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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Atlas on September 17, 2012, 12:44:00 PM

Title: No, World War 3 is indeed coming. The US Dollar will likely collapse at the end.
Post by: Atlas on September 17, 2012, 12:44:00 PM
Why is there an international campaign against Iran? Why does the US not want them to have nukes, infrastructure, trade or any form of independence? Why did the US kill Gaddafi and overthrow his government? Why is the US upset with the Middle East in general?

No, it's not terrorism. However it does have to do with oil but not in the way you think: These countries are dumping the US dollar and are deciding to trade for oil in other currencies such as Gold. In other words, the American military is literally trying to hold up the value of the US Dollar through force. When the US dollar cannot buy oil from every oil-producing nation, it will become worth much less. Its intrinsic value does not expand far beyond oil internationally. That is why the US is invading these countries and installing central banks that will deal in US dollars, just as they did in Libya who wanted to deal in a African gold dinar currency.

With Iran its a different story. Iran is strong allies with Russia and China and they will defend Iran when the time is right; nuclear war may become an option. World War 3 is coming and it has do with one central object: Money.

So, in summary, if you think the US military is going to win and dominate the world, keep US Dollars. If you think it's all going to slip through their fingers, buy Gold or even Bitcoins!

Title: Re: No, World War 3 in indeed coming. The US Dollar will likely collapse at the end.
Post by: Atlas on September 17, 2012, 12:52:06 PM
Additionally, remember Saddam Hussein? He was killed for attempting to trade oil in Euros.

Wars are not over frivolous matters. It's about real assets and money.

Title: Re: No, World War 3 is indeed coming. The US Dollar will likely collapse at the end.
Post by: Jermainé on September 17, 2012, 01:23:11 PM
Why is there an international campaign against Iran? Why does the US not want them to have nukes, infrastructure, trade or any form of independence? Why did the US kill Gaddafi and overthrow his government? Why is the US upset with the Middle East in general?

No, it's not terrorism. However it does have to do with oil but not in the way you think: These countries are dumping the US dollar and are deciding to trade for oil in other currencies such as Gold. In other words, the American military is literally trying to hold up the value of the US Dollar through force. When the US dollar cannot buy oil from every oil-producing nation, it will become worth much less. Its intrinsic value does not expand far beyond oil internationally. That is why the US is invading these countries and installing central banks that will deal in US dollars, just as they did in Libya who wanted to deal in a African gold dinar currency.

With Iran its a different story. Iran is strong allies with Russia and China and they will defend Iran when the time is right; nuclear war may become an option. World War 3 is coming and it has do with one central object: Money.

So, in summary, if you think the US military is going to win and dominate the world, keep US Dollars. If you think it's all going to slip through their fingers, buy Gold or even Bitcoins!

Gaddafi wanted to unify most of north africa and middle east to trade oil for "dinar"
USA obviously wasn't gonna put up with that...

Title: Re: No, World War 3 is indeed coming. The US Dollar will likely collapse at the end.
Post by: miln40 on September 17, 2012, 02:17:15 PM
I agree wit the OP that wars are fought over money, etc. and not over idealism.

However, the statement that WW3 is just around the corner seems a bit far-fetched.

1. To have a WW3, you need a willing populace. I don't see the US, the EU or Russian making a full-scale mobilization without the respective governments falling due to popular pressure. Don't forget that we also have the internet, so propaganda is just not as effective as it was 70 years ago.
2. We have been much closer to the brink of global war during the Cold War. You had proxy wars in Asia, Middle East and Africa, with two superpowers armed to the teeth facing each other and that still didn't cause a massive fracas. It's not going to happen now. Not soon at least.

Title: Re: No, World War 3 is indeed coming. The US Dollar will likely collapse at the end.
Post by: k3t3r on September 17, 2012, 02:26:24 PM

the guy who made that vid has his own channel here

Title: Re: No, World War 3 is indeed coming. The US Dollar will likely collapse at the end.
Post by: Hunterbunter on September 17, 2012, 03:11:25 PM
I also agree with OP that it's all about protecting economic power.

