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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: uglybird on April 18, 2015, 05:34:24 AM

Title: Are You Voting For Rand Paul?
Post by: uglybird on April 18, 2015, 05:34:24 AM
Giving Rand Paul bitcoin donation is another thing.

The question is are you going to vote for him?

How many here practice their right to vote?

Title: Re: Are You Voting For Rand Paul?
Post by: notlist3d on April 18, 2015, 06:10:18 AM
I will vote, however I have not made my mind at all yet.  It will be a while till it get's down to the serious candidates, just so many come out to run at first.

As far as Rand Paul I think he will get some of the young vote.  But I just don't see him getting party support to be main candidate.

Title: Re: Are You Voting For Rand Paul?
Post by: bryant.coleman on April 18, 2015, 09:15:11 AM
If I had voting rights in the United States, then I would have definitely voted for him (provided he wins the Republican primary). He is miles ahead of everyone else, and if Hillary is his main opponent, then there is not much to think about it.

Title: Re: Are You Voting For Rand Paul?
Post by: umairsaleem on April 18, 2015, 09:40:31 AM
I vote for Paul Walker.  :)

Title: Re: Are You Voting For Rand Paul?
Post by: Gervais on April 18, 2015, 12:48:38 PM
Why would anyone vote for this guy? He's no different to any of the other candidates and if he got in (which he wont) he'd just behave the same as exactly any of the other Presidents that came before him or the one that will win the election (likely Billary).

He's a phony libertarian just like his father.

Title: Re: Are You Voting For Rand Paul?
Post by: jaysabi on April 19, 2015, 12:16:56 AM
I'll might vote for him in the primary in my state, but definitely will not in the general election. Although he severely hurt his chances to get my vote in the primary by pandering to anti-vaxers. I might just cast a protest vote against any other democrat than Hillary instead.

Title: Re: Are You Voting For Rand Paul?
Post by: Chef Ramsay on April 19, 2015, 02:47:47 AM
Why would anyone vote for this guy? He's no different to any of the other candidates and if he got in (which he wont) he'd just behave the same as exactly any of the other Presidents that came before him or the one that will win the election (likely Billary).

He's a phony libertarian just like his father.
Oh come on. For one, the only real libertarian is someone that doesn't want to use coercion to achieve political or social goals, thus only a voluntaryist or anarcho-capitalist would be a legitimate version of a real and true libertarian. Politics, voting, what have you by default is participation in government and using it for your end goals. Salon, out of all places, is some far out progressive fish wrapper of a website and they are scared that Rand can appeal to many true progressives on things like foreign policy, reigning in wall street/banker bailouts, civil liberties reforms - all of which Hillary is terrible on and is equal to the likes of Dick Cheney on.

Things are stacked against third parties so the only political means of bringing real liberty into the discussion is injecting libertarians as republicans into local, state and federal offices and building coalitions. Furthermore, as so-called real libertarians that have nothing going for them, you need higher level mouth pieces like Rand to get these issues out into the public mindset.

Title: Re: Are You Voting For Rand Paul?
Post by: grendel25 on April 19, 2015, 05:58:59 AM
I lean left on most issues but I'd vote for Rand Paul before Hillary Clinton.  I imagine that's what it will come to.  I can't stand this mass-hysteria in America... "Hillary the inevitable..."  what nonsense.  I'm sorry, but Hillary doesn't have what it takes to be President.  I don't trust her and I don't think she's strong enough.  She called in sick and has dodged Benghazi hearing.  You don't pull up lame and shirk Secretary of Defense duties like that and expect to get my vote.  I love Obama.  Can't stand Hillary.  I'd vote for her husband before I'd vote for her.

I'd vote for Bill Clinton.  Actually, Elizabeth Warren is a better candidate than Hillary Clinton.   I hope Hillary gets heckled into oblivion.  I don't see how shes so "inevitable".

Title: Re: Are You Voting For Rand Paul?
Post by: iCEBREAKER on April 19, 2015, 06:02:41 AM
Why would anyone vote for this guy? He's no different to any of the other candidates and if he got in (which he wont) he'd just behave the same as exactly any of the other Presidents that came before him or the one that will win the election (likely Billary).

He's a phony libertarian just like his father.

Yah, I heard they aren't True Scotsmen either.   ::)

Title: Re: Are You Voting For Rand Paul?
Post by: Chef Ramsay on April 19, 2015, 08:19:06 PM
I lean left on most issues but I'd vote for Rand Paul before Hillary Clinton.  I imagine that's what it will come to.  I can't stand this mass-hysteria in America... "Hillary the inevitable..."  what nonsense.  I'm sorry, but Hillary doesn't have what it takes to be President.  I don't trust her and I don't think she's strong enough.  She called in sick and has dodged Benghazi hearing.  You don't pull up lame and shirk Secretary of Defense duties like that and expect to get my vote.  I love Obama.  Can't stand Hillary.  I'd vote for her husband before I'd vote for her.

I'd vote for Bill Clinton.  Actually, Elizabeth Warren is a better candidate than Hillary Clinton.   I hope Hillary gets heckled into oblivion.  I don't see how shes so "inevitable".
You must be a left-leaning libertarian of sorts because very few progressives would be so truthful w/ themselves in regards to Hillary and seeing what she's really about. I'll have to disagree w/ ya on voting for the guy that most normal people wouldn't want their daughter encountering in a room w/o supervision. ;)