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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: gentlemand on May 05, 2015, 02:23:29 AM

Title: Poor people - an excellent investment. The growth in trailer park profiteering.
Post by: gentlemand on May 05, 2015, 02:23:29 AM

"Trailer parks are big and profitable business – particularly after hundreds of thousands of Americans who lost their homes in the financial crisis created a huge demand for affordable housing"

Warren Buffet himself owns the biggest trailer manufacturer and two of the biggest mobile home lenders. A pretty gross read.

Title: Re: Poor people - an excellent investment. The growth in trailer park profiteering.
Post by: Trifixion713 on May 05, 2015, 02:28:31 AM
"Trailer parks - not a nice place to visit, not a nice place to stay..."

As the tour approaches its first stop, Rolfe repeats a warning which earlier flashed on to a screen in a conference room of the Orlando airport Hyatt hotel: “When we are on the property, don’t make fun of the residents, or say things that can get us in trouble or offend anyone. I once had a bank come to a mobile home park and say in front of my manager, ‘Only a white trash idiot would live in a trailer.’”

Then comes a second, more unexpected warning: “Now, guys, I’ve got to tell you this park, I believe, is a sex-offender park. Everyone in here is a sex offender. I could be wrong, we’re going to find out, but I think that’s the deal on this one. So stay together as a herd.”

He’s not wrong. Signs at the entrance to Lake Shore Village, on the north-eastern outskirts of Orlando, warn: “Adults only. No Children.” The park is described on the owner’s business cards as “sex offender housing” and a “habitat for offenders”.

Title: Re: Poor people - an excellent investment. The growth in trailer park profiteering.
Post by: Chef Ramsay on May 05, 2015, 02:33:56 AM
A trailer is an easier destination for a displaced family rather than an apartment usually. I'm all for supply and demand, but when the demand is created by the magicians at the top skewing the tables and uprooting the economy, money supply and job market, that's what pisses me off. So now Buffett owns a major mobile homes manufacturer, major rail lines in the US among everything else. I guess you can't hate on someone for reading the tea leaves and profiting off the misery can ya..

Title: Re: Poor people - an excellent investment. The growth in trailer park profiteering.
Post by: panju1 on May 05, 2015, 04:33:41 PM
Wealth at the bottom of the pyramid. This is not something new. 
You can trust the vultures to be drawn to the place where the maximum wealth is.  :)

Title: Re: Poor people - an excellent investment. The growth in trailer park profiteering.
Post by: countryfree on May 05, 2015, 09:00:43 PM
Doing business with the poor has always been big business. The founder of Wal-Mart once was the richest man in America, and that was years ago, when Wal-Mart was known for bargain prices.

I'm surprised by the prices. $500 a month to rent a trailer pad spot! I suppose it's a good location.

Title: Re: Poor people - an excellent investment. The growth in trailer park profiteering.
Post by: toddtervy on May 05, 2015, 09:09:16 PM
Doing business with the poor has always been big business. The founder of Wal-Mart once was the richest man in America, and that was years ago, when Wal-Mart was known for bargain prices.

I'm surprised by the prices. $500 a month to rent a trailer pad spot! I suppose it's a good location.

Next year itll be 550.  What a joke, if you're that greedy an accident should befall you, I'm sure people would be sad...

Title: Re: Poor people - an excellent investment. The growth in trailer park profiteering.
Post by: Tusk on May 05, 2015, 09:17:37 PM
Where there is the greatest need, the greatest opportunity is found

Title: Re: Poor people - an excellent investment. The growth in trailer park profiteering.
Post by: BlitzandBitz on May 06, 2015, 12:48:45 AM
This is just classic supply and demand nothing new.

Title: Re: Poor people - an excellent investment. The growth in trailer park profiteering.
Post by: RealBitcoin on May 06, 2015, 12:49:45 AM
Soon all of us will live in trailers, deal with it. Perhaps not if you own bitcoin.

Ship a few of those trailers here in Europe.

