Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: BilalHIMITE on June 02, 2015, 09:08:31 PM

Title: What will happen to Bitcoin year after 2140 ?
Post by: BilalHIMITE on June 02, 2015, 09:08:31 PM
I wonder what would happen to Bitcoin after the year 2140, while mining will end and the last block will be mined.
Are there will not remain Bitcoin ? Is the transaction will be possible ? or what ?
At least i will be dead  :-\ :-\ !!!!

Title: Re: What will happen to Bitcoin year after 2140 ?
Post by: JohnnyBTCSeed on June 02, 2015, 09:12:06 PM
Maybe by then Bitcoin will be merge mined with Ixcoin.  :o

Ixcoin is the first copy of Bitcoin, and minted its last coin 8-9 months ago ;)

Title: Re: What will happen to Bitcoin year after 2140 ?
Post by: BilalHIMITE on June 02, 2015, 09:15:04 PM
It means the miners are paid pure by transaction fees, so there will still be rewards and still be miners.
i think that there will be a few Miners (possibly no miners) cause the reward per block is small

Title: Re: What will happen to Bitcoin year after 2140 ?
Post by: pedrog on June 02, 2015, 09:30:26 PM
Some other method of securing the network will be developed and mining as is today will not be required, probably.

Actually I believe this may happen much sooner than 2140 because mining may just become not profitable enough and the network will become vulnerable if another method is not implemented.

Title: Re: What will happen to Bitcoin year after 2140 ?
Post by: ticoti on June 02, 2015, 09:32:24 PM
It means the miners are paid pure by transaction fees, so there will still be rewards and still be miners.
i think that there will be a few Miners (possibly no miners) cause the reward per block is small
As everything,it will adjust with time

Or maybe bitcoin is so valuable and used that it is worth to mine  ;D

Title: Re: What will happen to Bitcoin year after 2140 ?
Post by: NorrisK on June 02, 2015, 09:35:11 PM
Nothing to worry about imo, if it is mass adopted, transaction fees are enough. If not, it is still possible to fork easily. We should be fine ;)

Title: Re: What will happen to Bitcoin year after 2140 ?
Post by: achow101 on June 02, 2015, 09:37:21 PM
That is pure speculation, by the time this happens the blocks will be halved and halved and the rewards from fees won't be too much of a change. The idea is that Bitcoin will be worth much more then and if it isn't difficulty should adjust to keep someone interested.
There should hopefully be more in fees by that point because hopefully Bitcoin will be more popular and perhaps gone mainstream. If there are enough transactions happening, then the transaction fees will make up for the Bitcoins that would have been mined in a block before the maximum.

Title: Re: What will happen to Bitcoin year after 2140 ?
Post by: neurotypical on June 02, 2015, 10:31:32 PM
Im hoping by then, the block size limit is totally solved and Bitcoin is able to perform the entire earth's electronic transaction methods combined per second, becoming the top electronic payment method.
Mining (or transaction processing to be precise) will not even be PoW by then, I presume.

Title: Re: What will happen to Bitcoin year after 2140 ?
Post by: BADecker on June 02, 2015, 11:13:04 PM
There is no way to even guess. We can't even guess that modern-like civilizaion will even be around. Consider all the natural disasters and the wars that could happen now that we are so much more technologically advanced. One little slip of a nuke button, and WWIII destroys us all.

In addition, we are all so used to being alive, that some distant future year seems to be something that we will partake of. If science fails to give us a longer life on general, average person scale, why even worry?


Title: Re: What will happen to Bitcoin year after 2140 ?
Post by: QuestionAuthority on June 02, 2015, 11:48:04 PM
Why? Are you planning on living 150 years?

Title: Re: What will happen to Bitcoin year after 2140 ?
Post by: jeannemadrigal2 on June 03, 2015, 12:07:00 AM
Why? Are you planning on living 150 years?

Wouldn't that be nice darling?  Personally I think that if it is still around (and I think it will be) it will be commonly used and the number of transactions will justify mining.  Of course you may not have as many centers and as much power (relative to the technology they will have) pointed towards the task.  Who know what the future will bring?

Title: Re: What will happen to Bitcoin year after 2140 ?
Post by: pitham1 on June 03, 2015, 12:49:39 AM
I wonder what would happen to Bitcoin after the year 2140, while mining will end and the last block will be mined.
Are there will not remain Bitcoin ? Is the transaction will be possible ? or what ?

