Bitcoin Forum

Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: Bardman on July 27, 2015, 01:45:39 PM

Title: What's the best way to keep your pc secured?
Post by: Bardman on July 27, 2015, 01:45:39 PM
I am going to buy a new pc soon enough and i was wondering what should i do to be safe and secure, any programs, tricks or things that i shouldn't do?

Title: Re: What's the best way to keep your pc secured?
Post by: LiteCoinGuy on July 27, 2015, 03:33:22 PM
Buy a proper antivirus programm like Kaspersky. you can also add a maleware programm.

but in the end you are the main source to keep your pc secure.

dont store large amounts of BTC on your pc.

Title: Re: What's the best way to keep your pc secured?
Post by: bojan92 on July 27, 2015, 07:44:51 PM
you should use the best antivirus you can buy, and you can change your operating system in a few months period, because it slows your computer. I am doing this and i don't have any problem with my computer it runs perfectly.

Title: Re: What's the best way to keep your pc secured?
Post by: vervolioman on July 27, 2015, 07:48:25 PM
I have found the easiest and safest way to secure my pc was, to change OS to linux and be careful what you download. Always scan possible shady links here I also use Clamtk and Comodo just in case  :)

Title: Re: What's the best way to keep your pc secured?
Post by: Bardman on July 28, 2015, 08:46:55 AM
Buy a proper antivirus programm like Kaspersky. you can also add a maleware programm.

but in the end you are the main source to keep your pc secure.

dont store large amounts of BTC on your pc.

Im thinking of making a super secure pc for that specifically, storing bitcoins and trading with them, minimize the chances of getting infected by viruses, i would only browse exchanges and few btc related webpages, i would not download anything besides btc client related. I think this way i can be almost 100% safe, the only possibility would be the exchanges to get hacked right?

Title: Re: What's the best way to keep your pc secured?
Post by: altcoinhosting on July 28, 2015, 09:02:04 AM
I have found the easiest and safest way to secure my pc was, to change OS to linux and be careful what you download. Always scan possible shady links here I also use Clamtk and Comodo just in case  :)

Like Vervolioman said, linux does have fewer vulnerabilitys if you use it correct (for example, only install software from the original repo, stay away from privileged accounts,...). Even then, you should always use virustotal/avast when installing untrusted software...

If you stick to windows, i would defenately use a good AV, i would recommand McAffee, since it's pretty good and pretty light for your HW recources.
If you download untrusted software (like a new altcoin wallet), scan it with virustotal AND run it in a sandbox (i recommand the free version of sandboxie).

Also, wether you use linux or windows, make sure you update your OS regularly and run a decent firewall...

Title: Re: What's the best way to keep your pc secured?
Post by: minifrij on July 28, 2015, 09:10:08 AM
The best and most secure way to hold large amount of Bitcoin is not be connected to the internet whatsoever apart from sending and receiving Bitcoin. Since this is probably unreasonable, just following the tips previously said is probably the best way to go about it.
Keep Windows/Linus/Whatever OS updated to the newest version, same with whatever Anti-Virus you use. Do manual scans of your system with MBAM or something similar in addition to the realtime scans your anti-virus does. In addition, use a unique password for your Bitcoin Wallet and exchanges.

Title: Re: What's the best way to keep your pc secured?
Post by: silverolivia on July 28, 2015, 09:30:55 AM
dont visit dangerous sites :D

Title: Re: What's the best way to keep your pc secured?
Post by: Finchy on July 28, 2015, 03:36:34 PM
If you want super safety I'd use ubuntu and forget windows. Far too easy to get a virus even with an anti-virus. I'd also just have a separate computer for your bitcoin related stuff and one for your day to day or downloading activity.

Buy a proper antivirus programm like Kaspersky. you can also add a maleware programm.

but in the end you are the main source to keep your pc secure.

dont store large amounts of BTC on your pc.
I think this way i can be almost 100% safe, the only possibility would be the exchanges to get hacked right?

Exchanges can always be hacked either externally or internally (inside job etc).

Title: Re: What's the best way to keep your pc secured?
Post by: tired on July 28, 2015, 08:42:43 PM
using anti-virus and don't browsing porn website