Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Project Development => Topic started by: Coincomm on September 03, 2012, 01:17:31 AM

Title: [PROJECT BRAINSTORM] What do you want in a Bitcoin client?
Post by: Coincomm on September 03, 2012, 01:17:31 AM
I am giving you a blank canvas here. If you were to make your own Bitcoin client, what would it have and do?

Title: Re: [PROJECT BRAINSTORM] What do you want in a Bitcoin client?
Post by: flipperfish on September 04, 2012, 01:53:42 PM
  • Support for Brainwallet: Generate deterministic wallet from passphrase (choosen by user, entropy enforced by program).
  • Support for different Keystores: So it will be easy to integrate smartcard or mobile phone
  • Extensible for different blockchain-backends: Remote server, p2p-download or some newly developed method --> User can decide about trade-off between security and speed
  • Multi-Platform: Ideally runs completely on virtual machine (like Java VM, Python Interpreter or .NET Runtime) without platform-specific compilation steps, etc.
  • Open Source with *structured* code (SOLID, etc.).