The block reward will stop; it definitely won't be the last block.
Long before 2140, when the block reward trickles down to Satoshis, you will have your answer.
Transaction fees will fuel the network.

Title: Re: What will happen to Bitcoin year after 2140 ?
Post by: MicroGuy on June 03, 2015, 01:35:55 AM
Nothing to worry about imo, if it is mass adopted, transaction fees are enough. If not, it is still possible to fork easily. We should be fine ;)
I think we'll see lots of forks over the years, including tweaks to the inflation rules and adjustments to the supply cap. It's basic development of the coin.

Title: Re: What will happen to Bitcoin year after 2140 ?
Post by: dollarneed on June 03, 2015, 02:37:07 AM
all we know that bitcoin is deflation from time to time :D and of course if all of the bitcoin is distributed completly so that its price gonna be stable and increase over time,so all you have to do save your 1 bitcoin,print your identifier ,key and passwrd keep it safe and give it for your child or even for your grandchild  its an awsome heritage :D

Title: Re: What will happen to Bitcoin year after 2140 ?
Post by: pooya87 on June 03, 2015, 03:43:40 AM
100 years ago we were using Abacus ( to do our calculations.

now we have computer that are mining bitcoin for us.

in 150 years in the future IF bitcoin is still around and being used, there will be mining equipment that have the ability to easily mine bitcoin with the increased difficulty and don't need that much money to run on.

besides as fees had changed before a couple of times, in the future it will be changes again.

Title: Re: What will happen to Bitcoin year after 2140 ?
Post by: ScreamnShout on June 03, 2015, 03:55:40 AM
Probably it will be switched to proof of stake  ;)

Title: Re: What will happen to Bitcoin year after 2140 ?
Post by: alch1mista on June 03, 2015, 03:57:10 AM
Did you mean

I wonder what would happen to Bitcoin after the year 2014?

Lol, probably it will die, soon or later :)

Title: Re: What will happen to Bitcoin year after 2140 ?
Post by: trademark on June 03, 2015, 04:31:33 AM
Who cares. We'll all be dead. 

Title: Re: What will happen to Bitcoin year after 2140 ?
Post by: crazyivan on June 03, 2015, 04:41:51 AM
Huge robots which enslaved the entire human race and aliens ll have to deal with that.

Title: Re: What will happen to Bitcoin year after 2140 ?
Post by: Amph on June 03, 2015, 07:26:16 AM
Who cares. We'll all be dead.  

some of us the most rich could use the hybernation like Hal finney to stay here by that time

i think that by the 2140 we could transfer our bitcoin to people that are living in mars(mars one is going serious on this) they will start to raise infrastructure in 2025

i expect a good colony there by 2140, and radio wave technology/satellites that will connect earth to mars via internet

Title: Re: What will happen to Bitcoin year after 2140 ?
Post by: ragi on June 03, 2015, 08:07:20 AM
It wouldn't be called Bitcoin anymore. Maybe something build on top of bitcoin?

Title: Re: What will happen to Bitcoin year after 2140 ?
Post by: bornil267645 on June 03, 2015, 09:05:14 AM
Why look that far, why not just try to make an effort to make it last till 2040 at least. The way some of the users are behaving, bitcoin community won't last till 2040, let alone 2140.

Title: Re: What will happen to Bitcoin year after 2140 ?
Post by: RappelzReborn on June 03, 2015, 02:00:58 PM
I don't like to think that much on what will happen on that year because no one of us will be alive by then so who cares really ...
Also Bitcoin will surely not stays that long , Government will screw it over with some new shit simillar to it but not decentralized so can see everything you do just like Paypal & Credit cards etc ... and voilà it's like Satoshi did nothing sadly  :'(

Title: Re: What will happen to Bitcoin year after 2140 ?
Post by: S4VV4S on June 03, 2015, 02:12:47 PM
It means the miners are paid pure by transaction fees, so there will still be rewards and still be miners.
i think that there will be a few Miners (possibly no miners) cause the reward per block is small
That is pure speculation, by the time this happens the blocks will be halved and halved and the rewards from fees won't be too much of a change. The idea is that Bitcoin will be worth much more then and if it isn't difficulty should adjust to keep someone interested.

Actually, Satoshi predicted that we will reach an equilibrium stage where there will be only a few miners left.
I think that by the time it reaches that phase it will be very profitable for those who are left.
I also think that by the time we get to that phase Bitcoin will have been more widely adopted.
The ones who have the hashing power and can handle the running costs will be benefiting from the transaction fees.

