags, lowlives, no souls working for Hillary Clinton : d.e. or f.e. or u.e.

I think that the only reason that some people support your cause is to get this shot updated in 4k 3d...

you have to agree it's a little bit old, and it would give a lot of time to reverse b.o. policy with eyes ball glued to the screens :

by the way, bitches, you don't have the right to chose the vp... now you know why :)

enjoy, ahh and btw in the past it was hard to calculate one stone 2 birds... now with hashing power available... it's just a question of timing (so the official vp may know when ridding the waves of "success") high frequency powa.

the media biz is quite harsh once you became a clear, certain and sure :

But not once in the interview with Reed does Clinton mention the hotline she set up or the impact of the case on the 12-year-old girl.

The Free Beacon tracked down the victim, now aged 52, who still lives in Fayettevile.

She said that she was divorced and an addict to methamphetamines and was in prison for check forgery to pay for her drugs.

She expressed hostility towards Clinton for getting her rapist off and said her life has been miserable since.

I do too... but who knows :).

is the lady in the back working for cnn :D

working for the enemy of the federation of Russia is always perilous... even if you don't have the ability to perceive the risk involved, remember the lawyers don't get any immunity, you betrayed justice, for law. you became a legalist... but against the Empire who are you with your pen, papers, and little books full of leaflet in it?

I know the answer.

the joke is really on all those scumbags that will vote for her... why not make the most of it? it's called going with the trend, then once the votes are clear, purging... anyway you can't defeat the usarmy dear Clinton gang... you learn it... remember they are crazy... and skilled in what they do.

otherwise I am really curious to know how law addict people justify this action of letting a child rapist free? I will create a topic...

your hero...   8).

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: galdur on April 19, 2015, 01:49:16 PM
It will be warmongering nutjob 1 vs. warmongering nutcase 2. Not sure if it matters much from which part of the one-party these fruitcakes come. Hillary has a long and solid history of disregard of any laws and rules and is certainly certifiable. So, she seems likely unless the corporate owners of this mess decide on someone even nuttier.

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: BitMos on April 19, 2015, 02:10:43 PM
It will be warmongering nutjob 1 vs. warmongering nutcase 2. Not sure if it matters much from which part of the one-party these fruitcakes come. Hillary has a long and solid history of disregard of any laws and rules and is certainly certifiable. So, she seems likely unless the corporate owners of this mess decide on someone even nuttier.

exactly, who cares, the Swarm will win, as always... why because the intern ecosystem of the swarm is still natural, even if some unnatural whales (certainly radiated and feed through the shanegans of the central planers, before their return to the mean. :D.). The Swarm is like Energy... how to fight energy itself?

on a long enough time line...

but you have to acknowledge (not agree) that the US Constitutional order is under attack (since 1913), as such you understand the defcon policy, it's still high.. but who knows, if the d.e. f.e. or u.e. get unanticipated ground it may have to be reverted to the mean... achtung like they say, it's gonna rumble, as low as it's needed to preserve the republic, including and not excluding (as an act of mercy, the all family could have been gone), like the last picture attest.

there is only one word that rimes with finance, and it's fundamentalism, the consecration of reality (even if you don't want to see it, now).

the 7 taboos are very expansive to maintain in Project America (in trillions) requires extreme vigilance, which was let down internally... it may even be a home front internal wars wager... which could lead to real peace with the world... otherwise, beging under continuous attack of the oligarch of d.c. requires extreme measures, soviet-minded if necessary.

slowly the homefront is being reoccupied, will see, or America is restored, or it goes quickly to irrelevance, they (usmiic) know it... but are they enough and still structured enough to resist and win against them? I don't say it will be easy right now, b.o.a. is (I hope) among the lowest point in the history of this project (but with their corrupt desilusional oligarchs what to expect, remember none of them had any training what so ever, they never heard about logic, and what happen when you lie to a soviet commanding officer).

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: iCEBREAKER on April 19, 2015, 02:39:10 PM
It's really flabbergasting to me that anyone could actually be excited about Hillary. I guess you might see her as the lesser of two evils, but how could anyone really think that she's especially good? I've seen several people with "I'm ready for Hillary!" stickers on their cars, and I know some people who really like her. It boggles the mind.

You'd think that having to choose between another Bush or another Clinton (this is a likely scenario) would cause the American people to try voting for at third party or something. But it wouldn't. Democracy just doesn't work. The best possible outcome is that Rand Paul gets elected, but even he isn't perfect, and he is pretty unlikely to become president.

It'd be pretty hilarious of Walker got the Republican nomination. He has basically zero personality and not much of a platform. There's not much about him a Republican can complain about because he doesn't do/say much, but he'd be crushed by Hillary, and who knows what he would do if he somehow managed to win the presidency.

At this point in the 2008 election cycle, BO was considered "pretty unlikely to become president."

HRC supporters are motivated primarily by identity politics.  They don't think rationally in abstract terms, they only emote based on instinctual association. 

IE, Hillary is [gender] and it's time for a [gender] POTUS.  We found out that didn't work with our current [ethnicity] leader, but these people don't learn anything until brutal operant conditioning is imposed by external corrective forces.

