Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Project Development => Topic started by: mc_lovin on September 19, 2012, 09:34:02 PM

Title: I made 180 BTC advertising with Operation Fabulous since July 2011 :)
Post by: mc_lovin on September 19, 2012, 09:34:02 PM
I mentioned this in the OpFab flak-thread, but I figured I would post it here.

OpFab is undergoing dramatic change to the front-end and back, stay tuned!

wow.  I went to check on the total that I earned as an Operation Fabulous publisher, and the amount is awesome.  I earned a total of 180.62310363 BTC!!  What did you guys earn?

Here are the pages for my payment addresses:

But first here's an advertisement from my favorite publisher: (
(you rock!) :)

ok here is the first address, when the site was pointed at my wallet (113.27055 BTC): (

then I changed the address when I had to point some funds at them from April to June (15.93130328 BTC): (

then I changed it back to my wallet (24.13763104 BTC and counting) (

I also have another website,, and it has a separate address (27.28361931 BTC): (

That's not including what the site itself earns, that's just me having banners on my site. 

Title: Re: I made 180 BTC advertising with Operation Fabulous since July 2011 :)
Post by: jasinlee on September 20, 2012, 02:44:58 PM
They just need to update the site, I dont get any bids on our site, and looking at the page views on the other sites, we have way more page views. The publishers page needs to be updated with filters. (

Title: Re: I made 180 BTC advertising with Operation Fabulous since July 2011 :)
Post by: ingrownpocket on September 20, 2012, 05:18:40 PM
More than 50% of CoinAd's revenue came from Operation Fabulous.

Title: Re: I made 180 BTC advertising with Operation Fabulous since July 2011 :)
Post by: mc_lovin on September 20, 2012, 06:26:26 PM
They just need to update the site, I dont get any bids on our site, and looking at the page views on the other sites, we have way more page views. The publishers page needs to be updated with filters. (

updates coming vuuuuuury soon! :)

Title: Re: I made 180 BTC advertising with Operation Fabulous since July 2011 :)
Post by: kiba on September 24, 2012, 02:30:18 AM
I think I might made 14 BTC with the site. Nowadays, I make 0.05 bitcent every 5 days like clockwork.

Title: Re: I made 180 BTC advertising with Operation Fabulous since July 2011 :)
Post by: on September 24, 2012, 03:08:58 AM
0.05 bitcent

= 0.0005 bitcoins

Title: Re: I made 180 BTC advertising with Operation Fabulous since July 2011 :)
Post by: allthingsluxury on September 25, 2012, 05:08:38 PM
Yah it needs to come a long way yet. Hopefully it balloons into a mega advertising venue.

Title: Re: I made 180 BTC advertising with Operation Fabulous since July 2011 :)
Post by: mc_lovin on September 28, 2012, 12:49:57 AM

If bitcent was officially defined somewhere...  I'm not the one to talk, though, since when I see something in the store for 0.99¢, I'll demand to get it for one penny. 

Title: Re: I made 180 BTC advertising with Operation Fabulous since July 2011 :)
Post by: kiba on September 28, 2012, 07:10:36 PM

Sorry, it's 5 bitcent.

Title: Re: I made 180 BTC advertising with Operation Fabulous since July 2011 :)
Post by: Distribution on November 14, 2012, 01:27:16 AM
Is there a secret to getting advertising? I decided to put their service on my site. I don't get a whole lot of traffic, but I put the bid price low. I'm mainly doing it to help them bitcoin economy, and provide an outlet for bitcoin businesses to get the word out. But as I looked at what advertisers have to go through, it seems very unlikely that I'll have any advertisers. They have to bid on specific sites, can't filter them, and my site is like three or four pages in. Am I missing something or is this correct? I like the potential their service has, but I don't feel like I could get anywhere with it.