Think of VISA, AMEX and MasterCard.
They are handling millions/billions of transacions per day.

If someone is one of the few handling the Bitcoin transactions then they will be making a shit load of money.

Title: Re: What will happen to Bitcoin year after 2140 ?
Post by: Beefcake on June 03, 2015, 02:13:46 PM
I think bitcoins will be worth $1,000,000,000 each but it wont matter.  Because of inflation that will be the cost of a candy bar.  There will be no more jobs because the robots will do everything for us.  Everyone will be either a professional pan handler or work for a big wall street firm moving money around in circles to somehow generate a profit.  The streets will look like Blade Runner without the replicants (because that is what the future SHOULD look like).

Title: Re: What will happen to Bitcoin year after 2140 ?
Post by: QuestionAuthority on June 03, 2015, 02:15:57 PM
I think bitcoins will be worth $1,000,000,000 each but it wont matter.  Because of inflation that will be the cost of a candy bar.  There will be no more jobs because the robots will do everything for us.  Everyone will be either a professional pan handler or work for a big wall street firm moving money around in circles to somehow generate a profit.  The streets will look like Blade Runner without the replicants (because that is what the future SHOULD look like).

You should read this thread:

Title: Re: What will happen to Bitcoin year after 2140 ?
Post by: thejaytiesto on June 03, 2015, 02:38:40 PM
Anyone holding 1 BTC will be a billonaire by then, since by that time BTC will be the undisputed earth's standard unit of value, and not only earth, but whatever planets we've colonized too. The blockchain will be able to propagate in other planets as one.
We'll be all dead by then tho, so whatever. At least I hope we can retire early.

Title: Re: What will happen to Bitcoin year after 2140 ?
Post by: AlgoSwan on June 03, 2015, 03:26:16 PM
The ones who have the hashing power and can handle the running costs will be benefiting from the transaction fees.
I have a prediction to this analysis: The ones will be electrical/electronics engineers specialized in alternative energy technologies including micro-nuclear research.

Title: Re: What will happen to Bitcoin year after 2140 ?
Post by: Error404 on June 03, 2015, 03:33:39 PM
Why? Are you planning on living 150 years?
Bitcoin will continue and no one can stop it beacuse many people use bitcoin for many purposes and it can be a way to donate some charity or enviromental movement to help people or the mother earth but the one reason is it helps people to make a good life

Title: Re: What will happen to Bitcoin year after 2140 ?
Post by: TYT on June 03, 2015, 03:43:29 PM
Why? Are you planning on living 150 years?

This is what I was going to say. Why would anyone care seeing as we'll all be dead.

Bitcoin will continue and no one can stop it beacuse many people use bitcoin for many purposes and it can be a way to donate some charity or enviromental movement to help people or the mother earth but the one reason is it helps people to make a good life

Bitcoin could have been and gone in this timeframe. Something much better may also take over so bitcoin is far from safe or indestructible.

Title: Re: What will happen to Bitcoin year after 2140 ?
Post by: Error404 on June 04, 2015, 07:13:07 AM
Why? Are you planning on living 150 years?

This is what I was going to say. Why would anyone care seeing as we'll all be dead.

Bitcoin will continue and no one can stop it beacuse many people use bitcoin for many purposes and it can be a way to donate some charity or enviromental movement to help people or the mother earth but the one reason is it helps people to make a good life

Bitcoin could have been and gone in this timeframe. Something much better may also take over so bitcoin is far from safe or indestructible.
Yes , there is a possible some people are have a bad intension to steal money or hack it to make a money faster than replying other post but bitcoin can upgrade security and make bitcoin user safety's improve

Title: Re: What will happen to Bitcoin year after 2140 ?
Post by: Amph on June 04, 2015, 07:38:10 AM
Bitcoin could have been and gone in this timeframe. Something much better may also take over so bitcoin is far from safe or indestructible.

as long as its technology will be alive i don't see the problem in anything or in a better bitcoin, remember that no more bitcoin doesn't necessary mean that there will be no others option in the cryptoworld(so if bitcoin will die, than another "bitcoin will rise"), in the end you can't kill crypto anymore

