Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: eerygarden on July 19, 2015, 04:09:13 PM

Title: Teenagers and bitcoin
Post by: eerygarden on July 19, 2015, 04:09:13 PM
I initially wrote this post in response to the below quote from another thread, but I thought it was going a bit off topic for the thread, so decided to start a new thread.

The people can perfectly start using BTC on their own, we don't need to wait for institutions to jump in because they will most likely never do it. Anyway, in 10 years, a 10 year old will already know how to use BTC and recieve and send payments. By the time he is 18, do you think he is going to open a bank account? do you think he will like the fees, the waiting 3 days for an operation to get confirmed.. and all the rest of the shitty remarks of the traditional banking system? Nope. Thats how the traditional banking system will die.

What do ten year olds use currency for? The teenage years are an important range I think to become familiar with bitcoin. The world is something else at this age and they always need/want new stuff. When I left highschool napster had begun making waves, MSN messenger was used amongst my friends and mobile phones were part of the craze.

Any money which I used in my earlier teens came from pocket money, which would typically go towards a bus journey and a round of pitch and putt with my friends once a week, along with money each day to buy food/drinks at school. Money was not typically exchanged between friends, aside from any gambling game which we might play for small coins, but this was rare. Most of the time all we needed was a ball and we were right.

So what are kids going to use bitcoin for today? Buses wont likely accept bitcoins, sweet shops are possibly a bit more likely, but again not so likely and neither will most businesses in the short term. So what will make bitcoin cool to kids? Well the one answer that sticks in my mind is gambling. Social, skill based, gambling. I guess this depends upon the mentality of the child and questions of morality may arise, but yeah gambling on some sort of skill based decentralised gambling app on their smart phone I can imagine many a teenager thinking as being cool. I can foresee kids playing poker against each other in the middle of class getting their phones confiscated along with a detention. "Awwwww Sir!".

I don't think many kids playing casino games or sports betting sites will be seen as particularly cool amongst their peers but certainly if something decentralised was made available to them that allowed them to gamble amongst each other I could see that being popular. There would be bragging rights up for grabs.

Is there any thing else cooler that kids are going to want to use bitcoin for? Maybe buying a packet of crisps or a can of coke from their friend, but that's not particularly cool, just an opportunity for fledgling entrepreneurs.

Title: Re: Teenagers and bitcoin
Post by: Possum577 on July 19, 2015, 04:41:15 PM
Mobile apps and games for their phone or using forums to buy and sell things like video games or other items kids buy - these are the primary purposes (i see) that teenagers would use to transact bitcoin.

This is just in today's terms thought.

Five years from now buses, gas stations, convenient stores, bars, etc, could more readily accept bitcoin - i mean, let's certainly hope so! Also debit cards, like those issued by Xapo, that appear to be transferrable/"transactable" in bitcoin despite the retailers currency choice would open up all options.

Title: Re: Teenagers and bitcoin
Post by: AtheistAKASaneBrain on July 19, 2015, 05:00:59 PM
It would be great to be a kid again and in 2025 where Bitcoin will be everywhere and you'll be able to buy anything you want. I would probably buy videogames and clothes to look good for the girls which is all you care about during that period of time.

Title: Re: Teenagers and bitcoin
Post by: achow101 on July 19, 2015, 05:26:59 PM
Kids these days don't just buy physical things in stores. They do online shopping. With Bitcoin, once it becomes adopted, kids can shop online for stuff they want like video games, clothes, toys, and whatever else they want. It would be a good way to teach kids how to handle money since with Bitcoin, they could have a multisig address that requires a parent for approval and they will see their balance and will see the balance change as they buy stuff or earn money. This is better than using a credit card managed by a parent since the child will see all of his transactions and see exactly how much money he can spend. And after their teenage years, the kid will have a better knowledge of money handling and won't want to deal with the traditional banking system because of their wait times and fees.

Title: Re: Teenagers and bitcoin
Post by: nextgencoin on July 19, 2015, 05:28:32 PM
I don't know what's worse, listening to people in the Bitcoin section dream about some distant time where the masses can use Bitcoin in a simple and user friendly way OR me getting banned and my posts removed every time I try to inform them the future already exists.

