Bitcoin Forum

Local => 媒体 => Topic started by: btcshop on July 30, 2015, 12:46:44 AM

Title: [20150730]CoinTape 为用户预测比特币最佳交易费用
Post by: btcshop on July 30, 2015, 12:46:44 AM
比特币用户常常会碰到这样一个问题:比特币的最佳交易费用是多少呢?比特币新型服务 Cointape 可以回答这个问题。

通过分析比特币网络过去三小时的数据,Cointape 可以根据用户给出的交易费用,为他们预测出等待的时间,每字节以聪为单位来计算。Cointape声称有90%的把握预测出等待的时间。

很多比特币钱包的默认手续费是每字节10聪(0.0000001BTC)。然而,Cointape 称,如果用户每字节支付20 聪(0.0000002 BTC)的话,交易速度会更快、费用会更低。

对于一般大小的比特币交易——645字节,费用是129bits(0.000129 BTC)(注意,这是计算交易的规模,而不是它的美元价值)。

Cointapes列出了最受欢迎的交易费用,每字节41–50 聪, 因此一个典型的619字节的交易最好包含0.00024760BTC费用。




目前,用户可以选择躲开交易费用。但是,最近人们都在讨论是否应该提高交易费用,核心开发者Luke JR还提出将交易费用的最小值提高到1万聪来减少垃圾交易对网络的攻击,但请求未合并到主线代码。

Cointape 指出,如果用户不支付费用,可能会造成交易的延迟,可能需要六个区块的确认或者等待一个小时左右(大约每10分钟出一个区块)。

作者:Grace Caffyn

Title: Re: [20150730]CoinTape 为用户预测比特币最佳交易费用
Post by: SebastianJu on August 06, 2015, 10:08:19 AM
Is this your website or is there an english announcement thread too?

I would suggest to the owner to not only update the graph automatically but the text numbers below too. I only now realized that they dont update and that i need to reload the page to see the correct numbers.

Title: Re: [20150730]CoinTape 为用户预测比特币最佳交易费用
Post by: Ingatqhvq on August 08, 2015, 07:37:12 AM

Title: Re: [20150730]CoinTape 为用户预测比特币最佳交易费用
Post by: Abbey_j on August 08, 2015, 08:03:04 AM

Title: Re: [20150730]CoinTape 为用户预测比特币最佳交易费用
Post by: SebastianJu on August 10, 2015, 01:54:08 PM
It's not a prediction, it's counting the actual state and what happened in the past hours. So when it states many blocks are needed then is that the result of the past hours. If you take the fee suggest then in most cases you will be fine.