Title: Re: What will happen to Bitcoin year after 2140 ?
Post by: Error404 on June 04, 2015, 07:43:05 AM
Bitcoin could have been and gone in this timeframe. Something much better may also take over so bitcoin is far from safe or indestructible.

as long as its technology will be alive i don't see the problem in anything a better bitcoin, remember that no more bitcoin doesn't necessary mean that there will be no others option in the cryptoworld(so if bitcoin will die, than another "bitcoin will rise", in the end you can't kill crypto anymore
The one main problem is Hackers because they can hack some accounts that having a bitcoins but im sure that bitcoin hires best security experts for secure the accounts

Title: Re: What will happen to Bitcoin year after 2140 ?
Post by: virtualx on June 04, 2015, 09:06:27 AM
I wonder what would happen to Bitcoin after the year 2140, while mining will end and the last block will be mined.
Are there will not remain Bitcoin ? Is the transaction will be possible ? or what ?
At least i will be dead  :-\ :-\ !!!!

I think in 2140 the double SHA-256 hashing is not so strong anymore because of incremental computer power, one of the core hashing algorithms in bitcoin. Other hashing algorithms such as MD4 and MD5 (created in 1991) are weak now. Satoshi said something like "It will work for some time"  and I think he meant a few decades.

Title: Re: What will happen to Bitcoin year after 2140 ?
Post by: Herbert2020 on June 04, 2015, 11:17:52 AM
I wonder what would happen to Bitcoin after the year 2140, while mining will end and the last block will be mined.
Are there will not remain Bitcoin ? Is the transaction will be possible ? or what ?
At least i will be dead  :-\ :-\ !!!!
i don't know why you are thinking about 100 years in the future. bitcoin is a new technology and the first cryptocurrency that is being used vastly.
in 100 years later who knows what new technologies have been replaced bitcoin completely or maybe added new features to bitcoin.
also mining will never end as long as bitcoin is being used. since mining means confirming the transaction and the reward will be the fees that are included by the tx.

Title: Re: What will happen to Bitcoin year after 2140 ?
Post by: GhanaGamboy on June 04, 2015, 11:25:22 AM
Anyone holding 1 BTC will be a billonaire by then, since by that time BTC will be the undisputed earth's standard unit of value, and not only earth, but whatever planets we've colonized too. The blockchain will be able to propagate in other planets as one.
We'll be all dead by then tho, so whatever. At least I hope we can retire early.

Oh really 1 billion for a btc  ;D Then you woke up mate, come on. BItcoin will never be allowed to be the 'undisputed standard unit of value' there will be a world government by then, do you think they are creating that because they want to give people freedoms as bitcoin does.

I really don't think it matters about bitcoin in 2140 as I think there will be something else digital credits which people will be forced to use.

Miners will be paid by fee's of course if it is still around not that I care I am long gone.

Title: Re: What will happen to Bitcoin year after 2140 ?
Post by: Pursuer on June 04, 2015, 12:28:36 PM
if by 2140 skynet haven't yet destroyed humanity and taken over all bitcoin resources, then miner would still continue mining bitcoin and what they earn from this is only the amount of fee which in included in each transaction.

Title: Re: What will happen to Bitcoin year after 2140 ?
Post by: BillyBobZorton on June 04, 2015, 12:59:27 PM
Anyone holding 1 BTC will be a billonaire by then, since by that time BTC will be the undisputed earth's standard unit of value, and not only earth, but whatever planets we've colonized too. The blockchain will be able to propagate in other planets as one.
We'll be all dead by then tho, so whatever. At least I hope we can retire early.

Oh really 1 billion for a btc  ;D Then you woke up mate, come on. BItcoin will never be allowed to be the 'undisputed standard unit of value' there will be a world government by then, do you think they are creating that because they want to give people freedoms as bitcoin does.

I really don't think it matters about bitcoin in 2140 as I think there will be something else digital credits which people will be forced to use.

Miners will be paid by fee's of course if it is still around not that I care I am long gone.

Why not? It could replace gold as the standard, so things get valued in regards to Bitcoin instead of Gold, which is a pretty deprecated asset besides the bast network effect.
But yeah in a pretty scary scenareo, the government could ban all Bitcoin transactions and push their own closed source e-cash, which would mean Bitcoin returns to its rots of an underground economy.

Title: Re: What will happen to Bitcoin year after 2140 ?
Post by: jayce on June 04, 2015, 02:02:23 PM
I am curious why you chosen 2140  ;D I don't know exactly what will happen, but IMO bitcoin will be a currency that be recognized by government. You will hear about bitcoin corruption, bitcoin bank, or the special cyber crime police to catch bitcoin hacker.