Yes you can send BTC like a text and yes you can buy computer games with them inside the app.

Title: Re: Teenagers and bitcoin
Post by: Meuh6879 on July 19, 2015, 05:53:17 PM
So what are kids going to use bitcoin for today?

 ::) they broke an iphone at 450 USD ... i don't sell bitcoin to this "part of people" ...  :P

Title: Re: Teenagers and bitcoin
Post by: S4VV4S on July 19, 2015, 06:13:27 PM
So what are kids going to use bitcoin for today?

 ::) they broke an iphone at 450 USD ... i don't sell bitcoin to this "part of people" ...  :P

Don't be harsh, Bitcoin is for everyone.
Also, if they can afford to waste money on iPhone, they can afford to invest in Bitcoin ;)

Can I ask why you have an English description link to a French tutorial in your sig? :)

Title: Re: Teenagers and bitcoin
Post by: anderson00673 on July 19, 2015, 06:29:39 PM
Reading the quote, I dont think the author meant literally that a bunch of 10 yr olds will be running the economy, I think it was just an example.  Sort of like how older generations are in general less computer literate than newer generations.

Title: Re: Teenagers and bitcoin
Post by: eerygarden on July 19, 2015, 07:40:07 PM
Reading the quote, I dont think the author meant literally that a bunch of 10 yr olds will be running the economy, I think it was just an example.  Sort of like how older generations are in general less computer literate than newer generations.

I never thought that either. My point was that anything technological that is cool and that is going to take off needs to be embraced by teenagers and I thought a discussion geared to how that might occur for bitcoin would be good.

Is get gems any use to people who dont know others who are using it? I installed it and I can do Jack with it.

Title: Re: Teenagers and bitcoin
Post by: Meuh6879 on July 19, 2015, 11:54:52 PM
Can I ask why you have an English description link to a French tutorial in your sig? :)

I'm from an other planet ... (hitchhiker's guide)

Title: Re: Teenagers and bitcoin
Post by: wadili89 on July 20, 2015, 01:03:59 AM
It would be great to be a kid again and in 2025 where Bitcoin will be everywhere and you'll be able to buy anything you want. I would probably buy videogames and clothes to look good for the girls which is all you care about during that period of time.

which is not possible, possible is you can still do all these things why not ?  :-X does not matter if you are 40 at 2025 you still need clothes and can impress girls ( probably not teen age girls for sure ) what i will miss is technology as i remember 8 years ago i used to send MMS to my girlfriend which limit was 128 KB is size max i never thought that time we will be able to video chat for hours for free one day So i will miss that tachnology which will come after 50 years

Title: Re: Teenagers and bitcoin
Post by: Kprawn on July 20, 2015, 06:44:11 AM
More sites would follow this kind of model --> where kids will play games tournaments against each other for Bitcoin. You would pay a entrance fee, and the pot would go to the winner.

Some kids will also buy "virtual" items within forums and games, to make their digital fantasy come real. Let's take a Sim game for example.. Kids would buy add-on's for their furniture or special T-shirts with their

name... just something personal to make them stand out from the crowd.

My kids bought games online, with the Bitcoins they earned online... A bit of extra pocket money.  ;)

Title: Re: Teenagers and bitcoin
Post by: n2004al on July 20, 2015, 07:07:03 AM
To know the bitcoin is a big word. There are to many interpretation of the word "know". It is normal that a 10-years kid know bitcoin as a currency, as a way to pay for goods used in addition to other everyday money. This currency is special and the kids need to know it even they maybe will not use it til they will grow up other some years. There is nothing bad in this. Maybe they will be able in that age even to use it. And here is the point. The kid must be controlled in this like in entire his life. If controlled nothing bad can happen. 

Title: Re: Teenagers and bitcoin
Post by: jacee on July 20, 2015, 07:12:25 AM
actually there is a possibility for this to happen if cryptocurrency knowledge is known by more and more.

