Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Services => Topic started by: vm1990 on July 16, 2015, 12:55:25 AM

Title: Looking for Projects/Jobs
Post by: vm1990 on July 16, 2015, 12:55:25 AM
So currently sat here at 2am bored out of my mind. I dont really work for a living and manage on odd projects.

Im looking for anything Ideas. Jobs. Projects anything really to break the boredom and anything that pays is a bonus :D

dont really have much abilitys im good with windows know basic HTML and basic linux stuff
i like hosting websites. VPS servers and Coin nodes. Seed boxes and download sites
other than that pretty much sit around on youtube and watch movies.

my goal is to earn between 1BTC-2BTC per month
pretty much do anything :)

Title: Re: Looking for Projects/Jobs
Post by: meadefreling on July 16, 2015, 10:08:53 PM
So currently sat here at 2am bored out of my mind. I dont really work for a living and manage on odd projects.

Im looking for anything Ideas. Jobs. Projects anything really to break the boredom and anything that pays is a bonus :D

dont really have much abilitys im good with windows know basic HTML and basic linux stuff
i like hosting websites. VPS servers and Coin nodes. Seed boxes and download sites
other than that pretty much sit around on youtube and watch movies.

my goal is to earn between 1BTC-2BTC per month
pretty much do anything :)
You need to earn around $600 per month, this is easy to reach provided you are a hard working person.
There is no free lunch anywhere in the world but you have to work for it.
I can recruit you if you don't mind blackhat ways of making money legitimately not illegally.
contact me if you are fit for the job.
Good day.

Title: Re: Looking for Projects/Jobs
Post by: devthedev on July 17, 2015, 02:18:02 AM
Good luck finding something!

I can recruit you if you don't mind blackhat ways of making money legitimately not illegally.

Blackhat and legitimately shouldn't be used in the same sentence.

Title: Re: Looking for Projects/Jobs
Post by: vm1990 on July 20, 2015, 01:25:52 PM
Thanks for the offer but not really looking to do shaddy stuff (been there done that in the past and got screwed)