Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: americanpegasus on April 14, 2015, 08:24:59 AM

Title: An open letter to April 14th, 2018.
Post by: americanpegasus on April 14, 2015, 08:24:59 AM
Hello future.  The date is April 14th, three years ago (2015).  I am americanpegasus, the author of the Declaration of Blockchain Independance and Labrys (the first fictional novel built around bitcoin, to be released in a few months time).  In 2018 I am also famous as one of bitcoin's biggest proponents, though here in 2015 I am just getting started.  
I write this as a greeting from a different time.  A time when a million bits cost $220 (a whole 'bitcoin'), and a single U.S. Dollar could buy you 4,500 entire bits.   ;D
I know, that sounds crazy.  But don't envy us.  The decision seems obvious in retrospect, but even as one of bitcoin's biggest fans, I tell you the atmosphere is anything but obvious right now.   ???
Many of you already knew about bitcoin in 2015, and many of you didn't.  Some of you heard about it and dismissed it as silliness.  I know I certainly derided it when I first encountered it at the peak of the 2013 bubble; I thought it was some kind of World of Warcraft gold or something.  Regardless, I'll bet you certainly know about it by now.  Things have probably changed slightly, huh?  
As I write this in 2015, the pieces are all set for some truly monumental movements over the next few years.  We have governments increasingly acknowledging and regulating this 'made-up internet money' that no one took seriously at its inception.  Tech startups are springing to life around bitcoin at a pace not seen since the dot-com boom of the 90's.  Venture capitalists are all eying crypto-currency with a shrewd eye while businesses that crypto threatens to disrupt are all sounding battle cries.  And yet, here we sit at the end of the longest and most brutal crash in the history of the currency wondering what the future will hold.  Prices are *insanely* low, and like I said... a million bits runs the average consumer about $220 at current prices.  They aren't hard to get ahold of either; the interested can easily buy them from a number of reputable companies.  
You might wonder, "Wow!  Why didn't everyone see it?  Why didn't everyone buy in... if only I had bought some bitcoins back in 2015 I'd be rich... I had $x,xxx lying around but I didn't know.  Damnit!"  
Listen, many of us now have the same frustrations about 2011 when we could have had bitcoins for scant dollars apiece.  But this is the nature of the beast.  Every moment in bitcoins history is a good time to buy because it is a mathematical creature that won't stop growing until it dominates and saturates the globe... and will keep going after that too.  Like gold has done throughout millenia it will keep pace with the growth and expansion of human civilization.  It is a savings account ledger who's underlying representation is the fate of civilization itself.  
That's some pretty powerful backing.  
And again, the decision seems obvious to you now, but I assure you it is not (from where I sit here in 2015).  It takes a fair amount of omniscience, brilliance, patience, and wisdom to buy into bitcoin at the present moment.  Paid trolls roam the internet attacking bitcoin and any 'idiot' foolish enough to hold or buy it.  The average person has heard of bitcoin, but they still think of it primarily in conjuction with illegal activities and they have no major interest in acquiring it.  People who are interested in bitcoin are seen as slightly weird, by both mainstream culture and mainstream finance.  Most of the investment bankers and finance gurus I mention bitcoin to just smile at me like I'm a silly pleb, and they immediately acquire a cloak of smugness.  "Oh... bitcoin."  To them it's essentially a multi-level marketing scheme or some penny-auction nonsense.  They have no clue what is coming, and their little rodent brains wouldn't believe the evidence even if you could lay it out in front of them.  Their egos can't accept the truth:  
Bitcoin wins.  
It's the same truth you probably know/suspect by April, 2018.  As I have previously written, bitcoin is a financial virus that will consume the value of all civilization.  The only cure would be for humans to completely stop acting like humans and that isn't going to happen.  Bitcoin will win because it is one of the most brilliant mathematical creations in the history of humanity, the ultimate application for those cool little prime numbers we discovered so many millenia ago.  
The atmosphere is toxic, but some of us see through the nonsense.  We can see the end result, and understand the eventual end-game scenario that bitcoin will create.  And it's going to be incredible.  
I know you wish you could come back to 2015 and buy bitcoin, but don't feel bad.  Even if you were here you likely would think it was a silly waste of money... a bad investment... the same as I did in 2012 and 2013.  All you can do now is understand that bitcoin isn't going away, and any time is a good time to invest in bitcoin.  So don't worry about future crashes in the thousands, and tens of thousands of dollars.  Bitcoin is the best form of money humanity has ever created and it's not going anywhere.    
Oh, by the way, you're all invited to my kick ass 2018 Halloween party.  See you there.  

