Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: MicroGuy on May 16, 2015, 11:20:11 PM

Title: Bitcoin Extremists Target Bank of China
Post by: MicroGuy on May 16, 2015, 11:20:11 PM

(Hong Kong) — Foreign bitcoin terrorists no longer content with pilfering small business owners and private citizens, have now turned their attention to more lucrative targets.

The Hong Kong paper The Standard ( is reporting that the Bank of China and the Bank of Asia are both current targets of a cryptocurrency cyber attack.

"The case has been classified as blackmail and will be investigated by the Cyber Security and Technology Crime Bureau. Preliminary investigation suggests the attacks were launched from multiple countries."

Police confirmed that those behind the attack demanded payment in bitcoin following a DDoS warning attack, during which the banks website was flooded with significant amounts of traffic in order to interrupt access by bank customers. The police spokesperson said the threats included promises of future attacks.

Bitcoin is hugely popular among cyber criminals, illicit drug traders, and international crime syndicates, because of its potential to allow transactions to remain anonymous when used properly.

The inventor of the popular digital currency remains missing after vanishing with over 1 million bitcoins he mined while holding the lion’s share of the network hashing power. Bitcoin adopters are praying he doesn’t dump those coins on the market which could crash the price and crush the dreams of its many followers.

The last time Satoshi communicated privately he wrote, “I’ve moved on to other things and probably won’t be around in the future.”

Full Story:

Title: Re: Bitcoin Extremists Target Bank of China
Post by: Sitarow on May 16, 2015, 11:30:57 PM

(Hong Kong) — Foreign bitcoin terrorists no longer content with pilfering small business owners and private citizens, have now turned their attention to more lucrative targets.

The Hong Kong paper The Standard ( is reporting that the Bank of China and the Bank of Asia are both current targets of a cryptocurrency cyber attack.

"The case has been classified as blackmail and will be investigated by the Cyber Security and Technology Crime Bureau. Preliminary investigation suggests the attacks were launched from multiple countries."

Police confirmed that those behind the attack demanded payment in bitcoin following a DDoS warning attack, during which the banks website was flooded with significant amounts of traffic in order to interrupt access by bank customers. The police spokesperson said the threats included promises of future attacks.

Bitcoin is hugely popular among cyber criminals, illicit drug traders, and international crime syndicates, because of its potential to allow transactions to remain anonymous when used properly.

The inventor of the popular digital currency remains missing after vanishing with over 1 million bitcoins he mined while holding the lion’s share of the network hashing power. Bitcoin adopters are praying he doesn’t dump those coins on the market which could crash the price and crush the dreams of its many followers.

The last time Satoshi communicated privately he wrote, “I’ve moved on to other things and probably won’t be around in the future.”


Jeopardy time.

The group of people, publications, etc, such as of a government, country etc, responsible for the organized dissemination of information, allegations, etc, to assist or damage the cause of a government, movement, etc  

What is the .......... .......

The use of information to deliberately and often covertly spread (as by the planting of rumors) in order to influence public opinion or obscure the truth.

What is ..............

Double Jeopardy.
Not so candid or sincere, typically by pretending that one knows less about something than one really does.

What is ............

Title: Re: Bitcoin Extremists Target Bank of China
Post by: SpanishSoldier on May 16, 2015, 11:36:16 PM
WoW !!! Its Happening :)

Just an example that shows how fragile these centralized banking systems are...

Title: Re: Bitcoin Extremists Target Bank of China
Post by: Morecoin Freeman on May 16, 2015, 11:50:03 PM
I want to become a bitcoin extremist too. Where do I go in training?

Title: Re: Bitcoin Extremists Target Bank of China
Post by: achow101_alt on May 16, 2015, 11:58:00 PM
Jeopardy time.

The group of people, publications, etc, such as of a government, country etc, responsible for the organized dissemination of information, allegations, etc, to assist or damage the cause of a government, movement, etc   

What is the propoganda machine.

The use of information to deliberately and often covertly spread (as by the planting of rumors) in order to influence public opinion or obscure the truth.

What is propoganda.

Double Jeopardy.
Not so candid or sincere, typically by pretending that one knows less about something than one really does.
What is disingenuous.

Do I win anything?  ;D

Title: Re: Bitcoin Extremists Target Bank of China
Post by: Bralex on May 17, 2015, 12:07:27 AM
Bitcoin Extremists  ;D I would not go that far, they are hackers who know that bitcoin can help them get paid in their dossing attacks and or activities nothing more in my eyes. Why should they not get paid when they are putting in the work lol It is not like central banks or any kind of bank do not deserve it they have been stealing since their creation. At least the extortionists have moved on to people that deserve it, just seems like a reason to give bitcoin more negatives.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Extremists Target Bank of China
Post by: Slark on May 17, 2015, 12:17:29 AM

(Hong Kong) — Foreign bitcoin terrorists no longer content with pilfering small business owners and private citizens, have now turned their attention to more lucrative targets.