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: BitMos on April 19, 2015, 02:41:42 PM
It's really flabbergasting to me that anyone could actually be excited about Hillary. I guess you might see her as the lesser of two evils, but how could anyone really think that she's especially good? I've seen several people with "I'm ready for Hillary!" stickers on their cars, and I know some people who really like her. It boggles the mind.

You'd think that having to choose between another Bush or another Clinton (this is a likely scenario) would cause the American people to try voting for at third party or something. But it wouldn't. Democracy just doesn't work. The best possible outcome is that Rand Paul gets elected, but even he isn't perfect, and he is pretty unlikely to become president.

It'd be pretty hilarious of Walker got the Republican nomination. He has basically zero personality and not much of a platform. There's not much about him a Republican can complain about because he doesn't do/say much, but he'd be crushed by Hillary, and who knows what he would do if he somehow managed to win the presidency.

At this point in the 2008 election cycle, BO was considered "pretty unlikely to become president."

HRC supporters are motivated primarily by identity politics.  They don't think rationally in abstract terms, they only emote based on instinctual association. 

IE, Hillary is [gender] and it's time for a [gender] POTUS.  We found out that didn't work with our current [ethnicity] leader, but these people don't learn anything until brutal operant conditioning is imposed by external corrective forces.

please don't break the sheople said some table owners, others knew it was time to move on against the Romans... they did the wrong choices, and payed it.

was is cool is to program those instinctual association, making them learned behavior and not "instinct" as you may falsely believe... no one helped to free a rapist, unless being "trained".

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: galdur on April 19, 2015, 02:43:19 PM
The stink of her is putrid enough but that of what´s left of Billy Boy is well unspeakable. So, what are they gonna do about that ? Bump him off ? Maybe they´ve been doing that gradually over the last years. I guess his officially kicking the bucket will be well timed.

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: BitMos on April 19, 2015, 02:51:00 PM
The stink of her is putrid enough but that of what´s left of Billy Boy is well unspeakable. So, what are they gonna do about that ? Bump him off ? Maybe they´ve been doing that gradually over the last years. I guess his officially kicking the bucket will be well timed.

fetal blood transfusion I guess... against those, thinking raw is the best, prepare for the worst, and act once placed... frankly even the nsdapers were less bad than those, at least they had a plan, public and clear... those... but happily, they are too stupid, weak and coward to represent a real threat to the Motherland, just a quick real readiness grandeur nature exercise, but they are so stupid that it may prove itself relevant.

I guess his officially kicking the bucket will be well timed.

4k will be the official release, the 12k will be for later, but know that those cam aren't light... so yes, well timed it will be.

don't be afraid, everyone love Russia... everyone wants to go beyond the Urals... :D.

(billy boy call her the cold fish :D, cold fish can putrefied too).

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: Wilikon on April 19, 2015, 02:58:23 PM

Not something the abcnbcmsnbccbs wants to talk about. The clintons can do whatever they want...

Underage slave girls do not count. Also vote for hillary because she is a woman married to bill clinton... ???

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: BitMos on April 19, 2015, 03:01:54 PM

Not something the abcnbcmsnbccbs wants to talk about. The clintons can do whatever they want...

Underage slave girls do not count. Also vote for hillary because she is a woman married to bill clinton... ???

what a surprise... lol, only kidding :D. dp. forwad or like this new acronym that I particularly love : nm4t, aka no mercy for traitors. on the wall, make your prayer, 1.2.3. ok it was for fun, move to the vans, they are in line... faster bastards... go... move. perfect.

nice day of work and a lot of real people protected (by removing the treat) and helped by the harvesting... win-win-win :D.

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: Wilikon on April 19, 2015, 03:23:43 PM

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is drawing a populist bead  on lavish Wall Street pay  packages as she  revs up her march to the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination, but in some respects the fat-per-speech fee she can charge puts her far ahead of the top 10 highest-paid American CEOs.

"I think it's fair to say that if you look across the country, the deck is stacked in favor of those already at the top. There's something wrong when CEOs make 300 times more than the American worker...," Clinton said during her first campaign swing last week at an Iowa community college.

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: BitMos on April 19, 2015, 03:28:29 PM

Not something the abcnbcmsnbccbs wants to talk about. The clintons can do whatever they want...

Underage slave girls do not count. Also vote for hillary because she is a woman married to bill clinton... ???

this Epstein is even better than Corzine... I hadn't read fully the second article... What did the USMIIC do? IN RUSSIA, IN CHINA, IN ISRAEL (maybe I hope or working toward more JUST outcome), it would not have played like this. How could the cops, the fbi, the cia, the nsa, all the fleets tolerate this?

I say public crucifixion for Epstein, hardcore on the green of the white house for all to watch. to be clear, let move the 120K proto even... truck size :D.

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: galdur on April 19, 2015, 04:37:10 PM
Let me explain; studies show that at any given moment 78% of Americans are watching their TV. Of those approximately two thirds have it turned on.