Title: Re: An open letter to April 14th, 2018.
Post by: dasource on April 14, 2015, 08:38:11 AM
I'm in!

Title: Re: An open letter to April 14th, 2018.
Post by: p2pbucks on April 14, 2015, 08:50:08 AM
Nice propaganda .  

I will recall your post when bitcoin todamoon  ;D

Title: Re: An open letter to April 14th, 2018.
Post by: SpanishSoldier on April 14, 2015, 08:53:44 AM
See you in 2018 ;)

Title: Re: An open letter to April 14th, 2018.
Post by: lihuajkl on April 14, 2015, 09:06:55 AM
Good article. I am a bitcoiner believers as you!
For reference when 2018 is approaching, I want to see what is the reaction from the members in our community.

Title: Re: An open letter to April 14th, 2018.
Post by: Lexi Price on April 14, 2015, 09:19:05 AM
*waves to future me from past me*

Hi future me! I just need to ask if those three things I swore I'd take care of "if it's the last thing I do" ever got done and are we better or worse off because of it? How'd that one lawsuit work out? Oh, and puhleeeaze tell me that Bush's twat of a brother did not pay off Rove to steal another election. Is everyone still on their knees or did we finally get up off of them and embrace The Great Disruption?

Do we even still live in the United States or did we manage to meet a nice sexy handsome dude from, oh somewhere else, Canada even, get married (or a wicked housekeeping gig) and move away?

Nah, didn't think so.

How much BTC do we own now? Remember our Plan A?! Did we get there?! We better have, I'm counting on me to end up there later so I can look back at current/past me and go heeelllllyeah we did! So don't screw around. Get it done!

Anyway, just pay attention to where BTC is now and remember what not to do!

All right, that's all.



*waves to other future yous on the yall are in 2018? Happy Halloween!*

*Leave a message to your future'll become the official Bitcoin Forum Time Machine ;p*

Title: Re: An open letter to April 14th, 2018.
Post by: americanpegasus on April 14, 2015, 09:41:09 AM
@Lexi Price 
Hey Lexi.  Sorry to say that Jeb Bush does indeed win the next election. 
Sorry about that, not like it ultimately matters.

Title: Re: An open letter to April 14th, 2018.
Post by: Jeremycoin on April 14, 2015, 09:45:27 AM
Wow.... I can't believe I'm here in this such moment 8)
Keep your BTCitcoin til 2018....

Title: Re: An open letter to April 14th, 2018.
Post by: xDan on April 14, 2015, 10:28:04 AM
Hi future me, how's it going? Better? Worse? :-\ Hope you did a few things.

> little rodent brains

Title: Re: An open letter to April 14th, 2018.
Post by: Jeremycoin on April 14, 2015, 10:53:04 AM
Hi future me, how's it going? Better? Worse? :-\ Hope you did a few things.

> little rodent brains

Hi your future, I'm from from the past. Why did you post this thing in the past? Why don't you just doing something useful :P

Title: Re: An open letter to April 14th, 2018.
Post by: xDan on April 14, 2015, 11:33:53 AM
Hi future me, how's it going? Better? Worse? :-\ Hope you did a few things.

> little rodent brains

Hi your future, I'm from from the past. Why did you post this thing in the past? Why don't you just doing something useful :P

ignore this guy, future me. He's hardly being useful either :P Future him and me, I hope you both did something useful by now.

