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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: cryptocoiner on July 03, 2015, 06:45:13 AM

Title: ISIS Suffers Devastating Losses in Deir Ezzor
Post by: cryptocoiner on July 03, 2015, 06:45:13 AM
ISIS Suffers Devastating Losses in Deir Ezzor

With the battle of Al-Hasakah intensifying between the Syrian Armed Forces and the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) in northeastern Syria, many observers of this Syrian Conflict have shifted their attention away from the volatile Deir Ezzor front, despite the continued bloodshed that has plagued the civilians of this once fertile province located on the vast Euphrates River.

Title: Re: ISIS Suffers Devastating Losses in Deir Ezzor
Post by: bryant.coleman on July 03, 2015, 04:28:09 PM
The Deir Ezzor campaign can become extremely risky for the Syrian soldiers. They are surrounded on all sides by the ISIS barbarians. All the government supply lines are cut and the soldiers are isolated. It is nice to watch them putting up a decent fight, but if the ISIS over-runs them, then every single soldier will be beheaded by the barbarians.

Title: Re: ISIS Suffers Devastating Losses in Deir Ezzor
Post by: Lethn on July 03, 2015, 04:48:35 PM
Just looking at that map you can tell who the better fighters are, Kurds have pretty neat and organised battle lines while the rest is just a giant clusterfuck, ISIS just seem to be using pure aggression, not surprising since it's reported on they use drugs a lot in battle and so on.

Title: Re: ISIS Suffers Devastating Losses in Deir Ezzor
Post by: BillyBones on July 03, 2015, 06:20:36 PM
There is a saying goes "If you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes the truth" and it is going to replicate in ISIS case. How far the truth regards to ISIS, God only knows. I am repeating again and again as a whistle blower that ISIS is not acting alone and it is backed by few powerful countries in the world, certain for sure.

Title: Re: ISIS Suffers Devastating Losses in Deir Ezzor
Post by: bryant.coleman on July 03, 2015, 06:25:00 PM
Just looking at that map you can tell who the better fighters are, Kurds have pretty neat and organised battle lines while the rest is just a giant clusterfuck, ISIS just seem to be using pure aggression, not surprising since it's reported on they use drugs a lot in battle and so on.

The Kurds have many decades of military experience, and they are spread across Iraq, Turkey, Syria, Iran, and Azerbaijan. They have a sizable diaspora abroad (especially in Germany) which helps the Peshmerga with foreign fighters and light weapons. On the other hand, Assad's armed forces are weakened, as a result of embargoes and defections. At least 100,000 of his forces have been killed so far. Also, Assad's support is thinly spread across Syria, compared to the Kurds who are concentrated in specific pockets.

Title: Re: ISIS Suffers Devastating Losses in Deir Ezzor
Post by: koshgel on July 03, 2015, 06:34:16 PM
There is a saying goes "If you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes the truth" and it is going to replicate in ISIS case. How far the truth regards to ISIS, God only knows. I am repeating again and again as a whistle blower that ISIS is not acting alone and it is backed by few powerful countries in the world, certain for sure.

Saudi Arabia?

Title: Re: ISIS Suffers Devastating Losses in Deir Ezzor
Post by: Okurkabinladin on July 04, 2015, 11:56:09 AM
Just looking at that map you can tell who the better fighters are, Kurds have pretty neat and organised battle lines while the rest is just a giant clusterfuck, ISIS just seem to be using pure aggression, not surprising since it's reported on they use drugs a lot in battle and so on.

It has little to do with "quality" of the fighters  ;) Progovernment Syrians want back their territorial integrity, so defending even isolated locations among sea of barbarians make political (if not tactical) sense for them.

Democratic opposition is laughing matter since 2012, they are openly collaborating with ISIS.

Kurds are mostly (and cunnigly) operating in their own ethnic areas, therefore avoiding costly guerilla warfare.

ISIS is by now the most powerful force in both Syria and Iraq, it is not locked in by any superior military, but by extent of sunni Arab settlement - its spine.

I am sceptical on ability of Assads troops to keep the Deir er-Zor, its classic siege operation and they are not getting support from outside. They are dead meat. Taking the base is obvious choice for ISIS as islamists need "breathing room" without having to worry about (even if isolated) trouble makers.

Title: Re: ISIS Suffers Devastating Losses in Deir Ezzor
Post by: Okurkabinladin on July 04, 2015, 11:59:08 AM
There is a saying goes "If you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes the truth" and it is going to replicate in ISIS case. How far the truth regards to ISIS, God only knows. I am repeating again and again as a whistle blower that ISIS is not acting alone and it is backed by few powerful countries in the world, certain for sure.

Saudi Arabia?

Israel, Turkey and Pakistan also, not to mention tens of thousands sunni arab Iraqi defectors.

West in its middle eastern allies obviously keep mistaking islamists for some puppet tool, that can be used or discarded with no risks.

Title: Re: ISIS Suffers Devastating Losses in Deir Ezzor
Post by: bryant.coleman on July 04, 2015, 12:13:38 PM
I am sceptical on ability of Assads troops to keep the Deir er-Zor, its classic siege operation and they are not getting support from outside. They are dead meat. Taking the base is obvious choice for ISIS as islamists need "breathing room" without having to worry about (even if isolated) trouble makers.

Although Deir Ezzor is surrounded from all the sides by the ISIS barbarians, the Syrian armed forces are able to conduct occasional air-strikes to deter the enemy. But supplies are still a major problem, as heavy weapons and bombs can't be transported using light aircraft. Adding to the woes, Syria's aircraft fleet is very limited, and only a handful of them are operational right now.

And then we have Israel, the eternal ISIS allies shooting down Syrian government aircraft:

Title: Re: ISIS Suffers Devastating Losses in Deir Ezzor
Post by: BillyBones on July 04, 2015, 06:17:39 PM
There is a saying goes "If you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes the truth" and it is going to replicate in ISIS case. How far the truth regards to ISIS, God only knows. I am repeating again and again as a whistle blower that ISIS is not acting alone and it is backed by few powerful countries in the world, certain for sure.

Saudi Arabia?
Why the Question mark, indeed it is Saudi Arabia and it's allies, though I am not supporting Iran if they are creating chaos in the middle east, however ISIS was created to curb Iran's influence in the middle east, and the purpose of ISIS creation didn't work well likewise U.S created the Al-Qaida against Russia.