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Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: flyingplows on May 19, 2015, 06:57:22 PM

Title: Do you watch Eurovision song contest? Share you opinion
Post by: flyingplows on May 19, 2015, 06:57:22 PM
So.., do you watch Eurovision song contest? Just about to come live on tv now any minute. It happens every year, all EU countries participate to become number one and host the event next year. This time seems like Australia is participating also. Share the songs and predictions if you feel like sharing your vote ;)
Gonna post my favorite after the show ;)

Title: Re: Do you watch Eurovision song contest? Share you opinion
Post by: Skeksis on May 19, 2015, 07:12:18 PM
Jeeze, it's on already? Time goes fast. Doesn't seem like it's been a year since the last. It's always fun to watch as it's just straight up cheese but I think it drags on for too long and I end up getting board and tired so I usually fall asleep before it's finished.

Title: Re: Do you watch Eurovision song contest? Share you opinion
Post by: Morecoin Freeman on May 20, 2015, 12:18:38 AM
Shows like that are a good example of why I quit paying for television almost 3 years ago. So no I don't watch that.

Title: Re: Do you watch Eurovision song contest? Share you opinion
Post by: flyingplows on May 21, 2015, 06:04:10 PM
In my humble opinion - Estonia was the best in the first semi finals, today is the second semi...
I hope you guys enjoy the show and the best is still to come, since there are countries that went right into the finals ;)

Starting in about an hour, stay tuned :)

Title: Re: Do you watch Eurovision song contest? Share you opinion
Post by: Gervais on May 21, 2015, 06:15:40 PM
Shows like that are a good example of why I quit paying for television almost 3 years ago. So no I don't watch that.

Since when do you have to pay for TV? Eurovision isn't exactly enthralling entertainment but its a bit of camp fun. I had no idea it was on to be honest but I probably wouldn't have watched it as I had other things to do.

Title: Re: Do you watch Eurovision song contest? Share you opinion
Post by: Lauda on May 21, 2015, 07:30:35 PM
Shows like that are a good example of why I quit paying for television almost 3 years ago. So no I don't watch that.

Since when do you have to pay for TV? Eurovision isn't exactly enthralling entertainment but its a bit of camp fun. I had no idea it was on to be honest but I probably wouldn't have watched it as I had other things to do.
Since when is TV free? Of course one has to pay to see that stuff. The cost really depends on where you live. I don't know of places where cable is free?
I've watched Eurovision a bit in the past, but these days I don't like it for some reason. I might watch some of the final though.

Title: Re: Do you watch Eurovision song contest? Share you opinion
Post by: flyingplows on May 21, 2015, 07:38:42 PM
Shows like that are a good example of why I quit paying for television almost 3 years ago. So no I don't watch that.

Since when do you have to pay for TV? Eurovision isn't exactly enthralling entertainment but its a bit of camp fun. I had no idea it was on to be honest but I probably wouldn't have watched it as I had other things to do.
Since when is TV free? Of course one has to pay to see that stuff. The cost really depends on where you live. I don't know of places where cable is free?
I've watched Eurovision a bit in the past, but these days I don't like it for some reason. I might watch some of the final though.

Cable is not free of course since you get the services, but in many countries you can buy an antenna and watch a lot of free channels with a DVB-T STB or if maybe your new TV supports it out of the box. And by a lot of channels I mean more than ten :P
One of them should stream it.

You can find sites on the internet to stream it for free also, it's just the quality might not be HD.

Title: Re: Do you watch Eurovision song contest? Share you opinion
Post by: flyingplows on May 25, 2015, 05:42:08 PM
The Sweden song with the coolest video effects won... But it's a song contest, not some kind of video show. Their song/show was certainly better in all aspects than Russia, which was in second place though :D

Title: Re: Do you watch Eurovision song contest? Share you opinion
Post by: Finchy on May 25, 2015, 06:30:14 PM
Jeeze, it's on already? Time goes fast. Doesn't seem like it's been a year since the last. It's always fun to watch as it's just straight up cheese but I think it drags on for too long and I end up getting board and tired so I usually fall asleep before it's finished.

I heard that this year's Eurovision was going to be the longest ever with the most amount of countries involved so probably a good idea you didn't.

Shows like that are a good example of why I quit paying for television almost 3 years ago. So no I don't watch that.

Since when do you have to pay for TV? Eurovision isn't exactly enthralling entertainment but its a bit of camp fun. I had no idea it was on to be honest but I probably wouldn't have watched it as I had other things to do.
Since when is TV free? Of course one has to pay to see that stuff. The cost really depends on where you live. I don't know of places where cable is free?
I've watched Eurovision a bit in the past, but these days I don't like it for some reason. I might watch some of the final though.