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: BitMos on April 19, 2015, 04:39:27 PM
Let me explain; studies show that at any given moment 78% of Americans are watching their TV. Of those approximately two thirds have it turned on.

owned by 6 mens that certainly are friends with this epstein? more objects to process hooo great... engineering logics. the dna extraction part will be the main innovation of this generation I guess... but who knows.

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: galdur on April 19, 2015, 04:46:32 PM
As for the pedophiles; major political garbage both sides of the Atlantic are getting tired of having to waste time covering up their own shitpiles there. So, it will most likely bocome increasingly political correct and in due course be simply legalized.

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: SerenaL on April 19, 2015, 05:10:56 PM
I'm not surprised she's running again. I think America needs a break from Clintons and Bushs.

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: Chef Ramsay on April 19, 2015, 07:59:50 PM
Rand Paul Attacks Clinton Over Libya

On Saturday, Kentucky senator and Republican presidential candidate Rand Paul addressed the Republican Leadership Summit in New Hampshire, attacking Hillary Clinton over her role in the U.S.’s response to the Benghazi attacks of 2012. “Libya was a mistake,” he said, referring to America’s support of rebels who overthrew Mummer Gaddafi from power. “One thing that is probably true in the Middle East: every time we have toppled a secular dictator, a secular strong man, we’ve gotten chaos and the rise of radical Islam…The president won’t name the enemy, but I will: it’s radical Islam. Until we name it we can’t defeat them, and I will tell you this: if I were commander in chief I would do everything it takes to…defend the country against radical Islam.” (

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: Chef Ramsay on April 19, 2015, 11:24:37 PM
So why does Hillary take so much money from abusers of women’s rights?

Oh? You don’t think that’s a change in the game?

I’m not necessarily arguing that this is a winning electoral strategy, at least on its own, and Paul is not my preference anyway. But he is absolutely correct to challenge the premise of questions reporters ask him instead of just cowering and taking it. Every other Republican should follow his lead on this score.

And as for Hillary, yes, she does need to be asked why she takes money from the people who abuse women and girls - and if Rand Paul and other Republicans keep talking about it, the media will be forced to ask her that question whether they want to or not. Assuming, that is, she ever takes any questions.

More... (

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: Wilikon on April 20, 2015, 02:07:16 AM

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: Chef Ramsay on April 20, 2015, 02:52:06 AM
I just hope that book doesn't just become a niche in the right wing arena and that it shoots up the best sellers list and infiltrates independents and liberals alike. This bribery that she's doing that she learned from Bill back in his time is on steroids these days. I just hope that liberals check out her and her old man's game and see at least part of the corruption that is inherent in the lives of those two. Ultimately, Hillary belongs in prison for the rest of her natural life and then in hell for eternity.

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: Chef Ramsay on April 20, 2015, 09:22:57 PM
New Book, ‘Clinton Cash,’ Questions Foreign Donations to Foundation

The book does not hit shelves until May 5, but already the Republican Rand Paul has called its findings “big news” that will “shock people” and make voters “question” the candidacy of Hillary Rodham Clinton.

“Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich,” by Peter Schweizer — a 186-page investigation of donations made to the Clinton Foundation by foreign entities — is proving the most anticipated and feared book of a presidential cycle still in its infancy.

The book, a copy of which was obtained by The New York Times, asserts that foreign entities who made payments to the Clinton Foundation and to Mr. Clinton through high speaking fees received favors from Mrs. Clinton’s State Department in return.

“We will see a pattern of financial transactions involving the Clintons that occurred contemporaneous with favorable U.S. policy decisions benefiting those providing the funds,” Mr. Schweizer writes.

The rest is behind a paywall but this was the gist of it... (

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: Wilikon on April 20, 2015, 09:27:00 PM

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: Chef Ramsay on April 20, 2015, 09:37:52 PM
The broad^ is a complete authoritarian and has every interaction with the peasants staged. She's afraid that someone will audio record their conversations but you'd have to wonder why she's so insecure about actual campaigning. I hope these liberal feminist drones start to wonder why all of this is so scripted and see it for what it is w/o their blinders on.

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: BitMos on April 20, 2015, 09:42:06 PM
The broad^ is a complete authoritarian and has every interaction with the peasants staged. She's afraid that someone will audio record their conversations but you'd have to wonder why she's so insecure about actual campaigning. I hope these liberal feminist drones start to wonder why all of this is so scripted and see it for what it is w/o their blinders on.

it would be great... but I don't know how to do it...  :-[

may be with the help of GOD...  :o  ;D  :D  :)


Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: funtotry on April 20, 2015, 09:44:22 PM
So when is Andreas Antonopoulous going to run for presidency? I want a Bitcoin advocate president so I dont fall asleep when they do their speeches.
Rand paul actually accepted donations in bitcoin so I would say that he would be the most "bitcoin friendly" candidate

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: r3wt on April 20, 2015, 09:45:46 PM
the Email Leak was a publicity stunt to get her name buzzing.

