Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Altcoin Discussion => Topic started by: p2pbucks on April 20, 2015, 01:41:06 PM

Title: boycott bitcoin2.0 scamcoin they are crashing the market
Post by: p2pbucks on April 20, 2015, 01:41:06 PM
Yes , at least  bitcoin2.0 scamcoins really contributed a lot in 2014 market crash .
Ethereum , bitshares ,  MaidSafeCoin , Mastercoin , Stellar etc.... what they did is the same :
1. claim themselves the more advanced crypto  than bitcoin on BTT & Reddit
2. do a crowdfunding then raise tons of bitcoins
3. dump these bitcoins to crash the market

let's see these scamcoins

ethereum :  smart contract and decentralized app still under development  (i still cant figure out why app needs to be decentralized)
bitshares :  aim to create stable digital asset ( even can't maintain a stable blockchain , hardfork to hell )
MaidSafeCoin : The new decentralized internet ? ( internet is already decentralized)
Mastercoin : almost dead ?
Stellar : a ripple clone
factom : store the hash on bitcoin blockchain (  another DHT network  clone )
etc ....


So what the outsiders think when these scamcoins claim they are bitcoin2.0 ?
They will not put money into bitcoin market at least this moment .
As a result main stream media are keep saying bullshit like " blockchain tech is better than bitcoin" ," bitcoin will die and blockchain will successed ", but in fact  they fundamentally don't know what's blockchain .

OK , It's time to end this . let's boycott these bitcoin2.0 scamcoin !

Title: Re: boycott bitcoin2.0 scamcoin they are crashing the market
Post by: coin@coin on April 20, 2015, 01:52:10 PM
How about let's boycott bagholders, all you care about is the price of BTC.
I think if you support BTC you shouldn't worry about the price but support it and use it.

The price is not getting crushed by the projects you mentioned but by the fact that BTC is being used more and more widely and the transaction amounts are getting smaller.
Sometimes I'm surprised to what length bagholders would go just to protect their investments.

If you bought into BTC at a high price is no ones fault. Can only blame yourself.

And the fact that the price of BTC goes up and down is nothing new, it was pumped to over $1200 by MtGox, now the party is over.
If you support BTC for what it is then stop crying and blaming someone else for it.

Use it, promote it, create something with it or on top of it. But don't raise FUD about projects that are actually trying to do something useful which in turn will reflect well on Bitcoin too.

Title: Re: boycott bitcoin2.0 scamcoin they are crashing the market
Post by: p2pbucks on April 20, 2015, 01:56:33 PM
How about let's boycott bagholders, all you care about is the price of BTC.
I think if you support BTC you shouldn't worry about the price but support it and use it.

The price is not getting crushed by the projects you mentioned but by the fact that BTC is being used more and more widely and the transaction amounts are getting smaller.
Sometimes I'm surprised to what length bagholders would go just to protect their investments.

If you bought into BTC at a high price is no ones fault. Can only blame yourself.

And the fact that the price of BTC goes up and down is nothing new, it was pumped to over $1200 by MtGox, now the party is over.
If you support BTC for what it is then stop crying and blaming someone else for it.

Use it, promote it, create something with it or on top of it. But don't raise FUD about projects that are actually trying to do something useful which in turn will reflect well on Bitcoin too.

Yes , i care about bitcoin price and marketcap , it's nothing to be shamed .
The higher price the more powerful of bitcoin eco system .

Use it, promote it, create something with it or on top of it. But don't raise FUD about projects that are actually trying to do something useful which in turn will reflect well on Bitcoin too.

FUD what ? Please point out

Title: Re: boycott bitcoin2.0 scamcoin they are crashing the market
Post by: Netnox on April 20, 2015, 02:02:49 PM
Well if you raise a million and after a couple months you have 500k then i understand why they decide to not keep funds in Bitcoin and bitcoin 2.0 is just extra service layers on top of bitcoin technology.

Title: Re: boycott bitcoin2.0 scamcoin they are crashing the market
Post by: redsn0w on April 20, 2015, 02:05:42 PM
What is the problem if someone do that thing? We are in a decentralised 'world' and everyone has the right to choose the coin that he 'likes' and obviously to issue his money. The problem of proclaim themselves better than bitcoin itself ... in that case it is not a problem. As I said everyone can choose his coin and everyone have a "brain".

