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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: KriszDev on July 22, 2015, 10:29:22 AM

Title: Florida gun-shop owner declares store 'Muslim-free zone'
Post by: KriszDev on July 22, 2015, 10:29:22 AM
A Florida gun shop owner has declared his business a “Muslim-free zone” after last week’s shooting rampage in Tennessee that left four Marines and a Navy sailor dead.

“I have a moral and legal responsibility to ensure the safety of all patriots in my community, and so effective immediately, I’m declaring Florida Gun Supply as a Muslim-free zone,” Andy Hallinan said in a video posted to his Inverness, Fla., gun shop’s Facebook page Saturday. “I will not arm and train those who wish to do harm to my fellow patriots.”

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Ok, this is going to get interesting. Obama & Co. don't want people to have guns, but now that a gun dealer won't sell guns to people he feels would create a threat will Obama make this into a deal similar to not selling someone a wedding cake? Does Obama defend gun ownership? I'm saying he does.

Title: Re: Florida gun-shop owner declares store 'Muslim-free zone'
Post by: fungfung on July 22, 2015, 10:30:29 AM
A gun owner who is opposed to the 2nd amendment? And the 1st apparently.

Title: Re: Florida gun-shop owner declares store 'Muslim-free zone'
Post by: Kenchaa on July 22, 2015, 10:31:40 AM
How the hell will he know if a customer is a Muslim or not?

Title: Re: Florida gun-shop owner declares store 'Muslim-free zone'
Post by: rio3232 on July 22, 2015, 10:32:23 AM
wow, guess this guy hates the 2nd Amendment.

Title: Re: Florida gun-shop owner declares store 'Muslim-free zone'
Post by: KriszDev on July 22, 2015, 10:32:55 AM
wow, guess this guy hates the 2nd Amendment.

The guy owns a store that surrounds him in the 2nd Amendment.


Title: Re: Florida gun-shop owner declares store 'Muslim-free zone'
Post by: rodzimajid on July 22, 2015, 10:33:35 AM
Private companies should not be allowed to do this. Slippery slope. However, the government should ban anyone associated with extremist organizations from owning guns. That includes Islam.

Title: Re: Florida gun-shop owner declares store 'Muslim-free zone'
Post by: rio3232 on July 22, 2015, 10:34:46 AM

The guy owns a store that surrounds him in the 2nd Amendment.


The 2nd Amendment doesn't allow infringements based on ethnicity or religion.

Refusing sale of a firearm simply due to religion, violates the clear principles and values of the 2nd Amendment.

Title: Re: Florida gun-shop owner declares store 'Muslim-free zone'
Post by: KriszDev on July 22, 2015, 10:35:28 AM
The 2nd Amendment doesn't allow infringements based on ethnicity or religion.

Refusing sale of a firearm simply due to religion, violates the clear principles and values of the 2nd Amendment.

So I'm correct, Obama is going to force this gun store owner to sell guns right before he takes the guns away.

Title: Re: Florida gun-shop owner declares store 'Muslim-free zone'
Post by: rio3232 on July 22, 2015, 10:36:52 AM

So I'm correct, Obama is going to force this gun store owner to sell guns right before he takes the guns away.

No he won't force anyone to do anything.

Gun store will be sued and ordered to not discriminate by Florida state court.

Title: Re: Florida gun-shop owner declares store 'Muslim-free zone'
Post by: Loqkani07 on July 22, 2015, 10:38:22 AM
Private companies should not be allowed to do this. Slippery slope. However, the government should ban anyone associated with extremist organizations from owning guns. That includes Islam.

This citizen should be forced by the government to sell guns to people he deems extremists, but the government should ban anyone from purchasing guns they deem extremist?

Wow, bizarre.

Title: Re: Florida gun-shop owner declares store 'Muslim-free zone'
Post by: rio3232 on July 22, 2015, 10:39:27 AM

This citizen should be forced by the government to sell guns to people he deems extremists, but the government should ban anyone from purchasing guns they deem extremist?

Wow, bizarre.

Deeming anyone of the Muslim faith a "dangerous terrorist", is absurd and bigoted.

Title: Re: Florida gun-shop owner declares store 'Muslim-free zone'
Post by: katilja on July 22, 2015, 10:40:37 AM

Ok, this is going to get interesting. Obama & Co. don't want people to have guns, but now that a gun dealer won't sell guns to people he feels would create a threat will Obama make this into a deal similar to not selling someone a wedding cake? Does Obama defend gun ownership? I'm saying he does.

So the gun shop owner won't sell guns to those who might do harm to fellow patriots.
Who was Chris Kyle shot by?

Guy just painted a target on himself for lawsuits.

Title: Re: Florida gun-shop owner declares store 'Muslim-free zone'
Post by: tomor on July 22, 2015, 10:41:14 AM
Guy was on tv. Said himself that the ban is unenforceable, which means it is largely a publicity stunt to make his gunshop more profitable.

I think I'm going to start a store and then refuse to do business with anyone who believes in capitalism and buying things. You can send contributions though.

Title: Re: Florida gun-shop owner declares store 'Muslim-free zone'
Post by: godlyitems on July 22, 2015, 10:42:46 AM
The 2nd Amendment doesn't allow infringements based on ethnicity or religion.

Refusing sale of a firearm simply due to religion, violates the clear principles and values of the 2nd Amendment.

And that is getting us killed. We allow the muslims to come here, and kill our people. Muslim free zones would be a much safer place to be. You can not argue the fact that muslims are damn good at killing and detonating. They do it world wide every day!! Don't take my word for, just listen to them. They do exactly as they say they will. Terrorist do not parse their words!!

