Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Altcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Coincomm on August 26, 2012, 06:18:49 PM

Title: You guys are essential and very valuable.
Post by: Coincomm on August 26, 2012, 06:18:49 PM
You guys are keeping several cryptocurrency backups good and ready in case one or more cryptocurrency fails.

If Bitcoin or even Litecoin ever dies, you will be here mining away at whatever is going to replace them.

In the end, you guys may be the ones that keep Bitcoin alive in spirit forever.

Thank you for your service.

Title: Re: You guys are essential and very valuable.
Post by: markm on August 26, 2012, 06:29:40 PM
Heh there are more out there than you probably realise. Take a look at


Title: Re: You guys are essential and very valuable.
Post by: Slushpuppy on August 26, 2012, 07:33:11 PM
Can you explain what im looking at mark?

Title: Re: You guys are essential and very valuable.
Post by: markm on August 26, 2012, 07:52:47 PM
Can you explain what im looking at mark?

Probably not, since it is pretty much self-explanatory to me. It'd be like someone explaining to you how to play the flute as "you blow across one end and move your fingers up and down the outside".

The general idea dates back to the Digitalis D'ydii Cluster game, in which players could choose what to use as the unit in which to display price-lists. Want to see how much everything costs in tons of fuel? No problem. Prefer to see prices in tons of gold? No problem. Pick the item in terms of which to express the prices of everything else.

I have so far picked just a few sample items in terms of which to display the prices of the other items, as this is not some generic CGI script but just a few little shell scripts I used at home to create HTML pages which I then uploaded (because I hate navigating my local disk with a browser plus hey this way I can show the numbers to other people in case I might not be the only person curious about them).


Title: Re: You guys are essential and very valuable.
Post by: ElectricMucus on August 26, 2012, 08:09:38 PM
Thanks for the thumbs up.

If satoshi is still around he'll probably be here ;)

Title: Re: You guys are essential and very valuable.
Post by: luffy on August 26, 2012, 08:11:17 PM
respect to amazing programmers out there. but i will only bow to whoever program human emotions to a machine! ;)

Title: Re: You guys are essential and very valuable.
Post by: sd on August 27, 2012, 05:42:23 PM
You guys are keeping several cryptocurrency backups good and ready in case one or more cryptocurrency fails.

If Bitcoin or even Litecoin ever dies, you will be here mining away at whatever is going to replace them.

That does not make sense. All the alts here are just copies of BitCoin with very minor changes. If BitCoin fails so does NameCoin, LiteCoin, BBQCoin, or whatever other alts happen to be active that given week.

I hate to say it but the only exception is SolidCoin which for all its faults is at least architecturally different, but you won't find many supporters of it here.

Whatever replaces BitCoin won't be found here.

Title: Re: You guys are essential and very valuable.
Post by: ElectricMucus on August 27, 2012, 07:25:01 PM
Whatever replaces BitCoin won't be found here.

Of course not.

The point is this forum is currently the place to brainstorm interesting new concepts related to cyrptocurrencies.