Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Press => Topic started by: pawel7777 on May 02, 2015, 05:51:05 PM

Title: [2015-04-29] FT: Why women stay away from bitcoin
Post by: pawel7777 on May 02, 2015, 05:51:05 PM

Here we go again with 'no women in bitcoin' topick. This time from I. Kaminska from FT (known for her negative stance on Bitcoin):

Why women stay away from bitcoin

Am I correct in thinking that bitcoin enthusiasts believe they’ve created the ultimate universal payment system — better than any standing banking system or government currency?

Pretty much.

Isn’t there perhaps a slight flaw in this assumption if 96 per cent of that community is male?

Yes. But, hey, I’m a woman who writes a lot about bitcoin. To use bitcoin community speak: ask me anything.

So you do go to these exclusive bitcoin meetups?

No. Since I am both a critic of the movement’s hyperbolic nature and a woman, I have never had the privilege of being invited. As a rule you have to be a bitcoin developer, a coder or a marketeer to secure an invite. That said, I do get to chat to community members as and when they show up to conferences and panel events aimed at enlightening the bitcoin-illiterate. Incidentally, the bitcoin conference business is fast emerging as a cottage industry in its own right.

Title: Re: [2015-04-29] FT: Why women stay away from bitcoin
Post by: darkangel11 on May 02, 2015, 07:12:57 PM
I can't even read it without registering there but does she assume that women are staying away because they aren't invited to conferences? Most bitcoin users never been to a conference or a meeting.

Title: Re: [2015-04-29] FT: Why women stay away from bitcoin
Post by: pawel7777 on May 02, 2015, 07:24:20 PM
I can't even read it without registering there but does she assume that women are staying away because they aren't invited to conferences? Most bitcoin users never been to a conference or a meeting.

Ah, didn't know you have to register to view it. I happen to have account with FT and was auto logged in.

I don't want to paste the entire article, but this paragraph explaines more on what she meant:

But what about when people are dealing with unscrupulous providers on the internet?

Well, herein lies, I think, the ultimate explanation for why men adore bitcoin while women remain, at best, ambivalent to its charms. Women often prefer to manage risk through information sharing and reputation assessment, and can be cautious about dealing with unknown counterparts with no online reputation or history.

Now consider the primary use of bitcoin on the internet: online gambling, drugs, black-market services and pornography. It’s not preposterous to assume many of its male fans like the system precisely because it obscures proof of those transactions — perhaps from the women in their lives.

Title: Re: [2015-04-29] FT: Why women stay away from bitcoin
Post by: PolarPoint on May 02, 2015, 07:47:17 PM
Now consider the primary use of bitcoin on the internet: online gambling, drugs, black-market services and pornography.

This is where she got it all wrong. Who used mobile phones when it was first invented? Primarily male. How were the first mobile phones used? Making calls. Now who uses mobile phones and what can we do on it? Answer: Everyone and everything.

Bitcoin is not even close to reaching its maximum potential now.

Title: Re: [2015-04-29] FT: Why women stay away from bitcoin
Post by: goxed on May 03, 2015, 12:18:19 AM
Wait until LV, SAKS, and shoe shops start accepting BTC

Title: Re: [2015-04-29] FT: Why women stay away from bitcoin
Post by: cr1776 on May 03, 2015, 01:00:08 PM
I've never been invited to a "Saks conference" of Louis V conference, Victoria's Secret conference etc. Nor a bitcoin conference.

But who cares? If someone wants to go to one, they can probably get one easily. She needs to stop playing the victim and do something proactive instead of complaining.  It isn't some exclusive club.

Title: Re: [2015-04-29] FT: Why women stay away from bitcoin
Post by: TraderTimm on May 03, 2015, 03:22:18 PM
Oh look, its another "journalist" who claims Bitcoin is a male-only club, even though the information is freely distributed in an open-source manner.

Her arguments are equally stilted, just because its "male dominated" doesn't equate to "no women allowed". But naturally, instead of offering some kind of balanced analysis, she just pulls the victim card and plays her role dutifully. You can almost picture the perfect rounded tear that is about to drip from her eyelashes as she takes a selfie to document her "oppression".

I wish these "Causeheads" would wake up and realize the entire world doesn't orbit around them, or their carefully crafted-for-attention-seeking demands.

