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Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: rokkyroad on June 23, 2015, 11:43:58 PM

Title: Secure email providers. Scryptmail, Protonmail, and Tutanota.
Post by: rokkyroad on June 23, 2015, 11:43:58 PM
Scryptmail seems to be the best of the three according to their comparison on the login page. These services are needed and something we should consider using.

Title: Re: Secure email providers. Scryptmail, Protonmail, and Tutanota.
Post by: mattjack on June 24, 2015, 12:08:00 AM
I've been using Protonmail,  I never heard of Scryptmail. Looks nice though, perhaps I will try it, thanks for sharing.

Title: Re: Secure email providers. Scryptmail, Protonmail, and Tutanota.
Post by: MystPhysX on June 24, 2015, 02:36:39 AM
Looking at their privacy policy it appears as though it could be a solid privacy oriented e-mail provider.

However, the fact that they are based in the US worries me a bit.

Title: Re: Secure email providers. Scryptmail, Protonmail, and Tutanota.
Post by: rokkyroad on June 24, 2015, 04:28:05 AM
However, the fact that they are based in the US worries me a bit.

I agree to a degree. If everything is encrypted and they hold no private keys then it should not matter. However, like lavabit they could be forced to cease operations if pressure was applied.

I don't think Switzerland is the answer either. They have been in bed with the USA forever. Remember the soccer scandal a few weeks ago when they were cooperating with the USA to bring down those crooks?

Title: Re: Secure email providers. Scryptmail, Protonmail, and Tutanota.
Post by: xlab on June 24, 2015, 12:20:20 PM
They are all pretty decent. I've settled with

It can be used anonymously, it's open source, plus I mistrust the US too much to use any service with connections overseas. But everybody needs to decide this for themselves.

Title: Re: Secure email providers. Scryptmail, Protonmail, and Tutanota.
Post by: Lauda on June 24, 2015, 05:12:19 PM
Scryptmail seems to be the best of the three according to their comparison on the login page. These services are needed and something we should consider using.
It is not. It's quite obvious that they are trying to market themselves as the best, however their comparison can only be subjective. An independent third party is needed to asses which one is the best.

They have already stated that there is absolutely no way to guarantee true zero data knowledge on a system, however they claim to have it.  ::)

However, the fact that they are based in the US worries me a bit.

I agree to a degree. If everything is encrypted and they hold no private keys then it should not matter. However, like lavabit they could be forced to cease operations if pressure was applied.

I don't think Switzerland is the answer either. They have been in bed with the USA forever. Remember the soccer scandal a few weeks ago when they were cooperating with the USA to bring down those crooks?
You're putting apples and oranges in one bucket. What those officials have been doing is illegal and not related to spying. It was pretty obvious from their bank records that they've been using money from the wrong purposes. This has nothing to do with spying. Switzerland has excellent privacy laws compared to the USA, and you're pretty much unreachable with Protonmail.

Anything based in the USA should not be deemed as safe considering all events in the past year or two.

Title: Re: Secure email providers. Scryptmail, Protonmail, and Tutanota.
Post by: SCRYPTmail on June 26, 2015, 03:40:53 AM
Hi everyone,

First of all thanks @rokkyroad for bringing up our service, and thanks all of you for taking the time to comment.

I would like to mention, that our table is a little old, as it was created few month ago, and honestly I didn't have time to follow up with other services to see if they add new features. I will remove it with our new version release.
Currently, there is very good thread that continue what I started, not related to any emails service, and each service submit their info:

Thanks again for your time.

Title: Re: Secure email providers. Scryptmail, Protonmail, and Tutanota.
Post by: mattjack on July 01, 2015, 01:52:30 AM
I must say I really am enjoying scryptmail with the alias and disposable email features built in.  :)

Title: Re: Secure email providers. Scryptmail, Protonmail, and Tutanota.
Post by: popowich on August 03, 2015, 10:32:34 PM
I must say I really am enjoying scryptmail with the alias and disposable email features built in.  :)

Hi Matt,

It's great to hear that you are enjoying SCRYPTmail.

If you have any questions or feature suggestions please let me know.

May I ask how many aliases and disposable email addresses are useful for you in the free account?

Thanks!  -Ray

Title: Re: Secure email providers. Scryptmail, Protonmail, and Tutanota.
Post by: Borisz on August 03, 2015, 10:56:06 PM
I like services using encryption, but why not just use PGP to encrypt emails? It takes about 5 minutes to set up with an existing email address, including reading the how-to.