Title: Re: boycott bitcoin2.0 scamcoin they are crashing the market
Post by: Amph on April 20, 2015, 02:06:34 PM
the real point is, there are at least proofs that all those funds are going into those projects or their are just being dumped to enrich the developers?

i still think that they raised too much money for projects like those

Title: Re: boycott bitcoin2.0 scamcoin they are crashing the market
Post by: p2pbucks on April 20, 2015, 02:07:22 PM
Well if you raise a million and after a couple months you have 500k then i understand why they decide to not keep funds in Bitcoin.
bitcoin is not fiat
Raise funds in bitcoin is not protected by law in many countries , fundraiser can scam you anytime . that's the main reason.

Title: Re: boycott bitcoin2.0 scamcoin they are crashing the market
Post by: Grg on April 20, 2015, 02:07:27 PM
Stop, wait, wuuuut?

Bitcoin is just a application where the block chain is used as a value/currency.
You ought to see that using blockchain as a currency is like.. driving a koenigsegg, but never faster then 10mph.

BTC will never be able to take the leap that a new coins with better features will be able to do..

Some of these new coins is what will change the game of crypto. THEN you'll get the btc-race you really want.. (for a while)


Title: Re: boycott bitcoin2.0 scamcoin they are crashing the market
Post by: DooMAD on April 20, 2015, 02:15:46 PM
The fact remains that altcoins serve as a vital testbed for features that wouldn't be practical to implement into bitcoin without knowing if they're going to work or not.  Things like decentralised exchange, naming services, voting systems and assets are all things which altcoin can do exceedingly well.  But these features need to be tested over a significant period before we try to use them in Bitcoin.  Sure there are scamcoins out there, but not every alt is worthless.  Also, if your only concern is the fiat value of your BTC, your opinion is far more worthless than any shitcoin you care to mention, so you should just cash out now.

Title: Re: boycott bitcoin2.0 scamcoin they are crashing the market
Post by: redsn0w on April 20, 2015, 02:18:29 PM
the real point is, there are at least proofs that all those funds are going into those projects or their are just being dumped to enrich the developers?

i still think that they raised too much money for projects like those

If we take ethereum as example, they have raised 31'000 bitcoins (correct me if I am wrong) but what did they do with those btc? Where is the ethereum 'coin' ? How much time is passed?

Title: Re: boycott bitcoin2.0 scamcoin they are crashing the market
Post by: p2pbucks on April 20, 2015, 02:24:15 PM
The fact remains that altcoins serve as a vital testbed for features that wouldn't be practical to implement into bitcoin without knowing if they're going to work or not.  Things like decentralised exchange, naming services, voting systems and assets are all things which altcoin can do exceedingly well.  But these features need to be tested over a significant period before we try to use them in Bitcoin.  Sure there are scamcoins out there, but not every alt is worthless.  Also, if your only concern is the fiat value of your BTC, your opinion is far more worthless than any shitcoin you care to mention, so you should just cash out now.

I am sorry If you bought tons of scamcoins i mentioned above .

Title: Re: boycott bitcoin2.0 scamcoin they are crashing the market
Post by: DooMAD on April 20, 2015, 03:01:38 PM
The fact remains that altcoins serve as a vital testbed for features that wouldn't be practical to implement into bitcoin without knowing if they're going to work or not.  Things like decentralised exchange, naming services, voting systems and assets are all things which altcoin can do exceedingly well.  But these features need to be tested over a significant period before we try to use them in Bitcoin.  Sure there are scamcoins out there, but not every alt is worthless.  Also, if your only concern is the fiat value of your BTC, your opinion is far more worthless than any shitcoin you care to mention, so you should just cash out now.

I am sorry If you bought tons of scamcoins i mentioned above .

For someone with the line "Evolution is the only way to survive" under their avatar, I'd have expected a little less sanctimony.  If an alt has a new feature, why shouldn't it be given a chance?  How else do you suppose things are going to evolve?

I've no reason to be dishonest, so yeah, I own some Bitshares and a tiny bit of Maidsafe (and I mean tiny).  I think they have some interesting ideas, so why not?  I'm not putting in more than I can afford to lose, so I won't be posting threads whining about their value if they don't work out.  As for the others, I'm still not convinced Ethereum isn't vapourware.  Wouldn't touch Ripple and Stellar with the world's longest bargepole.  Don't know much about Mastercoin, never took any notice of it.