Title: Re: What will happen to Bitcoin year after 2140 ?
Post by: thejaytiesto on June 04, 2015, 02:32:11 PM
I am curious why you chosen 2140  ;D I don't know exactly what will happen, but IMO bitcoin will be a currency that be recognized by government. You will hear about bitcoin corruption, bitcoin bank, or the special cyber crime police to catch bitcoin hacker.

Well we need regulations one way or another specially for smart contracts, because right now it's pretty useless that you sign a smart contract in the blockchain that says you X property, unless it's officially recognized by the state so they can send police in case someone claims is not yours and steps on your property.

Title: Re: What will happen to Bitcoin year after 2140 ?
Post by: Amph on June 04, 2015, 02:59:25 PM
I am curious why you chosen 2140  ;D I don't know exactly what will happen, but IMO bitcoin will be a currency that be recognized by government. You will hear about bitcoin corruption, bitcoin bank, or the special cyber crime police to catch bitcoin hacker.

it's because there will be no more halving, and we will enter the fees era

Title: Re: What will happen to Bitcoin year after 2140 ?
Post by: countryfree on June 04, 2015, 03:01:44 PM
What will happen to gold in 2140? What will happen to the US dollar? What will happen to the European Union? It's totally impossible to make predictions so far in the future, so don't bother thinking about it.

Title: Re: What will happen to Bitcoin year after 2140 ?
Post by: franky1 on June 04, 2015, 03:18:23 PM
I wonder what would happen to Bitcoin after the year 2140, while mining will end and the last block will be mined.
Are there will not remain Bitcoin ? Is the transaction will be possible ? or what ?
At least i will be dead  :-\ :-\ !!!!

in the year 2140 people will have technology smaller than a wristwatch that has internet connections to verify blocks.

miners wont do it for profit so farms would die out and instead it would be users of bitcoin doing it across the world purely to transact.
there would be no fee's and people would only do it as they want to keep bitcoin alive.

Title: Re: What will happen to Bitcoin year after 2140 ?
Post by: Lauda on June 04, 2015, 03:22:28 PM
I am curious why you chosen 2140  ;D I don't know exactly what will happen, but IMO bitcoin will be a currency that be recognized by government. You will hear about bitcoin corruption, bitcoin bank, or the special cyber crime police to catch bitcoin hacker.

it's because there will be no more halving, and we will enter the fees era
You didn't understand his question. He was asking why. "Why won't the last halving be in 2240? "
Do you understand now?

What will happen to gold in 2140? What will happen to the US dollar? What will happen to the European Union? It's totally impossible to make predictions so far in the future, so don't bother thinking about it.
Honestly, these threads are ridiculous. We can't even correctly predict what is going to happen next year. Unless something get's developed in time, we won't get close to seeing what is going to happen.
It doesn't really matter right now.

Title: Re: What will happen to Bitcoin year after 2140 ?
Post by: Hazir on June 04, 2015, 03:24:04 PM
What will happen to gold in 2140? What will happen to the US dollar? What will happen to the European Union? It's totally impossible to make predictions so far in the future, so don't bother thinking about it.
As for gold you can be sure that nothing will change. Gold is eternal, we don't have a efficient way to create gold in lab environment. But as far as currency like Dollar or Euro or Bitcoin goes, we can't be sure.
All I can say is that there won't be bitcoin in 2140 for sure, not in the form as we know it now. There will be however "Bitcoin ver. X" or some other form of electronic money, that is certain.

Title: Re: What will happen to Bitcoin year after 2140 ?
Post by: manselr on June 04, 2015, 03:42:54 PM
What will happen to gold in 2140? What will happen to the US dollar? What will happen to the European Union? It's totally impossible to make predictions so far in the future, so don't bother thinking about it.
As for gold you can be sure that nothing will change. Gold is eternal, we don't have a efficient way to create gold in lab environment. But as far as currency like Dollar or Euro or Bitcoin goes, we can't be sure.
All I can say is that there won't be bitcoin in 2140 for sure, not in the form as we know it now. There will be however "Bitcoin ver. X" or some other form of electronic money, that is certain.

You can't create the network effect in a lab either, which is all that Gold has. There are a ton of other metals out there, they aren't any different from Gold, except Gold for some reason became the king of metals, just like Bitcoin became the king of crypto. It's all about that network effect.

