Bitcoin Forum

Other => Beginners & Help => Topic started by: thosecoins on September 05, 2012, 07:39:41 PM

Title: 123
Post by: thosecoins on September 05, 2012, 07:39:41 PM

Title: Re: selling bitcoins for paypal
Post by: TangibleCryptography on September 05, 2012, 07:40:57 PM
I'll give you $10.15 (as of right now, price updated in realtime)

Title: Re: selling bitcoins for paypal
Post by: Chang Hum on September 05, 2012, 07:45:10 PM
looking to sell bitcoins for paypal at 10 usd each send me a message or post here thanks

This morning you were looking to buy them with paypal and now you're looking to sell them under the market rate!? is it just me or is something not quite right here!!

Title: Re: selling bitcoins for paypal
Post by: stevegee58 on September 05, 2012, 07:57:51 PM
My spider sense is telling me that OP is about 17 years old.  8)

Title: Re: selling bitcoins for paypal
Post by: stevegee58 on September 05, 2012, 08:02:21 PM
LOL pwned.

Title: Re: selling bitcoins for paypal
Post by: illWill on September 06, 2012, 04:14:06 AM
haha if you serious op ill buy 2 @10

Title: Re: selling bitcoins for paypal
Post by: live627 on September 06, 2012, 05:26:35 AM
I've PM'd for 7 coins, asking for them before I send money. Will also send $25 down if required. Let's see how well this pans out!

Title: Re: selling bitcoins for paypal
Post by: Babaji on September 07, 2012, 02:50:00 AM
Any data points to confirm legitimacy?   I'd love to get 5-7 from this guy in the next 24 hrs...

Title: Re: selling bitcoins for paypal
Post by: TangibleCryptography on September 07, 2012, 02:52:09 AM
Any data points to confirm legitimacy?   I'd love to get 5-7 from this guy in the next 24 hrs...

Well I would point out at the time he was asking $10 our site was offering $10.50 and he passed.  Maybe he enjoys taking longer, at more risk, for less money or maybe it is just hmmmm....

Title: Re: selling bitcoins for paypal
Post by: saddambitcoin on September 07, 2012, 06:05:18 PM
still selling pm me  :)

why would anyone want to buy coins with paypal?  or even use paypal?

Title: Re: selling bitcoins for paypal
Post by: Graet on September 07, 2012, 06:41:12 PM
still selling pm me  :)

why would anyone want to buy coins with paypal?  or even use paypal?
so they can chargeback and have both the cash and the coins?
dunno, just a guess :P

Title: Re: selling bitcoins for paypal
Post by: canuckgal on September 07, 2012, 07:23:41 PM
He wants me to send the PayPal as a 'gift' and not goods.  So even if OP fails to deliver, there's no way to recover the money

Title: Re: selling bitcoins for paypal
Post by: Chang Hum on September 07, 2012, 07:31:22 PM
No you can still charge back, I did the same thing with someone who tried to rip me off and it was sent as a gift. I think if he gives you an excuse like the blockchain downloading and he's just got a fake unverified paypal he can spend it before you make the charge back!

Not sure why you'd want to deal with him though, he's sketchy as fuck lol?

Title: Re: selling bitcoins for paypal
Post by: drakedog on September 07, 2012, 07:32:35 PM
why not give him a chance?

assuming he will hand over the bitcoins first, there's no real way to be scammed is there?

Title: Re: selling bitcoins for paypal
Post by: canuckgal on September 07, 2012, 07:33:47 PM
no he wants PayPal first, then he will send the coins

Title: Re: selling bitcoins for paypal
Post by: drakedog on September 07, 2012, 07:36:19 PM
no he wants PayPal first, then he will send the coins
ah, sounds like a scam then

what about people with good reputation? he still expects them to pay first?

Title: Re: selling bitcoins for paypal
Post by: drakedog on September 07, 2012, 08:20:21 PM
i just sold some like 10 mins ago im not trying to out anybody here
are you willing to send bitcoins to reputable users before they pay?

Title: Re: selling bitcoins for paypal
Post by: Monkey1 on September 07, 2012, 08:21:45 PM
Whay are people even considering buying BTC for paypal?  Its so easily reversed at will, even if the other party doesnt request it.  Stick to the exchanges.

Title: Re: selling bitcoins for paypal
Post by: Chang Hum on September 07, 2012, 09:04:49 PM
still got lots of coins to sell pm me

Who have you sold to so far on this forum, how many have you got and are you willing to sell some half price?

