Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Speculation => Topic started by: eerygarden on June 29, 2015, 10:35:22 PM

Title: Will greece/europe pull a rabbit out of the hat?
Post by: eerygarden on June 29, 2015, 10:35:22 PM
At 6pm washington time, greece will officially default if it hasnt paid the IMF. The media reports that its all set to happen, but will it or will there be a shock?

Title: Re: Will greece/europe pull a rabbit out of the hat?
Post by: Fakhoury on June 29, 2015, 10:44:32 PM
I've learned something in life.

Expect anything, anytime.

Title: Re: Will greece/europe pull a rabbit out of the hat?
Post by: Chalkbot on June 29, 2015, 10:47:08 PM
More like a cat out of a bag.

Title: Re: Will greece/europe pull a rabbit out of the hat?
Post by: criptix on June 29, 2015, 11:00:58 PM
my bet is no magic this time, it is all up to the greece people on sunday.

Title: Re: Will greece/europe pull a rabbit out of the hat?
Post by: empowering on June 29, 2015, 11:02:43 PM
I imagine on paper they will default tomorrow, if the IMF will register it as such until Sunday is another matter.

As for if they manage to steer this train crash away from an actual Grexit..... before Sunday .......maybe, maybe not.

We are about to find out if the political will is strong enough to keep this house of cards standing.

Title: Re: Will greece/europe pull a rabbit out of the hat?
Post by: Meuh6879 on June 29, 2015, 11:07:29 PM
7 days ?

International Economy collapse in less time than this ...  ::)

 ;D Bitcoin user not affected.

day1 = just to see ? Ahhh, they fall !
day2 = sell, sell !
day3 = aaaahh, CDS and ABS launched !
day4 = default of Japan and Eurozone
day5 = default of USA
day6 = china and russia win, new money
day7 = Greek referendum ...  :D

Title: Re: Will greece/europe pull a rabbit out of the hat?
Post by: hf100 on June 29, 2015, 11:37:21 PM
This is normal by the standards of EU negotiations. They usually overrun the deadline by at least a week and eventually do a very late deal that everyone said was impossible. They might still do a last minute fudge that allows both sides to claim victory.

Title: Re: Will greece/europe pull a rabbit out of the hat?
Post by: mrhelpful on June 30, 2015, 12:07:23 AM
I dont think they wont pull a rabbit out of the hat.

Like we seen history repeat, I`m sure they will make some speech and then europe will ending up lending again and the cycle continues.

Or give pay extension.. 

Title: Re: Will greece/europe pull a rabbit out of the hat?
Post by: eerygarden on June 30, 2015, 10:27:47 AM
This is normal by the standards of EU negotiations. They usually overrun the deadline by at least a week and eventually do a very late deal that everyone said was impossible. They might still do a last minute fudge that allows both sides to claim victory.

Thanks for that. I haven't really followed previously. Does this seem like deja vu to you? Does the fact that they will probably default before a deal is struck make this more damming?

Title: Re: Will greece/europe pull a rabbit out of the hat?
Post by: Amph on June 30, 2015, 10:38:11 AM
More like a cat out of a bag.

i dead cat bounce? if we rise too fast it maybe considered like, that, we started good yestaerday with a little increase, now it is +10 in one day, so i'm expecting a little crash

but for now they are driving the really for sure along with the litecoin halving

it look one of those situation where many good things get together and force an hype that it will force the price to go up, no matter what

Title: Re: Will greece/europe pull a rabbit out of the hat?
Post by: Morecoin Freeman on June 30, 2015, 10:41:20 AM
More like a cat out of a bag.
Two sides of the same bitcoin.

Title: Re: Will greece/europe pull a rabbit out of the hat?
Post by: jubalix on June 30, 2015, 01:43:27 PM
I expect greek to be bailed out at last minuet as Fiat can just be printed....but after about another 3 times then no, something will give.

After that, Spain and Italy.

Peoples cash is not available to them from the bank. Now. This is a message most people understand. That is the real impact here.

Title: Re: Will greece/europe pull a rabbit out of the hat?
Post by: eerygarden on June 30, 2015, 09:14:44 PM
Well one thing we know is that there will never be a day where all countries say, "OK we have all sorted it out. We are now all debt free", because it isn't mathematically possible.

I guess there is debt forgiveness, but why?

Title: Re: Will greece/europe pull a rabbit out of the hat?
Post by: lissandra on June 30, 2015, 09:19:25 PM
7 days ?

International Economy collapse in less time than this ...  ::)

 ;D Bitcoin user not affected.

day1 = just to see ? Ahhh, they fall !
day2 = sell, sell !
day3 = aaaahh, CDS and ABS launched !
day4 = default of Japan and Eurozone
day5 = default of USA
day6 = china and russia win, new money
day7 = Greek referendum ...  :D

this sounds about right lol.

china ends up wanting to be world reserve currency, heck why not cause they seem to have a huge influx of more people then usa does.

as for greece its the usual I want more money to feed my hunger.