Title: Re: [2015-04-29] FT: Why women stay away from bitcoin
Post by: Chef Ramsay on May 03, 2015, 06:57:19 PM
Wait until LV, SAKS, and shoe shops start accepting BTC
I think ladies may take notice at these stores if they see the BTC on the register or store window but they still would have no incentive to figure out how to attain it and then use it. What I'd like to see is for supermarkets, drug stores and convenience stores to start accepting bitcoin and allow discounts for using it. Many women (the family's main shopper) have their super savers coupons or plastic member tags on their keychains and dig the savings they get for using it at a CVS or a Wallgreens (USA). This is when you'll see mass adoption but until people get discounts for using it or can only buy something they want/need w/ bitcoin, then it will remain speculative. You'd think BitPay would drive this point home when contacting businesses to accept bitcoin because they'll only get more business as time goes by and all will be well.

Title: Re: [2015-04-29] FT: Why women stay away from bitcoin
Post by: goxed on May 03, 2015, 07:01:26 PM
Wait until LV, SAKS, and shoe shops start accepting BTC
I think ladies may take notice at these stores if they see the BTC on the register or store window but they still would have no incentive to figure out how to attain it and then use it. What I'd like to see is for supermarkets, drug stores and convenience stores to start accepting bitcoin and allow discounts for using it. Many women (the family's main shopper) have their super savers coupons or plastic member tags on their keychains and dig the savings they get for using it at a CVS or a Wallgreens (USA). This is when you'll see mass adoption but until people get discounts for using it or can only buy something they want/need w/ bitcoin, then it will remain speculative. You'd think BitPay would drive this point home when contacting businesses to accept bitcoin because they'll only get more business as time goes by and all will be well.
I would imagine rich husbands, bf, or geeky lady friends will be eager to load BTC on their phone wallets.

Title: Re: [2015-04-29] FT: Why women stay away from bitcoin
Post by: runam0k on May 03, 2015, 10:34:37 PM
Izzy strikes a new low, seemingly interviewing herself to pick up some of the post-Felix-Salmon-no-women-in-Bitcoin-article traffic.

Title: Re: [2015-04-29] FT: Why women stay away from bitcoin
Post by: TheButterZone on May 03, 2015, 11:43:22 PM
#Bitcoin isn't limited to men only?! So I didn't need to pose with a shoe on my genitals every time I acquired BTC?!

Title: Re: [2015-04-29] FT: Why women stay away from bitcoin
Post by: Kaneki on May 04, 2015, 03:11:33 AM
I have never had the privilege of being invited. As a rule you have to be a bitcoin developer, a coder or a marketeer to secure an invite.

why her privilege? what because she is a woman and enthusiastic about bitcoin.

Title: Re: [2015-04-29] FT: Why women stay away from bitcoin
Post by: Mt. Gox on May 04, 2015, 07:57:20 AM
This "women in Bitcoin" topic seems to be a very popular one right now. It's been brought up at least three times in the past couple of weeks. All because of that one article by Salmon.

No. Since I am both a critic of the movement’s hyperbolic nature and a woman, I have never had the privilege of being invited. As a rule you have to be a bitcoin developer, a coder or a marketeer to secure an invite.

If you're going to talk about developers and coders then try taking a look at any open source project and you'll see that it's mostly males who are involved.

Now consider the primary use of bitcoin on the internet: online gambling, drugs, black-market services and pornography.

This is where she got it all wrong. Who used mobile phones when it was first invented? Primarily male. How were the first mobile phones used? Making calls. Now who uses mobile phones and what can we do on it? Answer: Everyone and everything.

Bitcoin is not even close to reaching its maximum potential now.

True, although the first users of mobile phones were yuppies/business people.

The same is also true for the Internet too. Males are attracted to shiny new experimental technology but as the technology becomes more widespread and developed and it gradually transforms from a novelty to a necessity where the benefits become pretty clear, then the technology becomes used by both genders.

Title: Re: [2015-04-29] FT: Why women stay away from bitcoin
Post by: RodeoX on May 04, 2015, 02:05:13 PM
Women should do whatever the hell they feel like doing, not what they are told in some hacks blog.

Title: Re: [2015-04-29] FT: Why women stay away from bitcoin
Post by: MUFC on May 06, 2015, 11:28:57 AM
I never got invited to one of these either. Why are they discriminating against me? /sarcasm. I'm not sure why someone would invite some random journalist who seems to be very cynical of bitcoin to one of these things any way, but if she really wanted she could get involved or go to one of the bitcoin expos or conferences herself and I'm sure her along with other women would be welcomed the same as any male. I think she should stop trying to invent problems that aren't there or even a big issue in the first place.