I would like to add that the internet and globalization have changed everything. As long as people get to know others more as human beings and less as foreigners via comms and trade, there is less likely a supporting population for nation-nation wars. If going to war with China (or in fact the US) means I lose my business, I'm not going to support it.

Since that's becoming the case, "Terrorists" are the new not-a-nation national enemy, they're a catch-all term for people hiding in bushes in a random economically beneficial countries that threaten said economies. I would say we're already fighting WW3 (since almost every country seems to be involved in some way), but it's just completely different to the last two.

Title: Re: No, World War 3 is indeed coming. The US Dollar will likely collapse at the end.
Post by: CoinDiver on September 17, 2012, 03:18:22 PM
Atlas is spot on.

SWIFT cuts off Iran. China uses yuan to buy oil from Iran. China no longer needs USD, negotiates a direct link to sell back US treasury securities without causing panic on the open market. FED announces open-ended QE3 to prop up market confidence a little while longer, and buys back China's US treasury securities. China gets out at pre-panic prices, becomes the worlds reserve currency. We're fucked.

Title: Re: No, World War 3 is indeed coming. The US Dollar will likely collapse at the end.
Post by: RodeoX on September 17, 2012, 03:24:55 PM
The military spends most of it's time trying to avoid war. It is politicians who are eager to go to war, not the military. Soldiers will pay the price and soldiers know that we have not won a war in over 60 years. Supporting the dollar at gunpoint will never work.

Title: Re: No, World War 3 is indeed coming. The US Dollar will likely collapse at the end.
Post by: SgtSpike on September 17, 2012, 04:14:41 PM
So, in summary, if you think the US military is going to win and dominate the world, keep US Dollars. If you think it's all going to slip through their fingers, buy Gold or even Bitcoins!
And also, take out lots of loans.

Title: Re: No, World War 3 is indeed coming. The US Dollar will likely collapse at the end.
Post by: CoinDiver on September 17, 2012, 05:12:45 PM
And also, take out lots of loans.

^ this!

If you believe the US is going to take advantage of the situation (can't stop it anyways), and hyper-inflate away the debt... you might as well use it to your advantage.

Title: Re: No, World War 3 is indeed coming. The US Dollar will likely collapse at the end.
Post by: kokojie on September 17, 2012, 05:24:07 PM
I agree wit the OP that wars are fought over money, etc. and not over idealism.

However, the statement that WW3 is just around the corner seems a bit far-fetched.

1. To have a WW3, you need a willing populace. I don't see the US, the EU or Russian making a full-scale mobilization without the respective governments falling due to popular pressure. Don't forget that we also have the internet, so propaganda is just not as effective as it was 70 years ago.
2. We have been much closer to the brink of global war during the Cold War. You had proxy wars in Asia, Middle East and Africa, with two superpowers armed to the teeth facing each other and that still didn't cause a massive fracas. It's not going to happen now. Not soon at least.

Yes the internet can dispel propaganda, but not if the people themselves want war. WW3 didn't happen during the cold war, I think mostly because a large portion of the population still remembers WW2 from firsthand experience. Heck, my next door neighbor is a WW2 vet, but this generation will soon be gone. To the new generations, war is just a game, and the US has been obtaining easy victories, it will just feed on itself, the people will start to demand and support war. Those who oppose war will be labeled unpatriotic.

Title: Re: No, World War 3 is indeed coming. The US Dollar will likely collapse at the end.
Post by: SgtSpike on September 17, 2012, 05:33:21 PM
I agree wit the OP that wars are fought over money, etc. and not over idealism.

However, the statement that WW3 is just around the corner seems a bit far-fetched.

1. To have a WW3, you need a willing populace. I don't see the US, the EU or Russian making a full-scale mobilization without the respective governments falling due to popular pressure. Don't forget that we also have the internet, so propaganda is just not as effective as it was 70 years ago.
2. We have been much closer to the brink of global war during the Cold War. You had proxy wars in Asia, Middle East and Africa, with two superpowers armed to the teeth facing each other and that still didn't cause a massive fracas. It's not going to happen now. Not soon at least.