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: Chef Ramsay on April 20, 2015, 11:26:16 PM
So when is Andreas Antonopoulous going to run for presidency? I want a Bitcoin advocate president so I dont fall asleep when they do their speeches.
Rand paul actually accepted donations in bitcoin so I would say that he would be the most "bitcoin friendly" candidate
That and you can't have someone running that would actually get any time in the debates that is only there to be an advocate for a single issue. People can't handle in depth topics nor would the speaker have anymore than a minute to make their point. Remember what happened to Ron Paul in the debates - very little time. AA is good when he's allowed to go off on his presentation of Bitcoin and security stuff, not short little spurts on random topics.

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: Chef Ramsay on April 20, 2015, 11:30:58 PM
Campaign 2016: Hillary Clinton's Fake Populism Is a Hit

Hillary Clinton ran onto the playing field this week, Rock and Roll Part 2 blaring in the background, and started lying within minutes of announcing her entry into the presidential election campaign.

"There's something wrong," she told a crowd of Iowans, "when hedge fund managers pay lower taxes than nurses or the truckers I saw on I-80 when I was driving here over the last two days."

Oh, right, that. The infamous carried interest tax break, the one that allows private equity vampires like Mitt Romney and Stephen Schwartzman to pay a top tax rate of 15 percent while all of the rest of us (including the truckers Hillary "saw" – note she didn't say "hung out with Bill and me over chilled shrimp at the Water Club") pay income taxes.

The carried interest loophole is an absurd, completely unjustifiable handout to the not merely well-off but filthy rich, and it's been law in this country for about three decades.

Raise your hand if you really think that Hillary Clinton is going to repeal the carried interest tax break.

We'll come back to that in a minute. In the meantime, the reaction to Hillary's campaign announcement went exactly according to script. Newspapers and news sites ever-so-slightly raised figurative eyebrows at the tone of Hillary's announcement, remarking upon its "populist" flair.

More... (

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: Wilikon on April 20, 2015, 11:57:52 PM

WH Won't Deny Accusations That Hillary's State Dept Did Favors for Clinton Foundation Donors

White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest did not give a definite answer about whether Hillary Clinton gave special treatment to countries and organizations that donated to the Clinton Foundation during her time as Secretary of State.

An upcoming book called Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich by Peter Schweizer, is an investigation into donations to the Clinton Foundation from foreign governments.

This book has returned attention as to whether Clinton gave special treatment to foreign countries that made donations to the Clinton Foundation.

ABC NewsWhite House correspondent Jon Karl asked Earnest, “Can you assure us that there was absolutely no favorable treatment given to donors of the Clinton Foundation?”

Earnest did not give a definite answer and said there was no ‘tangible’ evidence to indicate Clinton provided special treatment to donors.

“I’m not going to be in a position here where every time someone raises a spurious claim that I’m going to be the one to sit down here and say its not true,” Earnest said.

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: funtotry on April 20, 2015, 11:59:50 PM
the Email Leak was a publicity stunt to get her name buzzing.
Sort of a good idea, EVERYONE knows hilary clinton as "that email person", so they definitely got her name out, but not exactly in a good way. She is seen now as untrustworthy

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: Wilikon on April 21, 2015, 02:52:46 AM

Out-of-touch Clinton “Surprised” to Learn Small Business Creation Has “Stalled Out”

Hillary Clinton admitted today that she was “surprised” to learn that the people who told her small businesses have struggled in recent years were actually correct. Clinton noted that small business creation has “stalled out,” to her chagrin. “I was very surprised to see that when I began to dig into it,” she said while campaigning in New Hampshire. “Because people were telling me this as I traveled around the country the last two years, but I didn’t know what they were saying and it turns out that we are not producing as many small businesses as we use to.”

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: Wilikon on April 21, 2015, 03:03:57 AM

88 Times Hillary Clinton Said 'Mmm Hmm' in New Hampshire

Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton held a roundtable with furniture employees in New Hampshire Monday, and while they spoke she had to somehow show she was listening.

That meant saying “mmm hmm” a lot. 88 times, by our count.

Interestingly, Clinton, a friend of Wall Street, does not sound particularly different from Matthew McConaughey chest-thumping stock broker in The Wolf of Wall Street.

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: Chef Ramsay on April 21, 2015, 03:07:08 AM
Oh fuck that bullshit^, she knows damn well that the progressive scam is screwing small business owners and middle and lower class families from having a chance at getting ahead in life. She combines progressive bullshit and neocon fascism overseas as she reigned in mass money to the Clinton Foundation over the last decade while she dealt out favors to those across the pond just like Bill did during his reign back in the 90s. This charade is a ruse and is disgusting, all should know about it. Get with it you prog/feminist drones!

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: Chef Ramsay on April 21, 2015, 03:13:01 AM

88 Times Hillary Clinton Said 'Mmm Hmm' in New Hampshire

For those with a brain, the Mmm, Hmm nonsense response is clearly a way of (Hillary) sitting in on a (likely) staged interaction w/ the dumbie crowd and 'listening' if ya know what I mean. This bitch is so far removed from the cunts that fawn over her because of her gender and believe she's the next coming of Christ, that it makes me sick as hell. This and the neocon charade against Rand is why we all should pump up our chests and make our prints in this next election.