The ones I'm keenly focused on right now are Qora and Burst.  They're the coins leading the way in decentralised exchange.  If what they're working on turns out as planned, it could potentially mean an end to the reliance on centralised exchanges to trade between alts.  You'll be able to hop directly from one blockchain to another with no intermediaries.  If it works, that has huge potential.  If, on the other hand, it crashes and burns, then it doesn't hurt Bitcoin one iota.  Or would you prefer it if something untested like that was thrown in to Bitcoin's core and started causing havoc with the network?  That would definitely give you something to complain about.

Title: Re: boycott bitcoin2.0 scamcoin they are crashing the market
Post by: Snail2 on April 20, 2015, 03:12:40 PM
I've made some nice profit on Stellar and Bitshares, so no problem for me. BTW these coins an your list were the most inventious altcoins in the last year. I think the copy-paste shitcoins without any new features are much more damging then those what you listed. Not because of the impact on BTC price but because of the damage on the reputation of all cryptoes.

Title: Re: boycott bitcoin2.0 scamcoin they are crashing the market
Post by: Hazir on April 20, 2015, 03:26:50 PM
I feel worried for Bitcoin is that when it does catch on you'll have alt coins that for law abiding companies are at least every bit as good as Bitcoin or probably better. Coins with tracking, chargeback function and able to be blacklisted would be present on the financial market. Then what?

Title: Re: boycott bitcoin2.0 scamcoin they are crashing the market
Post by: BillyBobZorton on April 20, 2015, 03:28:25 PM
Yes , at least  bitcoin2.0 scamcoins really contributed a lot in 2014 market crash .
Ethereum , bitshares ,  MaidSafeCoin , Mastercoin , Stellar etc.... what they did is the same :
1. claim themselves the more advanced crypto  than bitcoin on BTT & Reddit
2. do a crowdfunding then raise tons of bitcoins
3. dump these bitcoins to crash the market

let's see these scamcoins

ethereum :  smart contract and decentralized app still under development  (i still cant figure out why app needs to be decentralized)
bitshares :  aim to create stable digital asset ( even can't maintain a stable blockchain , hardfork to hell )
MaidSafeCoin : The new decentralized internet ? ( internet is already decentralized)
Mastercoin : almost dead ?
Stellar : a ripple clone
factom : store the hash on bitcoin blockchain (  another DHT network  clone )
etc ....


So what the outsiders think when these scamcoins claim they are bitcoin2.0 ?
They will not put money into bitcoin market at least this moment .
As a result main stream media are keep saying bullshit like " blockchain tech is better than bitcoin" ," bitcoin will die and blockchain will successed ", but in fact  they fundamentally don't know what's blockchain .

OK , It's time to end this . let's boycott these bitcoin2.0 scamcoin !

You seem to be completely clueless.
MaidSafeCoin : The new decentralized internet ? ( internet is already decentralized)

Stopped reading there.

I don't know about the rest of projects, they don't convince me.. but Maidsafe does. Maidsafe is extremely legit. You need to research more before you throw these accusations. Lol at "internet is already decentralized". How is the internet decentralized if it requires you to hire servers to hosts basically anything? you are seriously clueless. Maidsafe will x10 in the following months, mark my words. This is a, for once, legit project worth investing in.

Might I add, Maidsafe is OLDER than Bitcoin, started in 2006.

Title: Re: boycott bitcoin2.0 scamcoin they are crashing the market
Post by: fox19891989 on April 21, 2015, 07:55:11 AM
the real point is, there are at least proofs that all those funds are going into those projects or their are just being dumped to enrich the developers?

i still think that they raised too much money for projects like those

Yes, ethereum's devs are eating popcorns, watching and mocking pathetic investors. They still don't release their products, devs are fucking rich now, but investors are helpless and nervous, SEC can't help them get the money because BTC is not fiat. Fortunately I boycotted it so that I didn't buy any ethereums :D

Title: Re: boycott bitcoin2.0 scamcoin they are crashing the market
Post by: Elwar on April 21, 2015, 09:15:26 AM
Bitcoin can be used to pay for startup companies.