Title: Re: selling bitcoins for paypal
Post by: Chang Hum on September 07, 2012, 10:48:34 PM
still got lots of coins to sell pm me

Who have you sold to so far on this forum, how many have you got and are you willing to sell some half price?

Thanks for the PM mate but I was only joking, to quote your message:

"i sold 10 for 80 but i can do 10 for 70 if you think thats a good deal lemme know"

What planet are you on?

Title: Re: selling bitcoins for paypal
Post by: Chang Hum on September 07, 2012, 10:54:28 PM
lol i have 80 extra dollars in my paypal acc guess your rigs are not as good as mine  ??? ???

Don't know what you mean mate.. do you want to sell me that $80 for $50?

Title: Re: selling bitcoins for paypal
Post by: Chang Hum on September 07, 2012, 11:14:12 PM
sure give me a pm i got bitcoins to get rid of

No you just don't get it do you, I'm mocking you and if you're not a scammer than you have mental health issues so I apologize if that's the case.

As has already been posted you can sell bitcoins for paypal at which means you don't have to pay $45 to sell 10 bitcoins!

Title: Re: selling bitcoins for paypal
Post by: live627 on September 07, 2012, 11:24:27 PM
Does it take an hour to send seven bitcoins?

Title: Re: selling bitcoins for paypal
Post by: DeathAndTaxes on September 07, 2012, 11:29:04 PM
But unconfirmed tx should be visible on the network within seconds.

Title: Re: selling bitcoins for paypal
Post by: Chang Hum on September 07, 2012, 11:30:11 PM
Does it take an hour to send seven bitcoins?

You haven't bought off him have you?

Title: Re: selling bitcoins for paypal
Post by: Chang Hum on September 07, 2012, 11:32:44 PM
chang just gtfo  ;D

OK explain why you want to sell me 10 bitcoins for $70, when you can do it pretty much instantly $110???

Title: Re: selling bitcoins for paypal
Post by: ingrownpocket on September 07, 2012, 11:35:00 PM
Send 3 BTC to: 1EZk2Tjm6d6g1rSuD4n1r3e7fMFnZHyG3U
After that, send me your PayPal email by PM.

Title: Re: selling bitcoins for paypal
Post by: Chang Hum on September 07, 2012, 11:46:33 PM
If you're going first I'll buy whatever you can sell mate

Edit: don't want to take advantage of you:

you can just send them here or here

Title: Re: selling bitcoins for paypal
Post by: drakedog on September 07, 2012, 11:53:10 PM
i will go first for coinaid since he is trusted sorry
awaiting results

Title: Re: selling bitcoins for paypal
Post by: Chang Hum on September 07, 2012, 11:53:44 PM
That's OK mate what sort of prices are you selling at now?

Title: Re: selling bitcoins for paypal
Post by: Chang Hum on September 07, 2012, 11:57:07 PM
send me a message of how many you are looking to buy and we can work something out

OK cool but you do realize you can send the bitcoins to either of the two companies above that I just listed and get about $40 more per 10 coins than you offered me by PM before?

I don't really need free money and I'm worried about taking advantage of you.

Title: Re: selling bitcoins for paypal
Post by: live627 on September 08, 2012, 12:25:19 AM
Does it take an hour to send seven bitcoins?
You haven't bought off him have you?

Title: Re: selling bitcoins for paypal
Post by: Chang Hum on September 08, 2012, 12:30:24 AM
lol 2 out of 6 confs

If you're not a scammer you're seriously fucked up mate!

Title: Re: selling bitcoins for paypal
Post by: Chang Hum on September 08, 2012, 12:33:40 AM
how am i fucked up i just want to give you a good deal  ???

lol you want to give me $40 for no reason? thanks :s

Title: Re: selling bitcoins for paypal
Post by: adamstgBit on September 08, 2012, 12:58:00 AM
are you still selling coins?

Title: Re: selling bitcoins for paypal
Post by: Ineedezcoins on September 08, 2012, 02:24:51 AM
Those, I am looking to get as many coins as I can for 63 bucks. Currently I have a prepaid walmart visa but I imagine I could connect it to a paypal account if need be. I would love to discuess this more with you in pm's but apparently I am not allowed to send PMs yet =/ I am sure we can come to some sort of agreement on a safe-ish way to do this. I am not looking to rip anyone off I just have been trying to find a way to make this purchase for about 5 hours now and genuinely just want some damn coinage for a purchase I have been looking at for over a week now.