Title: Re: What will happen to Bitcoin year after 2140 ?
Post by: hypes on June 04, 2015, 03:52:41 PM
You cannot predict the future of Bitcoin, why bother to keep trying? Everyone predicted it would be 10k a coin by now

Title: Re: What will happen to Bitcoin year after 2140 ?
Post by: btc-facebook on June 04, 2015, 04:11:28 PM
I wonder what would happen to Bitcoin after the year 2140, while mining will end and the last block will be mined.
Are there will not remain Bitcoin ? Is the transaction will be possible ? or what ?
At least i will be dead  :-\ :-\ !!!!

That must be question from every individuals that known how bitcoin works.
But at least, I still believe bitcoin still can exist for a few years but I'm doubt for a century. So just be glad for today because we still can use bitcoin without having any problem

Title: Re: What will happen to Bitcoin year after 2140 ?
Post by: Amph on June 04, 2015, 04:50:30 PM
I am curious why you chosen 2140  ;D I don't know exactly what will happen, but IMO bitcoin will be a currency that be recognized by government. You will hear about bitcoin corruption, bitcoin bank, or the special cyber crime police to catch bitcoin hacker.

it's because there will be no more halving, and we will enter the fees era
You didn't understand his question. He was asking why. "Why won't the last halving be in 2240? "
Do you understand now?

no he clearly said "why you chose 2140", like there was a specific reason behind it, which is what i've posted

and it doesn't make sense for him to ask what you've interpreted from his post....he clearly didn't know that the last halving was in 2140

and it is obvious that the OP has used that number because of that table...

Title: Re: What will happen to Bitcoin year after 2140 ?
Post by: jayce on June 04, 2015, 05:13:25 PM
I am curious why you chosen 2140  ;D I don't know exactly what will happen, but IMO bitcoin will be a currency that be recognized by government. You will hear about bitcoin corruption, bitcoin bank, or the special cyber crime police to catch bitcoin hacker.

it's because there will be no more halving, and we will enter the fees era
You didn't understand his question. He was asking why. "Why won't the last halving be in 2240? "
Do you understand now?

no he clearly said "why you chose 2140", like there was a specific reason behind it, which is what i've posted

and it doesn't make sense for him to ask what you've interpreted from his post....he clearly didn't know that the last halving was in 2140

and it is obvious that the OP has used that number because of that table...

Well honestly I haven't read that wiki yet, so I was curious about why number 2140. Thanks for your information mr. Amph  :)

Title: Re: What will happen to Bitcoin year after 2140 ?
Post by: ikydesu on June 04, 2015, 05:19:01 PM
What will happen to Bitcoin year after 2140 ?

What will happen to this planet after 2140? :P

I wonder what would happen to Bitcoin after the year 2140, while mining will end and the last block will be mined.
Are there will not remain Bitcoin ? Is the transaction will be possible ? or what ?
At least i will be dead  :-\ :-\ !!!!

Are you human? you will dead :D

idk, maybe bitcoin price will $10000000/BTC :D


Title: Re: What will happen to Bitcoin year after 2140 ?
Post by: zeraTunerse on June 04, 2015, 05:32:44 PM
I am curious why you chosen 2140  ;D I don't know exactly what will happen, but IMO bitcoin will be a currency that be recognized by government. You will hear about bitcoin corruption, bitcoin bank, or the special cyber crime police to catch bitcoin hacker.

Its too far to think about it but i think that it would a global currency across the globe and everyone would be using it as a mode of payment and no one would be using fiat currency or credit card to make a payment even at a grocery shop. and even the small vendors would start accepting it as a mode of payment.

Title: Re: What will happen to Bitcoin year after 2140 ?
Post by: jayce on June 04, 2015, 05:37:39 PM
I am curious why you chosen 2140  ;D I don't know exactly what will happen, but IMO bitcoin will be a currency that be recognized by government. You will hear about bitcoin corruption, bitcoin bank, or the special cyber crime police to catch bitcoin hacker.

Its too far to think about it but i think that it would a global currency across the globe and everyone would be using it as a mode of payment and no one would be using fiat currency or credit card to make a payment even at a grocery shop. and even the small vendors would start accepting it as a mode of payment.

Well we don't know what will be happen in 100 years later  :)
But you're right, in future we can buy anything with your wallet in gadget, and if your gadget was stolen, the wallet is still safe in blockchain.

