Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Technical Support => Topic started by: Daily Anarchist on September 04, 2012, 07:03:38 PM

Title: Satoshi Client not loading
Post by: Daily Anarchist on September 04, 2012, 07:03:38 PM
My computer is 8 years old and is on its last leg. The Satoshi client has always been a bit of a resource hog for me. Yesterday my computer crashed and since then I have been unable to get the Satoshi client to fully load. The closest I can get is for it to shows its wallet graphic, but it just sits there, clicking, and it freezes the rest of my computer to the point where I have to do a hard shut down.

I have my wallet backed up properly, I hope. What should I do from here? Should I remove/reinstall the Satoshi client? How can I access my coins?

OS = Ubuntu 12.04

Client = 0.6.3

Title: Re: Satoshi Client not loading
Post by: Stephen Gornick on September 05, 2012, 05:16:19 AM
Yesterday my computer crashed and since then I have been unable to get the Satoshi client to fully load.

The debug.log might help tell you what its doing.

Title: Re: Satoshi Client not loading
Post by: Daily Anarchist on September 05, 2012, 07:38:11 PM
I'm not a techie but I tried my best.

I went to my terminal and put in

less ./.bitcoin/debug.log

which brought up the log. But in order to get to the bottom, or most recent logs I typed SHFT + G but it didn't take me to the bottom, it sort of screwed it up where I couldn't scroll up anymore. Pathetic, I know. So, it was a fruitless venture. Any better way to read the log?

Title: Re: Satoshi Client not loading
Post by: Revalin on September 05, 2012, 11:33:51 PM
tail -n 50 ~/.bitcoin/debug.log

Title: Re: Satoshi Client not loading
Post by: Daily Anarchist on September 06, 2012, 12:37:10 AM
This is all I get, same as if I do it my way.

Bitcoin version v0.6.3.0-g6e0c5e3-beta ()
Default data directory /home/seth/.bitcoin
Loading addresses... LogDir=/home/seth/.bitcoin/database ErrorFile=/home/seth/.bitcoin/db.log

Title: Re: Satoshi Client not loading
Post by: Revalin on September 06, 2012, 01:46:17 AM
Take a look at /home/seth/.bitcoin/db.log .  What's there?

Title: Re: Satoshi Client not loading
Post by: Daily Anarchist on September 06, 2012, 02:42:40 AM
Program version 4.8 doesn't match environment version 4.7
Program version 4.7 doesn't match environment version 4.8
Unacceptable log file /home/seth/.bitcoin/database/log.0000000168: unsupported l
og version 15
Invalid log file: log.0000000168: Invalid argument
PANIC: Invalid argument
unable to join the environment
Unacceptable log file /home/seth/.bitcoin/database/log.0000000168: unsupported l
og version 15
Invalid log file: log.0000000168: Invalid argument
PANIC: Invalid argument
unable to join the environment
Unacceptable log file /home/seth/.bitcoin/database/log.0000000168: unsupported log version 15
Invalid log file: log.0000000168: Invalid argument
PANIC: Invalid argument
unable to join the environment
close: Bad file descriptor
close: Bad file descriptor
close: Bad file descriptor
Build signature doesn't match environment
Unacceptable log file /home/seth/.bitcoin/database/log.0000000224: unsupported log version 16
unable to join the environment
Unacceptable log file /home/seth/.bitcoin/database/log.0000000168: unsupported log version 15
Invalid log file: log.0000000168: Invalid argument
PANIC: Invalid argument
unable to join the environment
close: Bad file descriptor
close: Bad file descriptor
close: Bad file descriptor
Build signature doesn't match environment
Unacceptable log file /home/seth/.bitcoin/database/log.0000000224: unsupported log version 16
Invalid log file: log.0000000224: Invalid argument
PANIC: Invalid argument
unable to join the environment
Unacceptable log file /home/seth/.bitcoin/database/log.0000001111: unsupported log version 16
Invalid log file: log.0000001111: Invalid argument
PANIC: Invalid argument
unable to join the environment
unable to join the environment
unable to join the environment
unable to join the environment

Title: Re: Satoshi Client not loading
Post by: Slushpuppy on September 06, 2012, 04:09:59 AM
PANIC: Invalid argument
unable to join the environment

you tried to debate ancap with your computer huh?

Title: Re: Satoshi Client not loading
Post by: Revalin on September 06, 2012, 04:49:27 AM
All right, now we're getting somewhere.

If you just want to get it running again, try this:

mv ~/.bitcoin ~/.bitcoin-old
mkdir ~/.bitcoin
cp ~/.bitcoin-old/wallet.dat ~/.bitcoin

Then restart the client.  It will download the blockchain again and then it should work.

If you want to dig deeper into why it failed we can, but that's harder.

Title: Re: Satoshi Client not loading
Post by: Daily Anarchist on September 06, 2012, 04:19:42 PM
All right, now we're getting somewhere.

If you just want to get it running again, try this:

mv ~/.bitcoin ~/.bitcoin-old
mkdir ~/.bitcoin
cp ~/.bitcoin-old/wallet.dat ~/.bitcoin

Then restart the client.  It will download the blockchain again and then it should work.

If you want to dig deeper into why it failed we can, but that's harder.

Thank you for this. Not only has it allowed my client to open again, but it's fixed another problem that has plagued me since 0.6.2. Now I can see my file, settings, and help options in the toolbar again. For some reason that bug happened to me I think around 0.6.2 upgrade.