Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: RoboRob on July 28, 2015, 12:00:28 PM

Title: CryptoCurrency User Base
Post by: RoboRob on July 28, 2015, 12:00:28 PM
I know crypto is rather widely used these days, infact almost every i know knows what bitcoin is.

But ive been wondering, just how big is the Crypto Userbase anyone care to take a guess, or spin out some logic feel free.

Im just curious how many people are actually registered on some form of crypto service worldwide

Title: Re: CryptoCurrency User Base
Post by: OmegaStarScream on July 28, 2015, 12:03:33 PM
Alternative coins users should be much less then Bitcoin logically and last time I've seen a video speaks about the number of Bitcoin users it says it's about 250k (not sure how that is calculated since a lot of people have shitload of adresses and wallets in same time)

Title: Re: CryptoCurrency User Base
Post by: RoboRob on July 28, 2015, 12:06:15 PM
Alternative coins users should be much less then Bitcoin logically and last time I've seen a video speaks about the number of Bitcoin users it says it's about 250k (not sure how that is calculated since a lot of people have shitload of adresses and wallets in same time)

Hmmm 250K is that it??

Not quite as dramatic as i was hoping.... 7 billion people on the plannet and only 250,000 "bitcoin" users

Title: Re: CryptoCurrency User Base
Post by: Herbert2020 on July 28, 2015, 12:58:43 PM
Alternative coins users should be much less then Bitcoin logically and last time I've seen a video speaks about the number of Bitcoin users it says it's about 250k (not sure how that is calculated since a lot of people have shitload of adresses and wallets in same time)

Hmmm 250K is that it??

Not quite as dramatic as i was hoping.... 7 billion people on the plannet and only 250,000 "bitcoin" users

it is way more than that for sure, 250,000 users in bitcoin is so few. i think only number of wallets was something around 2 million if i am not mistaken.

Title: Re: CryptoCurrency User Base
Post by: LiteCoinGuy on July 28, 2015, 03:26:36 PM
Alternative coins users should be much less then Bitcoin logically and last time I've seen a video speaks about the number of Bitcoin users it says it's about 250k (not sure how that is calculated since a lot of people have shitload of adresses and wallets in same time)

Hmmm 250K is that it??

Not quite as dramatic as i was hoping.... 7 billion people on the plannet and only 250,000 "bitcoin" users

pretty sure it is more than 250k because you can just count the users of all exchanges and so on. you will end up with alot more people than 250k!

it should be 3-10 million people worldwide i guess.

Title: Re: CryptoCurrency User Base
Post by: Derrike on July 29, 2015, 06:53:03 AM
I'm gonna tell you about India,
Here is a betting site which have a chatroom and when I posted in the chatroom on prime time that "who knows about Bitcoin"
Then there was only one person who replied yes I know about it.
This is hilarious........ man.  ;D

Title: Re: CryptoCurrency User Base
Post by: LiteCoinGuy on July 29, 2015, 04:52:22 PM
I'm gonna tell you about India,
Here is a betting site which have a chatroom and when I posted in the chatroom on prime time that "who knows about Bitcoin"
Then there was only one person who replied yes I know about it.
This is hilarious........ man.  ;D

for me it sounds phantastic  :D

Title: Re: CryptoCurrency User Base
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on July 29, 2015, 04:54:19 PM
I'd be very interested to know what the data is on this question.  I would think the user base is greater than 250K, though--that seems very, very low. 

Title: Re: CryptoCurrency User Base
Post by: MF Doom on July 29, 2015, 04:57:24 PM
Would depend what you mean by "user."

If you talk about ALL the people who have bought or own crypto, then probably millions.  If you mean those who actually use it on a day to day basis, its probably a lot smaller, my guess is under 500k.

# of wallets doesn't mean much as a statistic to me, I know some wallets give you a new address every so often, and I use multiple different sites.  So one person could have 10-100+ wallet addresses.

Title: Re: CryptoCurrency User Base
Post by: oblivi on July 29, 2015, 06:14:52 PM
Would depend what you mean by "user."