Title: Re: Will greece/europe pull a rabbit out of the hat?
Post by: Miracal on July 01, 2015, 04:56:45 PM
I don't think there were much reasons to pull our any kinda shit out of the hat, as it will come back hit it on their face itself. Greece will keep asking for bailouts and keep asking for more money and why would the euro zone like to deal with that kinda shit? What do you do with a guy who owes you money and keeps asking for more? Either beat the shit out of that guy and get the money or just stop seeing that guy around.

Title: Re: Will greece/europe pull a rabbit out of the hat?
Post by: eerygarden on July 01, 2015, 07:38:13 PM
I don't think there were much reasons to pull our any kinda shit out of the hat, as it will come back hit it on their face itself. Greece will keep asking for bailouts and keep asking for more money and why would the euro zone like to deal with that kinda shit? What do you do with a guy who owes you money and keeps asking for more? Either beat the shit out of that guy and get the money or just stop seeing that guy around.

I think this is appropriate with the average man on the street, but politicians are not average men. One can assume that they are all familiar with the fiat scam and if you happen to be the guy that has drawn the short straw at that moment in time that has to deliver some bad news to your citizens and ask/tell them to accept further hardships, then you might a) ensure you are personally rewarded favourably before doing so or b) refuse to deliver.

The leaked letter shows Tsipras is still negotiating and prepared to deliver some bad news to his citizens.... you know what? I am out of my depth. Who the fuck knows?

Title: Re: Will greece/europe pull a rabbit out of the hat?
Post by: Gronthaing on July 01, 2015, 08:08:02 PM
I don't think there were much reasons to pull our any kinda shit out of the hat, as it will come back hit it on their face itself. Greece will keep asking for bailouts and keep asking for more money and why would the euro zone like to deal with that kinda shit? What do you do with a guy who owes you money and keeps asking for more? Either beat the shit out of that guy and get the money or just stop seeing that guy around.

Greece tried to ask for better conditions so they could pay back and were refused. Like instead of having to increase VAT and cutting pensions even more, cut military spending on unused bases and increase corporate tax. The conditions that are being imposed on them make no sense. And they can't pay back if their economy is destroyed, have huge unemployment and all the youth leaves as soon as they have a degree.

Title: Re: Will greece/europe pull a rabbit out of the hat?
Post by: cellard on July 03, 2015, 07:25:58 PM
my bet is no magic this time, it is all up to the greece people on sunday.

I don't think the referendum will have any impact to be honest. Either yes or no, what we'll get is Tsipras accepting whatever deal the Troika gives to them. I really doubt that Tsipras will renounce being the elected president if the yes wins as he said on that interview a couple of days ago.

Title: Re: Will greece/europe pull a rabbit out of the hat?
Post by: Gronthaing on July 03, 2015, 07:33:14 PM
my bet is no magic this time, it is all up to the greece people on sunday.

I don't think the referendum will have any impact to be honest. Either yes or no, what we'll get is Tsipras accepting whatever deal the Troika gives to them. I really doubt that Tsipras will renounce being the elected president if the yes wins as he said on that interview a couple of days ago.

It wasn't just him that said he would quit. The finance minister Yanis Varoufakis said the same thing. So I doubt they will stay if the yes wins. More likely they will have new elections or something. Also doubt Tsipras will accept whatever deal the troika offers if it's the same more austerity policies they have been offering. Especially after a no vote wins.

Title: Re: Will greece/europe pull a rabbit out of the hat?
Post by: HigsonPP on July 04, 2015, 04:43:55 AM

you know what? I am out of my depth. Who the fuck knows?

Hahaha, yeah man. I am just making up some pop corn, pouring down some chilled beer in my beer mug and ordering a pizza. Then I'm going to take my chair on the roof top and watch the world fuck itself while I watch. beauty.

Title: Re: Will greece/europe pull a rabbit out of the hat?
Post by: eerygarden on July 04, 2015, 10:33:42 AM

you know what? I am out of my depth. Who the fuck knows?

Hahaha, yeah man. I am just making up some pop corn, pouring down some chilled beer in my beer mug and ordering a pizza. Then I'm going to take my chair on the roof top and watch the world fuck itself while I watch. beauty.

Proper little soap opera isn't it? Making mankind believe they are fucked and all displayed for your viewing pleasure.

Title: Re: Will greece/europe pull a rabbit out of the hat?
Post by: Herbert2020 on July 04, 2015, 10:38:49 AM
i don't care what they pull out of the hat, either it is a rabbit or cat or dead possum! i only care about the price which is moving upward so far which made me happy ;)