Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Lending => Topic started by: skydust on August 22, 2012, 05:35:12 PM

Title: [repaid] 1 BTC loan
Post by: skydust on August 22, 2012, 05:35:12 PM
i'm looking for a small 1 BTC loan for 24 hours.
i will pay 1.2 BTC back.

Title: Re: 1 BTC loan
Post by: drrussellshane on August 22, 2012, 06:52:54 PM
Why do you want it?

Title: Re: 1 BTC loan
Post by: John (John K.) on August 22, 2012, 06:54:30 PM
As always, be careful on giving loans out. It's a PITA adding people to my list above.

Title: Re: 1 BTC loan
Post by: Tomatocage on August 22, 2012, 09:50:55 PM
i'm looking for a small 1 BTC loan for 24 hours.
i will pay 1.2 BTC back.
lol no you won't

Title: Re: 1 BTC loan
Post by: DannyHamilton on August 22, 2012, 10:07:47 PM
i'm looking for a small 1 BTC loan for 24 hours.
i will pay 1.2 BTC back.
Unfortunately you don't have any history in this forum.

I have no way to identify you, no way to collect on the loan if you don't pay, no collateral to compensate me for my loss if you fail to repay, no way to verify your ability to repay, no way to verify your history of reliably making payments.

You say you will repay plus an additional 0.2 BTC, but I really don't have any reason to believe you.

Title: Re: 1 BTC loan
Post by: live627 on August 23, 2012, 06:21:42 AM
i'm looking for a small 1 BTC loan for 24 hours.
i will pay 1.2 BTC back.
Are you just here to scam us?

Title: Re: 1 BTC loan
Post by: Buffer Overflow on August 23, 2012, 07:55:01 AM
What you going to do with 1 BTC?

Title: Re: 1 BTC loan
Post by: DannyHamilton on August 23, 2012, 08:04:04 AM

Before wasting everyone's time asking for a loan again, please use a bit of your own time to read and understand the following 2 topics:

Title: Re: 1 BTC loan
Post by: skydust on August 23, 2012, 02:00:49 PM
Why do you want it?

What you going to do with 1 BTC?

i want to get some experiences with the various bitcoin clients and to test a handful bitcoin projects.

As always, be careful on giving loans out. It's a PITA adding people to my list above.


lol no you won't

yes, i will pay back. 100%. i promise. really.

Unfortunately you don't have any history in this forum.

I have no way to identify you, no way to collect on the loan if you don't pay, no collateral to compensate me for my loss if you fail to repay, no way to verify your ability to repay, no way to verify your history of reliably making payments.

You say you will repay plus an additional 0.2 BTC, but I really don't have any reason to believe you.

ok, i respect your decision.

Are you just here to scam us?

no, i only want to discover the world of bitcoin before i'm going to buy some coins.


Before wasting everyone's time asking for a loan again, please use a bit of your own time to read and understand the following 2 topics:

i have read it, but this is a one time loan request, i won't start a new topic where i'm asking for a higher volume of coins.

Title: Re: 1 BTC loan
Post by: drrussellshane on August 23, 2012, 02:08:36 PM
How are you going to be able to pay back 1.2 BTC within one day?

Title: Re: 1 BTC loan
Post by: skydust on August 23, 2012, 02:59:00 PM
How are you going to be able to pay back 1.2 BTC within one day?
if something goes wrong, i will buy 2 bitcoins.

Title: Re: 1 BTC loan
Post by: DeathAndTaxes on August 23, 2012, 03:03:12 PM
if something goes wrong, i will buy 2 bitcoins.
What do you mean if something goes wrong.

If something goes right how will you repay the loan with interest without buying coins?
If you need to buy coins either way why not just buy coins?

BitInstant could get you coins in an hour and at less than 20% in fees.

Title: Re: 1 BTC loan
Post by: P4man on August 23, 2012, 03:05:46 PM
You cant get a 1 BTC loan here without explaining in detail how you intend to use that coin, how you will pay for the interest, without providing ID, social security number, copy of your last pay checks, 5 years of tax returns and giving your first born in escrow.

What you can get here without any of that, is a 500,000 BTC loan. So next time, thats what you should ask.

Title: Re: 1 BTC loan
Post by: skydust on August 23, 2012, 03:18:56 PM
What do you mean if something goes wrong.

If something goes right how will you repay the loan with interest without buying coins?
If you need to buy coins either way why not just buy coins?

BitInstant could get you coins in an hour and at less than 20% in fees.
i don't want to buy a full game until i have played the demo version first :)

Title: Re: 1 BTC loan
Post by: fabrizziop on August 23, 2012, 03:43:36 PM
What do you mean if something goes wrong.

