Bitcoin Forum

Other => Beginners & Help => Topic started by: betatest512 on August 27, 2012, 02:15:50 PM

Title: Litecoin transaction fees.
Post by: betatest512 on August 27, 2012, 02:15:50 PM
what i send some transaction the litecoin qt send it without a transaction fee.

do anyone know the amount that does not require a 0.10LTC fee.

i dont care even if my transaction are processed slowly i only want to find a way to remove the fees.

Title: Re: Litecoin transaction fees.
Post by: vitruvio on August 27, 2012, 02:58:16 PM
It depends of some factors, even if you set 0 fee (indeed in client says it is optional), there a times the transaction wont process if have no fee. Use to be when you have receive smalls transactions 0.000001 or so, and then yo want to send to another address, fees are expensives than amount to transfer.

I use to mine with p2pool, so I received ,lets say, 0.10 ltc every hour after a couple of weeks I transfers to btc-e and client wont do it unless I pay 4 ltc in fees. After this I've checked the transaction in blockeplorer  and to transfer 40 ltc to btc use as origins more than 100 of the received, so the transaction size was 24 Kb or more, thats why it needs fee.

Look my transaction.

As I told you depends of size ot transaction, send 45 ltc with a "multiple origin" generate a transaction with high size, and this need to pay fees.


Title: Re: Litecoin transaction fees.
Post by: betatest512 on August 27, 2012, 03:03:07 PM
even when i send 45 LTC it ask's a transaction fee of 0.10 and for some transactions it does not ask a fee can someone explain how to i send LTC without the fees.

Title: Re: Litecoin transaction fees.
Post by: vitruvio on August 27, 2012, 03:09:08 PM
even when i send 45 LTC it ask's a transaction fee of 0.10 and for some transactions it does not ask a fee can someone explain how to i send LTC without the fees.

I supose you have set to 0 transsactions fee in Litecoin Client options? If yes and Litecoin Client says "This transaction can't be done unles you pay....." or similar, there is no way to do it if you don't pay.


Title: Re: Litecoin transaction fees.
Post by: Stephen Gornick on August 27, 2012, 11:27:35 PM
i dont care even if my transaction are processed slowly i only want to find a way to remove the fees.

Are you still stuck only able to post in Newbies?

Title: Re: Litecoin transaction fees.
Post by: aliaser on April 09, 2013, 06:38:03 PM
Let's say that I want to transfer 0.5 LTC, how are the fees calculated?

Title: Re: Litecoin transaction fees.
Post by: richik on May 23, 2013, 04:57:39 PM
Let's say that I want to transfer 0.5 LTC, how are the fees calculated?

If it is only one coin (one input) so it will be free. You need only wait for few days after receiving it.

Title: Re: Litecoin transaction fees.
Post by: DonDe on May 23, 2013, 06:42:21 PM
Seriously, just tried to send 61 LTC and it asked me for a 1.2 LTC transaction fee, are you serious?

Title: Re: Litecoin transaction fees.
Post by: prophetx on May 25, 2013, 10:53:33 AM
yea i think this is due to incorrect p2pool settings, they need to be adjusted so that you don't get these tiny micro transactions coming through...

it wanted to charge me 3.4 ltc to send 11.19 ltc... wtf...

Title: Re: Litecoin transaction fees.
Post by: pistolslapper on May 27, 2013, 12:44:05 PM
When will they change this staggeringly ridiculous fee.

It seems idiotic to me..

Title: Re: Litecoin transaction fees.
Post by: Endgame on May 27, 2013, 02:25:28 PM
I believe the fees are getting lowered in the next release, which is being worked on now.

Title: Re: Litecoin transaction fees.
Post by: Fidgets on June 11, 2013, 04:50:06 AM
I'm just getting started with some pooled Litecoin mining and thought I'd check out the transaction fees before I started dreaming of spending them (kidding, actually I want to halve the rewards with my son, who's been pitching in).  They are high right now but evidently the community's taking the issue seriously.

I found this thread: ( and it might be of use to anyone with questions on the subject.