Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Mining => Topic started by: avihu28 on May 29, 2011, 07:19:53 PM

Title: Mining rate problem using 2X5970
Post by: avihu28 on May 29, 2011, 07:19:53 PM

Hi all,

I have a machine with 2x5970 cards .
I'm using LinuxCoin and phoenix miner with deepbit pool.
I run 4 pheonix miners using the following command:


With DEVICE going from 0 to 3

When I only run devices 1,2 and 3, each run on 305 MHash/s
When I add device 0, It runs on 305 MHash/s but the rest drop to somewhere between 220 and 290

I've increased the fan speed to 70%, and the temperatures seem fine (less than 76 Celsius).
I've used aticonfig --lscs and saw that Crossfire seems to be disabled.

Do you know why I can't get all devices to run on 305 MHashs/s ?

Title: Re: Mining rate problem using 2X5970
Post by: dikidera on May 29, 2011, 07:20:56 PM
Are the cards getting enough juice?

Title: Re: Mining rate problem using 2X5970
Post by: avihu28 on May 29, 2011, 07:25:46 PM
Are the cards getting enough juice?

Antec HCG 900W 80Plus Bronze.

Is it good enough?

Title: Re: Mining rate problem using 2X5970
Post by: SchizophrenicX on May 29, 2011, 10:40:47 PM
I have just setup 2x5970 on my windows. I can't find the 2nd fan control (it only show for 1)

I have a monitor plugged into each card and I OC the first (w/ Fan control) to 850 Mhz as per Hardward comparison. I don't have dummy plugs. I can't find the 2nd fan control. Or does that 1 control sets the speed for both cards? can someone help ? I'm only getting 1.2 Ghash/s
0. 290 Mhash/s
1. 280 Mhash/s
3. 340 Mhash/s
4. 290 Mhash/s

I'm using a 850 W PSU on Win 7 32-bit. I'm having trouble installing x64. They are internally xfire on themselves but not over both cards. Can someone please help?

Title: Re: Mining rate problem using 2X5970
Post by: SchizophrenicX on May 29, 2011, 11:05:29 PM
I found the problem. *slaps head* I wasn't looking at the right places. Anyhow, now theres a new problem. The polcbm is taking up all the computer resources and the computer can't take it. Can someone verify this? I'm @ 100% right now and sometimes Windows crashes