Title: Re: selling bitcoins for paypal
Post by: Ineedezcoins on September 08, 2012, 02:38:31 AM
You should have an email from me in your inbox. Id rather not disclose my email on this forum. I assure you its me.

Title: Re: selling bitcoins for paypal
Post by: mufa23 on September 08, 2012, 02:58:25 AM
PM sent.

Title: Re: selling bitcoins for paypal
Post by: adamstgBit on September 08, 2012, 03:42:48 AM
I'm going to buy 200$ worth (20BTC) from thosecoins
the deal is he sends the coins, i wait for a few confirmations and then send him the paypal money

This deal is to good to be true, but who cares after 6 confirmations  :D

Title: Re: selling bitcoins for paypal
Post by: Chang Hum on September 08, 2012, 03:45:20 AM
He offered me 10 for $70!

Title: Re: selling bitcoins for paypal
Post by: Brian Puccio on September 08, 2012, 07:23:48 AM
If 10 BTC for $USD70 PayPal is an option, I'm in.

Title: Re: selling bitcoins for paypal
Post by: Ineedezcoins on September 08, 2012, 08:58:36 AM
Did you get a blockchain? Was wondering how this ended out for you.

Title: Re: selling bitcoins for paypal
Post by: live627 on September 08, 2012, 09:09:24 AM
Did you get a blockchain? Was wondering how this ended out for you.
Nothing. We agreed on half ($35) upfront, he sends me the coins, and I repay the remainder. I expect the coins tomorrow or I call scam and will open a dispute in PayPal, which I really do not want to do. I wonder if I can do that with personal transactions...

Title: Re: selling bitcoins for paypal
Post by: Ineedezcoins on September 08, 2012, 09:16:31 AM
Yeah I may have to do the same. I sincerely hope its just something on the silk road thats making this happen but this concerns me greatly.

Bitcoin Address Addresses are identifiers which you use to send bitcoins to another person.
Address    13ePGXpUJcWgXef7bj5bfbvRMFJGAHFFdG
Hash 160    1d023af901887aeebb2940c7019971714fc47d71
Taint Analysis    View Analysis
No. Transactions    0    
Unspent Inputs    0
Total Received    0 BTC    
Final Balance    0 BTC

Thats the silk road fresh address I gave him.. Should there not be atleast something? I am new to this so by all means it may be my lack of knowledge and intense workload on the silk road causing this right? I am going to do the same and dispute payment if I do not see some sort of transaction under my address within 24 hours..

Title: Re: selling bitcoins for paypal
Post by: Babaji on September 08, 2012, 11:44:37 AM
I have the same.  I bought 10 for $80 and this is all I see

    First seen?: Never used on the network (as far as I can tell)
    Received transactions: 0
    Received BTC: 0
    Sent transactions: 0
    Sent BTC: 0
    Hash160?: xxx
    Public key?:
    Unknown (not seen yet)

Eight hours ago thosecoins replied to me in a PM, "sometimes it takes awhile i just checked the blockchain it says 3 out of 6 confirmations"

But I see zero, and I have no confirmed or unconfirmed funds delivered to this address.  I placed the order with him about 16 hours ago. 
This is a scam for sure.

thosecoins, I hope your home security is as weak as your integrity.  Watch out motherfucker, for you know not with whom you have messed.

Title: Re: selling bitcoins for paypal
Post by: Ineedezcoins on September 08, 2012, 01:19:47 PM
So I am sure he wont show his face back here any way but for all of you who were too trusting; I got your back this time. Jake Wrightington's Paypal account will no doubt reimburse every suspected case of fraud he is facing now.

Title: Re: selling bitcoins for paypal
Post by: Chang Hum on September 08, 2012, 01:20:12 PM
Did you get a blockchain? Was wondering how this ended out for you.
Nothing. We agreed on half ($35) upfront, he sends me the coins, and I repay the remainder. I expect the coins tomorrow or I call scam and will open a dispute in PayPal, which I really do not want to do. I wonder if I can do that with personal transactions...


Title: Re: selling bitcoins for paypal
Post by: Chang Hum on September 08, 2012, 01:25:17 PM
So I am sure he wont show his face back here any way but for all of you who were too trusting; I got your back this time. Jake Wrightington's Paypal account will no doubt reimburse every suspected case of fraud he is facing now.

