Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Sage on May 21, 2015, 06:00:58 PM

Title: Bitcoin Security Primer?
Post by: Sage on May 21, 2015, 06:00:58 PM
I'm looking for a resource that covers the latest Bitcoin on everything related to Bitcoin and crypto coins security.

Please post your best recommend and why below.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Security Primer?
Post by: cryptworld on May 21, 2015, 06:11:10 PM
I don't know what you exactly want,but you can start from here

Title: Re: Bitcoin Security Primer?
Post by: gogxmagog on May 21, 2015, 08:56:36 PM
yeah, one must search around and find all sorts of peices of info, do a lot of searching and reading.

this is probably a better place to go than coindesk -->;all (;all) it is a thread about secure storage and you can learn a lot.

There are many "All About BTC" books and articles, but they are so much about the tech and logistics that the general reader may be put off. Plus, some get the concept enough and want to get some BTC but the fear of hackers and their lack of computer savvy is most likely preventing them, or, if they throw caution to the wind they may be missing some basic "do's and don'ts" that will inevitably lead them to getting their BTC stolen and then POOF we just lost another adopter and probably every other potential adopter they talk to after!

when I first heard of BTC and came here to learn about it I did find very simply put "for Dummies" style info hard to find. It's a geek thing that they are resistant to speaking simply and plainly and just getting to the point. You ask them how to turn your computer on and they tell you about the invention of the first supercomputer and then lay some quantum physics on you. Or they just insult you.

they aren't all like that though, I asked questions and I eventually got answers, made some friends but learned who a few of the asshats are in the process. Then I discovered the "ignore" button...

that was a little over 2 years ago. BTC has grown up a bit since then and we are seeing actual socialized mature humans using it now, and grown ups like to make money. Its only butthurt nerds who want to keep the ignorant ignorant because nerds have zero other clout. A real Grown Up with a business mind would write a comprehensive BTC security manual and sell it. A manual that covers EVERYTHING, from secure storage to safe browsing habits to listing every known and possible exploit plus precautions to take to safeguard against them... everything that could happen, how it happens, and what to do to prevent it. Nothing is too obvious or "duh!" to omit, this would be a book for everyone, written so even your granny could understand. A good technical writer assumes the reader knows absolutely nothing, and gives them everything there is to know, staying on subject of course, this book's subject being SECURITY. As bitcoin grows more mainstream some grown up person will eventually come out with a "So You Want To Protect Your BTC Against Theft, But can Barely Run Windows... BTC security for absolute beginners" book and sell it. That Adult could sell it as an ebook online, but I am sure a well written one would be of interest to all sorts of "real" publishers. They would stand to make a lot of money.

NOTE- I am pretty good at getting information across in an easy to read, entertaining manner, but I lack the actual tech knowledge to confidently create such a manual myself. If any of you more tech savvy Bitcoiners would like to collaborate (you write, in bullet points, everything that should be covered, I put it in a context easily digested by the general reading audience) I would gladly split the profits with you 50/50. PM me if you like.

caveat- I have been published before and my professional work is of much higher quality than the stuff I post here. forums are just "throw-away" a properly done BTC security manual writing team would also budget for an editor (or if going trad hard-copy publisher route- they provide editors, insist on it actually)

anyways, something to chew on, I have to go to work now.

have a great day!