Just one more thing that Bitcoin can be used for.

Title: Re: boycott bitcoin2.0 scamcoin they are crashing the market
Post by: UsernameBitcoin on April 21, 2015, 09:20:19 AM
Yes , at least  bitcoin2.0 scamcoins really contributed a lot in 2014 market crash .
Ethereum , bitshares ,  MaidSafeCoin , Mastercoin , Stellar etc.... what they did is the same ...

Congrats, dumbest post for a long time.
First of all, competition is good, boycott is silly, the market decides.
2. the more products/ services (yes, even scam coins are products) you can buy with Bitcoin, the better for the Bitcoin economy. The point of Bitcoin is not collecting but using them. Cryptos are obviously not your thing, because you don't have a clue about economics, so maybe you should focus on collecting old toys or paintings as an investment.
3. before the Bitcoins were dumped by the evil developers, they were bought by the investors. That means if any devaluation happened, than it was devaluation of fiat money but not cryptos.
4. when you talk of scam coins, you could at least have mentioned scam coins (e.g. Paycoin). The ones you talk about offer something different/ additional to Bitcoin. I mean, if you really think MaidSafe is just about a decentralized internet, then it shows that you clearly have no idea.
5. why do I even reply to this...?

Title: Re: boycott bitcoin2.0 scamcoin they are crashing the market
Post by: WhatTheGox on April 21, 2015, 09:23:52 AM
Yes , at least  bitcoin2.0 scamcoins really contributed a lot in 2014 market crash .

They might bring in as much new blood as gets taken out? i dont know they are a bit of a distraction but look at how well dogecoin spread through social media.  Then when people realize dogecoin was a pile of crap gimmick they come back to bitcoin.  I'd be more worried if i was into altcoins in a big way by the creation of more bitcoin copy altcoins.  As personal advice to anyone you are mostly wasting your time with altcoins though until something comes along which is truly unique.

Title: Re: boycott bitcoin2.0 scamcoin they are crashing the market
Post by: bryant.coleman on April 21, 2015, 09:55:00 AM
While trying to create Bitcoin 2.0, they will kill the original Bitcoin. And in the end, we will lose whatever we had, and will not gain anything extra.  ;D

Title: Re: boycott bitcoin2.0 scamcoin they are crashing the market
Post by: b-trading on April 21, 2015, 10:15:44 AM
Before...i really interesting of altcoin...but now...i dont like is only bull shit...the real cryptocurrency is only the Bitcoin

Title: Re: boycott bitcoin2.0 scamcoin they are crashing the market
Post by: Fernandez on April 21, 2015, 10:31:10 AM
Someone is really angry at the price ;D
Advise to OP, buck up as prices will likely go down more. Maybe find some more things to blame.

OK , It's time to end this . let's boycott these bitcoin2.0 scamcoin !

Yeah, lets stop all kind of innovation and any attempt to improve.

Title: Re: boycott bitcoin2.0 scamcoin they are crashing the market
Post by: S4VV4S on April 21, 2015, 10:38:22 AM
There is no such thing as "Bitcoin 2.0".
Bitcoin is at 0.10.0 and still in beta version.

Apart from that @OP -> Stellar and Ripple as Bitcoin 2.0?


Title: Re: boycott bitcoin2.0 scamcoin they are crashing the market
Post by: Q7 on April 21, 2015, 10:55:34 AM
In the first place, we shouldn't refer to these coins as bitcoin 2.0. Stop giving them this name. The word "bitcoin" 2.0 itself is misleading as people might thought that the project is funded by bitcoin or having the impression that it's part of bitcoin but it's actually not. Geeks or any bitcoin fans for that matter would know how to differentiate between what's real and what's flux but definitely not common individuals. If only we can do something to prevent the term to be used freely

Title: Re: boycott bitcoin2.0 scamcoin they are crashing the market
Post by: amiryaqot on April 21, 2015, 10:55:50 AM
There is no such thing as "Bitcoin 2.0".
Bitcoin is at 0.10.0 and still in beta version.