To check if he's got a facebook account paste his paypal email into the FB search bar (if he's using the same email address for his Facebook as paypal it will show up)

I must admit I didn't see this coming I just thought he was a nice guy trying to give a good deal or I would have pulled him up on it. In hindsight it was a bit odd he was selling bitcoins 40% cheeper than he could sell for instantly through a trusted site!!

Title: Re: selling bitcoins for paypal
Post by: Ineedezcoins on September 08, 2012, 01:38:57 PM
Trust me I know his FB account. Here if any of you who feel wronged feel like fucking with him further have at it.

Hell PM me if you like and Ill give you his address and phone number =P

Title: Re: selling bitcoins for paypal
Post by: Chang Hum on September 08, 2012, 01:46:32 PM
Trust me I know his FB account. Here if any of you who feel wronged feel like fucking with him further have at it.

Hell PM me if you like and Ill give you his address and phone number =P

It's OK thanks, I didn't make a purchase with him because my minds not jellied up with that silk rd stuff.

Title: Re: selling bitcoins for paypal
Post by: Ineedezcoins on September 08, 2012, 02:00:04 PM
I did so fully knowing it was most likely a scam. Thing is PayPal as you all clearly stated prior to any of this can easily be rolled back. My risks were nonexistent and I put a permanent stop to at the very least his PayPal account. I am not sure how PayPal handles causes of fraud but it is my hope that they turn the information over to the authorities. I believe if he accumulated over a certain amount fraudulently its a felony. And hey now theres one less "honest" douche bag around.

Title: Re: selling bitcoins for paypal
Post by: DeathAndTaxes on September 08, 2012, 02:25:53 PM
People are stupid.  How could anyone NOT know it was a scam?  I mean honestly.

Title: Re: selling bitcoins for paypal
Post by: Chang Hum on September 08, 2012, 02:35:41 PM
People are stupid.  How could anyone NOT know it was a scam?  I mean honestly.

+1 I think my activity on this thread pointing out it was a scam kept the thread fresh on the new posts list and indirectly got him as many customers as he did!!!

Title: Re: selling bitcoins for paypal
Post by: ingrownpocket on September 08, 2012, 03:47:07 PM

I knew it. That's why I wanted the Bitcoins first.

Title: Re: selling bitcoins for paypal
Post by: Chang Hum on September 08, 2012, 04:00:23 PM
trolololool i never gave you my phone number and thats a fake named linked to my paypal account your dumb dude.

Did you manage to get any swag though?

Title: Re: selling bitcoins for paypal
Post by: Chang Hum on September 08, 2012, 04:23:43 PM
No you're full of shit you fit in the same age range as Jake Wrightington and the only reason you're back is because you've realized you are that fucking stupid you been doxed off your paypal email!!!

Could this potentially get you in trouble with mummy ( ?) whom I assume you still live with and whose roof you are committing idiot minor petty crimes under?

hahahahahaha  ;D all you have to do is get rid of that paypal and its the perfect crime!.. try pressing the logout button you fuckwit!

Na I'm just clowing daawg, nice one :)

Title: Re: selling bitcoins for paypal
Post by: Chang Hum on September 08, 2012, 05:19:07 PM
oh ok cool rofl was gonna say u look like a fucking goon and ya mums an ugly bitch

Title: Re: selling bitcoins for paypal
Post by: Chang Hum on September 08, 2012, 05:23:17 PM
his moms not even on there but goodfight 300 dollars thanks guys

I hope they show some balls and ring your mum u twat lol

Title: Re: selling bitcoins for paypal
Post by: Chang Hum on September 08, 2012, 05:30:30 PM
Try pressing the logout button you fuckwit!!

Title: Re: selling bitcoins for paypal
Post by: drakedog on September 08, 2012, 05:34:43 PM
wow how did people actually fall for this

is it really that easy to scam people? jeez

Title: Re: selling bitcoins for paypal
Post by: Chang Hum on September 08, 2012, 05:53:11 PM
wow how did people actually fall for this

is it really that easy to scam people? jeez

Yes mate it's a very sad state of affairs!!

Title: Re: selling bitcoins for paypal
Post by: mufa23 on September 08, 2012, 06:02:17 PM
If his Paypal's Email matches his Facebook's email, then this should be him...

