Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Altcoin Discussion => Topic started by: generalizethis on May 17, 2015, 01:08:43 PM

Title: What's the most annoying argument Bitcoin Supremacist use to dismiss alt-coins?
Post by: generalizethis on May 17, 2015, 01:08:43 PM
Mine is that if another coin surpasses Bitcoin that it will set cryptocurrencies back 5, 10, 20... years.

Title: Re: What's the most annoying argument Bitcoin Supremacist use to dismiss alt-coins?
Post by: noelmal on May 17, 2015, 01:39:33 PM
Everytime a new altcoin appears god kills a puppy  :o

Title: Re: What's the most annoying argument Bitcoin Supremacist use to dismiss alt-coins?
Post by: kelsey on May 17, 2015, 01:40:57 PM
altcoins are a distraction  :-X

Title: Re: What's the most annoying argument Bitcoin Supremacist use to dismiss alt-coins?
Post by: MicroGuy on May 17, 2015, 03:46:59 PM
The dismissals seem to be waning. Many critics are finally accepting the fact that bitcoin (and its Litecoin companion) is losing steam.

It's only a matter of time before the original bitcoin adopters turn their attention to the altcoin space which is home to the next generation of crypto.

Title: Re: What's the most annoying argument Bitcoin Supremacist use to dismiss alt-coins?
Post by: GTO911 on May 17, 2015, 05:50:25 PM
They are too emotionally attached to it, they cant see whats ahead, better ahead

The most stupid argument is - Everything else which is not Bitcoin is a scam

Title: Re: What's the most annoying argument Bitcoin Supremacist use to dismiss alt-coins?
Post by: tokeweed on May 18, 2015, 02:15:52 AM
Some of the posts in this thread could be a candidate to be quoted in the bag holders thread.  ;D

Title: Re: What's the most annoying argument Bitcoin Supremacist use to dismiss alt-coins?
Post by: kelsey on May 18, 2015, 02:40:15 AM
first mover advantage

and satoshi deserves his 1 million bitcoin stash (i mean seriously he taught us the evil fiat creators don't deserve their big he deserves a big cut  ???)

Title: Re: What's the most annoying argument Bitcoin Supremacist use to dismiss alt-coins?
Post by: generalizethis on May 18, 2015, 05:14:50 AM
Some of the posts in this thread could be a candidate to be quoted in the bag holders thread.  ;D

The Bitcoin bag holder thread.   ;) Last time I checked Winkelvii were all about first mover advantage, second rate ideas.

Title: Re: What's the most annoying argument Bitcoin Supremacist use to dismiss alt-coins?
Post by: YarkoL on May 18, 2015, 06:55:27 AM

altcoins are a distraction  :-X

This. AKA the "dilution" argument.

Essentially it goes along these lines. Altcoins take away
the attention that rightfully belongs to Bitcoin. If there weren't altcoins, all
the people that now mine and/or invest into altcoins would be mining/investing btc,
instead of, say, playing video games.

Lately I've seen the same argument applied by shills
of certain altcoin to another altcoin that is perceived as competitor.

Title: Re: What's the most annoying argument Bitcoin Supremacist use to dismiss alt-coins?
Post by: GTO911 on May 18, 2015, 07:22:45 AM
The biggest bagholders are Bitcoiners themselves. Some people lost 75% of their money

Title: Re: What's the most annoying argument Bitcoin Supremacist use to dismiss alt-coins?
Post by: Braino on May 19, 2015, 02:19:01 PM
"It's not more innovative than Bitcoin"

Title: Re: What's the most annoying argument Bitcoin Supremacist use to dismiss alt-coins?
Post by: billotronic on May 19, 2015, 03:12:15 PM
Everytime a new altcoin appears god kills a puppy  :o

hahahaha if only it were true!

Title: Re: What's the most annoying argument Bitcoin Supremacist use to dismiss alt-coins?
Post by: Snail2 on May 20, 2015, 10:58:37 AM
I've just seen this excellent piece of dismissal:

"LTC Goldcoin and PPC dont bring anything new that bitcoin doesn't already offer. Bitcoin is fine. Its Coke. all others are RC Cola."

Title: Re: What's the most annoying argument Bitcoin Supremacist use to dismiss alt-coins?
Post by: HCLivess on January 11, 2016, 10:00:47 AM
I've just seen this excellent piece of dismissal:

"LTC Goldcoin and PPC dont bring anything new that bitcoin doesn't already offer. Bitcoin is fine. Its Coke. all others are RC Cola."

You dare promote some Goldcoin here?

Title: Re: What's the most annoying argument Bitcoin Supremacist use to dismiss alt-coins?
Post by: TPTB_need_war on January 11, 2016, 11:27:44 AM
Bitcoin can hard fork and add true decentralization by making mining unprofitable and turn all that mining equipment into doorstops. Yeah right.  As if the miners will hard fork to that. ::)

Not annoying, just pitiful.

Title: Re: What's the most annoying argument Bitcoin Supremacist use to dismiss alt-coins?
Post by: pc888 on January 12, 2016, 04:37:01 AM
The term "SHITCOIN"

Title: Re: What's the most annoying argument Bitcoin Supremacist use to dismiss alt-coins?
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on January 12, 2016, 04:50:46 AM
Mine is that if another coin surpasses Bitcoin that it will set cryptocurrencies back 5, 10, 20... years.
I have never heard this particular argument and I'm not quite sure what it means.  If something surpassed btc, that would probably represent an improvement, no?