If something goes right how will you repay the loan with interest without buying coins?
If you need to buy coins either way why not just buy coins?

BitInstant could get you coins in an hour and at less than 20% in fees.
i don't want to buy a full game until i have played the demo version first :)

And the demo version means playing with other people's money?, so if you lose it, you just discard this short-term identity and move on?.

Title: Re: 1 BTC loan
Post by: skydust on August 23, 2012, 04:31:18 PM
And the demo version means playing with other people's money?, so if you lose it, you just discard this short-term identity and move on?.
no, i want to test some alternative clients and sites and will pay the loan 100% back. i promise.

Title: Re: 1 BTC loan
Post by: Tomatocage on August 23, 2012, 04:34:11 PM

Title: Re: 1 BTC loan
Post by: Shadow383 on August 23, 2012, 04:34:57 PM
You cant get a 1 BTC loan here without explaining in detail how you intend to use that coin, how you will pay for the interest, without providing ID, social security number, copy of your last pay checks, 5 years of tax returns and giving your first born in escrow.

What you can get here without any of that, is a 500,000 BTC loan. So next time, thats what you should ask.

Title: Re: 1 BTC loan
Post by: DannyHamilton on August 23, 2012, 05:06:10 PM
i don't want to buy a full game until i have played the demo version first :)

You already have at least 0.00088 BTC.  "Play the demo version" with that.

If you want/need a bit more try the various bitcoin faucets:

Title: Re: 1 BTC loan
Post by: jcpham on August 23, 2012, 05:17:35 PM

repay 1.2BTC to 1JViqFW7W5cjFoTSi4rupH8qJBMw5JxXdU in 24 hours.

Title: Re: 1 BTC loan
Post by: terrytibbs on August 23, 2012, 05:20:19 PM

repay 1.2BTC to 1JViqFW7W5cjFoTSi4rupH8qJBMw5JxXdU in 24 hours.
Say bye-bye to your monies, Mr. Pham.

Title: Re: 1 BTC loan
Post by: muyuu on August 23, 2012, 05:23:12 PM
20%/day  ;D

Title: Re: 1 BTC loan
Post by: Tomatocage on August 23, 2012, 05:26:09 PM

repay 1.2BTC to 1JViqFW7W5cjFoTSi4rupH8qJBMw5JxXdU in 24 hours.
Say bye-bye to your monies, Mr. Pham.
B..b..but he promised.

Title: Re: 1 BTC loan
Post by: Tomatocage on August 23, 2012, 05:26:45 PM
Bye, Skydust!  Thanks for dropping in on the forum.  Great talking to you while you were here!

Title: Re: 1 BTC loan
Post by: drakahn on August 23, 2012, 05:28:47 PM

repay 1.2BTC to 1JViqFW7W5cjFoTSi4rupH8qJBMw5JxXdU in 24 hours.
Say bye-bye to your monies, Mr. Pham.
B..b..but he promised.
DO we expect a 10000BTC bet on whether or not this one pays?

Title: Re: 1 BTC loan
Post by: jcpham on August 23, 2012, 05:37:56 PM
Judge not, that ye be not judged.
For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.
And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?
Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye?
Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.
Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.

Drops the microphone.

Title: Re: 1 BTC loan
Post by: DannyHamilton on August 23, 2012, 07:54:51 PM
i want to get some experiences with the various bitcoin clients and to test a handful bitcoin projects.

So, what you meant to say was that you had an urge to gamble, and you'd prefer to do it with someone else's money?

It seems you got lucky and won your bet, so you now have the 1.2 BTC to pay jcpham back (1.248962 BTC to be exact).  Will you be doing that right away and keeping the extra 0.048962 BTC for yourself? Or, are you greedy and going to continue to gamble with his money increasing the risk that you won't have enough to pay back the loan in full?

Title: Re: 1 BTC loan
Post by: jwzguy on August 23, 2012, 08:13:57 PM
Is anyone surprised?

Title: Re: 1 BTC loan
Post by: terrytibbs on August 23, 2012, 08:50:38 PM

Title: Re: 1 BTC loan
Post by: jcpham on August 23, 2012, 08:56:09 PM
i want to get some experiences with the various bitcoin clients and to test a handful bitcoin projects.

So, what you meant to say was that you had an urge to gamble, and you'd prefer to do it with someone else's money?

It seems you got lucky and won your bet, so you now have the 1.2 BTC to pay jcpham back (1.248962 BTC to be exact).  Will you be doing that right away and keeping the extra 0.048962 BTC for yourself? Or, are you greedy and going to continue to gamble with his money increasing the risk that you won't have enough to pay back the loan in full?

I am much more intrigued now. Let's not be so dismissive of people. With great risk comes great reward.