Title: Re: Teenagers and bitcoin
Post by: Amph on July 20, 2015, 07:14:36 AM
adopting bitcoin in games as an in game currency would be ideal for teenagers

teenagers are inclined to embrace future technology, they use smarthphone all they day so bitcoin goes well with their use

i'm sure that if you can meet bitcoin with something like "selfie"(somewebsite that pay you few bits for the ebst selfie, for example) it would see even a great usage from teenagers

Title: Re: Teenagers and bitcoin
Post by: eerygarden on July 20, 2015, 07:14:45 AM
More sites would follow this kind of model --> where kids will play games tournaments against each other for Bitcoin. You would pay a entrance fee, and the pot would go to the winner.

Yes but it seems centralised. They can be punished.

Title: Re: Teenagers and bitcoin
Post by: Somekindabitcoin on July 20, 2015, 07:17:20 AM
I don't know why are people still saying that Bitcoin is too complicated. It took me about 2 days of using it to learn everything and start using Bitcoin on 100%. You just need to want.

Title: Re: Teenagers and bitcoin
Post by: timtowner on July 20, 2015, 10:20:21 AM
As teens use Bitcoin more in the future to buy games, services, etc (since they dont need a credit card or a bank), when it comes time for them to open up a checking account, they will laugh at that idea.

"I have to pay you a monthly service fee to store my money?  "I have to wait how many days to transfer money?"  "An overdraft fee is $35???"  "No thanks.  I'll just keep using Bitcoin."

Remember when the idea of not owning a CD or album was ridiculous?  Paying for a download was a crazy idea.  Now, we are paying for streaming services where we RENT music and never OWN it.

Watch what teenagers flock to and invest in it.  Bitcoin will probably catch on with them soon.

Title: Re: Teenagers and bitcoin
Post by: I E on July 20, 2015, 10:28:50 AM
Interesting topic.

Title: Re: Teenagers and bitcoin
Post by: Ingatqhvq on July 20, 2015, 10:32:41 AM
I don't know why are people still saying that Bitcoin is too complicated. It took me about 2 days of using it to learn everything and start using Bitcoin on 100%. You just need to want.
It's true bitcoin is complicate. Not all of people want to spend 2 days to learn a new and unnecessary thins.

Title: Re: Teenagers and bitcoin
Post by: Somekindabitcoin on July 20, 2015, 10:36:32 AM
I don't know why are people still saying that Bitcoin is too complicated. It took me about 2 days of using it to learn everything and start using Bitcoin on 100%. You just need to want.
It's true bitcoin is complicate. Not all of people want to spend 2 days to learn a new and unnecessary thins.

I didn't spent 2 days with learnings, I learned it by using it. I bought coins, used faucets, downloaded wallets, tried gambling and pew, I know how Bitcoin works, how to use it and even more!

Title: Re: Teenagers and bitcoin
Post by: BillyBobZorton on July 20, 2015, 10:50:43 AM
I initially wrote this post in response to the below quote from another thread, but I thought it was going a bit off topic for the thread, so decided to start a new thread.

The people can perfectly start using BTC on their own, we don't need to wait for institutions to jump in because they will most likely never do it. Anyway, in 10 years, a 10 year old will already know how to use BTC and recieve and send payments. By the time he is 18, do you think he is going to open a bank account? do you think he will like the fees, the waiting 3 days for an operation to get confirmed.. and all the rest of the shitty remarks of the traditional banking system? Nope. Thats how the traditional banking system will die.

What do ten year olds use currency for? The teenage years are an important range I think to become familiar with bitcoin. The world is something else at this age and they always need/want new stuff. When I left highschool napster had begun making waves, MSN messenger was used amongst my friends and mobile phones were part of the craze.

Any money which I used in my earlier teens came from pocket money, which would typically go towards a bus journey and a round of pitch and putt with my friends once a week, along with money each day to buy food/drinks at school. Money was not typically exchanged between friends, aside from any gambling game which we might play for small coins, but this was rare. Most of the time all we needed was a ball and we were right.