I see most altcoins as "me-too" coins, kind of like every fucking benzodiazepine is trying to be Xanax and every NSAID tries to be ibuprofen.  Most of them have no real advantages and no one will use them outside of an exchange for trading.  I think LTC and DOGE are getting some use because of their communities but the others are fly-by-night wannabees.

Most arguments against altcoins are solid IMO.

Title: Re: What's the most annoying argument Bitcoin Supremacist use to dismiss alt-coins?
Post by: Spoetnik on January 12, 2016, 07:51:59 AM
OP did you just make that up yourself ?
I never heard that once before and it's bloody vague and does not make sense.

The rest here is the same old shit.. there is nothing left to say but repeating the same old bullshit.

Satoshi's fortune = Altcoin wannabee's being the next Satoshi
and they are going to come up with every excuse in the book to justify it too.

If the miners got forked off then what ? Good point !
If Satoshi's coin pop up and get dumped then what ?

Guys REAL investors and users out there are far smarter than the shit heads who loiter around here as perma-bag holders.
They watched us all along..
They are never going to choke down rhetoric from Altcoin idiots about XYZ coin.
It's very possible that either Bitcoin succeeds or no crypto coin will.. ever !

Doge ?
It's the personification of a digital Pyramid scheme.
Hell half the world thinks Bitcoin is a Ponzi scheme so wrap your head around what they think of Doge..
A failure shit coin rip off with a greedy idiot douche pseudo imaginary "community"
A so called community that was the most vocal here for a long time as i sat them down 1 after another..
they since have vanished entirely..they are LONG GONE !
As i predicted ENDLESSLY to morons here who argued.
I was right as always and I TOLD YOU SO ! ..again.

How many fucking times do i have to say I TOLD YOU SO ?

Morons here argue on even after the fucking race is over about who the winner will be ROFL
AND.. the puplic sees it crystal clear.
How do i know ?
Because they are not here buying Doge coin LOL
That is a piece of shit of a cancer to crypto useless faggy meme shit coin that triggered intense cloning.

And in case you all forget what i have harped on endlessly for years..
They will recall the context of this shit fast.
You simply can not post coin no. 7,001 and say oh well we're different.. my shit coin is legit.
No one out there is going to buy it.. and you are morons for having the idiotic audacity to even attempt to pull that stunt !
The context -IS-
It will -ALWAYS- be
No matter how fucking hard you want to sit in front of a mirror bullshiting your self.
No one cares what 6 morons here think.. 7 billion people already made their decision delusional baggies..


I hate to break it to you but the only thing it had going for it was the fact it was suppose to be ASIC resistant.
And those fast transaction times will of course get longer & longer.
Then what ?

People are finally starting to see Bitcoin is losing steam ?
Hmm i wonder why ?
Because maybe i have been harping on it for ages ? AS YOU ALL ARGUED WITH ME CALLING ME NAMES ?
I am the only smart one here.. all of you just copy EVERY FUCKING THING I SAY ..LATER.
And i am tired of it.

All i ever do is watch as you all collectively as a group piggy back around on my coat tails..
AFTER you mouth me off and line up to Troll me (while calling me a Troll)
While saying i am posting FUD only to copy cat what i say to a 'T' way later.
It's hilarious.ROFL
And ohhhhhh fucking heeeeeeel yeah i can prove it.
My comments are on the record FOREVER !

Why did i avoid commenting when i seen this earlier and comeback ?
Because i knew damn well i would not see ANYTHING new.
Just the same old guys spouting off the same old stupid ass rhetoric.

I just kick back and like i said loooong ago.. watch it unfold with the conclusion already set in stone.

Bitcoin losing steam ?
YOU are to blame one else !
All of you here beating off each other in this giant Altcoin circle jerk.
NO ONE is to blame but yourselves 100%
YOU guys did this.
AND all of you are as i predicted lining up to point the blame at anybody but yourselves.

Losing Steam ?
I was banned by a fucktard MOD on Poloniex because he insisted i was full of shit FUD'ing
Over what ? He thinks it's 2013 still and he claimed the exchange is doing it's best ever.
Highest market caps.. the most activity.. the highest active users in history.
He seemed to think Altcoins are simply on fire and the public can not get enough etc
And i guess he had to ban me as proof LOL

And i have said the opposite from one end of the scene to the other since 2013.
That it's going to die.. it IS dying then it's dead.
AS ALL OF YOU LIED to my face in pure raw 100% denial.

AND NOW ? your going to agree ?
You don't have any choice LOL
Reality bites you in the ass don't it Investard's.
What we see here loooong-con bag holders pushing the last pathetic ANON Coin gimmick.
A rehashed trend that never worked the first time  ::)

I said i'd stick around simply to rub your fucking noses in it and say, I TOLD YOU SO a broken record.
And fuck am i enjoying it  :) ;) :D ;D 8)

That and i keep an eye out to see if Jackpot coin gets re-listed on an exchange ;)
And who knows maybe a new revolutionary coin will come along and take us by storm ?
Doubtful but i will keep an eye out just in case.
Although chances are it would NOT be launched on a forum where thousands of shitcoin have been posted
And on a forum where there is NO rule against scams.

And i never have given two shits what you all think.
Smart people with commons sense in the general public will be nodding their heads agreeing with me.
AND THEY ARE THE ONES THAT MATTER .. NOT YOU GUYS - AKA: The Public Adoption Reality / Delusion.

When i say all of you ? ..i mean the vast overwhelming majority.