Title: Re: 1 BTC loan
Post by: Tomatocage on August 23, 2012, 09:02:03 PM
I am much more intrigued now. Let's not be so dismissive of people. With great risk comes great reward.

You mean with no risk comes great reward.

Title: Re: 1 BTC loan
Post by: DannyHamilton on August 23, 2012, 09:09:03 PM
With great risk comes great reward.
Not necessarily.

I am much more intrigued now. Let's not be so dismissive of people.
He seems to have received an additional 0.4 BTC from the address 15fQ9aw3iRrKT1d6ojZkUudHyLMYaBvxGT, so either he found himself another lender, or he had about 100 BTC  stashed in 1ERaFrkrrdFUprEZvZyjeBKjX35KiV8BW7 and 18Xdi5MLCF2Pn7Ur2EKThrJ11beVteu6PS and used 15fQ9aw3iRrKT1d6ojZkUudHyLMYaBvxGT as a "pass-thru" address. Can't really tell which it is without knowing the ownership of at least one of the following addresses:


It's sort of interesting to watch as the coin bounces around though.

Title: Re: 1 BTC loan
Post by: DannyHamilton on August 23, 2012, 09:40:23 PM
Oooh, fun. Looks like maybe a mixing service of some sort?

0.5 BTC sent FROM 1sky4vMh7e4FCBf9H3jnq5XkRXknLuq53 TO 1FpZuoLRmHi4V9fzJLkUyVBYd7DqnMdWC2


2.099 BTC sent FROM 1FpZuoLRmHi4V9fzJLkUyVBYd7DqnMdWC2 (and 2 other addresses) TO 1xAs5ijYJG61hPUyrttRHys5DqrevjMfo and 1DcomNAUjZygzBdRZPS2PnmJ6GXnDrw8cP

From there a whole lot of coins sent a whole lot of places, and eventually

0.5 BTC send FROM 14erdqJ2yZtNXB1Wm59qFZjpUrw7cabBaw TO 1sky4vMh7e4FCBf9H3jnq5XkRXknLuq53

Title: Re: 1 BTC loan
Post by: skydust on August 24, 2012, 03:57:08 PM
Oooh, fun. Looks like maybe a mixing service of some sort?

0.5 BTC sent FROM 1sky4vMh7e4FCBf9H3jnq5XkRXknLuq53 TO 1FpZuoLRmHi4V9fzJLkUyVBYd7DqnMdWC2

the right answer is:


repay 1.2BTC to 1JViqFW7W5cjFoTSi4rupH8qJBMw5JxXdU in 24 hours.

thank you for your trust jcpham, 1.2 BTC repaid.
tx: fc284627049e03fdb496a4b4d3d2cf13717e1ca2d575401aaff133daa1399967

Title: Re: 1 BTC loan
Post by: terrytibbs on August 24, 2012, 04:03:29 PM
inb4 second, larger loan

Title: Re: 1 BTC loan
Post by: jcpham on August 24, 2012, 04:16:46 PM
Oooh, fun. Looks like maybe a mixing service of some sort?

0.5 BTC sent FROM 1sky4vMh7e4FCBf9H3jnq5XkRXknLuq53 TO 1FpZuoLRmHi4V9fzJLkUyVBYd7DqnMdWC2

the right answer is:


repay 1.2BTC to 1JViqFW7W5cjFoTSi4rupH8qJBMw5JxXdU in 24 hours.

thank you for your trust jcpham, 1.2 BTC repaid.
tx: fc284627049e03fdb496a4b4d3d2cf13717e1ca2d575401aaff133daa1399967

no problem :)

Title: Re: 1 BTC loan
Post by: fabrizziop on August 24, 2012, 06:46:13 PM
inb4 second, larger loan

you know, dank style.

Title: Re: 1 BTC loan
Post by: nimda on August 24, 2012, 06:55:19 PM
inb4 skydust is jcpham

Title: Re: 1 BTC loan
Post by: fabrizziop on August 24, 2012, 07:03:07 PM
inb4 skydust is jcpham

Did you honestly just accuse me of being someone else? Seriously...
No offense but some of you guys have issues you need to work out with a professional.
I can't help you trust people.

In the lending subforum most are paranoid. You can see all kinds of elaborated scams around here, so everyone suspects about everyone.

Title: Re: 1 BTC loan
Post by: nimda on August 24, 2012, 07:07:26 PM
inb4 skydust is jcpham

Did you honestly just accuse me of being someone else? Seriously...
No offense but some of you guys have issues you need to work out with a professional.
I can't help you trust people.
Care to tell me why you accepted this loan?

I'll go make a sockpuppet now -- hopefully you'll accept that loan too.