Title: Re: Florida gun-shop owner declares store 'Muslim-free zone'
Post by: godlyitems on July 22, 2015, 10:43:46 AM

Deeming anyone of the Muslim faith a "dangerous terrorist", is absurd and bigoted.

Have you even read the paper, googled the news? Have you heard lately of this thing called isis? Dude, you can wave your white flag all you want, but the killing is not gonna stop. These people are for real and they play on guys like you that indirectly stand up for them by calling those that are tired of watching our American brothers and sisters getting beheaded, set on fire, shot in the open, or detonated in a crowd of innocent people. The only thing that will stop this, is going after them. Singing coombaya and appeasement is a joke.

Title: Re: Florida gun-shop owner declares store 'Muslim-free zone'
Post by: rio3232 on July 22, 2015, 10:45:09 AM

Have you even read the paper, googled the news? Have you heard lately of this thing called isis? Dude, you can wave your white flag all you want, but the killing is not gonna stop. These people are for real and they play on guys like you that indirectly stand up for them by calling those that are tired of watching our American brothers and sisters getting beheaded, set on fire, shot in the open, or detonated in a crowd of innocent people. The only thing that will stop this, is going after them. Singing coombaya and appeasement is a joke.


all Muslims in the USA are ISIS?

does that mean all Jews are Mossad?

Title: Re: Florida gun-shop owner declares store 'Muslim-free zone'
Post by: godlyitems on July 22, 2015, 10:46:13 AM

So the gun shop owner won't sell guns to those who might do harm to fellow patriots.
Who was Chris Kyle shot by?

Guy just painted a target on himself for lawsuits.

While you make a good point, crazy people are everywhere. The difference is, that muslims are supported, paraded, funded, armed, protected, and encouraged by their theocratic govt.'s to kill the infidel. Just who do you think the infidels are?

Title: Re: Florida gun-shop owner declares store 'Muslim-free zone'
Post by: Loqkani07 on July 22, 2015, 10:48:16 AM

So the gun shop owner won't sell guns to those who might do harm to fellow patriots.
Who was Chris Kyle shot by?

Guy just painted a target on himself for lawsuits.

Well an FFL has different rules than say, a bakery.

By law an FFL is legally protected from selling a gun to anyone.

Title: Re: Florida gun-shop owner declares store 'Muslim-free zone'
Post by: godlyitems on July 22, 2015, 10:50:30 AM


all Muslims in the USA are ISIS?

does that mean all Jews are Mossad?

Pew survey shows that the vast majority of muslims support the killing of infidels. Wake know better..

Title: Re: Florida gun-shop owner declares store 'Muslim-free zone'
Post by: abasin on July 22, 2015, 10:52:44 AM

No he won't force anyone to do anything.

Gun store will be sued and ordered to not discriminate by Florida state court.

So in other words, he will be FORCED to sell guns....the hypocrisy of the Left is MINDBOGGLING!

Title: Re: Florida gun-shop owner declares store 'Muslim-free zone'
Post by: abasin on July 22, 2015, 10:53:57 AM
So in other words, he will be FORCED to sell guns....the hypocrisy of the Left is MINDBOGGLING!

Can you just imagine if they ever get their communist utopia. Progs would be forced by the government to be gun dealers. Some poor sap more suited to dancing ballet will have the state demand he open up a gun store instead. LOL.

Ok, it's an unrealistic thought but I get a chuckle out of those who rally for governmental control over a supposed free people.

Title: Re: Florida gun-shop owner declares store 'Muslim-free zone'
Post by: engwell on July 22, 2015, 10:56:25 AM
Private companies should not be allowed to do this. Slippery slope. However, the government should ban anyone associated with extremist organizations from owning guns. That includes Islam.

Timothy McVeigh?

Title: Re: Florida gun-shop owner declares store 'Muslim-free zone'
Post by: godlyitems on July 22, 2015, 10:57:09 AM

Timothy McVeigh?

Not a gov't sponsored terrorist. and according to hussein, wouldn't mcveigh just be a "work place violence" guy?

Title: Re: Florida gun-shop owner declares store 'Muslim-free zone'
Post by: TeamButtcoin on July 22, 2015, 01:45:10 PM
How the hell will he know if a customer is a Muslim or not?

all muslims wear turbans and easy-to-spot bomb vests, of course

Title: Re: Florida gun-shop owner declares store 'Muslim-free zone'
Post by: Spendulus on July 22, 2015, 03:09:15 PM

No he won't force anyone to do anything.

Gun store will be sued and ordered to not discriminate by Florida state court.

So in other words, he will be FORCED to sell guns....the hypocrisy of the Left is MINDBOGGLING!

No.  I think the FFL laws translate into he can sell or not not sell - to those who pass the background check - to anyone he chooses.  Or he could slow walk the paperwork.  Or accidentally misquote something on the 4423. 

Title: Re: Florida gun-shop owner declares store 'Muslim-free zone'
Post by: countryfree on July 22, 2015, 07:03:25 PM
Is this legal in Florida?

That shop owner is taking a huge risk! I wonder what he'll do if he refuses to sell a gun to a muslim, and then that guy sues him for discrimination, and asks for $5 million in damages for emotional and mental suffering resulting from the denial of service.

Title: Re: Florida gun-shop owner declares store 'Muslim-free zone'
Post by: bryant.coleman on July 23, 2015, 03:41:32 AM
How the hell will he know if a customer is a Muslim or not?

There is no way to find that out. More than one third of all the Muslims in the United States are African-American, and it is extremely hard to distinguish these people from the other African Americans. Growing numbers are from Bosnian, Albanian, Chechen and Turkish backgrounds. It is not easy to distinguish them from the Italian Americans or the Latinos.