If you talk about ALL the people who have bought or own crypto, then probably millions.  If you mean those who actually use it on a day to day basis, its probably a lot smaller, my guess is under 500k.

# of wallets doesn't mean much as a statistic to me, I know some wallets give you a new address every so often, and I use multiple different sites.  So one person could have 10-100+ wallet addresses.

The percentage of people involved in altcoins is probably embedded inside the percentage of people involved in Bitcoin. What I mean basically is, if you are into altcoins you are by definition into Bitcoin. So by knowing the total amount of Bitcoin users you may be near the total usage of crypto. At the end of the day like 90% of alts hold no value beyond making BTC out of them.

Title: Re: CryptoCurrency User Base
Post by: spazzdla on July 29, 2015, 06:20:04 PM
I know crypto is rather widely used these days, infact almost every i know knows what bitcoin is.

But ive been wondering, just how big is the Crypto Userbase anyone care to take a guess, or spin out some logic feel free.

Im just curious how many people are actually registered on some form of crypto service worldwide

Most people still have no idea what it is they have only heard of it...

The only reason people you know, know about it is because you talk about it. (This is the reason people I know, know about it).

Most people I know still think there is some Bitcoin CEO and you need to register an account to use it..

Title: Re: CryptoCurrency User Base
Post by: Mickeyb on July 29, 2015, 07:49:23 PM
Nobody can tell how many users are out there, we can just make rough estimates.
So my estimate is 1-2 millions. This is extremely low number when you compare it to how many people are on this planet.

So we can only imagine what will happen if this crypto thing really takes off and gets widely used by masses!

Title: Re: CryptoCurrency User Base
Post by: foxbitcoin on July 29, 2015, 10:41:06 PM
Even with a few sources it seems very hard to come close to a definitive amount of CryptoCurrency users. I'm guessing not many. I would say over 500K , but probably not over 1M.

Title: Re: CryptoCurrency User Base
Post by: RoboRob on August 04, 2015, 02:36:34 AM
Thanks for your replys and input its much appreciated

Good day to you all

Title: Re: CryptoCurrency User Base
Post by: Andy4.4 on August 04, 2015, 04:52:00 AM
I think it will probably be not more than 1 million.

Title: Re: CryptoCurrency User Base
Post by: Kprawn on August 04, 2015, 06:16:13 AM
Let's play with numbers and report it here... - 526104 Members {Could probably be 50% of that, due to sock puppets, and people who have left/inactive}
Reddit - People registered on /r/Bitcoin = 171,219 readers {This could just be a duplication of the users on Bitcointalk}

These people are possibly passionate about Bitcoin and talk about it on public forums. So about 50% of that = 350 000 x 3 for the people who owns Bitcoin and use it, but do not participate in public forums,

{friends & family} and you get to 750 000 people. This is a VERY rough estimate, but I will guess about 1 Million people use some sort of Crypto currency.  ::) 

Title: Re: CryptoCurrency User Base
Post by: roadbits on August 04, 2015, 03:32:09 PM
Alternative coins users should be much less then Bitcoin logically and last time I've seen a video speaks about the number of Bitcoin users it says it's about 250k (not sure how that is calculated since a lot of people have shitload of adresses and wallets in same time)

Hmmm 250K is that it??

Not quite as dramatic as i was hoping.... 7 billion people on the plannet and only 250,000 "bitcoin" users

It's still early in the game  if you ask someone on the street what "Bitcoin" is, they look at you as if your speaking a foreign language.

Title: Re: CryptoCurrency User Base
Post by: futureofbitcoin on August 04, 2015, 05:27:38 PM
the number of people who KNOWS about it could number hundreds of millions, even.

The number of people who have either bought, received from friends or faucets or whatever may number in the high 7 digits or even low 8 digits.

The number of people who still believe in bitcoin and own at least 1 satoshi probably number in the very low 7 digits.

But the number of people who actually use it either for trade or buying things or whatever, is probably quite low. Maybe 100-250k

source: Numbers pulled out of my ass. But I think it's probably as good as any.