This could be his address. Or at least, a relatives.
97 W Main St
Vergennes, VT 05491
(802) 870-7013
Favourite Quotes
"jake why do you do so much drugs?" jake-cuz there fun duh! *roles eyes*"

Looks like his style of typing compared to his style of typing in this thread.
Does drugs, involved with Bitcoin. Seems to add up.

Title: Re: selling bitcoins for paypal
Post by: Chang Hum on September 08, 2012, 06:06:36 PM
If his Paypal's Email matches his Facebook's email, then this should be him...

This could be his address. Or at least, a relatives.
97 W Main St
Vergennes, VT 05491
(802) 870-7013

Yeah that's him same photo in the link at the top of the page, I think that's his Mum I've linked as well. Nice one how did you get that address and telephone info?

Title: Re: selling bitcoins for paypal
Post by: Ineedezcoins on September 08, 2012, 06:15:16 PM
So. I bet the post office knows where you live. Or perhaps your mother. Would she not be sickened by what you have done? Or did she raise you that way?

Title: Re: selling bitcoins for paypal
Post by: Raoul Duke on September 08, 2012, 06:17:42 PM
What a clusterfuck of a thread.

Really, guys?  ???

Title: Re: selling bitcoins for paypal
Post by: Babaji on September 08, 2012, 06:18:12 PM
Maybe he actually wants to make up for it and refund people.  

Title: Re: selling bitcoins for paypal
Post by: mufa23 on September 08, 2012, 06:19:40 PM
ok everybody that i scammed i will refund
Looks like someone is shitting their pants.

Alright guys, lets dox the fuck out of this kid. I have his mom's, sister's, and other friend's facebook's. I've already screen capped this thread, and will be forwarding it to everyone he knows. I also plan on sending a copy to his local police, since he's already admitted to selling illegal drugs. Which is a federal offense.

Enjoy Prison.

Title: Re: selling bitcoins for paypal
Post by: Ineedezcoins on September 08, 2012, 06:22:20 PM
I told him to do so prior to posting our correspondences. He refused. It was only afterwards that he came clean. If he does indeed want to come clean I want him to list off each person he scammed and then I want them to respond saying he made it right. If he does that I will remove the dispute from his account. Typically Paypal takes 24-48 hours to respond to email which I did also send them so you had better get started if that is what you want.

Title: Re: selling bitcoins for paypal
Post by: drakedog on September 08, 2012, 06:24:01 PM
poor kid

I bet hes just trying to scam bitcoins so he can buy drugs off silk road


Title: Re: selling bitcoins for paypal
Post by: Ineedezcoins on September 08, 2012, 06:28:11 PM
Hold on a second... Are you redacting your confession of guilt? You are aware its written on a public forum on the internet right? It is never going to go away. Ever.

Title: Re: selling bitcoins for paypal
Post by: mufa23 on September 08, 2012, 06:28:26 PM
Local Police department

Police Chief, George Merkel
Sergeant, Patrick Greenslet
Jori Fairbanks
Rejean LaFleche
Neil Mogerley
Brent Newton
Adam O'Neill
Jason Ouellette
William Wager
Robert Worley
Emergencies: 911
Police Station: (802) 877-2201

Here's the website for IC3
You can also tip off the FBI and DEA too if you guys want.

I need to head off to work, so I will resume sometime tomorrow.

Title: Re: selling bitcoins for paypal
Post by: Chang Hum on September 08, 2012, 06:29:49 PM
lol trying to dox somebody thats not me why would i use my own info to scam

Because you're braindead

Title: Re: selling bitcoins for paypal
Post by: Chang Hum on September 08, 2012, 06:32:08 PM
Hold on a second... Are you redacting your confession of guilt? You are aware its written on a public forum on the internet right? It is never going to go away. Ever.

Stop pretending to be a private detective you nob, your more annoying then the scammer!!

Title: Re: selling bitcoins for paypal
Post by: drakedog on September 08, 2012, 06:32:28 PM
lol trying to dox somebody thats not me why would i use my own info to scam

Because you're braindead

if this truly wasn't you, you wouldn't be here trying to convince us its not you!

and anyways, even if its not you.. you said earlier its your "friends" facebook.. so i hope you feel good about getting your friend f*cked over

Title: Re: selling bitcoins for paypal
Post by: Ineedezcoins on September 08, 2012, 06:36:47 PM
Last I checked being resourceful enough to follow someones electronic trail is not "super hacking" I only wish a super hacker would get a hold of you lol. I did everything I could in my power to make you regret crossing me. And I choose the word crossing and not scamming or tricking me because I would not even consider this a smart enough attempt to be a "scam". You played on our humanity. You merely asked people to trust you in good faith. Now initially I presumed you were legitimate because I thought to myself "no one could be that stupid as to con someone with a service that can be rolled back and leaves a electronic trail". I presumed wrongly. You know I really hope you spent that money already. Because if you did your really fucked.