Title: Re: Poor people - an excellent investment. The growth in trailer park profiteering.
Post by: gentlemand on May 06, 2015, 01:00:42 AM
Soon all of us will live in trailers, deal with it. Perhaps not if you own bitcoin.

Ship a few of those trailers here in Europe.

Good old Europe would never make cheap living that simple.

In the UK we have 'park homes' which are often trailers with fancy borders around them to disguise what they are. 

Even more bizarrely they're often only 10-20% cheaper than real houses.

You're also a prisoner of the guy who owns the land your home is parked on. You're forced to buy your utilities through him. You're forced to buy a new trailer off him when he decides. When you sell yours he gets a 10% cut of the sale or can simply refuse it and trap you.

One park home trade website's main advice is - don't buy a park home.

Title: Re: Poor people - an excellent investment.YOUR A FAG trailer park profiteering.
Post by: BlitzandBitz on May 06, 2015, 01:10:28 AM
Soon all of us will live in trailers, deal with it. Perhaps not if you own bitcoin.

Ship a few of those trailers here in Europe.

Good old Europe would never make cheap living that simple.

In the UK we have 'park homes' which are often trailers with fancy borders around them to disguise what they are. 

Even more bizarrely they're often only 10-20% cheaper than real houses.

You're also a prisoner of the guy who owns the land your home is parked on. You're forced to buy your utilities through him. You're forced to buy a new trailer off him when he decides. When you sell yours he gets a 10% cut of the sale or can simply refuse it and trap you.

One park home trade website's main advice is - don't buy a park home.

America will probably be just as bad in a few decades.

Title: Re: Poor people - an excellent investment. The growth in trailer park profiteering.
Post by: RealBitcoin on May 06, 2015, 01:46:38 AM
Soon all of us will live in trailers, deal with it. Perhaps not if you own bitcoin.

Ship a few of those trailers here in Europe.

Good old Europe would never make cheap living that simple.

In the UK we have 'park homes' which are often trailers with fancy borders around them to disguise what they are. 

Even more bizarrely they're often only 10-20% cheaper than real houses.

You're also a prisoner of the guy who owns the land your home is parked on. You're forced to buy your utilities through him. You're forced to buy a new trailer off him when he decides. When you sell yours he gets a 10% cut of the sale or can simply refuse it and trap you.

One park home trade website's main advice is - don't buy a park home.

Why cant you just buy/rent your parking lot and put your trailer there? Or put it on a side of the road, outside the city, on public land?

Title: Re: Poor people - an excellent investment. The growth in trailer park profiteering.
Post by: gentlemand on May 06, 2015, 01:54:10 AM

Why cant you just buy/rent your parking lot and put your trailer there? Or put it on a side of the road, outside the city, on public land?

Because that would spoil it for all the lovely homeowners. Many, many people have attempted workarounds and they're always nailed to the wall. If the authorities don't get you then the nearby residents will be only too happy to report you. Stepping out of line and taking a shortcut to owning your own home is not going to be tolerated.

Title: Re: Poor people - an excellent investment. The growth in trailer park profiteering.
Post by: jayce on May 06, 2015, 01:54:30 AM
Soon all of us will live in trailers, deal with it. Perhaps not if you own bitcoin.

Ship a few of those trailers here in Europe.

Good old Europe would never make cheap living that simple.

In the UK we have 'park homes' which are often trailers with fancy borders around them to disguise what they are.  

Even more bizarrely they're often only 10-20% cheaper than real houses.

You're also a prisoner of the guy who owns the land your home is parked on. You're forced to buy your utilities through him. You're forced to buy a new trailer off him when he decides. When you sell yours he gets a 10% cut of the sale or can simply refuse it and trap you.

One park home trade website's main advice is - don't buy a park home.

Why cant you just buy/rent your parking lot and put your trailer there? Or put it on a side of the road, outside the city, on public land?

