Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Press => Topic started by: jdebunt on June 19, 2015, 10:35:37 AM

Title: [2015-06-19]DMT - Living Room of Satoshi Lets Australians Pay Bills with Bitcoin
Post by: jdebunt on June 19, 2015, 10:35:37 AM

One of the most often heard complaints regarding Bitcoin is the fact we can not use it enough for everyday things. For example, when it comes to paying your weekly or monthly bills, there is no option of doing so in Bitcoin directly. That being said, several companies in Europe – and now also Australia – are working towards achieving that goal.

Title: Re: [2015-06-19]DMT - Living Room of Satoshi Lets Australians Pay Bills with Bitcoin
Post by: IMZ on July 20, 2015, 11:05:34 AM
Didn't find this thread. IndiaMikeZulu is going to try L.R.o.S. this week. Anyone else trying it?

Mark (IndiaMikeZulu), Australia

Title: Re: [2015-06-19]DMT - Living Room of Satoshi Lets Australians Pay Bills with Bitcoin
Post by: maku on July 20, 2015, 11:10:56 AM
This is not good at all another greedy company want to capitalize on fees. Here is what you have to do to pay bill 'in bitcoin'. This is how this service works in EU.
First, you will need some Bitcoins, the IBAN code for the recipient, and his/her BIC code. Using the service comes at a small fee of 1% of the total amount, + the standard SEPA payment fee of 0.95 EUR

More fees please.

Title: Re: [2015-06-19]DMT - Living Room of Satoshi Lets Australians Pay Bills with Bitcoin
Post by: tiggytomb on July 20, 2015, 11:24:33 AM
Although these companies charge a fee, to transfer your Bitcoin into Fiat there is a fee also you simply cannot get around it unless you use person to person selling.  This is a good idea if you want to pay your bills in BTC and can't be asked to go through the hassle of changing to Fiat etc, not a bad stopgap until wider adoption happens.

Title: Re: [2015-06-19]DMT - Living Room of Satoshi Lets Australians Pay Bills with Bitcoin
Post by: harrymmmm on July 20, 2015, 11:37:22 AM

One of the most often heard complaints regarding Bitcoin is the fact we can not use it enough for everyday things. For example, when it comes to paying your weekly or monthly bills, there is no option of doing so in Bitcoin directly. That being said, several companies in Europe – and now also Australia – are working towards achieving that goal.

I need something like these for the USA. Anyone know of one yet?