Apart from that @OP -> Stellar and Ripple as Bitcoin 2.0?


 true that sounds awesome Bitcoin 2.0 but in amazing graphics to sell shitcoin to others for getting much high profit from creating these kind of shit and run away from that money. ;)

Title: Re: boycott bitcoin2.0 scamcoin they are crashing the market
Post by: redsn0w on April 21, 2015, 11:10:36 AM
There is no such thing as "Bitcoin 2.0".
Bitcoin is at 0.10.0 and still in beta version.

Apart from that @OP -> Stellar and Ripple as Bitcoin 2.0?


 true that sounds awesome Bitcoin 2.0 but in amazing graphics to sell shitcoin to others for getting much high profit from creating these kind of shit and run away from that money. ;)

For who created those coin 'yes' but not for all the bitcoiners and the bitcoin dev team. Them are only to be considered as 'altcoin' because they don't improve the decentralised concept as bitcoin (with all its defects).

Title: Re: boycott bitcoin2.0 scamcoin they are crashing the market
Post by: ensurance982 on April 21, 2015, 11:13:09 AM
We're in a scene of innovations and start-ups. This exact process is the way things work. It's much like things work (or should work) at a university: You go and try things out, then improve them, fail, repeat, etc... You can't blame them for not being successful! Can you?

Title: Re: boycott bitcoin2.0 scamcoin they are crashing the market
Post by: redsn0w on April 21, 2015, 11:18:50 AM
We're in a scene of innovations and start-ups. This exact process is the way things work. It's much like things work (or should work) at a university: You go and try things out, then improve them, fail, repeat, etc...

It is obviously than one day it will be created a new concept much better than the actual 'bitcoin' but now they can't proclaim themselves bitcoin 2.0, because they are not bitcoin 2.0 ::).

You can't blame them for not being successful! Can you?

We cannot blame them, but like I said previously before start to proclaim themselves 'bitcoin 2.0' they should improve their concept of decentralisation.

Title: Re: boycott bitcoin2.0 scamcoin they are crashing the market
Post by: p2pbucks on April 21, 2015, 11:21:43 AM
OK , It's time to end this . let's boycott these bitcoin2.0 scamcoin !

Yeah, lets stop all kind of innovation and any attempt to improve.

If there will be a true  innovation these altcoin creators should raise funds in fiat from VC .  But why don't they ?  There is no innovation , only cheat ( at least most of them).

Title: Re: boycott bitcoin2.0 scamcoin they are crashing the market
Post by: herzmeister on April 21, 2015, 11:27:18 AM

I don't know about the rest of projects, they don't convince me.. but Maidsafe does. Maidsafe is extremely legit. You need to research more before you throw these accusations. Lol at "internet is already decentralized". How is the internet decentralized if it requires you to hire servers to hosts basically anything? you are seriously clueless. Maidsafe will x10 in the following months, mark my words. This is a, for once, legit project worth investing in.

Might I add, Maidsafe is OLDER than Bitcoin, started in 2006.

Correct, Maidsafe is legit, and a complete different technology, they don't even build on a blockchain. They just used a blockchain-based coin for some crowdfunding, that's all.

The internet is "decentralized" only in theory. The innovation of projects like MaidSafe (and Storj etc) is that they abstract content and services away from physical location and servers (IP addresses and the centralized DNS). I want to watch that one cat video? I don't care if it's hosted on a server called Youtube in California, just stream it to me from other peers, all I need is its ID or a name.

Though I wouldn't say it will x10 in the following months. The risk with MaidSafe is obviously that it could be vaporware, exactly because having been in development since 2006 already. Also their security model is not so well understood and proven to work yet by independent auditors.

Title: Re: boycott bitcoin2.0 scamcoin they are crashing the market
Post by: ensurance982 on April 21, 2015, 11:31:46 AM
We're in a scene of innovations and start-ups. This exact process is the way things work. It's much like things work (or should work) at a university: You go and try things out, then improve them, fail, repeat, etc...

It is obviously than one day it will be created a new concept much better than the actual 'bitcoin' but now they can't proclaim themselves bitcoin 2.0, because they are not bitcoin 2.0 ::).

You can't blame them for not being successful! Can you?

We cannot blame them, but like I said previously before start to proclaim themselves 'bitcoin 2.0' they should improve their concept of decentralisation.

