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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: toddtervy on April 13, 2015, 04:20:07 PM

Title: Why so hard to fire people? stupidity or insanity. United Shit of America
Post by: toddtervy on April 13, 2015, 04:20:07 PM
United Shit of America at it's best.  Lately everyone talks about how hard it is to get rid of trash employees. I believe it's most prominent in the government, that would certainly seem to be the case.  How does this make any sense from a 'let's keep the ship afloat' standpoint?  Or are they too far gone to have any concern for things like that.

Title: Re: Why so hard to fire people? stupidity or insanity. Unjited Shit of America
Post by: Mike Christ on April 13, 2015, 04:31:04 PM
Way too far gone; America's a falling rock at this point.  This is what happens when a culture is centered around vote-buying--cough, I mean democracy.  The end result is always the majority of naive idiots voting themselves into prosperity, but all it does is make life increasingly harder for everyone else until you segue into some stupid political system like communism, where people completely exit the market and try to live off politics.  As it turns out, you can't eat a political preference.

Title: Re: Why so hard to fire people? stupidity or insanity. Unjited Shit of America
Post by: oblivi on April 13, 2015, 06:31:23 PM
Way too far gone; America's a falling rock at this point.  This is what happens when a culture is centered around vote-buying--cough, I mean democracy.  The end result is always the majority of naive idiots voting themselves into prosperity, but all it does is make life increasingly harder for everyone else until you segue into some stupid political system like communism, where people completely exit the market and try to live off politics.  As it turns out, you can't eat a political preference.
Tell us, what is your objectively better alternative to democracy for a country?

Title: Re: Why so hard to fire people? stupidity or insanity. Unjited Shit of America
Post by: toddtervy on April 13, 2015, 07:00:03 PM
Way too far gone; America's a falling rock at this point.  This is what happens when a culture is centered around vote-buying--cough, I mean democracy.  The end result is always the majority of naive idiots voting themselves into prosperity, but all it does is make life increasingly harder for everyone else until you segue into some stupid political system like communism, where people completely exit the market and try to live off politics.  As it turns out, you can't eat a political preference.

Well said.  Any ideas, or know where to find others like-minded?

Title: Re: Why so hard to fire people? stupidity or insanity. United Shit of America
Post by: SebastianJu on April 13, 2015, 07:35:42 PM
America is really far away of being a democracy. As a citizen having the right to decide one thing in a long time and the rest of the time you delegate your power. And the one choice you have is one between A and B practically. Which at the end is something like a choice between pest and cholera.

At the end you have really something different than a demo-cracy which means ruling of the citizens in fact. And that, lets be honest, cant be further from the truth.

Title: Re: Why so hard to fire people? stupidity or insanity. United Shit of America
Post by: SaltySpitoon on April 13, 2015, 07:40:25 PM
Depends on where you are at. In my state, you can be fired at any time and for any reason. I could be fired because my boss doesn't like my ethnicity/religion/etc, and they could just walk up to me, say I'm fired and I'd be gone. They can also skip the 1-2 week notice by continuing to pay you for that time.

Title: Re: Why so hard to fire people? stupidity or insanity. United Shit of America
Post by: Wilikon on April 13, 2015, 08:56:00 PM
Depends on where you are at. In my state, you can be fired at any time and for any reason. I could be fired because my boss doesn't like my ethnicity/religion/etc, and they could just walk up to me, say I'm fired and I'd be gone. They can also skip the 1-2 week notice by continuing to pay you for that time.

Since the democrats started to make the USA more and more like socialist Europe, you recognize the same aftertaste of natural fertilizer down your throat...

On that point I'll have to agree


Title: Re: Why so hard to fire people? stupidity or insanity. Unjited Shit of America
Post by: Sithara007 on April 14, 2015, 03:53:04 AM
Way too far gone; America's a falling rock at this point.  This is what happens when a culture is centered around vote-buying--cough, I mean democracy.  The end result is always the majority of naive idiots voting themselves into prosperity, but all it does is make life increasingly harder for everyone else until you segue into some stupid political system like communism, where people completely exit the market and try to live off politics.  As it turns out, you can't eat a political preference.
Tell us, what is your objectively better alternative to democracy for a country?

Democracy is not good either. Look at the country like India, it's dying by every passing day. Ask it's people.

Title: Re: Why so hard to fire people? stupidity or insanity. United Shit of America
Post by: SebastianJu on April 15, 2015, 12:53:04 PM
Depends on where you are at. In my state, you can be fired at any time and for any reason. I could be fired because my boss doesn't like my ethnicity/religion/etc, and they could just walk up to me, say I'm fired and I'd be gone. They can also skip the 1-2 week notice by continuing to pay you for that time.

Since the democrats started to make the USA more and more like socialist Europe, you recognize the same aftertaste of natural fertilizer down your throat...

On that point I'll have to agree


Maybe i understand you wrong but in most european countries you cant be fired because of such things.

Title: Re: Why so hard to fire people? stupidity or insanity. United Shit of America
Post by: Sithara007 on April 15, 2015, 02:29:07 PM
Depends on where you are at. In my state, you can be fired at any time and for any reason. I could be fired because my boss doesn't like my ethnicity/religion/etc, and they could just walk up to me, say I'm fired and I'd be gone. They can also skip the 1-2 week notice by continuing to pay you for that time.

Since the democrats started to make the USA more and more like socialist Europe, you recognize the same aftertaste of natural fertilizer down your throat...

On that point I'll have to agree


Maybe i understand you wrong but in most european countries you cant be fired because of such things.

And that is the reason why Europe is going down. Look at the countries like Greece. It's going down and other countries are there on it's path.

Title: Re: Why so hard to fire people? stupidity or insanity. Unjited Shit of America
Post by: Chef Ramsay on April 15, 2015, 05:29:35 PM
Way too far gone; America's a falling rock at this point.  This is what happens when a culture is centered around vote-buying--cough, I mean democracy.  The end result is always the majority of naive idiots voting themselves into prosperity, but all it does is make life increasingly harder for everyone else until you segue into some stupid political system like communism, where people completely exit the market and try to live off politics.  As it turns out, you can't eat a political preference.
Tell us, what is your objectively better alternative to democracy for a country?
Democracies always go down hill when the population realizes or are corralled into thinking they can vote themselves the property of others and this is why democracies aren't congruent with individual rights. You don't have a right to life and all of its corrollaries if the majority can make them null and void and extract from or deprive any of them from you. The USA was formed (after a violent secession from Britain) as a constitutionally-limited republic but unfortunately, words on paper don't bind anyone when the government/politicians became systematically used by corporate interests to line their pockets all the while a massive welfare state has been propped up creating permanent classes of destitute parasites that feed off of the productive. And, the bankers ripped this economy up and killed the job market thus forcing more formerly productive people onto the entitlement system. At this point, barring a total free market w/o governments it's likely that only a benevolent monarch would be beneficial at this point. This way, as long as the monarch is set up nicely, he or she doesn't have to have all these special interests propping them up. Fantasy I know.

Title: Re: Why so hard to fire people? stupidity or insanity. United Shit of America
Post by: SebastianJu on April 17, 2015, 12:18:36 PM
Maybe i understand you wrong but in most european countries you cant be fired because of such things.

And that is the reason why Europe is going down. Look at the countries like Greece. It's going down and other countries are there on it's path.

Why is that? I dont see why its needed. And what exactly has Greek to do with the possibility to fire people?

Saying that... employers still have much ways. If the company needs to they can, and they then chose contracts where this protection isnt there.