Title: Re: What will happen to Bitcoin year after 2140 ?
Post by: QuestionAuthority on June 04, 2015, 06:16:35 PM
I wonder what would happen to Bitcoin after the year 2140, while mining will end and the last block will be mined.
Are there will not remain Bitcoin ? Is the transaction will be possible ? or what ?
At least i will be dead  :-\ :-\ !!!!

in the year 2140 people will have technology smaller than a wristwatch that has internet connections to verify blocks.

miners wont do it for profit so farms would die out and instead it would be users of bitcoin doing it across the world purely to transact.
there would be no fee's and people would only do it as they want to keep bitcoin alive.

Or Mother Earth performs another natural correction and H1N27 pandemic kills 82% of the worlds population. Not only is there no more Bitcoin but no more society. The human race is living in the dark ages again where things exchange hands through barter only.

Title: Re: What will happen to Bitcoin year after 2140 ?
Post by: zendantom on June 04, 2015, 07:12:06 PM
What will happen to gold in 2140? What will happen to the US dollar? What will happen to the European Union? It's totally impossible to make predictions so far in the future, so don't bother thinking about it.

That' true you can't predict what will be the situation in 2140 and i don't think that bitcoin will exist till then as there will be more digital currencies entering into the market and it is sure that bitcoin will facing threat from the new entrants either it will be a global currency or else it would be just an history.

Title: Re: What will happen to Bitcoin year after 2140 ?
Post by: wearepoor on June 04, 2015, 08:17:20 PM
all we know that bitcoin is deflation from time to time :D and of course if all of the bitcoin is distributed completly so that its price gonna be stable and increase over time,so all you have to do save your 1 bitcoin,print your identifier ,key and passwrd keep it safe and give it for your child or even for your grandchild  its an awsome heritage :D

Yes once the people are aware about it and more and more people start using bitcoin it will make the value of bitcoin stable and then it can reach to a new level that we cannot afford to even imagine and the present scenario is people are not aware about it so its value is diminishing.

Title: Re: What will happen to Bitcoin year after 2140 ?
Post by: Elwar on June 04, 2015, 08:25:48 PM
In 2140 I will celebrate the last block with a concoction of nano-healers and tell my great great great great grandchildren about how I was around in the days when you could get 50 bitcoins just for running a program on what we referred to at the time as "computers".

Title: Re: What will happen to Bitcoin year after 2140 ?
Post by: neurotypical on June 04, 2015, 09:35:20 PM
You cannot predict the future of Bitcoin, why bother to keep trying? Everyone predicted it would be 10k a coin by now

Not everyone, I always said we would be stuck with a long term low price of 200 ish if not lower, before a mega pump happens. Let's see where we are at in 2 years.

Title: Re: What will happen to Bitcoin year after 2140 ?
Post by: gogxmagog on June 04, 2015, 09:55:00 PM
after 2140 BTC will;
- be accepted at about 30 000 businesses world wide.
- suffer from bad reputation as the preferred form of payment by pedophiles and drug dealers.
- be worth almost 300$ USD each
- be hoarded but never spent by 99% of users.

Title: Re: What will happen to Bitcoin year after 2140 ?
Post by: box0214 on June 04, 2015, 11:26:12 PM
there's going to be so much bickering on the way up to 2140... today its all about block size...

what are some potential headache discussions we might have down the line?

Title: Re: What will happen to Bitcoin year after 2140 ?
Post by: Herbert2020 on June 05, 2015, 02:05:18 AM
You cannot predict the future of Bitcoin, why bother to keep trying? Everyone predicted it would be 10k a coin by now

Not everyone, I always said we would be stuck with a long term low price of 200 ish if not lower, before a mega pump happens. Let's see where we are at in 2 years.
nobody can predict the far future, what they do is that they speculate the near future. and 10k price was some speculation when the price was at $500 ish and it was said that it can head towards 10k and not a lot of people supported this speculations

Title: Re: What will happen to Bitcoin year after 2140 ?
Post by: hasmukhh on June 05, 2015, 02:23:26 AM
there are two.possibilities that could happen to bitcoin .
1) bitcoin wpuld be vanished .
2) bitcoin would be the largest selling currency used by every human being on the earth at every single place to shop.