Yes the internet can dispel propaganda, but not if the people themselves want war. WW3 didn't happen during the cold war, I think mostly because a large portion of the population still remembers WW2 from firsthand experience. Heck, my next door neighbor is a WW2 vet, but this generation will soon be gone. To the new generations, war is just a game, and the US has been obtaining easy victories, it will just feed on itself, the people will start to demand and support war. Those who oppose war will be labeled unpatriotic.
Eh, I kind of disagree.  As miln40 partially alluded to, the internet has made all people more aware of each other.  Now, China and Cuba and Germany and Russia are no longer just nametags on pieces of land, they are people we know and interact with.  The more this sort of globalized socialization happens, the more resistant people will be to making war against those countries.

WW2 vets are the ones who still hold the grudges against the Japs and the Nazis.  They know war is terrible, but they know that the people of those countries were trying to hurt us just as much as we hurt them.  These days, it's the middle eastern folks who get a bad rep among young people, because that's all they know as far as enemies go.  In their minds, Mulims are the only ones who want to kill us.  All the enemies of WW2 are no longer enemies, but friends, and in many cases, people we know.


Title: Re: No, World War 3 is indeed coming. The US Dollar will likely collapse at the end.
Post by: Charlie Prime on September 17, 2012, 07:45:16 PM
...if you think the US military is going to win and dominate the world

Does not the U.S. have the most bad-azz military on the planet because we spend more money on it than anyone else?

Did not the U.S.A just complete a hundred years of swapping dictators, crushing rebellions, and building a global corporate fascist empire the size of which Queen Victoria and Joseph Goebbels could only dream of?

Does not the U.S.A. hold more physical gold than any other nation on this planet?

Does not Hollywood have greater mind-controlling influence than any other institution on the globe?

Whether your fiat is ye olde Dollars, hot Ameros, or Weyland Corp. GloboCredits is irrelevant ...the U.S.A. comes out on top because we are better predators.

Title: Re: No, World War 3 is indeed coming. The US Dollar will likely collapse at the end.
Post by: RodeoX on September 17, 2012, 08:17:04 PM
...if you think the US military is going to win and dominate the world

Does not the U.S. have the most bad-azz military on the planet because we spend more money on it than anyone else?

Did not the U.S.A just complete a hundred years of swapping dictators, crushing rebellions, and building a global corporate fascist empire the size of which Queen Victoria and Joseph Goebbels could only dream of?

Does not the U.S.A. hold more physical gold than any other nation on this planet?

Does not Hollywood have greater mind-controlling influence than any other institution on the globe?

Whether your fiat is ye olde Dollars, hot Ameros, or Weyland Corp. GloboCredits is irrelevant ...the U.S.A. comes out on top because we are better predators.
Do we not get owned by irregular fighters in pajamas?
Our accent to world dominance is because WW2 destroyed all our competition. The next century will belong to China.

Title: Re: No, World War 3 is indeed coming. The US Dollar will likely collapse at the end.
Post by: Charlie Prime on September 17, 2012, 09:04:49 PM
Do we not get owned by irregular fighters in pajamas?

No.  We exterminate them by the millions and extract sustenance from their lands.  I would not call that getting "owned".  I would call it "owning".

Now please answer my questions.

Title: Re: No, World War 3 is indeed coming. The US Dollar will likely collapse at the end.
Post by: dank on September 18, 2012, 04:54:34 AM
WW3 will not proceed.

Title: Re: No, World War 3 is indeed coming. The US Dollar will likely collapse at the end.
Post by: FreeMoney on September 18, 2012, 08:08:10 AM
So, in summary, if you think the US military is going to win and dominate the world, keep US Dollars.

That's just nuts. The US could dominate the entire galaxy and they wouldn't ever let the value of the dollar increase more than a slight amount for a short time. Hoarding dollars is value-fatalism, you'd have to completely give up on being able to find value anywhere in the world.

Title: Re: No, World War 3 is indeed coming. The US Dollar will likely collapse at the end.
Post by: hashman on September 18, 2012, 10:42:44 AM
Do we not get owned by irregular fighters in pajamas?
.. and extract sustenance from their lands. ...

Is that what that's called when you throw money out of a helicopter?  "Extracting sustenance" ? 
Or maybe that's the giant sucking sound of money leaving the hands of US citizens and dollar holders you are referring to?