Title: Re: CryptoCurrency User Base
Post by: ebliever on August 04, 2015, 05:43:42 PM
I had the impression there are a couple million Coinbase accounts in existence. Even allowing for the potential for many bitcoiners to have multiple accounts, that's just one company. Of course, you have to break down who is a passionate bitcoin user, people who've had a minor reason to use it but are not regular users, and those who merely dabbled a bit out of curiousity, or former users who've been burned.

Still, I'm guessing the user base of the first two populations is over a million now, maybe a bit more. It would be very interesting to get a handle on numbers for all four of the groups per the breakdown I give above.

Title: Re: CryptoCurrency User Base
Post by: Snorek on August 04, 2015, 05:49:57 PM
I know crypto is rather widely used these days, infact almost every i know knows what bitcoin is.

But ive been wondering, just how big is the Crypto Userbase anyone care to take a guess, or spin out some logic feel free.

Im just curious how many people are actually registered on some form of crypto service worldwide
That is the common misconception about crytousers. I don't think you need to be 'registered' anywhere to be a bitcoin or altcoins user.
That is the problem with estimate number of bitcoin users, there is no one main service which is required to use bitcoin, you just need a wallet.

Title: Re: CryptoCurrency User Base
Post by: RoboRob on August 06, 2015, 10:13:15 PM
I know crypto is rather widely used these days, infact almost every i know knows what bitcoin is.

But ive been wondering, just how big is the Crypto Userbase anyone care to take a guess, or spin out some logic feel free.

Im just curious how many people are actually registered on some form of crypto service worldwide
That is the common misconception about crytousers. I don't think you need to be 'registered' anywhere to be a bitcoin or altcoins user.
That is the problem with estimate number of bitcoin users, there is no one main service which is required to use bitcoin, you just need a wallet.

Im just trying to better understand my given audience, whilst you raise a fair point about the "registered" part.

Ive been helping out on a side project and weve kinda been trying to nail it down as best we can, but it seems to be a moving goal, theres many valid arguments and cases, and various online reports of this and that, so taking into account what i have seen,

a million users seems to be "give or take" the consensus in terms of replys here and the articles online.

I had rather hoped it would be considerably higher than this to be fair.

Once again i thank you all for your input

Title: Re: CryptoCurrency User Base
Post by: xhoneyael on August 07, 2015, 10:38:59 AM
it hard to know the exact cryptocurency user
we can not calculate the user in wallet because eveybody use more 3 wallet..
also not in wallet address because everybody know you can have more 100 address..
and also not in forum because for multi account and inactive account..
but i guess more than a million know about bitcoin including who just try..
and also those who  have knowledge but dont have time to use it or not interested..
but for me in my calculation i think not more than 100k is interested and using it right now..
because until now i can say that i dont encounter more than  100k user from the start im using bitcoin..
and some of the user i encounter is now inactive or some dont have interest anymore because price get lower..

Title: Re: CryptoCurrency User Base
Post by: RoboRob on August 07, 2015, 11:04:00 AM

and some of the user i encounter is now inactive or some dont have interest anymore because price get lower..

Another valid point how many accounts are really unique on a given service, i myself have a couple of accounts on each exchange, one for myself and one for other things, in the context of my question that would mean at say Cryptsy i would count twice.

Title: Re: CryptoCurrency User Base
Post by: Mickeyb on August 07, 2015, 12:03:23 PM
Alternative coins users should be much less then Bitcoin logically and last time I've seen a video speaks about the number of Bitcoin users it says it's about 250k (not sure how that is calculated since a lot of people have shitload of adresses and wallets in same time)

Hmmm 250K is that it??

Not quite as dramatic as i was hoping.... 7 billion people on the plannet and only 250,000 "bitcoin" users

Well this gives you just a hint of crypto potential, doesn't it?
We have just scratched a surface of the crypto users!

I also think that 250,000 is a low number. I would say rather 500,000-1 million users but even tbis is nothing when you compare it to 7 billion people.

Title: Re: CryptoCurrency User Base
Post by: ObscureBean on August 07, 2015, 12:45:31 PM
Alternative coins users should be much less then Bitcoin logically and last time I've seen a video speaks about the number of Bitcoin users it says it's about 250k (not sure how that is calculated since a lot of people have shitload of adresses and wallets in same time)

Hmmm 250K is that it??

