Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Project Development => Topic started by: popovicbit on June 19, 2015, 08:38:51 PM

Title: Need help w/start-up idea.
Post by: popovicbit on June 19, 2015, 08:38:51 PM

I would like feedback from you guys about this bitcoin idea I have been thinking about lately. I would like to create a Bitcoin messaging/talk app that would have the following features:

- Decentralized...I don't want to hold other ppl's bitcoin
- When ppl download the app their actual cell number will be blocked/protected
- Users can set the amount BTC they will accept for 10 minutes of conversation or per text message
- Receiving the BTC will allow the call or message to go through

*users must charge BTC, no matter how small.

I really see this app as a perfect tool for consultants because they offer a much needed services that can be performed most efficiently by combining messaging tech + bitcoin.

This could also allow celebrities/politicians/business leaders to make good money on the side...similar to speaking/appearances fees.

i.e. Sending a private message to Justin Bieber or Obama costs $50 per text message...what do you think would happen? or if a 10 min conversation cost $5000.

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. I would also like to know if anyone with programming skills would be interested in joining me.


Title: Re: Need help w/start-up idea.
Post by: icanscript on June 19, 2015, 09:01:28 PM
Is it not better to have procedures like sending coins separate?

Title: Re: Need help w/start-up idea.
Post by: popovicbit on June 19, 2015, 09:05:19 PM
I don't understand what you mean by separate? .5btc per minute?

Title: Re: Need help w/start-up idea.
Post by: ikydesu on June 19, 2015, 10:32:29 PM
i.e. Sending a private message to Justin Bieber or Obama costs $50 per text message...what do you think would happen? or if a 10 min conversation cost $5000.

It's like charging SMS bills? And bills for call too?

- Users can set the amount BTC they will accept for 10 minutes of conversation or per text message
- Receiving the BTC will allow the call or message to go through

It's means we can earn BTC while make a conversation? And who pays us?


Title: Re: Need help w/start-up idea.
Post by: popovicbit on June 19, 2015, 11:04:40 PM
Yes...similar to SMS.

A user can make money based on market forces and how much people are willing to pay to speak to them.

For example, I am a realtor in real life and I would charge maybe the equivalent of 10 cents per minute for real estate advice in my current city.  (This would also help me with leads)

People can put up what they are interested in or knowledgeable about in their user profile and allow the market decide how much their time is worth.

Title: Re: Need help w/start-up idea.
Post by: btcspry on June 22, 2015, 08:09:53 PM
I don't think that this idea is actually possible really (nor is it really a very good idea).

Title: Re: Need help w/start-up idea.
Post by: popovicbit on June 22, 2015, 08:55:26 PM

I appreciated your honest feedback. What part do you specifically not like? SMS? Do you not think a marketplace can be creating if you allow people to charge money to talk on the phone?

Title: Re: Need help w/start-up idea.
Post by: popovicbit on July 04, 2015, 05:14:47 AM
Can bitcoin be incorporated with an open source VIOP software like Asterisk? Why or why not?

How difficult would this be?

Title: Re: Need help w/start-up idea.
Post by: Emerge on July 04, 2015, 05:21:21 AM
It's really weird cuz you can do all these things with GetGems Messenger, free of charge.

And if it's gonna need internet anyway, why not use something free???
Just contact them through email or PM or GetGems or something  ???

Title: Re: Need help w/start-up idea.
Post by: melisande on July 04, 2015, 06:16:16 AM
It's really weird cuz you can do all these things with GetGems Messenger, free of charge.

And if it's gonna need internet anyway, why not use something free???
Just contact them through email or PM or GetGems or something  ???
Generally we have different stuffs online whereas some free stuff even work better than some paid services but we still go after paid services because it is a paid one and we tend it could be better but it might not be in real sense.

Title: Re: Need help w/start-up idea.
Post by: weedo84 on July 04, 2015, 08:30:00 PM

I think you have an interesting premise here, but regarding the messaging costs to celebrities or politicians, I don't think that sounds like a business model. No politician wants to get in trouble also.

Job specific consultancy only would be a good idea.  I'd imagine If you're doing it on another platform 90% would go to the platform and consultant to sell it though. Still would be good.

Title: Re: Need help w/start-up idea.
Post by: popovicbit on July 05, 2015, 04:56:33 AM
Emerge: I do not necessarily want to create a new messaging app that somehow incorporates BTC. I think having a "pay-per-minute"/"pay-per-message" model would open up some very interesting market dynamics. Users can leverage their knowledge on any particular field of expertise and get paid for it.

The service would not distinguish itself based on call quality or could be the first to charge people for access to knowledgeable people in an array of fields.

Title: Re: Need help w/start-up idea.
Post by: Possum577 on July 05, 2015, 07:34:23 AM
This sounds a lot like Venmo. Being able to send payments, instantly, via text message (sort of). Is that it?

Since there's so much confusion on what exactly this is, perhaps you could start by revising your elevator pitch so strangers to the idea can get the gist of it and why people would want it, what need it satisfies, more quickly.

I would sign up for this, but how are you going to fund the payments - via ads? Sounds like something we all are pretty familiar with, minus the texting part.

Title: Re: Need help w/start-up idea.
Post by: ed_teech on July 05, 2015, 10:38:33 AM
It seems that the money is paid by the one seeking consultant. Seems like a great idea. If you need help count me in. I'm building a mobile messaging application.

Title: Re: Need help w/start-up idea.
Post by: countryfree on July 05, 2015, 10:41:44 AM
I am a consultant, but I don't think I would be interested by your app. I've never used instant messaging in my life, and I don't work much over the phone. Most of my consultations are face to face, with a flat fee. I also have an hourly rate, but working by the minute is not for me. I guess your idea could still work for assistance/emergency services. Say, if I have trouble with my computer, I could use the help of a skilled technician, but the manufacturer provides this for free. Then, there's a problem with lengthy confirmation times. If I'm calling for help, I don't want to wait.

Title: Re: Need help w/start-up idea.
Post by: ed_teech on July 05, 2015, 10:43:58 AM
I am a consultant, but I don't think I would be interested by your app. I've never used instant messaging in my life, and I don't work much over the phone. Most of my consultations are face to face, with a flat fee. I also have an hourly rate, but working by the minute is not for me. I guess your idea could still work for assistance/emergency services. Say, if I have trouble with my computer, I could use the help of a skilled technician, but the manufacturer provides this for free. Then, there's a problem with lengthy confirmation times. If I'm calling for help, I don't want to wait.

Whats your field of consultancy ?

Title: Re: Need help w/start-up idea.
Post by: popovicbit on July 06, 2015, 03:53:37 AM
It seems that the money is paid by the one seeking consultant. Seems like a great idea. If you need help count me in. I'm building a mobile messaging application.

Possum: I definitely need to work on my elevator pitch, but ed_teech explained it perfectly...the one seeking consulting will pay the money.

I understand that some consultants prefer to do business face to face, but I am sure there a plenty out there who would be willing to work over the phone.