Title: Re: An open letter to April 14th, 2018.
Post by: spazzdla on April 14, 2015, 01:37:31 PM
Where is this halloween party.  I may just join you.

Title: Re: An open letter to April 14th, 2018.
Post by: ChuckBuck on April 14, 2015, 01:48:52 PM
I booked my ticket to the Halloween party already.

In Bitcoin.

Title: Re: An open letter to April 14th, 2018.
Post by: futureofbitcoin on April 14, 2015, 01:52:46 PM
Where is this halloween party.  I may just join you.
In a castle he hasn't bought yet.

You know, it's funny, because I opened this thread right after going for a walk with my Grandfather. I told him that I expect that in 3 years I expect to make a sizable amount from bitcoin, and that I think there is at least a 50% chance of success. Being in early-mid stage dementia, he asked "what year is it now? 2014?" I told him it's April 2015.

but you know, it's hard to give a time for these kinds of things. I expect that even if bitcoin's price goes way up in 3 years, and the amount of people accepting it as a legitimate currency increases significantly, there will still be great doubt whether this technology is scalable, whether it's secure, and whether it's just a ponzi. I don't think we can see such a significant shift in the mentality of the masses in just 3 years. Maybe 30.

I also wouldn't do this, since if I was able to become a multi-decamillionaire (screw millionaire, 1mil usd isn't even a lot these days, and bitcoin's going to the moon, right?) I'd totally want to remain as anonymous as possible. In fact, I'd probably keep it a secret even from my parents, for the first year or so. It'd be fun knowing that you're actually a decamillionaire and those around you didn't realize it, and it'd be an unique opportunity too. What other way can you make 10s of millions in secret without anyone knowing?

Title: Re: An open letter to April 14th, 2018.
Post by: Beliathon on April 14, 2015, 01:55:07 PM
 It takes a fair amount of omniscience
My favorite part. A+ circlejerk, would read author again. Also precious was this:
The only cure would be for humans to completely stop acting like humans and that isn't going to happen.  

Title: Re: An open letter to April 14th, 2018.
Post by: LiteCoinGuy on April 14, 2015, 05:10:08 PM

Title: Re: An open letter to April 14th, 2018.
Post by: Lexi Price on April 14, 2015, 05:16:10 PM

Camp 1: *wipes tear* It was a profound and awe inspiring moment when bitcoin went to the moon. It really changed everything.



PS...why is the astronaut in the middle of crosshairs? That can't be good.

Title: Re: An open letter to April 14th, 2018.
Post by: manselr on April 14, 2015, 05:20:25 PM
I've been there thought all the terrible crashes that killed Bitcoin, this is no different, no need to have a time traveler to tell me Bitcoin is the be all end all of wealth transaction. Im balls deep in. See you in 2018, and by 2028 see you on the special "Didn't sell in 2015" private island resort gathering.

Title: Re: An open letter to April 14th, 2018.
Post by: vm_mpn on April 14, 2015, 07:18:11 PM
Lol.. I'm watching this thread. Good job OP!

Title: Re: An open letter to April 14th, 2018.
Post by: gentlemand on April 14, 2015, 07:30:07 PM
Things will really get interesting when the inflation settles to a more sensible level after future halvings. Ten years and beyond is when there might be some proper deflationary effects if it's still rolling.

Message to future self - look after that prostate. You're not getting any younger.

Title: Re: An open letter to April 14th, 2018.
Post by: neurotypical on April 14, 2015, 10:41:50 PM
Things will really get interesting when the inflation settles to a more sensible level after future halvings. Ten years and beyond is when there might be some proper deflationary effects if it's still rolling.

Message to future self - look after that prostate. You're not getting any younger.

Yeah, after 2016 things will start to take shape and those that were coward boat jumpers will pay dearly. Bookmarked thread for future celebration and future mocking of all the FUDsters (that will for sure be dissapeared by then to not face the facts).