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: Chabacano on April 21, 2015, 08:04:13 AM
Thats nice, Im just tired about Obama, and his shitty way to help the poor people.

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: galdur on April 21, 2015, 12:07:31 PM
She's just the temporary place-taker, while they wait to see which most efficient warmongering nutjob/lackey of Wall St. the DNC anoints to be their actual nominee against the same from the other part of the one-party system.

Without the Hildebeast, the only campaign coverage would have to be of Republicans.

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: Troonetpt on April 21, 2015, 01:03:58 PM
Her candidacy will provide the folks at SNL and other comedians with plenty of material since she's perceived by so many in the U.S. to be a bit of a joke, particularly after she was caught running her little secret server operation, and then lied about it, and developing and propagating lies about what happened in Benghazi from her elitist estate in New York.

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: Wilikon on April 21, 2015, 02:17:11 PM

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: sana54210 on April 21, 2015, 02:49:35 PM
Obama supports Hillary and I think she might come out as the next president of US, I think she will be a good president, doesn't have any much bad records against her. Found an article in guardian  where Obama says Hillary Clinton 'would make an excellent president'

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: devthedev on April 21, 2015, 02:58:12 PM
US people are fucked.

If Hillary is elected I'd highly consider packing everything and moving to the Caymans.

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: hdbuck on April 21, 2015, 03:10:52 PM
Obama supports Hillary and I think she might come out as the next president of US, I think she will be a good president, doesn't have any much bad records against her.

no? lemme shake ya world a bit:

In 1995 a woman named Cathy O’Brien published a book titled Trance Formation of America, where she claimed to be a victim of the government’s mind control program, MK-ULTRA, and was essentially a sex slave for wealthy politicians.  While MK-ULTRA was (and probably still is) a top secret program involving sexual abuse, torture, drugging, and hypnotism as methods for brainwashing and mind control techniques, her allegations come under a cloud of suspicion.

O’Brien claims that some of her abusers were George H.W. Bush, Ronald Reagan, Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Dick Cheney, and Hillary Clinton.  She says that she was rescued in 1988 by a man named Mark Phillips who claims to be a former CIA operative.  Also a part of the story is O’Brien’s daughter Kelly who was also said to be a victim of this program.

What makes O’Brien’s allegations seem believable to some, is the fact that mind control programs like MK-ULTRA have been exposed, and that the aims of such experiments included some unthinkable practices including torture, mind-altering drugs, sexual abuse, and hypnotism.  Some of the actual goals of this program were to create mind controlled slaves or Manchurian Candidates, who would willingly accept and carry out any order given to them regardless of what it was.  There are authentic declassified documents which outline these horrific practices and several victims have been awarded financial settlements for their abuse, so some believe that Cathy O’Brien could be another actual victim of such programs.  During a press conference, President Bill Clinton publicly admitted that, “thousands of government sponsored experiments did take place, at hospitals, universities and military bases around our nation.  Some were unethical, not only by today’s standards, but by the standards of the time in which they were conducted.”

Cathy O'Brien describes her sexual assault perpetrated by Hillary Clinton in her book, Trance Formation of America, at Swiss Villa-Lampe, Missouri, 1983:

BONUS: O'Brien's conference:

(10'30" > talks about teh Clingtnoes)

:D ;D

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: Pentax on April 21, 2015, 03:30:42 PM
Obama supports Hillary and I think she might come out as the next president of US, I think she will be a good president, doesn't have any much bad records against her. Found an article in guardian  where Obama says Hillary Clinton 'would make an excellent president'

As if that piece of shit is qualified to make such a determination.

He wouldn't know what a good, much less excellent, president was if it walked up and bit him in the face.

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: Wilikon on April 21, 2015, 03:50:43 PM
Obama supports Hillary and I think she might come out as the next president of US, I think she will be a good president, doesn't have any much bad records against her. Found an article in guardian  where Obama says Hillary Clinton 'would make an excellent president'

The irony of your avatar escapes you totally. This is not even about if she will kick the republicans or kick the libertarians.

"0bama loves her... I should do too.. She will be a great president..."

A Centralized hive mind is a Terrible Thing To Waste...

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: sana54210 on April 21, 2015, 04:03:00 PM
Obama supports Hillary and I think she might come out as the next president of US, I think she will be a good president, doesn't have any much bad records against her. Found an article in guardian  where Obama says Hillary Clinton 'would make an excellent president'

The irony of your avatar escapes you totally. This is not even about if she will kick the republicans or kick the libertarians.

"0bama loves her... I should do too.. She will be a great president..."

A Centralized hive mind is a Terrible Thing To Waste...

I am not even from the US and there is nothing centralized in what I said, it was just my opinion as even Obama stated his opinion and it  is a freedom of opinion and as decentralized as it gets , btw right now, whom do you think is more likely to become the president?, If they grant Obama a 3rd term, i like that but it is not going to happen i think.

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: Wilikon on April 21, 2015, 04:07:21 PM
Obama supports Hillary and I think she might come out as the next president of US, I think she will be a good president, doesn't have any much bad records against her. Found an article in guardian  where Obama says Hillary Clinton 'would make an excellent president'

The irony of your avatar escapes you totally. This is not even about if she will kick the republicans or kick the libertarians.

