Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Service Announcements => Topic started by: xDan on August 28, 2012, 12:37:06 PM

Title: BitPasta - a revenue sharing paste site (apologies to BitBin)
Post by: xDan on August 28, 2012, 12:37:06 PM (

Announcing: BitPasta, a revenue sharing paste site!

BitPasta uses CoinURL's revenue sharing to give pasters a cut of their paste's advertising revenue. Currently the share is 50%, though this could potentially change in the future when I figure out exactly what the costs of running a paste site are.

It should be considered "beta" and needing testing at the moment, and I'll be adding some more features over the next few days.. (noticeably absent is syntax highlighting)

I'm open to any feature suggestions, though I do like to run a lightweight / simple service when possible.

Currently the maximum paste expiry time is one month, I don't like to add "forever" until the site sees enough success that I actually feel I can guarantee the forever-ness of pastes ;) But if this is a great issue I would consider changing it.


My sincere apologies to (, if I'd known that was in development I probably would never have started on this. But, I'd nearly finished it when I first noticed the BitBin announcement, so I may as well show it. (For the record, I had this idea independently a month ago when I started asking ad networks to support revenue sharing (

May the best paste site win :-\

Title: Re: BitPasta - a revenue sharing paste site (apologies to BitBin)
Post by: Matoking on August 28, 2012, 02:58:01 PM
No need to apologize, the more the merrier. ;)

Title: Re: BitPasta - a revenue sharing paste site (apologies to BitBin)
Post by: bitdragon on August 28, 2012, 03:08:20 PM
My first paste :)

It is an Instawallet address with a stunning 0.1BTC in it.
There is one character missing, at the end :)

I quite like for my uses but that only allows for one view.

Hope to have something more valuable to paste in the future.

0.00015000 BTC per click is going to take a while to recoup.

Title: Re: BitPasta - a revenue sharing paste site (apologies to BitBin)
Post by: gbl08ma on August 28, 2012, 03:24:42 PM
Already know the wallet address... now I need to wait 20 more minutes. Couldn't you post AFTER the funds are confirmed?

(BTW, do you want to play the same game with's internet toll service? You could require each person to pay 0.01 BTC in order to access the wallet, that'd get you the 0.1 BTC back in an instant :D )

AAND... it's gone. It wasn't me, though :(

Title: Re: BitPasta - a revenue sharing paste site (apologies to BitBin)
Post by: Snapman on August 28, 2012, 03:25:25 PM
lawl, i was all over that, but somebody was quicker with the f5

Title: Re: BitPasta - a revenue sharing paste site (apologies to BitBin)
Post by: bitdragon on August 28, 2012, 04:22:59 PM
Already know the wallet address... now I need to wait 20 more minutes. Couldn't you post AFTER the funds are confirmed?

(BTW, do you want to play the same game with's internet toll service? You could require each person to pay 0.01 BTC in order to access the wallet, that'd get you the 0.1 BTC back in an instant :D )

AAND... it's gone. It wasn't me, though :(

ah, not one of you clicked on a little ad..
I have my post ready to submit for round 2 using your toll service and payment of 0.01
Obviously, you need to pay too to access :)

Funds are ready this time.

And my apologies to xDan for moving on to another service; but I will definitely use your site for sharing stuff.

Title: Re: BitPasta - a revenue sharing paste site (apologies to BitBin)
Post by: gbl08ma on August 28, 2012, 06:55:16 PM
Obviously, you need to pay too to access :)

I don't, I'm the admin and can see all URLs. But don't worry, I'm fair so I won't play or give anyone the link. I'm not a scammer :)

Title: Re: BitPasta - a revenue sharing paste site (apologies to BitBin)
Post by: nimda on August 30, 2012, 05:34:27 PM
The question is, which paste site earns more for the pasters? Woohoo, competition!

Title: Re: BitPasta - a revenue sharing paste site (apologies to BitBin)
Post by: xDan on August 30, 2012, 07:59:10 PM
The question is, which paste site earns more for the pasters? Woohoo, competition!

hehe, you better *extensively* test them both and see :) hey, split your pastes 50-50!

The sad truth though, is it seems bitcoin ad network revenue is still a lot lower than, say, Google Adsense... so I doubt you'll get rich off either, but maybe we can earn some Satoshis together...

At least using these paste sites rather than others will help raise Bitcoin awareness.


"download" and "raw" options have now been added to BitPasta, should also hopefully have syntax highlighting tomorrow or the day after!

Title: Re: BitPasta - a revenue sharing paste site (apologies to BitBin)
Post by: xDan on August 31, 2012, 05:37:35 PM
Syntax highlighting with GeSHi now added. (click "more options")

Title: Re: BitPasta - a revenue sharing paste site (apologies to BitBin)
Post by: phantastisch on October 19, 2013, 11:41:26 AM

I just brought back to live !

If you have any questions or suggestions contact me !

Here is a PSA :