The Hong Kong paper The Standard ( is reporting that the Bank of China and the Bank of Asia are both current targets of a cryptocurrency cyber attack.

"The case has been classified as blackmail and will be investigated by the Cyber Security and Technology Crime Bureau. Preliminary investigation suggests the attacks were launched from multiple countries."

Police confirmed that those behind the attack demanded payment in bitcoin following a DDoS warning attack, during which the banks website was flooded with significant amounts of traffic in order to interrupt access by bank customers. The police spokesperson said the threats included promises of future attacks.

Bitcoin is hugely popular among cyber criminals, illicit drug traders, and international crime syndicates, because of its potential to allow transactions to remain anonymous when used properly.

The inventor of the popular digital currency remains missing after vanishing with over 1 million bitcoins he mined while holding the lion’s share of the network hashing power. Bitcoin adopters are praying he doesn’t dump those coins on the market which could crash the price and crush the dreams of its many followers.

The last time Satoshi communicated privately he wrote, “I’ve moved on to other things and probably won’t be around in the future.”

Full Story:
I can't believe the negativity of this article is spreading. Now 'bitcoin enthusiasts' are renamed to 'bitcoin extremists'. And what exactly Satoshi has to do with this whole situation?
He is like original bitcoin extremist or something? I am tired of hearing everyone argumenting that if Satoshi can't be located then bitcoin is probably tool created for evil deeds. This needs to stop.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Extremists Target Bank of China
Post by: cellard on May 17, 2015, 12:20:27 AM
Lol, cute FUD article. Press is good press, keep it up. In any case, it shows how easy fucking a bank up is. Have fun trying to fuck up the bitcoin bank :)

Title: Re: Bitcoin Extremists Target Bank of China
Post by: XCASH on May 17, 2015, 12:22:19 AM
The story branded them bitcoin extremists to get attention. It would have gone unnoticed if it said hackers DDOSed a bank and demanded payment in bitcoins. It has an attention grabbing headline to entice people into reading a boring story.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Extremists Target Bank of China
Post by: dserrano5 on May 17, 2015, 01:51:44 AM
The inventor of the popular digital currency remains missing after vanishing with over 1 million bitcoins he mined while holding the lion’s share of the network hashing power.

This is the lollest I've read in months. Considering putting it in my signature…

Title: Re: Bitcoin Extremists Target Bank of China
Post by: QuestionAuthority on May 17, 2015, 02:31:03 AM
Did you read the credits?

Posted by: Dick Valis

Dick is an altcoin enthusiast and student of philosophy. He enjoys writing/posting steaming piles of shit lies about Bitcoin and spending his time exploring Dogecoin and searching for all the money he lost trading shitcoins when he should have just focused his attention on Bitcoin. Dick moonlights as a bitter old man playing with a young mans dream.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Extremists Target Bank of China
Post by: TeamButtcoin on May 17, 2015, 02:34:11 AM
The inventor of the popular digital currency remains missing after vanishing with over 1 million bitcoins he mined while holding the lion’s share of the network hashing power.

This is the lollest I've read in months. Considering putting it in my signature…

I fail to see how that statement isn't technically correct

Title: Re: Bitcoin Extremists Target Bank of China
Post by: Sitarow on May 17, 2015, 02:43:00 AM
Jeopardy time.

The group of people, publications, etc, such as of a government, country etc, responsible for the organized dissemination of information, allegations, etc, to assist or damage the cause of a government, movement, etc  

What is the propoganda machine.

The use of information to deliberately and often covertly spread (as by the planting of rumors) in order to influence public opinion or obscure the truth.

What is propoganda. <---- Try again ;D

Double Jeopardy.
Not so candid or sincere, typically by pretending that one knows less about something than one really does.
What is disingenuous.

Do I win anything?  ;D

Your dignity for reading between the lines of what goes for news these days! :D

The inventor of the popular digital currency remains missing after vanishing with over 1 million bitcoins he mined while holding the lion’s share of the network hashing power.

This is the lollest I've read in months. Considering putting it in my signature…

I found this rather humerus as well. The way they word it leaves the impression that the inventor as having swindled the bitcoin community of its wealth, however even as a stretch of the facts, there is no "Lie" in the statement.

I am sure Satoshi would have a bone to pick with the author.

Can someone simplify this sentence below?

"A wise understanding of numbers shows the discernment one possesses when applying this knowledge to form a medium of exchange that enables enduring relationships."

"Bitcoin is bassed on the foresight to use the strongest foundation within our grasp to develop enduring relationship."