So what are kids going to use bitcoin for today? Buses wont likely accept bitcoins, sweet shops are possibly a bit more likely, but again not so likely and neither will most businesses in the short term. So what will make bitcoin cool to kids? Well the one answer that sticks in my mind is gambling. Social, skill based, gambling. I guess this depends upon the mentality of the child and questions of morality may arise, but yeah gambling on some sort of skill based decentralised gambling app on their smart phone I can imagine many a teenager thinking as being cool. I can foresee kids playing poker against each other in the middle of class getting their phones confiscated along with a detention. "Awwwww Sir!".

I don't think many kids playing casino games or sports betting sites will be seen as particularly cool amongst their peers but certainly if something decentralised was made available to them that allowed them to gamble amongst each other I could see that being popular. There would be bragging rights up for grabs.

Is there any thing else cooler that kids are going to want to use bitcoin for? Maybe buying a packet of crisps or a can of coke from their friend, but that's not particularly cool, just an opportunity for fledgling entrepreneurs.
It's always nice to see that a comment you make was interesting enough to create a new thread throught it. Anyway, I think the inflection point will be teens using BTC through online related revenue, namely, advertisement revenue through social media content. All those kids uploading Minecraft and GTA V videos hate banks and waiting for their check to arrive, the fees, the fact you need to reach % of income to withdraw, the fact you need your parents to authorize you to use a bank account.. same goes for music makers and whatnot. All those ways to make money off the internet where you need to be 18+ to even have a bank account, all those kids will be using BTC in the future and that is a multi billion dollar market alone. Who knows, we may see Youtube going myspace and or something like that will be the new Youtube.

Title: Re: Teenagers and bitcoin
Post by: wadili89 on July 21, 2015, 01:31:28 AM
I don't know why are people still saying that Bitcoin is too complicated. It took me about 2 days of using it to learn everything and start using Bitcoin on 100%. You just need to want.
It's true bitcoin is complicate. Not all of people want to spend 2 days to learn a new and unnecessary thins.

what you find complicated about bitcoins ? bitcoins is the most simple transparent and amazing thing i have ever seen bitcoins have play a big role in changing some part of my life and i bet who know how to play with it loving it

Title: Re: Teenagers and bitcoin
Post by: notlist3d on July 21, 2015, 01:40:38 AM
I think it's important to teach kids about money, and proper management of it.   I know as a kid I had a children's bank account.

I think learning to keep a budget is great for kids. If they can do this in fiat and BTC I think it's even better.  It leads to many good roads.

Title: Re: Teenagers and bitcoin
Post by: hasmukhrawal on July 21, 2015, 02:46:14 AM
Bitcoin is nowadays more popular in teens.
In many websites i have seen earning bitcoin through games and services. Though understanding bitcoin fully is a little bit tougher but now became popular.

Title: Re: Teenagers and bitcoin
Post by: notlist3d on July 21, 2015, 06:27:59 AM
It also depends on the subsection of people.  I know in college the business college had many people who were aware of bitcoins.  If you went to other arts, music, etc the number who knew about it went down quite a bit.

Hopefully we can change this is future where it's known equally.

Title: Re: Teenagers and bitcoin
Post by: teddy5145 on July 21, 2015, 07:06:42 AM
Bitcoin is nowadays more popular in teens.
In many websites i have seen earning bitcoin through games and services. Though understanding bitcoin fully is a little bit tougher but now became popular.
What kind of games make you earn bitcoins? The only game i've found so far is gambling which isn't very profitable.

Maybe make some youtube videos that explains how bitcoin works with illustration on the video so teens like me can understand bitcoin better, like the videos Crashcourse made :D
Im sure if someone explains bitcoin that way, i will understand it more  :)

I have been using bitcoin for almost two years now and honestly i don't know how bitcoin works  :(
At least i know how to receive and send bitcoins  :P

Title: Re: Teenagers and bitcoin
Post by: pooya87 on July 21, 2015, 07:19:55 AM
It also depends on the subsection of people.  I know in college the business college had many people who were aware of bitcoins.  If you went to other arts, music, etc the number who knew about it went down quite a bit.

Hopefully we can change this is future where it's known equally.

i think this is mostly because it is more like an investment rather than a currency like USD. so it is logical that people would treat it as such and be more popular among business school rather than any other places.

bitcoin at this stage is more like stock market and unless this is not resolved i don't see any major changes in it's adoption.