Not quite as dramatic as i was hoping.... 7 billion people on the plannet and only 250,000 "bitcoin" users

Well this gives you just a hint of crypto potential, doesn't it?
We have just scratched a surface of the crypto users!

I also think that 250,000 is a low number. I would say rather 500,000-1 million users but even tbis is nothing when you compare it to 7 billion people.

It should definitely be more than 250k. There are just over 520,000 accounts on Bitcointalk atm and I'd imagine most people on here have used or traded BTC at some point. There are probably a lot of people with more than 1 account but the number of unique accounts should still be more than 250k. And that's just Bitcointalk, there's bound to be a lot more people out there that uses BTC.

Title: Re: CryptoCurrency User Base
Post by: RoboRob on August 07, 2015, 01:04:41 PM
Something that just occurred to me, not that it makes much difference, but

First rule of business is knowing your market correct?

How can anyone know there market when no one actually knows the size or disposition of the market............

Perhaps this is the primary reason we see "scam this" and "scam that" company's who then go bust, if the market really is less than a million people, its easy to see why it happens etc, don't really matter what market sector you work in, a million people is a small number to run a sustainable business from in the context of bitcoin and cryptos that are global

Title: Re: CryptoCurrency User Base
Post by: xhoneyael on August 07, 2015, 01:23:37 PM
Alternative coins users should be much less then Bitcoin logically and last time I've seen a video speaks about the number of Bitcoin users it says it's about 250k (not sure how that is calculated since a lot of people have shitload of adresses and wallets in same time)

Hmmm 250K is that it??

Not quite as dramatic as i was hoping.... 7 billion people on the plannet and only 250,000 "bitcoin" users

Well this gives you just a hint of crypto potential, doesn't it?
We have just scratched a surface of the crypto users!

I also think that 250,000 is a low number. I would say rather 500,000-1 million users but even tbis is nothing when you compare it to 7 billion people.

It should definitely be more than 250k. There are just over 520,000 accounts on Bitcointalk atm and I'd imagine most people on here have used or traded BTC at some point. There are probably a lot of people with more than 1 account but the number of unique accounts should still be more than 250k. And that's just Bitcointalk, there's bound to be a lot more people out there that uses BTC.
let say bitcointalk have over 520,000 account.. but you cannot say how many is inactive this forum..and how many have multiple account..
in this forum there are user who buy account.. and also there are user who sell account.. do you think if they sell there account they will not make a new one..and some member here make new account to try to scam.. there are so many new member daily in lending section try to scam.. and also there are many member who make a lot of account just for profit so we cant just base it in that thousand account we dont know how may is inactive..bitcointalk is almost the largest bitcoin forum so we can only say that almost all the bitcoin member is here.. only those who dont.. maybe only those who just starting to use bitcoin and until now dont discover bitcointalk..

Title: Re: CryptoCurrency User Base
Post by: ObscureBean on August 07, 2015, 02:15:47 PM
Alternative coins users should be much less then Bitcoin logically and last time I've seen a video speaks about the number of Bitcoin users it says it's about 250k (not sure how that is calculated since a lot of people have shitload of adresses and wallets in same time)

Hmmm 250K is that it??

Not quite as dramatic as i was hoping.... 7 billion people on the plannet and only 250,000 "bitcoin" users

Well this gives you just a hint of crypto potential, doesn't it?
We have just scratched a surface of the crypto users!

I also think that 250,000 is a low number. I would say rather 500,000-1 million users but even tbis is nothing when you compare it to 7 billion people.