"0bama loves her... I should do too.. She will be a great president..."

A Centralized hive mind is a Terrible Thing To Waste...

I am not even from the US and there is nothing centralized in what I said, it was just my opinion as even Obama stated his opinion and it  is a freedom of opinion and as decentralized as it gets , btw right now, whom do you think is more likely to become the president?, If they grant Obama a 3rd term, i like that but it is not going to happen i think.

You are right. Becoming president is not based on merits, but on lies and criminal activities. On that she could be president for life.


Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: BitMos on April 21, 2015, 05:29:27 PM
the real fun thing is all along she was played by the cia/nsa, in which both probe the others... what chance does she have... lol. ladies... understand that in real world, you get raped, sold and traded... so please the unicorn with the butterfly on the back... for your kids. thank you.

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: Wilikon on April 21, 2015, 07:21:11 PM

If Republicans Keep Attacking Hillary, The 2016 “Vagina” Turnout Is Going To Be 100%…

Radio host and MSNBC talking head Stephanie Miller was on Politics Nation with Al Sharpton Monday afternoon when she made an off the cuff, and off the wall, prediction about the 2016 election. Trotting out the tired canard that talking about Hillary’s age or criticizing her in any way is sexist, Miller contends that if Republicans keep attacking her, something unusual will happen.

“What I like as a woman, Rev? Is keep playing this age card and this sexist card, we’re going to have, like, a hundred percent turnout of everyone in the country with a vagina,” says Miller. She then goes on to slam Rubio as the real candidate of yesterday before saying “please take us back to a third Clinton term, please!”

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: Pentax on April 21, 2015, 07:58:38 PM

If Republicans Keep Attacking Hillary, The 2016 “Vagina” Turnout Is Going To Be 100%…

Radio host and MSNBC talking head Stephanie Miller was on Politics Nation with Al Sharpton Monday afternoon when she made an off the cuff, and off the wall, prediction about the 2016 election. Trotting out the tired canard that talking about Hillary’s age or criticizing her in any way is sexist, Miller contends that if Republicans keep attacking her, something unusual will happen.

“What I like as a woman, Rev? Is keep playing this age card and this sexist card, we’re going to have, like, a hundred percent turnout of everyone in the country with a vagina,” says Miller. She then goes on to slam Rubio as the real candidate of yesterday before saying “please take us back to a third Clinton term, please!”

I listen to Miller during my commute.  A self-professed happy clappy Obamabot, this idiot couldn't see the truth beyond the dem talking points if someone offered her a lifetime of free shaved shniz.....

call in and nod your agreement you just might get a gift card.  disagree and you get the dial tone.

a very well trained parrot indeed.

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: Chef Ramsay on April 22, 2015, 02:25:55 AM

If Republicans Keep Attacking Hillary, The 2016 “Vagina” Turnout Is Going To Be 100%…

Radio host and MSNBC talking head Stephanie Miller was on Politics Nation with Al Sharpton Monday afternoon when she made an off the cuff, and off the wall, prediction about the 2016 election. Trotting out the tired canard that talking about Hillary’s age or criticizing her in any way is sexist, Miller contends that if Republicans keep attacking her, something unusual will happen.

“What I like as a woman, Rev? Is keep playing this age card and this sexist card, we’re going to have, like, a hundred percent turnout of everyone in the country with a vagina,” says Miller. She then goes on to slam Rubio as the real candidate of yesterday before saying “please take us back to a third Clinton term, please!”

Yep, this line of idiocy is why I fucking hate feminazis. It's like she's bending over backwards in her retardedness to defend her queen or muff her patch while she's at it.

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: chopstick on April 22, 2015, 03:48:47 AM
Guys, we're all fucked. TPTB have already chosen Hitlery as our next president. Even if she somehow doesn't get enough votes, they'll rig the machines.

So it's a done deal. Hillary is our next prez. Mark my fuckin words.

Shit is undoubtedly going to hit the fan during her presidency. The warhawks are itching for a war with Russia and Hitlery might just give it to them. I think there is a VERY high likelihood she will attempt to declare martial law and become the USA's very first fascist dictator.

So the question is, what do we do now? Do we just sit and take it or do we find a way out of this?

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: Wilikon on April 23, 2015, 01:49:07 PM

Millions Flowed To Clinton Foundation In Exchange For Russian Control Over Large Portion Of U.S. Uranium

At the heart of the tale are several men, leaders of the Canadian mining industry, who have been major donors to the charitable endeavors of former President Bill Clinton and his family. Members of that group built, financed and eventually sold off to the Russians a company that would become known as Uranium One.

Beyond mines in Kazakhstan that are among the most lucrative in the world, the sale gave the Russians control of one-fifth of all uranium production capacity in the United States. Since uranium is considered a strategic asset, with implications for national security, the deal had to be approved by a committee composed of representatives from a number of United States government agencies. Among the agencies that eventually signed off was the State Department, then headed by Mr. Clinton’s wife, Hillary Rodham Clinton.

