Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Technical Support => Topic started by: cortexx066 on June 18, 2015, 10:50:32 AM

Title: after 1 hour my bitcoin core still says unconfirmed??
Post by: cortexx066 on June 18, 2015, 10:50:32 AM
As the title says. I have waited over 1 hour and still says my sent transaction unconfirmed and nothing received at the other end.

Any ideas? It's usually quicker than this when I have sent before.

Title: Re: after 1 hour my bitcoin core still says unconfirmed??
Post by: bitnanigans on June 18, 2015, 10:51:32 AM
Did you send the transaction with a fee? If there's no fee, it may take several hours to eventually get confirmed.

Title: Re: after 1 hour my bitcoin core still says unconfirmed??
Post by: OmegaStarScream on June 18, 2015, 11:00:25 AM
As the title says. I have waited over 1 hour and still says my sent transaction unconfirmed and nothing received at the other end.

Any ideas? It's usually quicker than this when I have sent before.

If you didn't use any fees or "low low " fees it may not get confirmed too fast , and may end up coming back to you after some days if dosen't get confirmed at all .
Also maybe Bitcoin core have something wrong in displaying or if it's not sync with the network try to use or and if it's confirmed or not .

Title: Re: after 1 hour my bitcoin core still says unconfirmed??
Post by: DarkHyudrA on June 18, 2015, 11:02:21 AM
Make sure that your wallet is synched aswell.

Title: Re: after 1 hour my bitcoin core still says unconfirmed??
Post by: Lauda on June 18, 2015, 11:03:25 AM
This is definitely something at your end. If I assume that this thread is legit, you probably didn't include a fee (don't be greedy). It could be a number of things, but this is usually what happens.
However the last 3 blocks have been quite full, however there definitely was enough room for your transaction.
How about posting the transaction ID so that we can check what is going on?

Title: Re: after 1 hour my bitcoin core still says unconfirmed??
Post by: BITCOINERSEJATI on June 18, 2015, 11:05:08 AM
As the title says. I have waited over 1 hour and still says my sent transaction unconfirmed and nothing received at the other end.

Any ideas? It's usually quicker than this when I have sent before.

can you share your Tx Id :)
i want to know how much fee your set to that transaction, also what wallet you use ?

Title: Re: after 1 hour my bitcoin core still says unconfirmed??
Post by: okae on June 18, 2015, 11:11:30 AM
probably you forgot to add the fee, so thats why it takes so long time to confirm it.

at the send button check the transaction one, there you can chose yout fee tax, i suggest you to use something normal like 10k but is up to you, the more  you pay the faster will be ;)

Title: Re: after 1 hour my bitcoin core still says unconfirmed??
Post by: turvarya on June 18, 2015, 11:17:32 AM
This is definitely something at your end. If I assume that this thread is legit, you probably didn't include a fee (don't be greedy). It could be a number of things, but this is usually what happens.
However the last 3 blocks have been quite full, however there definitely was enough room for your transaction.
How about posting the transaction ID so that we can check what is going on?
Miners don't fill up blocks to the limit of 1 MB. There is an individual parameter for how filled up, they really get.
So, you can't really say, that there was enough room.

Title: Re: after 1 hour my bitcoin core still says unconfirmed??
Post by: winspiral on June 18, 2015, 11:29:35 AM
I try to pay the minimum when i'm not in a hurry...
when I have less then 30 minutes time...then the standart fees
and I a day I need a quick transaction,then I will set a little higher.
my members are waiting fot a week on payout...then it is not a pity if they wait 2 or 3 hours more...(is only happen once)
if i send fast with more fees...someone has to pay it...

Title: Re: after 1 hour my bitcoin core still says unconfirmed??
Post by: afriezalie on June 18, 2015, 11:58:35 AM
Did you enter transaction fee? If you entered transaction fee, maybe it's still in other block. Just wait the block to be processed by miners.

Title: Re: after 1 hour my bitcoin core still says unconfirmed??
Post by: BITCOINERSEJATI on June 18, 2015, 02:35:49 PM
I try to pay the minimum when i'm not in a hurry...
when I have less then 30 minutes time...then the standart fees
and I a day I need a quick transaction,then I will set a little higher.
my members are waiting fot a week on payout...then it is not a pity if they wait 2 or 3 hours more...(is only happen once)
if i send fast with more fees...someone has to pay it...

are you use blockchain ? or u use mycellium ? or u use bitcoin core ? can you share your Tx Id we can help u if we know it

Title: Re: after 1 hour my bitcoin core still says unconfirmed??
Post by: aysha9859 on June 18, 2015, 03:11:12 PM
which wallet are you using? and can i see TX?

Title: Re: after 1 hour my bitcoin core still says unconfirmed??
Post by: vafelcz on June 18, 2015, 03:51:15 PM
As the title says. I have waited over 1 hour and still says my sent transaction unconfirmed and nothing received at the other end.

Any ideas? It's usually quicker than this when I have sent before.
Can you give us transaction id please?
I just want to know how much fee you set.
What wallet are you using?
You have to give us more informations if you want help..

Title: Re: after 1 hour my bitcoin core still says unconfirmed??
Post by: cortexx066 on June 18, 2015, 04:26:01 PM
It went through in the end, but took just a little bit over an hour for 1 confirmation. Anyway it's all done.


Title: Re: after 1 hour my bitcoin core still says unconfirmed??
Post by: CasioK on June 22, 2015, 09:06:59 PM
I am still facing this problem, more then 2 hours passed but still no any single confirmation
I sent the tx with standard 0.0001btc fees, even it is not showing in my wallet unconfirmed balance but i can see this on

Title: Re: after 1 hour my bitcoin core still says unconfirmed??
Post by: Lauda on June 22, 2015, 09:08:33 PM
I am still facing this problem, more then 2 hours passed but still no any single confirmation
I sent the tx with standard 0.0001btc fees, even it is not showing in my wallet unconfirmed balance but i can see this on
There is a high delay of transactions right now (over 10k I believe). Someone was 'stress testing' the network today.
Give us your transaction ID/address and let us check it out.

Title: Re: after 1 hour my bitcoin core still says unconfirmed??
Post by: hendra147 on June 25, 2015, 07:47:27 AM
@OP  are your problem has been solved ?
you can lock this topic if this problem solved