You can buy a nice bit of land, well enough for trailer and space for 5-10k and then 10k- 20k for a trailer at your local heaven camp lol 35k but at least it is yours. There are cheaper ways as well I mean I could get a smaller one for less than 5k hitch it to the back of my van with dogs,plants and gun of to the forest to live like a king,

Title: Re: Poor people - an excellent investment. The growth in trailer park profiteering.
Post by: RealBitcoin on May 06, 2015, 02:25:29 AM

Why cant you just buy/rent your parking lot and put your trailer there? Or put it on a side of the road, outside the city, on public land?

Because that would spoil it for all the lovely homeowners. Many, many people have attempted workarounds and they're always nailed to the wall. If the authorities don't get you then the nearby residents will be only too happy to report you. Stepping out of line and taking a shortcut to owning your own home is not going to be tolerated.

Is it outlawed or what? How about then drive prices down of houses and then everyone can buy a normal home. Oh i forgot you cant because the banks have to give out loans of course  :)

Title: Re: Poor people - an excellent investment. The growth in trailer park profiteering.
Post by: gentlemand on May 06, 2015, 02:31:55 AM

Is it outlawed or what? How about then drive prices down of houses and then everyone can buy a normal home. Oh i forgot you cant because the banks have to give out loans of course  :)

Outlawed indeed. If you own land then actually living on it is very restricted unless permission was already in place, and in that case no mortal could afford it anyway.

People have tried to hide houses by hiding them under haystacks

Building them in the woods, but local authorities often commission aerial surveys to catch that type of thing out.

The UK in particular seems to depend largely on people selling ever more expensive houses to each other. You can't have that threatened. 

Title: Re: Poor people - an excellent investment. The growth in trailer park profiteering.
Post by: gentlemand on May 06, 2015, 03:07:28 AM
You pretty much are. It's all the property of the queen ultimately. She's just granting you the right to pay to hang out there. but that's how it is in most of the world. Widespread Allodial title would remove their rights to threaten you.

Title: Re: Poor people - an excellent investment. The growth in trailer park profiteering.
Post by: RealBitcoin on May 06, 2015, 03:46:39 AM
You pretty much are. It's all the property of the queen ultimately. She's just granting you the right to pay to hang out there. but that's how it is in most of the world. Widespread Allodial title would remove their rights to threaten you.

"In the modern developed world, true allodial title is only possible for nation state governments" (Wikipedia)

WTF? Definitely the Mainstream Media doesnt talk about that, neither the education system. So we are literally slaves, and wikipedia admits it.

Title: Re: Poor people - an excellent investment. The growth in trailer park profiteering.
Post by: Mikestang on May 06, 2015, 06:24:42 AM
Making money in the trailer park is nothing new...

Title: Re: Poor people - an excellent investment. The growth in trailer park profiteering.
Post by: EternalWingsofGod on May 06, 2015, 06:39:10 AM
This one was interesting, choosing an investment in this sector would not be one most people would consider.
That said the numbers make sense the ROI is attractive although the idea of a Sex Offender Park is genius to keep drug dealers and other unwanted groups away, I must give this person props for a strangely effective business model.

Asked by an eager investor how regularly tenants leave her parks, Lee says: “When they die. [They] stay forever, they have no place to go.”

“They’ve got to live somewhere, so you combine them in a certain place. They don’t go out to hurt people. I think it’s a community service, because if not they will be in your neighbourhood. Now they’re all in one place, you can watch them all in one place. And they pay well and won’t mess things up. I mean, why would you not? I think it’s a brilliant idea.”

You were right this is a tad Grisly for an article as it also sounds like this is exploitable and can have a very dark side if taken to far.

Title: Re: Poor people - an excellent investment. The growth in trailer park profiteering.
Post by: Snail2 on May 06, 2015, 07:28:55 AM
Why cant you just buy/rent your parking lot and put your trailer there? Or put it on a side of the road, outside the city, on public land?

I think you can do that only on designated gipsy sites. But I have no idea how you can do that sure. As I've heard form some polish blokes and a fellow hungarian IT guy (who's doing contract jobs across the country) if you have a camper van or a caravan, using camping sites is cheap option.