It should definitely be more than 250k. There are just over 520,000 accounts on Bitcointalk atm and I'd imagine most people on here have used or traded BTC at some point. There are probably a lot of people with more than 1 account but the number of unique accounts should still be more than 250k. And that's just Bitcointalk, there's bound to be a lot more people out there that uses BTC.
let say bitcointalk have over 520,000 account.. but you cannot say how many is inactive this forum..and how many have multiple account..
in this forum there are user who buy account.. and also there are user who sell account.. do you think if they sell there account they will not make a new one..and some member here make new account to try to scam.. there are so many new member daily in lending section try to scam.. and also there are many member who make a lot of account just for profit so we cant just base it in that thousand account we dont know how may is inactive..bitcointalk is almost the largest bitcoin forum so we can only say that almost all the bitcoin member is here.. only those who dont.. maybe only those who just starting to use bitcoin and until now dont discover bitcointalk..

Well I counted inactive accounts because it doesn't matter that some people no longer use Bitcointalk, that they've used BTC at one time is enough for me to count them as users. The buying and selling of accounts is not that common, I doubt there's more than a few thousands accounts for sale (if even that). Also selling accounts just means that the account has a new owner, I'd imagine newcomers to be the ones most likely to buy accounts so they can join campaigns. I don't think there are a lot of veterans buying up tons of accounts for themselves ( there probably are some but I doubt it would be more than 100). Bitcointalk is certainly one of the most popular crypto forum but there are plenty more people out there that use BTC/crypto. I myself started out on Reddit and was using crypto for quite a few months before I joined the forum here. Reddit has a pretty huge crypto crowd too and a lot of the people there don't have accounts here.

Title: Re: CryptoCurrency User Base
Post by: Mickeyb on August 07, 2015, 04:57:21 PM
Alternative coins users should be much less then Bitcoin logically and last time I've seen a video speaks about the number of Bitcoin users it says it's about 250k (not sure how that is calculated since a lot of people have shitload of adresses and wallets in same time)

Hmmm 250K is that it??

Not quite as dramatic as i was hoping.... 7 billion people on the plannet and only 250,000 "bitcoin" users

Well this gives you just a hint of crypto potential, doesn't it?
We have just scratched a surface of the crypto users!

I also think that 250,000 is a low number. I would say rather 500,000-1 million users but even tbis is nothing when you compare it to 7 billion people.

It should definitely be more than 250k. There are just over 520,000 accounts on Bitcointalk atm and I'd imagine most people on here have used or traded BTC at some point. There are probably a lot of people with more than 1 account but the number of unique accounts should still be more than 250k. And that's just Bitcointalk, there's bound to be a lot more people out there that uses BTC.
let say bitcointalk have over 520,000 account.. but you cannot say how many is inactive this forum..and how many have multiple account..
in this forum there are user who buy account.. and also there are user who sell account.. do you think if they sell there account they will not make a new one..and some member here make new account to try to scam.. there are so many new member daily in lending section try to scam.. and also there are many member who make a lot of account just for profit so we cant just base it in that thousand account we dont know how may is inactive..bitcointalk is almost the largest bitcoin forum so we can only say that almost all the bitcoin member is here.. only those who dont.. maybe only those who just starting to use bitcoin and until now dont discover bitcointalk..

Well not everybody own a bitcointalk account! 2 of mine friends, that I personally got into Bitcoin own some coins but they don't have an account here on bitcointalk.

They read about it a little bit, they bought some coins and they don't have time for forums etc.. They have their families, jobs, etc..

So to judge on the number of users by the number of bitcointalk accounts is impossible.

Title: Re: CryptoCurrency User Base
Post by: misterycoins on August 07, 2015, 05:37:22 PM
Nobody can tell exactly, but as the bigger service providers such as Blockchain, Coinbase, Bitstamp, BTC-E each celebrated their millionth user in the last days and weeks (one person could have many addresses though), I would guess we are somewhere in the low one figure millions.

Title: Re: CryptoCurrency User Base
Post by: RoboRob on August 07, 2015, 07:47:27 PM
Nobody can tell exactly, but as the bigger service providers such as Blockchain, Coinbase, Bitstamp, BTC-E each celebrated their millionth user in the last days and weeks (one person could have many addresses though), I would guess we are somewhere in the low one figure millions.

Oh thats handy to know, i clearly missed that.

This could turn into a an intresting social experiment

Title: Re: CryptoCurrency User Base
Post by: Borisz on August 07, 2015, 08:07:04 PM
No numbers on the actual user base, but there was a recent post here: (

Makes one think.