Last time I checked killing somebody with the worlds most expensive ammunition and leaving them in the dust didn't give much sustenance apart from sustaining your own mental illness.   

Title: Re: No, World War 3 is indeed coming. The US Dollar will likely collapse at the end.
Post by: sippsnapp on September 18, 2012, 05:14:05 PM
Well, i think we are far away from a physical WW3.
China may be huge but its a development country, russia is also huge but poor.
The USA and Europe are technical, educational and from a military perspective much stronger, any country in the world would be nutz to even try to question this.
My opinion is the 21Century wars are fighted in the world markets and in the end its about energy and food/water.

To speak about water, if the antarctica is melting as expected we soon have other things to think about, the ice in the antartica is ABOVE sealevel, if it melts it puts up the sealevel globally.
Then there is this, the more land is under ice the more solar power gets reflected, if ice is melting and sun is shining on "darker" places the heating up is increasing exponentially. Same for the last ice age, the more ice the faster its increasing, its working both ways.

Title: Re: No, World War 3 is indeed coming. The US Dollar will likely collapse at the end.
Post by: paulie_w on September 18, 2012, 07:03:26 PM
didn't russia just report that they have the world's largest diamond cache?

Title: Re: No, World War 3 is indeed coming. The US Dollar will likely collapse at the end.
Post by: knight22 on September 18, 2012, 07:32:59 PM
Atlas, you got it all right. This is the same reason why the US installed the central bank of Iraq in 2004.

Title: Re: No, World War 3 is indeed coming. The US Dollar will likely collapse at the end.
Post by: Charlie Prime on September 19, 2012, 01:35:33 PM
Is that what that's called when you throw money out of a helicopter?  "Extracting sustenance" ?

That's my point.  Your brain is stuck in the 20th century.  I empathize.  I have a minor in Assets = Liabilities + Capital.  It was difficult to overcome.

In 1984 I was busy building a bug-out shelter because my economics classes at university had me convinced that the staggering U.S. national debt of an incredible 1 Trillion Dollars was unsustainable for even two more years. 

Japan would repossess the U.S.  Savings & Loan failures would collapse the economy.  General Motors would cease to exist.  The Soviets would roll across Europe.  Farmer suicides of the time would leave us starving. 

This year I finally realized that we now live under a new, super-sophisticated version of global corporate fascism wherein CURRENCIES DO NOT MATTER.  It is irrelevant whether your fiat is ye olde Dollars, pink Renminbis, or spiffy new Weyland Corp. GloboCredits.  They are playthings of London, New York, and Beijing.  The world changed under your feet.  You haven't realized it yet.

Title: Re: No, World War 3 is indeed coming. The US Dollar will likely collapse at the end.
Post by: scribe on September 19, 2012, 01:54:53 PM
year I finally realized that we now live under a new, super-sophisticated version of global corporate fascism wherein CURRENCIES DO NOT MATTER.  It is irrelevant whether your fiat is ye olde Dollars, pink Renminbis, or spiffy new Weyland Corp. GloboCredits.  They are playthings of London, New York, and Beijing.  The world changed under your feet.  You haven't realized it yet.

Can I trade BTC for GloboCredits?

Seriously though. I've vaguely been following the progress of the Iranian Oil Bourse (, which apparently allowed other currencies for oil-trading since March. Not heard much recently, but suspect that's me not them.

The really important thing to remember is just that Debt = Power. Just like any bank holding credit over a customer, the notion ( both emotional and legal) of "being owed something" is directly tied to being able to control what the debtor owes (and therefore can and can't do) in the future. Having something worth lending is just the carrot.

Possibly worth a read or not:

Title: Re: No, World War 3 is indeed coming. The US Dollar will likely collapse at the end.
Post by: Charlie Prime on September 20, 2012, 01:34:35 PM
The really important thing to remember is just that Debt = Power.

Debt is not power.  The ability to inflict violence is power.

" Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun."  -- Quotations from Chairman Mao Zedong (The Little Red Book)(1964)

The real power a bank has over a borrower is the violence a Sheriff's Deputy can use to enforce court orders.  Same with the U.S. of A.  China will never call in the U.S. debt because the U.S. can tell them their gold is located inside Fort Knox.  Come get it.