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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: rio3232 on July 09, 2015, 03:30:18 PM

Title: Trump Warned By RNC Chairman On His Immigration Rhetoric
Post by: rio3232 on July 09, 2015, 03:30:18 PM
Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus warned presidential candidate Donald Trump that his rhetoric on illegal immigration was jeopardizing the party’s efforts to woo Hispanic voters.

According to multiple news outlets Wednesday night, the RNC chief urged the real-estate tycoon, who has shot to the front rank in polling among the party’s 2016 contenders, to tone down his remarks on immigration during the private phone conversation Wednesday afternoon.

But a Republican source familiar with the call told CNN that Mr. Priebus closed the conversation with “look, I’ve gotta tell you, I spent four years trying to make inroads with the Hispanic community … how we address illegal immigration is very important” to those efforts.


Other reports of the story mention that Priebus specifically used the phrase "tone it down". Naturally right wing responses to that in the comments have been outrage and asking Mr. Priebus to perform an impossible sexual act.

But it clearly shows the panic that the RNC is experiencing, that Trump's open and blatant pandering to the racists and the xenophobes (not just the usual "subtle" pandering that other Republicans do). The longer Trump stays in, and keeps speaking like he does, and especially when he hits the debate stage on August 6th...the more that panic will increase.

Title: Re: Trump Warned By RNC Chairman On His Immigration Rhetoric
Post by: saddampbuh on July 09, 2015, 03:47:55 PM
why should he stop saying things that are true? illegals are criminals and they should be driven out.

the law abiding hispanics who work are conservative. the welfare recipient hispanics aren't going to support the republicans no matter who the nominee is. they will support hillary or which ever democrat offers them the most welfare and promises to give their subhuman invader relatives amnesty.

if only white people could vote as your founders intended trump would be the next president

Title: Re: Trump Warned By RNC Chairman On His Immigration Rhetoric
Post by: godlyitems on July 09, 2015, 03:51:38 PM
Republicans should not wooo illegal immigrants, and those Latinos who support illegal immigration will never vote for Republican.

Title: Re: Trump Warned By RNC Chairman On His Immigration Rhetoric
Post by: rio3232 on July 09, 2015, 03:52:20 PM
Republicans should not wooo illegal immigrants, and those Latinos who support illegal immigration will never vote for Republican.

They aren't. They're trying to woo Latino voters who don't like racists who think "most Mexican immigrants are rapists" or the Party that supports them....

thus the RNC wants Trump to shut the hell up.

Title: Re: Trump Warned By RNC Chairman On His Immigration Rhetoric
Post by: godlyitems on July 09, 2015, 03:53:17 PM
Republicans should not wooo illegal immigrants, and those Latinos who support illegal immigration will never vote for Republican.

They aren't. They're trying to woo Latino voters who don't like racists who think "most Mexican immigrants are rapists" or the Party that supports them....

thus the RNC wants Trump to shut the hell up.

If I am not mistaken Trump said illegals from Mexico, not immigrants. Further Latinos are not one group, most other Latinos dislike Mexicans.

Title: Re: Trump Warned By RNC Chairman On His Immigration Rhetoric
Post by: Daewoo on July 09, 2015, 03:55:34 PM
Republicans should not wooo illegal immigrants, and those Latinos who support illegal immigration will never vote for Republican.

Correct. This guy at work from Mexico hates illegal Mexicans. He spent 15 years worth of visas, residency, and paperwork trying to get his US citizenship. After the 15th year he received it, which makes it so much easier for him to see his family.

Then you have the Illegal Mexicans that the Democrats love so much, for some reason, that jump the fence, work in the US illegally, don't pay taxes, and take more jobs that tax-paying citizens could have.

Title: Re: Trump Warned By RNC Chairman On His Immigration Rhetoric
Post by: GeorgeFeb on July 09, 2015, 03:56:20 PM
Donald is a cool dude, I'm watching YouTube videos right now, funny:

Title: Re: Trump Warned By RNC Chairman On His Immigration Rhetoric
Post by: rio3232 on July 09, 2015, 03:57:41 PM
If I am not mistaken Trump said illegals from Mexico, not immigrants. Further Latinos are not one group, most other Latinos dislike Mexicans.

You think Latinos think "The racists in the GOP hate Mexicans...but they don't hate us Costa Ricans, Guatemalans, Hondurans, Salvadorans, etc"?

Title: Re: Trump Warned By RNC Chairman On His Immigration Rhetoric
Post by: arul.BP on July 09, 2015, 04:00:36 PM
Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus warned presidential candidate Donald Trump that his rhetoric on illegal immigration was jeopardizing the party’s efforts to woo Hispanic voters.

According to multiple news outlets Wednesday night, the RNC chief urged the real-estate tycoon, who has shot to the front rank in polling among the party’s 2016 contenders, to tone down his remarks on immigration during the private phone conversation Wednesday afternoon.