Calling something '2.0' or putting any kind of version number behind a noun always makes it look sketchy, in my opinion. They just opted to do that because of the name 'Bitcoin'. Hell, why shouldn't they do it... I guess you're getting too upset about this :)

Title: Re: boycott bitcoin2.0 scamcoin they are crashing the market
Post by: neurotypical on April 21, 2015, 12:54:41 PM

I don't know about the rest of projects, they don't convince me.. but Maidsafe does. Maidsafe is extremely legit. You need to research more before you throw these accusations. Lol at "internet is already decentralized". How is the internet decentralized if it requires you to hire servers to hosts basically anything? you are seriously clueless. Maidsafe will x10 in the following months, mark my words. This is a, for once, legit project worth investing in.

Might I add, Maidsafe is OLDER than Bitcoin, started in 2006.

Correct, Maidsafe is legit, and a complete different technology, they don't even build on a blockchain. They just used a blockchain-based coin for some crowdfunding, that's all.

The internet is "decentralized" only in theory. The innovation of projects like MaidSafe (and Storj etc) is that they abstract content and services away from physical location and servers (IP addresses and the centralized DNS). I want to watch that one cat video? I don't care if it's hosted on a server called Youtube in California, just stream it to me from other peers, all I need is its ID or a name.

Though I wouldn't say it will x10 in the following months. The risk with MaidSafe is obviously that it could be vaporware, exactly because having been in development since 2006 already. Also their security model is not so well understood and proven to work yet by independent auditors.

Actually their coin plays a big role on their system which is what makes it unique compared to other decentralization systems like freenet. Imagine being able to get paid anonymously in Safecoin because a lot of people use your APP. All of these things are new and unprecedented and twist basic concepts like copyright in new ways.
MAID is literally the only project worth investing big time other than BTC.

Title: Re: boycott bitcoin2.0 scamcoin they are crashing the market
Post by: johnyj on April 21, 2015, 12:59:59 PM
Competition is a good thing. Everyone that saw bitcoin's rise will try out some alt-coin in an attempt to mimic the success of bitcoin. But after the excitement of starting their own coin, the project will fail, then they will realize that bitcoin's success is not based on technology alone, then they will become the true believer of bitcoin and focus on bitcoin in future

Title: Re: boycott bitcoin2.0 scamcoin they are crashing the market
Post by: redsn0w on April 21, 2015, 01:05:09 PM
We're in a scene of innovations and start-ups. This exact process is the way things work. It's much like things work (or should work) at a university: You go and try things out, then improve them, fail, repeat, etc...

It is obviously than one day it will be created a new concept much better than the actual 'bitcoin' but now they can't proclaim themselves bitcoin 2.0, because they are not bitcoin 2.0 ::).

You can't blame them for not being successful! Can you?

We cannot blame them, but like I said previously before start to proclaim themselves 'bitcoin 2.0' they should improve their concept of decentralisation.

Calling something '2.0' or putting any kind of version number behind a noun always makes it look sketchy, in my opinion. They just opted to do that because of the name 'Bitcoin'. Hell, why shouldn't they do it... I guess you're getting too upset about this :)

Exactly, nah I am not angry  ;D.

Competition is a good thing. Everyone that saw bitcoin's rise will try out some alt-coin in an attempt to mimic the success of bitcoin. But after the excitement of starting their own coin, the project will fail, then they will realize that bitcoin's success is not based on technology alone, then they will become the true believer of bitcoin and focus on bitcoin in future


bitcoin is a 'success' because it is supported by a lot of people ( and more people every day). Who gives value to bitcoin? Not only an economic value ( but also from a knowledge side) the people give value to its not the contrary.

Title: Re: boycott bitcoin2.0 scamcoin they are crashing the market
Post by: GRWer on April 21, 2015, 01:13:18 PM
well , the op is a little radical . but most alts really play a bad role in crypto world .

Title: Re: boycott bitcoin2.0 scamcoin they are crashing the market
Post by: Lauda on April 21, 2015, 01:18:56 PM
OP is actually right. If these 'coins' cared about innovation they wouldn't call themselves Bitcoin 2.0 as that is marketing scheme. There is no Bitcoin 1.0; how can you then create a Bitcoin 2.0?
As far as I know there are even no plans for Bitcoin 1.0 yet. These altcoins are like parasites, they have been leeching off of Bitcoin for years. Sure, there might be a good one or two. Maybe 1 in 100 scamcoins that are created.
The thing is there is no need for all of them. I think that Bitcoin will succeed and will have 2-3 "partner-coins" that will also have a decent market cap.