Title: Re: An open letter to April 14th, 2018.
Post by: HCLivess on April 15, 2015, 08:36:58 AM
let's see

Title: Re: An open letter to April 14th, 2018.
Post by: coinpr0n on April 15, 2015, 09:28:00 AM
Someone has got to put a plug on this leaking inter-dimensional portal (wherever it is). So many time travelers these days... xD. Something must be going on...

Title: Re: An open letter to April 14th, 2018.
Post by: kpitti on April 15, 2015, 06:50:18 PM
Nice idea, I like it and support as well. Like all nice dreams I have.

Title: Re: An open letter to April 14th, 2018.
Post by: pereira4 on April 15, 2015, 10:19:33 PM
I always love looking back at the 2010-2011 era when I wasn't there, and check how people panicked and screamed DOOM when Bitcoin lost a couple dollars. Will love to look back at this thread in a couple of years.

Title: Re: An open letter to April 14th, 2018.
Post by: Hazir on April 16, 2015, 12:07:16 AM
I always love looking back at the 2010-2011 era when I wasn't there, and check how people panicked and screamed DOOM when Bitcoin lost a couple dollars. Will love to look back at this thread in a couple of years.
This is exactly what is happening now. And will we repeating itself as long as bitcoin will be here. People will be always doubtful. You can see that they were skeptical  back in 2011-2012, optimistic in 2013 and now we are going back to being grumpy again. I it is nice that Op had initiative to write this kind of post to recall us that we are just in the middle of our road and future is ahead of us.

Title: Re: An open letter to April 14th, 2018.
Post by: randy8777 on April 16, 2015, 01:18:44 AM
I always love looking back at the 2010-2011 era when I wasn't there, and check how people panicked and screamed DOOM when Bitcoin lost a couple dollars. Will love to look back at this thread in a couple of years.
This is exactly what is happening now. And will we repeating itself as long as bitcoin will be here. People will be always doubtful. You can see that they were skeptical  back in 2011-2012, optimistic in 2013 and now we are going back to being grumpy again. I it is nice that Op had initiative to write this kind of post to recall us that we are just in the middle of our road and future is ahead of us.

some people will smash their head on the wall for not buying at todays price if they look up their post 1 year later. instead of thinking people should do something. that way they don't miss out.

Title: Re: An open letter to April 14th, 2018.
Post by: --Encrypted-- on April 16, 2015, 02:49:17 AM
I'm going to hop in too.

How's it going, me? did you finally bought that certain ASIC that you wanted so much?
if by April 2018 bitcoin has raised to $2000 and you still haven't bought it, f*uck you and me. stop spending your money on worthless things ffs.

I'm bookmarking this post, don't you dare delete it, me.

Title: Re: An open letter to April 14th, 2018.
Post by: americanpegasus on April 16, 2015, 04:35:28 AM
I'm going to hop in too.

How's it going, me? did you finally bought that certain ASIC that you wanted so much?
if by April 2018 bitcoin has raised to $2000 and you still haven't bought it, f*uck you and me. stop spending your money on worthless things ffs.

I'm bookmarking this post, don't you dare delete it, me.

The problem with you as an individual buying an ASIC is its not cost effective right now unless you can get onto the bleeding edge of a new generation (unlikely).  No matter where the bitcoin price is, there will always be bigger warriors who will dominate the hash rate.  Your money is far better used to just buy actual coins, especially at the current channel-low prices.  
When you factor in that your ASIC will slowly lose relevance against better machines the choice becomes even clearer.  
This point drove it home for me:  If every millionaire in the U.S. alone wanted to own a few bitcoins... just in case it took off... they couldn't.  They would each get about 2.2 coins if *every* coin were distributed among them.  
So don't bother with buying an ASIC, unless you already have a stash and have other motives besides pure profit-driven ones.  As well remember to think in bits... you don't need $230 to buy a bitcoin all at once.  Nothing is stopping you from setting up a Coinbase account and buying 20,000 bits a week.  
Good luck.

Title: Re: An open letter to April 14th, 2018.
Post by: chaoman on April 18, 2015, 02:23:42 AM
hey future self. we made it! btw how does it feel to lose a few houses on dice sites? haha