Title: Re: [2015-04-29] FT: Why women stay away from bitcoin
Post by: zeraTunerse on May 06, 2015, 08:06:04 PM
I think women are not aware about the bitcoin yet and it would be wrong to say that women stay away from bitcoin. Once women gain knowledge they will start adopting it. Same was the case with credit cards when it was newly introduced but today women uses more credit card then men  :D

Title: Re: [2015-04-29] FT: Why women stay away from bitcoin
Post by: Bitware on May 07, 2015, 01:40:22 PM
Oh the women are coming... in droves. You ain't seen nothing yet.

It's already starting:

I believe most women have stayed away from bitcoin because it is experimental, high risk, failed to see the larger picture of the future, and they did not perceive bitcoin to be a "sure thing."

Generally, women adopt technology and attempt to alter it's space to suit them after it's a success and hits the main stream (when it's actually worth something). Bitcoin is becoming more popular, so gradually women are coming in and trying to change the Bitcoin space, and some have insinuated, they attempt to force their way into the upper echelons of Bitcoin.

It's interesting that when men do something amazing, women say they got a free ride and it was really nothing special, then after men have done all the amazing stuff, women come in and attempt to co-opt and take it over, that they are empowered and special while expecting free rides off the tails of great men.

Women used to laugh about their men and their geeky Bitcoin funny money hobby, much like women used to laugh at men gaming in the 80's and 90's. Then they started becoming angry that men would spend lots of money the men earned (and women did not earn) on Bitcoin for miners, dedicated computers, electricity costs and some even for the costs of attending Bitcoin events. Calling them geeks and losers...

Then the Bitcoin prices started to rise. Then the women became more interested. Then they demanded their men educate them about bitcoin. Then they wanted free Bitcoins to spend, save and use.

Oh yes, the women are coming, and if they have their way, they will change Bitcoin forever. They will not educate themselves, make mistakes, ignore the dangers, act in insecure ways for storage and such, and get ripped off - and their boyfriends and husbands will hide their assets in Bitcoin and the women will demand legal access - then complain and lobby legislators for laws making men change Bitcoin to suit their wants and desires. The future should be quite interesting.

Disclaimer: Of course I am not talking about every woman. Only the overwhelming vast majority of them.

PS - I just ran all this past my wife and she is now pissy with me, but she can not rationally disagree with any of it.

Title: Re: [2015-04-29] FT: Why women stay away from bitcoin
Post by: torrentheaven on May 07, 2015, 08:46:14 PM
The reason is the awareness level of the women comes into play i guess. And mainly depends on the country where they are living. It the stores are not accepting the bitcoin as a mode of payment they why should women get involved into it if their work is done by fiat money or credit cards.

Title: Re: [2015-04-29] FT: Why women stay away from bitcoin
Post by: nerFohanzo on May 07, 2015, 09:33:23 PM
I think most of the women in Asian countries are either dependent on their parents or on their husband. So if the husband or parents shows the interest in bitcoins they would definitely start using bitcoins but as even many of the younger generation are not aware about it, it makes them to stay away from it.

Title: Re: [2015-04-29] FT: Why women stay away from bitcoin
Post by: operrajunk74 on May 07, 2015, 11:03:34 PM
Women's have much more stuff to do in their lives. Like taking care of children, many of them are busy with the jobs and at now the jobs have become so embarrasing that you can't afford to spend time for other things and it becomes difficult for a women to know about the bitcoins.

Title: Re: [2015-04-29] FT: Why women stay away from bitcoin
Post by: stromma44 on May 08, 2015, 09:22:17 PM
Women's have much more stuff to do in their lives. Like taking care of children, many of them are busy with the jobs and at now the jobs have become so embarrasing that you can't afford to spend time for other things and it becomes difficult for a women to know about the bitcoins.
You missed few things like Watching television  ;) Using husband's credit card for shopping  ;) then why would they get involved in bitcoin if everything they want they are having it. So generally they are used to go away with fiat money and credit cards so they dont show their participation in using bitcoin.

Title: Re: [2015-04-29] FT: Why women stay away from bitcoin
Post by: Unkle on May 09, 2015, 03:14:36 PM
Women's have much more stuff to do in their lives. Like taking care of children, many of them are busy with the jobs and at now the jobs have become so embarrasing that you can't afford to spend time for other things and it becomes difficult for a women to know about the bitcoins.

Not all women have kids so this is quite a sexist thing to say. Many women especially in business only take short maternity leave and have childminders look after their children during the day while they continue their careers.