As the Russians gradually assumed control of Uranium One in three separate transactions from 2009 to 2013, Canadian records show, a flow of cash made its way to the Clinton Foundation. Uranium One’s chairman used his family foundation to make four donations totaling $2.35 million. Those contributions were not publicly disclosed by the Clintons, despite an agreement Mrs. Clinton had struck with the Obama White House to publicly identify all donors. Other people with ties to the company made donations as well.

And shortly after the Russians announced their intention to acquire a majority stake in Uranium One, Mr. Clinton received $500,000 for a Moscow speech from a Russian investment bank with links to the Kremlin that was promoting Uranium One stock.

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: Pentax on April 23, 2015, 02:32:30 PM
The Clintons are as filthy as anyone in politics.  Both of them.

Hillary is every bit as bad and calculating.  she put up with the philandering, she choked down the shitburger and went to work for Obama.  Hell, she even put on a yankees hat and proclaimed herself a yankees fan to sell her whore ass to the people of NY for that senate seat, which may be the most sacrilegious thing she's done yet.

Anything, anything, anything for more power.  The truth is meaningless, she blows with the wind of the polls on any issue under the sun, just like the rest of them, and knows nothing but more, more, more for me, me, me and could not give a single shit about the country or the people in it.  All of it and them are nothing but tools for her manipulation.  She will sell out anything, including the nation, for her own gain and advancement.

It is people exactly like these that should be nowhere near the controls of a nation and yet it seems it is nothing but these sort of sociopathic assholes that care to bathe in the cesspool of politics in Washington at this point.

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: Wilikon on April 23, 2015, 03:31:49 PM
The Clintons are as filthy as anyone in politics.  Both of them.

Hillary is every bit as bad and calculating.  she put up with the philandering, she choked down the shitburger and went to work for Obama.  Hell, she even put on a yankees hat and proclaimed herself a yankees fan to sell her whore ass to the people of NY for that senate seat, which may be the most sacrilegious thing she's done yet.

Anything, anything, anything for more power.  The truth is meaningless, she blows with the wind of the polls on any issue under the sun, just like the rest of them, and knows nothing but more, more, more for me, me, me and could not give a single shit about the country or the people in it.  All of it and them are nothing but tools for her manipulation.  She will sell out anything, including the nation, for her own gain and advancement.

It is people exactly like these that should be nowhere near the controls of a nation and yet it seems it is nothing but these sort of sociopathic assholes that care to bathe in the cesspool of politics in Washington at this point.

"…the fundamental bedrock principle that exists between a man and a woman, going back into the mists of history as one of the founding, foundational institutions of history and humanity and civilization, and that its primary, principal role during those millennia has been the raising and socializing of children for the society into which they are to become adults."

What version to believe? The pink mafia is all in with hillary, no matter what.

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: Pentax on April 23, 2015, 03:39:55 PM
The Clintons are as filthy as anyone in politics.  Both of them.

Hillary is every bit as bad and calculating.  she put up with the philandering, she choked down the shitburger and went to work for Obama.  Hell, she even put on a yankees hat and proclaimed herself a yankees fan to sell her whore ass to the people of NY for that senate seat, which may be the most sacrilegious thing she's done yet.

Anything, anything, anything for more power.  The truth is meaningless, she blows with the wind of the polls on any issue under the sun, just like the rest of them, and knows nothing but more, more, more for me, me, me and could not give a single shit about the country or the people in it.  All of it and them are nothing but tools for her manipulation.  She will sell out anything, including the nation, for her own gain and advancement.

It is people exactly like these that should be nowhere near the controls of a nation and yet it seems it is nothing but these sort of sociopathic assholes that care to bathe in the cesspool of politics in Washington at this point.

"…the fundamental bedrock principle that exists between a man and a woman, going back into the mists of history as one of the founding, foundational institutions of history and humanity and civilization, and that its primary, principal role during those millennia has been the raising and socializing of children for the society into which they are to become adults."

What version to believe? The pink mafia is all in with hillary, no matter what.

Exactly.   And in '08 it was the states should decide, because that what the polls said.

Now she's in support of gay marriage, cause that's what the polls say.

She's a total fucking joke and her water carriers will slobber all over themselves choking down and regurgitating back up whatever she tells them to think.  Blech.

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: Chef Ramsay on April 23, 2015, 05:42:37 PM
Bill Clinton Cashed In When Hillary Became Secretary of State

After his wife became Secretary of State, former President Bill Clinton began to collect speaking fees that often doubled or tripled what he had been charging earlier in his post White House years, bringing in millions of dollars from groups that included several with interests pending before the State Department, an ABC News review of financial disclosure records shows.

Where he once had drawn $150,000 for a typical address in the years following his presidency, Clinton saw a succession of staggering paydays for speeches in 2010 and 2011, including $500,000 paid by a Russian investment bank and $750,000 to address a telecom conference in China.

“It’s unusual to see a former president’s speaking fee go up over time,” said Richard Painter, who served as chief ethics lawyer in the White House Counsel’s office under President George W. Bush. “I must say I’m surprised that he raised his fees. There’s no prohibition on his raising it. But it does create some appearance problems if he raises his fee after she becomes Secretary of State.”