I think in a lot of countries you don't have to pay anything for basic tv channels. You have to have a TV license in the UK which is about £100 for the basic five 'terrestrial' channels but you can get many more for free with things like Freeview or Freesat. I wouldn't pay anything for TV personally.

Title: Re: Do you watch Eurovision song contest? Share you opinion
Post by: flyingplows on May 25, 2015, 09:50:47 PM

I think in a lot of countries you don't have to pay anything for basic tv channels. You have to have a TV license in the UK which is about £100 for the basic five 'terrestrial' channels but you can get many more for free with things like Freeview or Freesat. I wouldn't pay anything for TV personally.

How does this TV license work? I mean what stops me from buying an antenna for home use and watching them? Are they transmitted encoded in some way or how they control that people buy those licences at all?

Title: Re: Do you watch Eurovision song contest? Share you opinion
Post by: Lethn on May 25, 2015, 10:48:22 PM

I think in a lot of countries you don't have to pay anything for basic tv channels. You have to have a TV license in the UK which is about £100 for the basic five 'terrestrial' channels but you can get many more for free with things like Freeview or Freesat. I wouldn't pay anything for TV personally.

How does this TV license work? I mean what stops me from buying an antenna for home use and watching them? Are they transmitted encoded in some way or how they control that people buy those licences at all?

It's kind of tricky to explain to someone who is outside the country and I honestly don't blame you for being confused by it, the long and short of it though it's a disgusting law that pretty much harasses and attacks people who refuse to pay for the BBC. The so called 'T.V License' Isn't actually a license for a television it's a tax that is being levied against people to fund the BBC which is pretty much state propaganda in our country, they are the British equivalent of your Fox News.

I may disagree with anything that a certain news station says, but I have a huge amount of respect for them for not pulling the kind of shit the BBC does, you know where they stand and you know who owns them, wheras with the BBC everything is a lot more disturbing, to make things worse it recently came out that the people in charge of the BBC were covering for peadophiles in there ranks.

I think not ever paying the license fee will likely be my first act as an Anarchist when I finally can live on my own, I refuse to fund things like state propaganda.

Title: Re: Do you watch Eurovision song contest? Share you opinion
Post by: Blackmet on May 26, 2015, 12:11:52 AM
Hell, Eurovision has been held again.
Another year has passed so quickly I didn't even notice it.
This is scaring me bros. I am absolutely serious.

Title: Re: Do you watch Eurovision song contest? Share you opinion
Post by: thy on May 26, 2015, 07:43:31 AM
So.., do you watch Eurovision song contest? Just about to come live on tv now any minute. It happens every year, all EU countries participate to become number one and host the event next year. This time seems like Australia is participating also. Share the songs and predictions if you feel like sharing your vote ;)
Gonna post my favorite after the show ;)
I think Australia has been a member of EBU(European broadcasting union) for a long time(ABBA that won with Waterloo 1974 got very popular downunder so they probably was a member already back then) and broadcast the show every year, they were invited to enter the competition this year to celibrate the 60 year anniversery of the event, that was a nice gesture.
I dident see the whole show just a few songs and some of the voting, cool for måns to win the competition, Sweden has done fairly welll for a relatively small nation in the Eurovision, 10% won, 6 out of the 60 years.

Title: Re: Do you watch Eurovision song contest? Share you opinion
Post by: exoexo on May 26, 2015, 08:09:20 AM
I liked Belgium guy. Even downloaded his song, he has like really strong voice.

Title: Re: Do you watch Eurovision song contest? Share you opinion
Post by: Gervais on May 26, 2015, 08:19:10 AM

I think in a lot of countries you don't have to pay anything for basic tv channels. You have to have a TV license in the UK which is about £100 for the basic five 'terrestrial' channels but you can get many more for free with things like Freeview or Freesat. I wouldn't pay anything for TV personally.

How does this TV license work? I mean what stops me from buying an antenna for home use and watching them? Are they transmitted encoded in some way or how they control that people buy those licences at all?

Basically the only way they know is because you haven't got one. If you have an antenna and a tv then you'll need one and they'll send you a letter stating that you haven't purchased one yet and you need to. If you don't then they'll send someone round to check you're not watching or have a TV. If you don't let them in there's nothing much they can do without a warrant but they usually keep pestering you. There are ways you can get around paying it though. You don't need one if you haven't got an Ariel and you can just stream shows instead. You'll need one if you live stream from bbc iplayer but not if you stream them after their live broadcast. It's a bit of a racket really and should be scrapped. The BBC should get their funding elsewhere as its only the BBC you're paying for.