Title: Re: Bitcoin Extremists Target Bank of China
Post by: Undermood on May 17, 2015, 02:57:47 AM
I want to become a bitcoin extremist too. Where do I go in training?
If you want to become extremist, you can go to islamic state to show your interests and they will train you. LOL The title is not appropriate. It should be bitcoin hackers target bank of china.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Extremists Target Bank of China
Post by: QuestionAuthority on May 17, 2015, 03:10:00 AM
So this isn't a lie? Bitcoin is hugely popular among cyber criminals, illicit drug traders, and international crime syndicates, because of its potential to allow transactions to remain anonymous when used properly. The inventor of the popular digital currency remains missing after vanishing with over 1 million bitcoins he mined while holding the lion’s share of the network hashing power. Bitcoin adopters are praying he doesn’t dump those coins on the market which could crash the price and crush the dreams of its many followers.

Cyber criminals maybe, illicit drug traders are all but gone now, but international crime syndicates? Could he show me exactly which international crime syndicates he interviewed to make this statement true? Was it the Red Wa Cartel, Rizzuto crime family, Murder, Inc, possibly the DeCavalcante crime family, or Unione Corse, I know it was the polish Pruszków Mafia, no wait it was Sztojka clan, how about the Mandamenti, possibly Macedonian Mafia and the Wo On Lok (Shui Fong) 和安樂(水房).

Satoshi doesn't "remain missing" and he didn't "vanish". He intentionally left, said goodbye and passed on his alert keys to Gavin.

"Bitcoin adopters are praying he doesn’t dump those coins on the market" Really? I don't remember Bitcoiners having a prayer meeting. Was I not invited? Did Joel Osteen or Billy Graham attend? I always wanted to meet them. Anyone that can steal the last dollar away from old people on social security has got to be special.

This ass wipe is a typical sensationalist exaggeration peddler. He tells just enough of the truth to keep from being questioned.  

Title: Re: Bitcoin Extremists Target Bank of China
Post by: Sitarow on May 17, 2015, 03:21:22 AM
So this isn't a lie? Bitcoin is hugely popular among cyber criminals, illicit drug traders, and international crime syndicates, because of its potential to allow transactions to remain anonymous when used properly. The inventor of the popular digital currency remains missing after vanishing with over 1 million bitcoins he mined while holding the lion’s share of the network hashing power. Bitcoin adopters are praying he doesn’t dump those coins on the market which could crash the price and crush the dreams of its many followers.

Cyber criminals maybe, illicit drug traders are all but gone now, but international crime syndicates? Could he show me exactly which international crime syndicates he interviewed to make this statement true? Was it the Red Wa Cartel, Rizzuto crime family, Murder, Inc, possibly the DeCavalcante crime family, or Unione Corse, I know it was the polish Pruszków Mafia, no wait it was Sztojka clan, how about the Mandamenti, possibly Macedonian Mafia and the Wo On Lok (Shui Fong) 和安樂(水房).

Satoshi doesn't "remain missing" and he didn't "vanish". He intentionally left, said goodbye and passed on his alert keys to Gavin.

"Bitcoin adopters are praying he doesn’t dump those coins on the market" Really? I don't remember Bitcoiners having a prayer meeting. Was I not invited? Did Joel Osteen or Billy Graham attend? I always wanted to meet them. Anyone that can steal the last dollar away from old people on social security has got to be special.

This ass wipe is a typical sensationalist exaggeration peddler. He tells just enough of the truth to keep from being questioned.  

The fact is that they are being disingenuous in their reporting and have no intention of providing facts as long as they "sell papers".

However as far as ransom-ware attacks, bitmain and other service providers that rely on the internet to do business have been targeted by these types.

Like cash bitcoin comes with no charge backs. SO even if they are found and prosecuted they at least get to live off the proceeds of crime for a time.


Considering how big the currency market is. This interruption is something big banks contend with easily.

Looking at Bitcoin's total trading volume today, one can quickly deduce that Bitcoin is not a substitute for how traditional currencies continue to enable criminal activity.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Extremists Target Bank of China
Post by: lontivero on May 17, 2015, 03:26:00 AM
LOL Bitcoin extremists WTF!?

Title: Re: Bitcoin Extremists Target Bank of China
Post by: Sitarow on May 17, 2015, 05:09:35 AM
LOL Bitcoin extremists WTF!?

I think this is one of them...

Title: Re: Bitcoin Extremists Target Bank of China
Post by: Kprawn on May 17, 2015, 07:42:54 AM
The banks are becoming VERY desperate if they hire shitty Shills like that.  ;)

A true Shill will at least hide his intension or mask it under bullshit. He plays with "Bitcoin extremist" words to sensationalize his articles and in doing this expose what he is doing.