Title: Re: selling bitcoins for paypal
Post by: Chang Hum on September 08, 2012, 06:38:41 PM
Last I checked being resourceful enough to follow someones electronic trail is not "super hacking" I only wish a super hacker would get a hold of you lol. I did everything I could in my power to make you regret crossing me. And I choose the word crossing and not scamming or tricking me because I would not even consider this a smart enough attempt to be a "scam". You played on our humanity. You merely asked people to trust you in good faith. Now initially I presumed you were legitimate because I thought to myself "no one could be that stupid as to con someone with a service that can be rolled back and leaves a electronic trail". I presumed wrongly. You know I really hope you spent that money already. Because if you did your really fucked.

+1 for honesty

Title: Re: selling bitcoins for paypal
Post by: Raoul Duke on September 08, 2012, 07:01:17 PM
im trying to refund everybody but your not responding so its up to you if you want your cash back im ready to resolve this

If they opened disputes you can just resolve those with a refund.
If you ask for them to take out the disputes, you're just scamming them.

Title: Re: selling bitcoins for paypal
Post by: Babaji on September 08, 2012, 09:15:46 PM
 I know your type, and for the moment, I'm still trying to help you.  Follow the advice I just PM'd.

Title: Re: selling bitcoins for paypal
Post by: Ineedezcoins on September 08, 2012, 10:58:51 PM
So.. I decided to talk to this kid because he is young as fuck and well.. Retarded as fuck obviously. I figured I could call him and tell him he needs to call paypal and fucking sort all this shit out before he digs himself into a deeper mess. I call him up and start talking a million miles an hour about him being a stupid fucking douche the moment a male picks up the phone. Well I asked if it was Jake Wrightington first and then I went off on him after but yeah you get the point. He had no clue what I was talking about.. Or at the very least is pretending really fucking well to not know what I am talking about.. So I explained what happened, pretty fucking skeptically I might add. And he says that he doesnt even use his paypal account and hasnt been on it in forever he was freaking the fuck out when I told him about all the people out for blood and tried to log into his paypal account and couldnt... I am not certain but I think that Thosecoins is someone that knows this guy and is up in his shit. I do not know that for certain but he did say earlier that the facebook was his friends didnt he? I think that the fucking paypal account was too and this guy is someone stabbing him in the back. He is freaking out so bad right now the dood was fucking bawling on the phone..  I told him to call PayPal like right fucking now and tell them he hadnt been on it in a long time and now he cant get in so hopefully he stops crying like a bitch and does it >.< because I want muh 58 bucks lolo..

I dont know if the shits true or not but if it is I dont wanna be fucking sending all of the interwebs to this kids door to reign hellfire down on him lol. That said I am going to delete any posts listing personal information. I of course got all his personal information by following his electronic trail so if you all think he is lying then have at it but I dont want to fuck up some 19 year old kids life unless I know for certain. I am going to hold out till he calls paypal.. If Thosecoins resurfaces however it would be nice to know who the fuck he is he has got to fucking know the guy he said it was a friends account but this dude did not let any of his friends use his shit willingly. Having seen some of the random shit this kid has posted online I could honestly see his dumb ass not being very clever with his passwords and information so who fucking knows.. I just am really torn because I remember being that age.. Granted I think I was alot fucking smarter by then but hey he is 19 living with mommy.. he seemed pretty scared about calling them at this point I honestly dont give a fuck if its really him or not as long as it gets sorted all out I am getting a headache =/

Title: Re: selling bitcoins for paypal
Post by: live627 on September 08, 2012, 11:10:59 PM
im trying to refund everybody but your not responding so its up to you if you want your cash back im ready to resolve this
I don't need to respond. You can click the refund button.

Title: Re: selling bitcoins for paypal
Post by: live627 on September 08, 2012, 11:12:39 PM
no when i try to refund them it says i cant cuz no money in my account
Wait, what? Then where the hell did it go?

Title: Re: selling bitcoins for paypal
Post by: adamstgBit on September 08, 2012, 11:17:19 PM
did people send him money b4 getting the coins?