More... (

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: Chef Ramsay on April 24, 2015, 11:41:05 PM
Hillary Furious as Thousands of Americans Send Cigars to Her Office

Hillary Clinton is reportedly furious and abashed as several thousand cigars were recently delivered to her office in protest of her announcement that she would run for President in 2016. Thanks to Send Clinton Cigars (, a service that allows you to anonymously purchase cigars and have them directly mailed to Clinton, tens of thousands of Americans are blatantly reminding her of her first stay in the White House. For those with short term memory loss, this was reportedly the sexual act of President Bill Clinton who used a cigar to pleasure White House intern Monica Lewinsky. Send Clinton Cigars site sports a non so subtle tagline of “Clinton / Lewinsky 2016 · Don’t Blow It!” beside a logo against smoking; cigars to be assumed.

More... (

I just love when an entitled bitch like her throws a fit, it just warms my heart that the little people could get under her skin like this. ;D

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: Aggressor66 on April 25, 2015, 12:31:28 AM
Pretty pathetic that the best this country can do is another Bush or Clinton.
I ain't voting for Monica Lewinsky's boy friend's wife.

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: iCEBREAKER on April 25, 2015, 12:49:18 AM
Hillary Furious as Thousands of Americans Send Cigars to Her Office

Hillary Clinton is reportedly furious and abashed as several thousand cigars were recently delivered to her office in protest of her announcement that she would run for President in 2016. Thanks to Send Clinton Cigars (, a service that allows you to anonymously purchase cigars and have them directly mailed to Clinton, tens of thousands of Americans are blatantly reminding her of her first stay in the White House. For those with short term memory loss, this was reportedly the sexual act of President Bill Clinton who used a cigar to pleasure White House intern Monica Lewinsky. Send Clinton Cigars site sports a non so subtle tagline of “Clinton / Lewinsky 2016 · Don’t Blow It!” beside a logo against smoking; cigars to be assumed.

More... (

I just love when an entitled bitch like her throws a fit, it just warms my heart that the little people could get under her skin like this. ;D

Does take Bitcoin?  I'd like an option to send blue dresses as well.   ;D

But all of this Monica stuff plays into Hillary's narrative of the 'strong but long-suffering and therefore deserving wife.'

She probably set it up herself, to (re)gain sympathy from her target demographic of ugly liberal females.  They tend to skew progressive, and, having been tempted by Liz "Purity Queen" Warren, need to be brought back into the DNC fold.

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: freemind1 on April 26, 2015, 10:47:28 AM
When i hear about on the news gives me the feeling that want to perpetuate an older model policy. The same ideas as her husband, but with other words.

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: galdur on April 30, 2015, 11:52:33 AM
Wow, it´ll take 2.5 Billion dollars to scam this fruitcake into office ? That´s really amazing. What a waste. Wall St. and the war industry must be getting really desperate.

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: Bitware on May 04, 2015, 09:46:22 PM
Hillary Furious as Thousands of Americans Send Cigars to Her Office

Hillary Clinton is reportedly furious and abashed as several thousand cigars were recently delivered to her office in protest of her announcement that she would run for President in 2016. Thanks to Send Clinton Cigars (, a service that allows you to anonymously purchase cigars and have them directly mailed to Clinton, tens of thousands of Americans are blatantly reminding her of her first stay in the White House. For those with short term memory loss, this was reportedly the sexual act of President Bill Clinton who used a cigar to pleasure White House intern Monica Lewinsky. Send Clinton Cigars site sports a non so subtle tagline of “Clinton / Lewinsky 2016 · Don’t Blow It!” beside a logo against smoking; cigars to be assumed.

More... (

I just love when an entitled bitch like her throws a fit, it just warms my heart that the little people could get under her skin like this. ;D

Thanks for this. This was just awesome.

Title: Re: Hillary Clinton to Announce 2016 Run for President on Sunday
Post by: Chef Ramsay on May 04, 2015, 09:59:28 PM
Clinton agrees to testify on Benghazi, emails this month

WASHINGTON (AP) — Hillary Rodham Clinton has agreed to testify on Capitol Hill later this month about the attacks in Benghazi, Libya, and about her email practices.

Her lawyer David Kendall wrote to lawmakers Monday telling them she would agree to the request from a special panel investigating the September 2012 attacks that killed four Americans.

But Kendall said Clinton would testify only for one session. The committee chairman, GOP Rep. Trey Gowdy of South Carolina, had requested that she appear twice, for a hearing on Clinton's use of private emails and for a separate session on Benghazi.

Kendall said Clinton would answer all lawmakers' questions during one session and it would not be necessary for her to appear twice. (

See how this goes? She's telling the House Select Committee's Chairman when and how long she'll testify for when it should be him subpoenaing her about what is expected of her. More indication of how big of a hot shot she thinks she is and primarily why she'd make a terrible president. She'll just bs her way through this session and it will be meaningless, this is how investigations take place in Congress these and they can even get away with outright lying like the NSA chief did last year.