Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Legal => Topic started by: on April 16, 2015, 05:18:58 AM

Title: American Bar Association Teaching Bitcoin to Lawyers
Post by: on April 16, 2015, 05:18:58 AM
American Bar Association Teaching Bitcoin to Lawyers

The program will analyze the latest events in regulatory compliance and law enforcement efforts directed at digital currency. The panel will explore what regulators and law enforcement officials are focused on, and the different types of enforcement mechanisms employed on both the state and federal levels.

Title: Re: American Bar Association Teaching Bitcoin to Lawyers
Post by: evenlydistributingfuture on June 05, 2015, 09:14:54 PM
I hope those lawyers in attendance learn some things, but I doubt any of them will come away from this program with their minds changed. Whatever they thought going in, I imagine will be amplified coming out.

If they figured BTC had some potential, or if they thought it was digital tax haven for smugglers and gambling, I think they still will.

If all they're going to talk about is the legality of X or the regulatory aspect of Y, the broader conceptual highlights will be passed over in favor of minutiae like what tax rate to apply here, or which jurisdiction has authority there. That's too overly simplified.

I bet a lot of lawyers there will just choose this for what they see as easy CLE hours, not because they are actually all that interested.

Title: Re: American Bar Association Teaching Bitcoin to Lawyers
Post by: TheButterZone on June 06, 2015, 12:15:41 AM
ABA supports infringing the fundamental human right to self-defense, so I wouldn't be surprised to see them teaching infringing victimless economic liberty as well.

Title: Re: American Bar Association Teaching Bitcoin to Lawyers
Post by: anderson00673 on June 08, 2015, 12:59:54 AM
This is just another piggy bank for lawyers to dip their hands into.  Before too long there will be (more) convoluted laws to traverse when using bitcoins.  This is where they make the big bucks.  They write the laws in some secret code that only they know, and then you have to pay them to decipher it.  Damn I hate lawyers.

Title: Re: American Bar Association Teaching Bitcoin to Lawyers
Post by: sherbyspark on June 11, 2015, 12:34:06 AM
This is just another piggy bank for lawyers to dip their hands into.  Before too long there will be (more) convoluted laws to traverse when using bitcoins.  This is where they make the big bucks.  They write the laws in some secret code that only they know, and then you have to pay them to decipher it.  Damn I hate lawyers.

Its not going to be a bad thing to have lawyers specially for bitcoins. What is needed more is Cyber cops who could help in tracking down thefts and scams related to bitcoins. I could imagine lawyers to be in high use once government starts regulating it, and takes steps to stop money laundering and all.

Title: Re: American Bar Association Teaching Bitcoin to Lawyers
Post by: Buttknuckle on June 11, 2015, 12:06:56 PM
Great, just what we need.  More lawyers.