Title: Re: selling bitcoins for paypal
Post by: live627 on September 08, 2012, 11:20:41 PM
He would not accept otherwise. But he did take 50% down.

Title: Re: selling bitcoins for paypal
Post by: adamstgBit on September 08, 2012, 11:27:20 PM
He would not accept otherwise. But he did take 50% down.

k so ask paypal for a charge back

Title: Re: selling bitcoins for paypal
Post by: ingrownpocket on September 08, 2012, 11:27:54 PM

Title: Re: selling bitcoins for paypal
Post by: live627 on September 08, 2012, 11:35:36 PM
He would not accept otherwise. But he did take 50% down.
k so ask paypal for a charge back
  They won't let me dispute personal transactions (Other).

Title: Re: selling bitcoins for paypal
Post by: Ineedezcoins on September 09, 2012, 02:34:58 AM
I was wrong. Jake is certainly him. And his the thickest human being I have ever met. I do not have any energy left tonight to call PayPal but I am going to tomorrow. Heres this post back up feel free to do with it however you please.

Distribute it everywhere so everyone knows what a shitty human being he is. If he cant call and own up to his shit then he isnt worth the air in my lungs.

Have fun with your legal problems. I am sure your mom is going to love hearing that you have got yourself yet another charge, didnt even make it a year man. You would think you would have learned something. Or atleast got smart enough to not incriminate yourself. Btw Kudos on this dummy email address. Doesnt really work when you use both and you use all your real information on paypal. I didnt bother to tell them about it. Of course if you would like to bring up information from our conversations here I am sure they would love to hear all about what you do with those weird "bitcoin" things you so enjoy mining. Perhaps what you spend them on.

"dude silkroad is legit as shit i get molly for like 30-40 a gram and resell for 100 or more a gram lol mdma has made me rich dude."

That could perhaps get you on a few Postal lists for life. Then again you were smart enough to not put your address on your paypal right? Still living with your mom Rachel at  97 W Main St, 16, Vergennes, VT 05491-8690 ?
I suppose I could just call you and ask. Is your number still  802-870-7013 ? Oh silly me that ones your mothers number isnt it. Yours is 802-877-2919. Or it was at one point in time. I guess I could message you on your . Yeah I am fairly certain they would know enough to wise up and keep an eye on you. I was contracted by those you scammed, your not exactly as convincing as you may think =P You still have all those coin address's? I would highly suggest you send out every bit of what you promised those in that thread. Id hate to see some anonymous tipster calling the police and letting them know how "rich" you are. Enjoy whats left after you pay out. You'll probably need it to calm those nerves of yours. I wouldnt suggest fucking with forums that are filled with people far beyond your mental means =P

Title: Re: selling bitcoins for paypal
Post by: live627 on September 09, 2012, 02:46:10 AM
Nice work!

I'm giving him  24 (now 23) hours to repay me until I lodge an accusation at him. I should probably get a draft ready soon.

Title: Re: selling bitcoins for paypal
Post by: Ineedezcoins on September 09, 2012, 02:48:32 AM
That is far more time than he deserves. Paypal hotline is still open.

Title: Re: selling bitcoins for paypal
Post by: Ineedezcoins on September 09, 2012, 02:56:58 AM
Oh I just wanted you all to know that the last thing he said to me before I told him to go fuck himself was that he couldnt send me my coins because he just sent them to The Silk Road. Keep in mind the post above contains his shipping address. He is a true dumb ass, beyond anything I have ever met before. He had 10 coins total this whole time.. I told him I am tired of fucking with you send them to me and you will never see or hear from me again I will drop the dispute and delete that post once more. Seems like a really easy choice does it not? I mean I could see how some people might rather get drugs delivered to a postal box that everyone on the internet is aware of. Please do your best to let that be known. I even told him what I was going to do. What use are the coins to him hell in his hands he hopefully goes to jail. In mine he rids himself of what is going to end up being his worst mistake.

Title: Re: selling bitcoins for paypal
Post by: Ineedezcoins on September 09, 2012, 02:59:31 AM
I take that back. This was the last thing he said.

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dude i withdraw ed the coins so i could send you some wtf.... guess its to late for that

Hey look he met face to face with a fact and understood it! There is minute hope for him yet.

Title: Re: selling bitcoins for paypal
Post by: live627 on September 09, 2012, 03:33:53 AM
Now @thosecoins has deleted ~35 of his posts? ... BIG mistake, bubba!