Let's agree, we passed the stage where they "laughed at us" .... It's fear that is driving this FUD.

Try again, we are still here... admit it, you failed... It's now our turn to get a spot in the sun.  ;D

Title: Re: Bitcoin Extremists Target Bank of China
Post by: franky1 on May 17, 2015, 08:07:55 AM
The banks are becoming VERY desperate if they hire shitty Shills like that.  ;)

The story branded them bitcoin extremists to get attention. It would have gone unnoticed if it said hackers DDOSed a bank and demanded payment in bitcoins. It has an attention grabbing headline to entice people into reading a boring story.

i guess you never bothered reading the actual article from the 'hong kong standard' and just read the crap in the OP and altcoin post....... read the actual news article again as there is no mention of "bitcoin extremists" and then you will see that it is actually the OP that is causing more negative propaganda then the hong kong news..

now lets spoon feed you with the truth:

Hackers believed to be from overseas have threatened to launch fresh cyber attacks on Bank of China and Bank of East Asia unless they pay them not in cash, but with virtual currency bitcoin.

Police confirmed yesterday that they received reports on Monday from two financial institutions, claiming their websites were hacked on Saturday, leading to unstable service.

"The two institutions later received e-mails demanding payments in bitcoins, or there would be another round of attacks," a spokesman said.

The case has been classified as blackmail and will be investigated by the Cyber Security and Technology Crime Bureau. Preliminary investigation suggests the attacks were launched from multiple countries.

Bank of China said its website was affected by a distributed denial of service attack on Saturday, but stressed its customer service had not been affected. Bank of East Asia said it found out it had been hit by a DDoS attack after noticing an abnormal increase in internet traffic.

The bank said there are contingency measures in place to deal with such attacks and denied that any of its data or customer accounts had been affected.

The Hong Kong Monetary Authority asked the banks to submit reports.

Police last year received 29 cases relating to DDoS attacks. Most were targeted at the government, public institutions and media websites.

i see no mention of bitcoin extremists... !!!

Title: Re: Bitcoin Extremists Target Bank of China
Post by: Amph on May 17, 2015, 08:13:05 AM
lol imagines an organization full of bitcoiners terrorists, like isis but that aim at every bank in the word to bring down centralization, now that would be a thing to support

they didn't tried this time with the ransom virus, at least it would have forced banks to buy bitcoin

the title is indeed a bit misleading

Title: Re: Bitcoin Extremists Target Bank of China
Post by: huadylmate on May 17, 2015, 08:25:53 AM
Writers with motives, the old saying any publicity is good publicity will be the best way to look at this or it looks terrible doesn't it lol Do we mind that other criminals work their way to bitcoin or are we looking for average joe more.? I personally think criminals will be more keen to hold their dirty money in bitcoin and lots of. Here's to the 'Extremists' keeping us in the press  :-*

Title: Re: Bitcoin Extremists Target Bank of China
Post by: BitmoreCoin on May 17, 2015, 09:08:27 AM
It is not about bitcoin extremest. If it is called so, then we can call USD, Euro extremest in most other cases.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Extremists Target Bank of China
Post by: Fedoraeuphoria on May 17, 2015, 09:14:04 AM
This is hilarious. I can't believe the author spun Satoshi's absence as a threat to the stability of Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Extremists Target Bank of China
Post by: Q7 on May 17, 2015, 10:34:00 AM

(Hong Kong) — Foreign bitcoin terrorists no longer content with pilfering small business owners and private citizens, have now turned their attention to more lucrative targets.

"The case has been classified as blackmail and will be investigated by the Cyber Security and Technology Crime Bureau. Preliminary investigation suggests the attacks were launched from multiple countries."

Police confirmed that those behind the attack demanded payment in bitcoin following a DDoS warning attack, during which the banks website was flooded with significant amounts of traffic in order to interrupt access by bank customers. The police spokesperson said the threats included promises of future attacks.

Bitcoin is hugely popular among cyber criminals, illicit drug traders, and international crime syndicates, because of its potential to allow transactions to remain anonymous when used properly.

The inventor of the popular digital currency remains missing after vanishing with over 1 million bitcoins he mined while holding the lion’s share of the network hashing power. Bitcoin adopters are praying he doesn’t dump those coins on the market which could crash the price and crush the dreams of its many followers.

The last time Satoshi communicated privately he wrote, “I’ve moved on to other things and probably won’t be around in the future.”

The statements are kind of misleading. Other than that, overall when I read the article, instantaneously I would imagine the first impression a newbie would get is bitcoin is some kind of scam activity with no good intentions. I wish something could be done on that. And also it worsens when the so-called attacker demanded that they get paid in bitcoin, that adds on further to the negative side.