Title: Re: 1 BTC loan
Post by: drrussellshane on August 24, 2012, 07:30:26 PM
I'm not a "hater". LOL.

I was just curious why someone would need 1 BTC, and how they plan on paying back 1.2 BTC the very next day.

It was legitimate curiosity.

My internal guess was that someone wanted to play satoshidice.

Title: Re: 1 BTC loan
Post by: nimda on August 24, 2012, 07:30:38 PM
inb4 skydust is jcpham

Did you honestly just accuse me of being someone else? Seriously...
No offense but some of you guys have issues you need to work out with a professional.
I can't help you trust people.
Care to tell me why you accepted this loan?

I'll go make a sockpuppet now -- hopefully you'll accept that loan too.

Fine. Point for point, let me explain to you why I think you are all asses; especially each person that has questioned or made fun of me and the OP (over one bitcoin).

1. He has a vanity address, I don't even have a vanity address or care enough to make one. Looks like he took the time to establish an identity or presence here, which I won't even do.
I'll keep that in mind when I make my sockpuppet

2. He also took the time to quote-for-quote reply to each hater/questionator in this thread. Which I respect, tbh.
Without actually addressing the criticisms

3. Finally, It is still just one bitcoin and you can kiss my ass and I can do whatever the fuck I want to do with it in the end. Quit trying to police everyone, it isn't your goddamn job. If I want to loan money wildly to people who, according to the smarties on this forum, who blindly call out new users as scammers; well, this is my choice. When you make fun of me or tease me baselessly you show your ignorance in a way that I guess you just don't understand.
Sure, you can send your money to whomever you chose. However, enough scams happen on these forums that it would be wrong to not warn people of them.

4. PS. 20%/day isn't bad.
It's bad for the borrower. Get a cash advance on your credit card or talk to the mob... or just buy a bitcoin yourself and sell it when you're done with it. Even that last method won't cost you 20%.
I'm not like you and I'd hate to be like you is my point. Leave me alone and go enjoy your day. Quite frankly, you are wasting my time. I don't understand why I have to explain myself; I don't plan to make a habit of it either.
You have to explain yourself because "non-established user makes a successful loan to a newbie with no rep" is a very tired tactic on these forums, and almost every time it happens, both newbies either vanish or turn out to be scammers.

Title: Re: 1 BTC loan
Post by: HeavyMetal on August 24, 2012, 09:13:11 PM
Geez folks. If you don't want to offer the loan then just don't do it and move on. If someone else gives the loan, and gets paid back then that is between exactly 2 people.

The lender and borrower are the only people with anything to say on this matter and the way you folks have trolled this thread with unfounded accusation is deplorable.

By most standards the borrower was a poor credit risk, but that does not make him a scammer automatically. The fact that the accusation continued after the loan was paid back just goes to show that minds were already made up.

Title: Re: 1 BTC loan
Post by: bogidu on August 24, 2012, 09:24:12 PM
Oh cool!  Can someone lend me 1btc?  Same terms as the first guy?

Title: Re: 1 BTC loan
Post by: nimda on August 24, 2012, 09:26:54 PM
Geez folks. If you don't want to offer the loan then just don't do it and move on. If someone else gives the loan, and gets paid back then that is between exactly 2 people.

The lender and borrower are the only people with anything to say on this matter and the way you folks have trolled this thread with unfounded accusation is deplorable.

By most standards the borrower was a poor credit risk, but that does not make him a scammer automatically. The fact that the accusation continued after the loan was paid back just goes to show that minds were already made up.
By this I take it that you believe:
- If someone notices a security flaw or a scammer, they should keep quiet and allow others to lose their money
- If someone notices an obvious "confidence loan," they should keep quiet and not warn others that it's probably just a scam-preceding reputation ploy.

Are you a social darwinist?

Title: Re: 1 BTC loan
Post by: HeavyMetal on August 24, 2012, 10:10:15 PM
By this I take it that you believe:
- If someone notices a security flaw or a scammer, they should keep quiet and allow others to lose their money
- If someone notices an obvious "confidence loan," they should keep quiet and not warn others that it's probably just a scam-preceding reputation ploy.

Are you a social darwinist?

Perhaps I am naive.

There is however a difference in warning about a potential danger and outright calling someone a scammer or saying two people are the same person.

Example(not quoting anyone specific):

"Be careful as people with low reputations may not intend to pay back" or "There is a danger that both people are the same person trying to create the appearance of a reputation" <-- reasonable

"This person is clearly a scammer" or "There two people are clearly the same person" <-- baseless and unnecessary.

I don't know what social darwinism is. I do believe in assuming good faith when it is reasonable to do so, this does not mean extending credit but it does mean not accusing without basis.

The very best business relationships I have developed started with an assumption of good faith by either myself or the other party.