But a Republican source familiar with the call told CNN that Mr. Priebus closed the conversation with “look, I’ve gotta tell you, I spent four years trying to make inroads with the Hispanic community … how we address illegal immigration is very important” to those efforts.


Other reports of the story mention that Priebus specifically used the phrase "tone it down". Naturally right wing responses to that in the comments have been outrage and asking Mr. Priebus to perform an impossible sexual act.

But it clearly shows the panic that the RNC is experiencing, that Trump's open and blatant pandering to the racists and the xenophobes (not just the usual "subtle" pandering that other Republicans do). The longer Trump stays in, and keeps speaking like he does, and especially when he hits the debate stage on August 6th...the more that panic will increase.

Nonsense! He is refreshing, but he won't get the nomination. Do you work for the DNC because you have certainly started a lot of threads lately about Republicans. I don't think you are going to change anyone's mind on here.

Title: Re: Trump Warned By RNC Chairman On His Immigration Rhetoric
Post by: rio3232 on July 09, 2015, 04:01:38 PM
Correct. This guy at work from Mexico hates illegal Mexicans. He spent 15 years worth of visas, residency, and paperwork trying to get his US citizenship. After the 15th year he received it, which makes it so much easier for him to see his family.

Then you have the Illegal Mexicans that the Democrats love so much, for some reason, that jump the fence, work in the US illegally, don't pay taxes, and take more jobs that tax-paying citizens could have.

So he assumes Trump considers him the "some are good people" Mexican...not the "MOST who are rapists and murderers" Mexican?

Title: Re: Trump Warned By RNC Chairman On His Immigration Rhetoric
Post by: godlyitems on July 09, 2015, 04:03:00 PM
You think Latinos think "The racists in the GOP hate Mexicans...but they don't hate us Costa Ricans, Guatemalans, Hondurans, Salvadorans, etc"?

Well 2 of their top contenders are Cubans, or do they not count?

Title: Re: Trump Warned By RNC Chairman On His Immigration Rhetoric
Post by: rio3232 on July 09, 2015, 04:05:31 PM
Nonsense! He is refreshing, but he won't get the nomination. Do you work for the DNC because you have certainly started a lot of threads lately about Republicans. I don't think you are going to change anyone's mind on here.

So by your theory, everybody who brings up Obama, Hillary, Harry Reid, other for the RNC?
As far as "changing people's minds"...what gave you the idea that ANYBODY posting here expects that? Right, Left, Center?

Well 2 of their top contenders are Cubans, or do they not count?

You just noted Latinos are not monolithic. But what do Mexicans, Costa Ricans, Hondurans think when THEIR families and friends step across the Rio Grande and are considered "criminals"....

but Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio's friends and families cross the Florida Strait from Cuba and are given automatic citizenship?

Title: Re: Trump Warned By RNC Chairman On His Immigration Rhetoric
Post by: jeckman on July 09, 2015, 04:10:43 PM
Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus warned presidential candidate Donald Trump that his rhetoric on illegal immigration was jeopardizing the party’s efforts to woo Hispanic voters.

According to multiple news outlets Wednesday night, the RNC chief urged the real-estate tycoon, who has shot to the front rank in polling among the party’s 2016 contenders, to tone down his remarks on immigration during the private phone conversation Wednesday afternoon.

But a Republican source familiar with the call told CNN that Mr. Priebus closed the conversation with “look, I’ve gotta tell you, I spent four years trying to make inroads with the Hispanic community … how we address illegal immigration is very important” to those efforts.


Other reports of the story mention that Priebus specifically used the phrase "tone it down". Naturally right wing responses to that in the comments have been outrage and asking Mr. Priebus to perform an impossible sexual act.

But it clearly shows the panic that the RNC is experiencing, that Trump's open and blatant pandering to the racists and the xenophobes (not just the usual "subtle" pandering that other Republicans do). The longer Trump stays in, and keeps speaking like he does, and especially when he hits the debate stage on August 6th...the more that panic will increase.

IOW lie, and tell them what they want to hear, not what needs to be heard. The truth can be extremely devastating to the weak confused minds of the sheeple.

Title: Re: Trump Warned By RNC Chairman On His Immigration Rhetoric
Post by: tomor on July 09, 2015, 04:13:20 PM
So he assumes Trump considers him the "some are good people" Mexican...not the "MOST who are rapists and murderers" Mexican?

I have no idea how he feels about Trump. However, I think Trumps words were harsh, but still kinda right. I'm not one who gets all butt-hurt when a politician says something "offensive". Many Mexicans are illegal, and break many more laws while they're here. Hence the Mexican Mafia in North American prisons.

Political correctness is a disease. We're going down a really dangerous hill. Well, not dangerous, just incredibly stupid.

Title: Re: Trump Warned By RNC Chairman On His Immigration Rhetoric
Post by: rio3232 on July 09, 2015, 04:30:23 PM
IOW lie, and tell them what they want to hear, not what needs to be heard. The truth can be extremely devastating to the weak confused minds of the sheeple.