Title: Re: Teenagers and bitcoin
Post by: Amph on July 21, 2015, 07:33:06 AM
Bitcoin is nowadays more popular in teens.
In many websites i have seen earning bitcoin through games and services. Though understanding bitcoin fully is a little bit tougher but now became popular.
What kind of games make you earn bitcoins? The only game i've found so far is gambling which isn't very profitable.

Maybe make some youtube videos that explains how bitcoin works with illustration on the video so teens like me can understand bitcoin better, like the videos Crashcourse made :D
Im sure if someone explains bitcoin that way, i will understand it more  :)

I have been using bitcoin for almost two years now and honestly i don't know how bitcoin works  :(
At least i know how to receive and send bitcoins  :P

flappybird with bitcoin can make you earn some coins, but if you are looking for something more significant there is counterstrike, or you can earn hyper first and exchange those with bitcoin, later

many game support cryptocurrency today, ajd since teenergers love gaming, it is a perfect union between the two

forget to add that starcraft 2 made some tournaments where the winner could earn bitcoin

Title: Re: Teenagers and bitcoin
Post by: teddy5145 on July 21, 2015, 08:07:46 AM
Bitcoin is nowadays more popular in teens.
In many websites i have seen earning bitcoin through games and services. Though understanding bitcoin fully is a little bit tougher but now became popular.
What kind of games make you earn bitcoins? The only game i've found so far is gambling which isn't very profitable.

Maybe make some youtube videos that explains how bitcoin works with illustration on the video so teens like me can understand bitcoin better, like the videos Crashcourse made :D
Im sure if someone explains bitcoin that way, i will understand it more  :)

I have been using bitcoin for almost two years now and honestly i don't know how bitcoin works  :(
At least i know how to receive and send bitcoins  :P

flappybird with bitcoin can make you earn some coins, but if you are looking for something more significant there is counterstrike, or you can earn hyper first and exchange those with bitcoin, later

many game support cryptocurrency today, ajd since teenergers love gaming, it is a perfect union between the two

forget to add that starcraft 2 made some tournaments where the winner could earn bitcoin
Cool! didn't know that you could earn btc from major games.
Too bad i didn't play starcraft 2, i don't really like RTS
But i will try to CS one :D
Searched and found a reddit link where you get paid for every kill on csgo
Thanks dude  ;)

Title: Re: Teenagers and bitcoin
Post by: Amph on July 21, 2015, 08:15:56 AM
Bitcoin is nowadays more popular in teens.
In many websites i have seen earning bitcoin through games and services. Though understanding bitcoin fully is a little bit tougher but now became popular.
What kind of games make you earn bitcoins? The only game i've found so far is gambling which isn't very profitable.

Maybe make some youtube videos that explains how bitcoin works with illustration on the video so teens like me can understand bitcoin better, like the videos Crashcourse made :D
Im sure if someone explains bitcoin that way, i will understand it more  :)

I have been using bitcoin for almost two years now and honestly i don't know how bitcoin works  :(
At least i know how to receive and send bitcoins  :P

flappybird with bitcoin can make you earn some coins, but if you are looking for something more significant there is counterstrike, or you can earn hyper first and exchange those with bitcoin, later

many game support cryptocurrency today, ajd since teenergers love gaming, it is a perfect union between the two

forget to add that starcraft 2 made some tournaments where the winner could earn bitcoin
Cool! didn't know that you could earn btc from major games.
Too bad i didn't play starcraft 2, i don't really like RTS
But i will try to CS one :D
Searched and found a reddit link where you get paid for every kill on csgo
Thanks dude  ;)

i played csgo to see how much you can earn if you are good enough with headshot in 4 hours 0.015 btc are possible, maybe even more

there is also minecraft and many other game that are supported with hyper, try them and see what is the best for earning more

Title: Re: Teenagers and bitcoin
Post by: Somekindabitcoin on July 21, 2015, 08:38:11 AM
Bitcoin is nowadays more popular in teens.
In many websites i have seen earning bitcoin through games and services. Though understanding bitcoin fully is a little bit tougher but now became popular.
What kind of games make you earn bitcoins? The only game i've found so far is gambling which isn't very profitable.