Title: Re: CryptoCurrency User Base
Post by: ChrisPop on August 07, 2015, 08:14:18 PM
It is said that are around 250k bitcoin users that own over 1 BTC in their wallets worldwide. Maybe this is outdated or just a rumour but I think that should be at least 10-15 million bitcoin users around the world.

Title: Re: CryptoCurrency User Base
Post by: Za1n on August 07, 2015, 11:00:52 PM
It is said that are around 250k bitcoin users that own over 1 BTC in their wallets worldwide. Maybe this is outdated or just a rumour but I think that should be at least 10-15 million bitcoin users around the world.

Sorry, but there is no way there are 10-15 million bitcoin users around the world. There are only ~15 million bitcoins that have been mined, with less than that in circulation due to lost coins, burned coins, satoshis abandoned million, etc.

If each person held one BTC the price would be more than the current $280 each and the interest in BTC would be skyrocketing. Considering the fact that we know of several people who control 1,000's of BTC, if not millions, we could dilute the needed amount to be considered a Bitcoin user to say possessing .25 BTC. I think even using this lowered criteria it would be a stretch to say there are 10 million users. I think the 250,000 figure is pretty accurate if we stick with people who either hold or at least use .25 BTC or more routinely.

I suppose if one were to count total addresses, etc. there would be maybe a million people or so, but is it fair to count someone as an "user" who maybe created an online wallet, had some dust deposited and never touched it again? You can argue over the exact amount needed to be counted, even drop to say .1 BTC or roughly $28, but again I can not see a significant increase.

As far as the 500,000 BCT Forum users, as pointed out by others this I am sure can be deflated to probably 200,000 or less unique people. The one pumper dude was recently found to have over 100 accounts by himself, so it is not unheard of to have multiple accounts. With signature campaigns, shills, countless other reasons, I am sure having multiple BCT accounts is more common than not. Say the average was maybe 3 accounts per user, this would put BCT user-base at ~175,000 users. The Reddit accounts, mentioned elsewhere, would mostly contain duplicate BCT users, so the additional unique users would be almost negligible, so even giving lots of benefit of the doubt, I could see the 250,000 users figure as pretty spot on.

Title: Re: CryptoCurrency User Base
Post by: bitcollins85 on August 08, 2015, 01:38:25 AM
It's very hard to say, but I think probably 2-3  million users.
CryptoCurrency is still unknown to the big part of people we have to work to raise this number

Title: Re: CryptoCurrency User Base
Post by: roadbits on August 08, 2015, 06:52:52 PM
I had the impression there are a couple million Coinbase accounts in existence. Even allowing for the potential for many bitcoiners to have multiple accounts, that's just one company. Of course, you have to break down who is a passionate bitcoin user, people who've had a minor reason to use it but are not regular users, and those who merely dabbled a bit out of curiousity, or former users who've been burned.

Still, I'm guessing the user base of the first two populations is over a million now, maybe a bit more. It would be very interesting to get a handle on numbers for all four of the groups per the breakdown I give above.
I'm sure there are a lot of people with accounts at various exchanges but they don't actually have bitcoin
Yeah, we'd need the exchanges to give us that info, which is unlikely to say the least.

Title: Re: CryptoCurrency User Base
Post by: Za1n on August 08, 2015, 09:15:34 PM
As I posted above, it basically comes down to two things. Number of unique users, meaning one individual, as many people have multiple accounts on forums, at different exchanges, possibly even some have multiple accounts on single exchanges. This would be probably be very hard to get an accurate number, thus all we can do is estimate.

The second important thing is how much BTC, or BTC equivalent (in the case of users holding alternative cryptocurrencies), a individual controls. I use the term controls as they may have amounts spread out amongst different wallets, exchanges, or even holding different types of alts.

I would guess there are a lot of people who may have a wallet somewhere and got some dust from a faucet, giveaways, or some other method and would not necessarily be considered a user. If we count all those, I could possibly see 1 or 2 million. But if we count only people who have 0.1 BTC or more, I again think it would be closer to the 250,000, maybe 500,000 number.