"Stop pandering so overtly and blatantly to the racists...use code-words and the time-tested 'subtle' pandering all the other Republicans use."

However, I think Trumps words were harsh...

Let's dig a little deeper into that. How EXACTLY, in your opinion, were they "harsh"?

Title: Re: Trump Warned By RNC Chairman On His Immigration Rhetoric
Post by: tomor on July 09, 2015, 04:31:24 PM
Let's dig a little deeper into that. How EXACTLY, in your opinion, were they "harsh"?

Harsh, meaning, he stated something true, that might hurt someone's feelings (like yours apparently).

Title: Re: Trump Warned By RNC Chairman On His Immigration Rhetoric
Post by: godlyitems on July 09, 2015, 04:42:52 PM
You just noted Latinos are not monolithic. But what do Mexicans, Costa Ricans, Hondurans think when THEIR families and friends step across the Rio Grande and are considered "criminals".but Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio's friends and families cross the Florida Strait from Cuba and are given automatic citizenship?

If you come across a border uninvited, you are a criminal. Simple as that, if our Government decides that its in our national interests to make them legal that is fine too but this has to be debated. Until that is done, they are considered criminals.
Do you know anything about Mexico's immigration laws? Legal Latinos like everyone else care mostly about one thing, money....." its the economy stupid"(Not calling anyone stupid, using a catch phrase). They also care about fairness, they had to immigrate the hard way, pay their dues, while these criminals just cross a border.

Title: Re: Trump Warned By RNC Chairman On His Immigration Rhetoric
Post by: jeckman on July 09, 2015, 04:48:23 PM
Let's dig a little deeper into that. How EXACTLY, in your opinion, were they "harsh"?

Harsh, meaning, he stated something true, that might hurt someone's feelings (like yours apparently).

Title: Re: Trump Warned By RNC Chairman On His Immigration Rhetoric
Post by: rio3232 on July 09, 2015, 04:54:43 PM
If you come across a border uninvited, you are a criminal. Simple as that, if our Government decides that its in our national interests to make them legal that is fine too but this has to be debated. Until that is done, they are considered criminals.
Do you know anything about Mexico's immigration laws? Legal Latinos like everyone else care mostly about one thing, money....." its the economy stupid"(Not calling anyone stupid, using a catch phrase). They also care about fairness, they had to immigrate the hard way, pay their dues, while these criminals just cross a border.

If a Cuban stows away on an airplane or takes a boat to Key West and touches American soil....

what will their citizenship status eventually become?

And do ANY Republicans disapprove of that action?

Harsh, meaning, he stated something true, that might hurt someone's feelings (like yours apparently).

But what exactly was "harsh"?

Title: Re: Trump Warned By RNC Chairman On His Immigration Rhetoric
Post by: jeannemadrigal2 on July 09, 2015, 05:00:58 PM
Trump is an idiot.  The fact that he is right now doing so well is kind of scary.  But I guess he would not be any worse than the last guys we have in office.  It is like that south park episode, right now we are choosing between a crap sandwich and a giant douche.  But in stead of 2 choices like that we get a whole bunch.

Title: Re: Trump Warned By RNC Chairman On His Immigration Rhetoric
Post by: jeckman on July 09, 2015, 06:09:43 PM

But what exactly was "harsh"?

Nothing, actually. I thought what he said was both funny, and true. Some people out there found his words harsh, or hurtful. But that's to be expected with the wussification of America.

My little feelings don't get hurt when people tell the truth.

Title: Re: Trump Warned By RNC Chairman On His Immigration Rhetoric
Post by: godlyitems on July 09, 2015, 06:12:33 PM
If a Cuban stows away on an airplane or takes a boat to Key West and touches American soil....

what will their citizenship status eventually become?

And do ANY Republicans disapprove of that action?

Different situation then the Mexicans, for a myriad of reasons.
There is no political prosecutions in Mexico,
Mexico is a Democracy. Numbers of Cubans doing such a thing are minuscule and can be taken on a case by case basis.
People from Mexico just walk over the border, in huge numbers. So that is a security concern, a national interest concern, while cuban refugees are not.

Title: Re: Trump Warned By RNC Chairman On His Immigration Rhetoric
Post by: rio3232 on July 09, 2015, 06:16:09 PM
Nothing, actually. I thought what he said was both funny, and true.h.

I hoped you would NOT back down on your "harsh" claim....knowing it would box you in to saying something against Trump's comment that other rightwingers would attack you for.

Sorry I was proven wrong, AS. I always thought of you as an honest broker.

Title: Re: Trump Warned By RNC Chairman On His Immigration Rhetoric
Post by: freedomno1 on July 10, 2015, 07:17:48 AM
I'm a bit surprised that Donald Trump is topping the polls be it his name recognition or the fact that he isn't afraid to poke holes some people likely see him as a refreshing face that is against the institution or are just sick of seeing politically correct everywhere and just want someone who says it as it is. Now will he win the election probably not but he will last for a while at least.