Maybe make some youtube videos that explains how bitcoin works with illustration on the video so teens like me can understand bitcoin better, like the videos Crashcourse made :D
Im sure if someone explains bitcoin that way, i will understand it more  :)

I have been using bitcoin for almost two years now and honestly i don't know how bitcoin works  :(
At least i know how to receive and send bitcoins  :P

flappybird with bitcoin can make you earn some coins, but if you are looking for something more significant there is counterstrike, or you can earn hyper first and exchange those with bitcoin, later

many game support cryptocurrency today, ajd since teenergers love gaming, it is a perfect union between the two

forget to add that starcraft 2 made some tournaments where the winner could earn bitcoin
Cool! didn't know that you could earn btc from major games.
Too bad i didn't play starcraft 2, i don't really like RTS
But i will try to CS one :D
Searched and found a reddit link where you get paid for every kill on csgo
Thanks dude  ;)

i played csgo to see how much you can earn if you are good enough with headshot in 4 hours 0.015 btc are possible, maybe even more

there is also minecraft and many other game that are supported with hyper, try them and see what is the best for earning more

Can you post any link please? This sounds amazing and as a good cs go player I want to try it so badly :P

Title: Re: Teenagers and bitcoin
Post by: TotalPanda on July 21, 2015, 08:41:46 AM
I don't think many kids playing casino games or sports betting sites will be seen as particularly cool
amongst their peers but certainly if something decentralised was made available to them that allowed
them to gamble amongst each other I could see that being popular.


Title: Re: Teenagers and bitcoin
Post by: Elwar on July 21, 2015, 09:20:00 AM
Get paid weekly allowance in bitcoins.

Download the latest boy band music with bitcoins.

Get the hottest new game with bitcoins.

In an emergency (or someone forgot to pick you up), text dad that you need money to pay for an Uber ride to get home.

Title: Re: Teenagers and bitcoin
Post by: Somekindabitcoin on July 21, 2015, 09:23:41 AM
Get paid weekly allowance in bitcoins.

Download the latest boy band music with bitcoins.

Get the hottest new game with bitcoins.

In an emergency (or someone forgot to pick you up), text dad that you need money to pay for an Uber ride to get home.

Teenagers don't pay for a music, and mostly don't buy any games. Just download it for free.

Title: Re: Teenagers and bitcoin
Post by: Elwar on July 21, 2015, 09:53:24 AM
Get paid weekly allowance in bitcoins.

Download the latest boy band music with bitcoins.

Get the hottest new game with bitcoins.

In an emergency (or someone forgot to pick you up), text dad that you need money to pay for an Uber ride to get home.

Teenagers don't pay for a music, and mostly don't buy any games. Just download it for free.

True...the dichotomy of a teen being able to understand Bitcoin but not grasping Bittorrent.

Title: Re: Teenagers and bitcoin
Post by: Somekindabitcoin on July 21, 2015, 09:55:36 AM
Get paid weekly allowance in bitcoins.

Download the latest boy band music with bitcoins.

Get the hottest new game with bitcoins.

In an emergency (or someone forgot to pick you up), text dad that you need money to pay for an Uber ride to get home.

Teenagers don't pay for a music, and mostly don't buy any games. Just download it for free.

True...the dichotomy of a teen being able to understand Bitcoin but not grasping Bittorrent.

What about Bitcoin giveaway or rewards for actually playing games? It would be amazing and I would use it too, definitely.
It's really good when you play your favorite game like CS GO and earn Bitcoin. It could be fixed rate for play time or just for kills or whatever is in the game they select. Like 0.002 BTC for 1 hour of playing your favorite game and that's all.

Title: Re: Teenagers and bitcoin
Post by: Kakmakr on July 21, 2015, 10:07:38 AM
I think the focus for teens, should be on social media. Monetize things like WhatsApp and allow them to customize it with features paid for in Bitcoin. Allow them to trade and buy data for their phone. I know GEMS allow for some payment, whist you use their service.

