Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Armory => Topic started by: TimS on July 11, 2015, 02:16:51 AM

Title: Armory choking on invalid block data
Post by: TimS on July 11, 2015, 02:16:51 AM
I got this on my supernode Armory 0.93.2 on Win 7.
-DEBUG - 1436566509: (..\Blockchain.cpp:211) Organizing chain 
-INFO  - 1436566509: (..\BlockUtils.cpp:1532) Loading block data... file 297 offset 99540140
-INFO  - 1436566509: (..\BlockUtils.cpp:589) Reading raw blocks finished at file 297 offset 99701505
-WARN  - 1436566509: (..\BlockUtils.cpp:1116) Scanning from 364762 to 364762
-DEBUG - 1436568498: (..\Blockchain.cpp:211) Organizing chain
-INFO  - 1436568498: (..\BlockUtils.cpp:1532) Loading block data... file 297 offset 99701505
-ERROR - 1436568498: (..\StoredBlockObj.cpp:325) Merkle root mismatch! Raw block data is corrupt!
-ERROR - 1436568498: (..\BlockUtils.cpp:581) Error parsing block (corrupt?) - block header valid (hash=00000000000000001096f3b0f76c4abf3ba3e238801a36a5fa4461c1b5509356) (error encountered processing block at byte 99701505 file C:\Users\[redacted]\AppData\Roaming\Bitcoin\blocks/blk00297.dat, blocksize 934205)
-INFO  - 1436568498: (..\BlockUtils.cpp:589) Reading raw blocks finished at file 297 offset 100635718
-WARN  - 1436568498: (..\BlockUtils.cpp:1116) Scanning from 364763 to 364763
-DEBUG - 1436569234: (..\Blockchain.cpp:211) Organizing chain
-INFO  - 1436569234: (..\BlockUtils.cpp:1532) Loading block data... file 297 offset 100635718
-INFO  - 1436569234: (..\BlockUtils.cpp:589) Reading raw blocks finished at file 297 offset 101262735
-WARN  - 1436569234: (..\BlockUtils.cpp:1116) Scanning from 364764 to 364764
-ERROR - 1436569234: (..\lmdb_wrapper.cpp:2954) Tried to get StoredTxOut, but the provided key is not of the proper size. Expect size is 8, this key is: 2
-ERROR - 1436569234: (..\StoredBlockObj.cpp:1032) Requesting DB key for incomplete STXO
And now every time I try to reopen Armory, it chokes again on the STXO:
-ERROR - 1436578700: (..\lmdb_wrapper.cpp:2954) Tried to get StoredTxOut, but the provided key is not of the proper size. Expect size is 8, this key is: 2
-ERROR - 1436578700: (..\StoredBlockObj.cpp:1032) Requesting DB key for incomplete STXO
I switched to a different database, running fullnode, and it works there, so I don't think Bitcoin Core actually has a bad block, just that Armory somehow pulled it in wrong. Is there a clean way to recover this supernode DB, or do I need to scrap it and restore a backup I've got (4 months old, lots of reprocessing to do, but better than a full rebuild)?

Title: Re: Armory choking on invalid block data
Post by: goatpig on July 11, 2015, 11:40:33 AM
0.93 can't recover from that, you'll want to try a 0.94 supernode. I got some fixes coming for that soon so you'll want to hold back till then. For now, use your backup.