Title: Re: boycott bitcoin2.0 scamcoin they are crashing the market
Post by: Snail2 on April 21, 2015, 01:47:32 PM
OP is actually right. If these 'coins' cared about innovation they wouldn't call themselves Bitcoin 2.0 as that is marketing scheme. There is no Bitcoin 1.0; how can you then create a Bitcoin 2.0?
As far as I know there are even no plans for Bitcoin 1.0 yet. These altcoins are like parasites, they have been leeching off of Bitcoin for years. Sure, there might be a good one or two. Maybe 1 in 100 scamcoins that are created.
The thing is there is no need for all of them. I think that Bitcoin will succeed and will have 2-3 "partner-coins" that will also have a decent market cap.

I agree "Bitcoin 2.0" is a marketing BS, also agree on the parasitic nature of many (most) altcoins, but those alts in OP's list are actually the good pieces with the most innovation.

Title: Re: boycott bitcoin2.0 scamcoin they are crashing the market
Post by: herzmeister on April 21, 2015, 02:21:54 PM
Actually their coin plays a big role on their system which is what makes it unique compared to other decentralization systems like freenet.

yes but MaidSafeCoin != SafeCoin, although it will be convertible. MaidSafeCoin exists today and is the crowdfunding asset, SafeCoin will be their network-integrated currency. SafeCoin will technically not be based on a blockchain in today's sense, double-spending is solved by other means (through the same deduplication mechanisms that is inherent in the network for all other types of data already anyway).

Title: Re: boycott bitcoin2.0 scamcoin they are crashing the market
Post by: UsernameBitcoin on April 21, 2015, 04:16:50 PM

If there will be a true  innovation these altcoin creators should raise funds in fiat from VC .  But why don't they ?  There is no innovation , only cheat ( at least most of them).

Your talking doesn't make sense at all. On one hand you believe in Bitcoin, on the other you don't want people to use it and demand the use of fiat for crowd funding.
The reason why Bitcoin is actually used for crowdfunding is because those people think Bitcoin are better, easier, etc than fiat.
Again, Bitcoin exists to use and not collect it.
And having alternatives to Bitcoin shouldn't be any problem for Bitcoin itself anyway. If the world of finance works more or less with hundreds of currencies, why should the crypto world function with several, too?
Regarding cheat. Yes, there is cheat. So what? Be aware, inform yourself, don't fall for it. But you even complain about coins like maidsafe without having the slightest idea what it is. So my guess is that you were too greedy in the past, invested in some truly scam coin, and now you look for someone to blame.  ;D

Title: Re: boycott bitcoin2.0 scamcoin they are crashing the market
Post by: BillyBobZorton on April 21, 2015, 06:21:46 PM
Actually their coin plays a big role on their system which is what makes it unique compared to other decentralization systems like freenet.

yes but MaidSafeCoin != SafeCoin, although it will be convertible. MaidSafeCoin exists today and is the crowdfunding asset, SafeCoin will be their network-integrated currency. SafeCoin will technically not be based on a blockchain in today's sense, double-spending is solved by other means (through the same deduplication mechanisms that is inherent in the network for all other types of data already anyway).

Well, pragmatically it is Safecoin... its the same thing, because you'll directly convert 1:1 your coins, the thing is you can get now cheap as hell before it becomes Safecoin.

Title: Re: boycott bitcoin2.0 scamcoin they are crashing the market
Post by: Fernandez on April 22, 2015, 06:49:43 AM
The reason why Bitcoin is actually used for crowdfunding is because those people think Bitcoin are better, easier, etc than fiat.

Considering how the price dived, the should've done a fiat crowdfunding, or coverted to fiat immediately. Ironically, their decision to do it in Bitcoin meant they had to suffer losses.

They just used a blockchain-based coin for some crowdfunding, that's all.

According to the that apparently means they are trying to cheat.

If there will be a true  innovation these altcoin creators should raise funds in fiat from VC .  But why don't they ?  There is no innovation , only cheat ( at least most of them).