Just include it as a add-on within Facebook/Twitter/Reddit and you would see a massive explotion in it's use. The Bitcoins earned on these platforms, could be used on sites like eBay / OpenBazaar / Amazon / Alibaba and a lot more. The possibilities could be endless.

Not all teens play games, but all teens like to communicate on social media.  ::)

Title: Re: Teenagers and bitcoin
Post by: Somekindabitcoin on July 21, 2015, 10:12:12 AM
I think the focus for teens, should be on social media. Monetize things like WhatsApp and allow them to customize it with features paid for in Bitcoin. Allow them to trade and buy data for their phone. I know GEMS allow for some payment, whist you use their service.

Just include it as a add-on within Facebook/Twitter/Reddit and you would see a massive explotion in it's use. The Bitcoins earned on these platforms, could be used on sites like eBay / OpenBazaar / Amazon / Alibaba and a lot more. The possibilities could be endless.

Not all teens play games, but all teens like to communicate on social media.  ::)

I heard that Facebook' Messenger allows to send money through it, it's really fast and easy. It would be nice to send Bitcoin through Messenger, but this won't never happen. Facebook will probably make some FacebookCoin if it's necessary, because they don't want to support others.

Title: Re: Teenagers and bitcoin
Post by: Q7 on July 21, 2015, 10:19:59 AM
Maybe what we need is a game where there's a trading platform which allows you to buy some special game items which can be bought using only bitcoin. But we haven't seen that happening just yet. If there is, it will be the first thing that will attract and get their attention towards bitcoin and they will brag on how cool to have it.

Title: Re: Teenagers and bitcoin
Post by: Somekindabitcoin on July 21, 2015, 10:26:32 AM
Maybe what we need is a game where there's a trading platform which allows you to buy some special game items which can be bought using only bitcoin. But we haven't seen that happening just yet. If there is, it will be the first thing that will attract and get their attention towards bitcoin and they will brag on how cool to have it.

It would be great if Steam decide to accept Bitcoin as a payment method. I didn't pay for anything on Steam for like 1 month and my last purchase was GTA V, so it can be already there, but I highly doubt it. Or League of Legends with Bitcoin, buying skins and champions with BTC would be definitely good. Same for other great games, they probably don't even know that something like Bitcoin exist so we have to say it to them, but I don't know.

Title: Re: Teenagers and bitcoin
Post by: notlist3d on July 21, 2015, 10:28:40 AM
Maybe what we need is a game where there's a trading platform which allows you to buy some special game items which can be bought using only bitcoin. But we haven't seen that happening just yet. If there is, it will be the first thing that will attract and get their attention towards bitcoin and they will brag on how cool to have it.

It would be great if Steam decide to accept Bitcoin as a payment method. I didn't pay for anything on Steam for like 1 month and my last purchase was GTA V, so it can be already there, but I highly doubt it. Or League of Legends with Bitcoin, buying skins and champions with BTC would be definitely good. Same for other great games, they probably don't even know that something like Bitcoin exist so we have to say it to them, but I don't know.

I would 100 percent agree on steam.   I wish hey accepted bitcoin.  It would be popular and chances are a good chunk of change for them.

There are those who buy from steam and sell for BTC.  But to go to the source would be really good.

Title: Re: Teenagers and bitcoin
Post by: faridkifly on July 22, 2015, 07:24:33 PM
i'm teenagers and i think bitcoin is like "part time job"  ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Teenagers and bitcoin
Post by: hunnaryb on July 23, 2015, 02:52:15 AM
i'm teenagers and i think bitcoin is like "part time job"  ;D ;D ;D

There are many teenagers like you on this forum my dear friend, and it is good to see that teenagers are aware about the bitcoins and also they are holding bitcoins and earning bitcoins by participating in signature campaign and making bitcoin more popular.

