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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Chef Ramsay on June 12, 2015, 06:09:56 AM

Title: Obama making bid to diversify wealthy neighborhoods
Post by: Chef Ramsay on June 12, 2015, 06:09:56 AM

But HUD is looking to root out more subtle forms of discrimination that take shape in local government policies that unintentionally harm minority communities, known as “disparate impact.”

“This rule is not about forcing anyone to live anywhere they don’t want to,” said Margery Turner, senior vice president at the left-leaning Urban Institute. “It’s really about addressing long-standing practices that prevent people from living where they want to.”

“In our country, decades of public policies and institutional practices have built deeply segregated and unequal neighborhoods,” Turner said.

Children growing up in poor communities have less of a chance of succeeding in life, because they face greater exposure to violence and crime, and less access to quality education and health facilities, Turner suggested.

“Segregation is clearly a problem that is blocking upward mobility for children growing up today,” she said.

To qualify for certain funds under the regulations, cities would be required to examine patterns of segregation in neighborhoods and develop plans to address it. Those that don’t could see the funds they use to improve blighted neighborhoods disappear, critics of the rule say.

The regulations would apply to roughly 1,250 local governments.

Hans von Spakovsky, a fellow at the Heritage Foundation, called the Obama administration “too race conscious.”

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Title: Re: Obama making bid to diversify wealthy neighborhoods
Post by: bryant.coleman on June 12, 2015, 06:21:14 AM
In the end, this will destroy the American economy, as people will immigrate to other peaceful nations such as Australia and New Zealand. By importing the ghetto type people in to the posh suburbs, you will only end up in lowering the quality of life there. The crime rate will shoot up, forcing the people to relocate to somewhere else.

Title: Re: Obama making bid to diversify wealthy neighborhoods
Post by: AJMax on June 12, 2015, 06:27:32 AM
Some people who are slaves and poor have the qualities and character that deserve to be kings.

Many people who are slaves and poor however, have the qualities that makes their conditions undeserving luxury. More likely, they don't even deserve to be slaves and poor of slaves and poors.

Maybe obama should consider diversifying his family first by impregnating sweet little sasha with some non-black seed :D Keep the impregnation video as a souvenir to his diversity agenda.

Title: Re: Obama making bid to diversify wealthy neighborhoods
Post by: Possum577 on June 13, 2015, 06:28:59 AM

To qualify for certain funds under the regulations, cities would be required to examine patterns of segregation in neighborhoods and develop plans to address it. Those that don’t could see the funds they use to improve blighted neighborhoods disappear, critics of the rule say.

So the goal is to get more diverse neighborhoods, but if the municipality ignores the law they could see the funds used to help poor neighborhoods disappear?

This doesn't make any sense.

Title: Re: Obama making bid to diversify wealthy neighborhoods
Post by: bryant.coleman on June 13, 2015, 07:04:36 AM
So the goal is to get more diverse neighborhoods, but if the municipality ignores the law they could see the funds used to help poor neighborhoods disappear?

This doesn't make any sense.

They don't want to improve the poor neighborhoods, because that is not their true intention. The ghetto type people normally vote for the Democratic party, while in most of the cases, the wealthy votes for the GOP. So, if they can get these ghetto people to the posh suburbs, the GOP monopoly in these locations could be broken.

Title: Re: Obama making bid to diversify wealthy neighborhoods
Post by: Lethn on June 13, 2015, 11:17:35 AM
Well that's just fucking insane, they're essentially saying to these cities they think are a problem that if they don't get minorities to move in to white neighbourhoods they're going to cut their funding from what I can see of this madness. Forget the whites, what do you think blacks will have to say about that? How the hell are they going to afford it? It just goes to show you nevermind the right but the left don't even bother doing any maths on these stupid ideas they have to discover what could be the potential impact.

You guys might be interested to know about this, but this guy called Trevor Phillips ( No not THAT Trevor Phillips from GTA V :P ) is a very prominent member of the Labour party in the UK and even HE'S admitted how badly fucking wrong these kind of policies are and he's actually come out to say how much they don't work.

So when a chair of the Equality and Human Rights Commission is saying this bullshit doesn't work, people should be paying attention.

Title: Re: Obama making bid to diversify wealthy neighborhoods
Post by: TECSHARE on June 14, 2015, 10:19:48 PM
In the end, this will destroy the American economy, as people will immigrate to other peaceful nations such as Australia and New Zealand. By importing the ghetto type people in to the posh suburbs, you will only end up in lowering the quality of life there. The crime rate will shoot up, forcing the people to relocate to somewhere else.

This is something none of these programs EVER address. They constantly talk about how great it is for the people being relocated, but then always fail to mention the demonstrable correlation between subsidized housing and a rise in criminal activity where those people are relocated. Immediately, it becomes a polarizing racially charged subject that few have the stomach for let alone the political credit to discuss as a policy maker.

It is purported to be a program to help the poor, but in reality it is just a backdoor to impose desegregation by force
(a previously failed policy). Thus this secondary goal is sufficient in providing the necessary polarization to ensure the real issues with the program are never addressed under the din of the arguments of race.

Title: Re: Obama making bid to diversify wealthy neighborhoods
Post by: panju1 on June 15, 2015, 12:19:39 AM
This is really intrusion into people's personal freedoms. There is a reason some neighborhoods are seen as more attractive than others.
What next, "diversification" in people's homes?

Title: Re: Obama making bid to diversify wealthy neighborhoods
Post by: bryant.coleman on June 15, 2015, 02:11:01 AM
What next, "diversification" in people's homes?

Well... that could be next. You might be needed to give away two or three rooms within your home, to people from the ghetto. Don't complain if they make too much noise, or damage your building. And it is perfectly OK, if they make your home a drug manufacturing den, and later convert it to a drug dealing spot. You should also participate in the "desegregation" process.