Title: Re: What will happen to Bitcoin year after 2140 ?
Post by: Tongkar on June 05, 2015, 04:59:03 AM
I honestly think bitcoin will eventually die. And a better alternative alt will eventually take over.

Title: Re: What will happen to Bitcoin year after 2140 ?
Post by: pooya87 on June 05, 2015, 06:05:21 AM
there are two.possibilities that could happen to bitcoin .
1) bitcoin wpuld be vanished .
2) bitcoin would be the largest selling currency used by every human being on the earth at every single place to shop.
bitcoin is going to undergo some changes if it has to survive for that long for sure. maybe by then we can see a couple of cryptocurrencies like bitcoin which are being used worldwide by different countries.
but one thing is for sure and that is the technology that it brought will never die and will develop over the years.

Title: Re: What will happen to Bitcoin year after 2140 ?
Post by: RappelzReborn on June 05, 2015, 06:25:07 AM
after 2140 BTC will;
- be accepted at about 30 000 businesses world wide.
- suffer from bad reputation as the preferred form of payment by pedophiles and drug dealers.
- be worth almost 300$ USD each
- be hoarded but never spent by 99% of users.

Dafuq , after all those years you think it will be with that shitty price ? then I guess that would be a huge failure .
Beside the value of 300$ in 2014 will surely won't be the same as now so it's basically worst :o

Title: Re: What will happen to Bitcoin year after 2140 ?
Post by: Amph on June 05, 2015, 06:54:30 AM
I honestly think bitcoin will eventually die. And a better alternative alt will eventually take over.

which will not change too much, and it does not make much sense, what's the point to have another currency that work the same or even if it work different, when bitcoin can be enhanced to work in the exact way of this new alt?

would make much more sense, to see a very different bitcoin in the future, with a whole new tech behind it, than seeing just another clone...

Title: Re: What will happen to Bitcoin year after 2140 ?
Post by: monsanto on June 05, 2015, 07:39:18 AM

Title: Re: What will happen to Bitcoin year after 2140 ?
Post by: hunkey600 on June 05, 2015, 07:50:42 AM
I think Bitcoin has bright future and  it should become more popular and should be accepted worldwide, also in past market was quite volatile and now days prices is still stable and to gain more confidence it should remain stable.

Title: Re: What will happen to Bitcoin year after 2140 ?
Post by: Brewins on June 05, 2015, 08:01:56 AM
People(myself included) can't even have some idea about what is going to happen after the next halving.

You could ask what will happen to Bitcoin after 2000 years from now, my answer would be almost as precise

Title: Re: What will happen to Bitcoin year after 2140 ?
Post by: Wolframite on June 05, 2015, 08:04:02 AM
I dont think so bitcoin will die .. it may get enhanced and will be more popular and may be used worldwide  :)

Title: Re: What will happen to Bitcoin year after 2140 ?
Post by: real789 on June 05, 2015, 08:11:35 AM
I wonder what would happen to Bitcoin after the year 2140, while mining will end and the last block will be mined.
Are there will not remain Bitcoin ? Is the transaction will be possible ? or what ?
At least i will be dead  :-\ :-\ !!!!

i hope satosi nakamoto come to add new feature like POS interesting 3%/year
if POW end and can't be miner i hope price will be up
because very hard to get BTC

Title: Re: What will happen to Bitcoin year after 2140 ?
Post by: Unbelive on June 05, 2015, 11:47:46 AM
I wonder what would happen to Bitcoin after the year 2140, while mining will end and the last block will be mined.
Are there will not remain Bitcoin ? Is the transaction will be possible ? or what ?
At least i will be dead  :-\ :-\ !!!!

Can you imagine how world looked like 120 years ago?
Bitcoin will also change. IT changed a lot in 6 years, how much it will in 120.

probably a vacuum cleaner will have more hash power then 1000 times bitcoin network.

Title: Re: What will happen to Bitcoin year after 2140 ?
Post by: jubalix on June 05, 2015, 01:25:56 PM
bitcoin is just about the hardest thing to turn of / stop almost ever

Title: Re: What will happen to Bitcoin year after 2140 ?
Post by: ilyasilyaso on June 05, 2015, 01:52:50 PM
A few years ago, the value of all the bitcoins in the world blew past $1 billion for the first time ever. That’s an impressive achievement, for a purely virtual currency backed by no central bank or other authority. It’s also temporary: we’re in the middle of a bitcoin bubble right now, and it’s only a matter of time before the bubble bursts.