Title: Re: Teenagers and bitcoin
Post by: dodgecharger on July 31, 2015, 01:49:18 AM
i'm teenagers and i think bitcoin is like "part time job"  ;D ;D ;D

There are many teenagers like you on this forum my dear friend, and it is good to see that teenagers are aware about the bitcoins and also they are holding bitcoins and earning bitcoins by participating in signature campaign and making bitcoin more popular.
The teenagers always surprised me at how quickly they understand  Bitcoins
Teenagers and twenty-somethings understand and breathe technology

Title: Re: Teenagers and bitcoin
Post by: g1974ak on July 31, 2015, 05:48:36 AM
Not all kids/teenagers like to waste their money. When I was young, every time I got a (physical/fiat) coin, I would just save it "for the future". If that does not make a point, they still can buy videogames using BTC (Humble Bundle, Green Man Gaming, Gamerzheat, etc.).

Also, depending on the country, bitcoin is still useless in everyday life for most people.

True. My daughter have most of its money I give her to spent for everyday things. Save those for big things. This is more true for bitcoin which have no physique form and cannot be spent easily. Or at least more easily than the paper money. The child must be a computer user and a "specialist" in bought computer things to use bitcoins. So with a little effort everything can be controlled easily.

Title: Re: Teenagers and bitcoin
Post by: n2004al on July 31, 2015, 05:55:37 AM
i'm teenagers and i think bitcoin is like "part time job"  ;D ;D ;D

Good for you. A very pleasure event. Instead to do things without meanings or play games that don't give a shit you learn and earn. Not to much because the signature campaign you are participating don't give you to much because of your rank but yet is something. Hope all the best for you and hope that will continue this way.

Title: Re: Teenagers and bitcoin
Post by: iGotSpots on July 31, 2015, 12:00:58 PM
The technical possibilities for blockchains to share data is terrific for their technology and a massive improvement in global education, but the digital currency scene is no place for children, yet

Title: Re: Teenagers and bitcoin
Post by: AtheistAKASaneBrain on July 31, 2015, 02:49:54 PM
Maybe what we need is a game where there's a trading platform which allows you to buy some special game items which can be bought using only bitcoin. But we haven't seen that happening just yet. If there is, it will be the first thing that will attract and get their attention towards bitcoin and they will brag on how cool to have it.

It would be great if Steam decide to accept Bitcoin as a payment method. I didn't pay for anything on Steam for like 1 month and my last purchase was GTA V, so it can be already there, but I highly doubt it. Or League of Legends with Bitcoin, buying skins and champions with BTC would be definitely good. Same for other great games, they probably don't even know that something like Bitcoin exist so we have to say it to them, but I don't know.

I guess Gave is simply dumb. He is missing on a huge market by not accepting BTC on steam. I mean how many kids are stuck without being able to buy what they want because they have to depend on adults to make them credit cards to buy for stuff? they cant even have bank accounts.

Kids nowadays can make money off the internet. Bitcoin will be huge when all those kids in youtube get paid with Bitcoin and can spend it on videogames without any 3rd parties agreeing with or not.

Title: Re: Teenagers and bitcoin
Post by: eerygarden on July 31, 2015, 07:49:02 PM

Kids nowadays can make money off the internet. Bitcoin will be huge when all those kids in youtube get paid with Bitcoin and can spend it on videogames without any 3rd parties agreeing with or not.

Aye, but parents can just start demanding that they contribute towards the cost of the household if they are in a position to be so frivolous. The little shits!

Title: Re: Teenagers and bitcoin
Post by: AtteJ on August 22, 2015, 10:10:51 AM
I'm 17 and I use bitcoin because I can't invest my money through the bank yet. It's a lot easier with bitcoin.

Title: Re: Teenagers and bitcoin
Post by: dollarneed on August 22, 2015, 10:46:10 AM
i am teenagers and i love bitcoin,i prefer using bitcoin for transaction i think this is a great technology for us especially for purchase some online stuff therefore we dont need our parent's identity to buy something on internet,thanks mr satoshi you are so helping us :)

Title: Re: Teenagers and bitcoin
Post by: n2004al on August 22, 2015, 10:49:33 AM
There are not reason to divide the bitcoiners in teenager and adult. Who love bitocin have no age and love it without without thinking about the age he has. I discovered bitcoin in an old age but my daughter not. Both love bitcoin.