Bitcoin Forum

Local => India => Topic started by: GiocareHost on August 01, 2015, 11:28:33 AM

Title: Por* website's Banned!
Post by: GiocareHost on August 01, 2015, 11:28:33 AM
The govt. of India has banned all the content's related to porns in INDIA!!
Do you really think they should have control over OUR internet!
The next hing will be bitcoins if we don't put a fight against them.

Title: Re: Por* website's Banned!
Post by: polynesia on August 01, 2015, 11:35:01 AM
The govt. of India has banned all the content's related to porns in INDIA!!
Do you really think they should have control over OUR internet!
The next hing will be bitcoins if we don't put a fight against them.

Porn is illegal in India.
They can't ban sites (if the server is outside India), they can only block them. Use a proxy server, if you are that desperate.
I don't think the Government's attitude towards bitcoin will be anything close to their attitude towards porn.

Title: Re: Por* website's Banned!
Post by: newIndia on August 01, 2015, 11:58:00 AM
Action against Porn has nothing to do with Bitcoin. RBI Governor has spoken positively about Bitcoin in public. I dont know any Government official has spoken in favor of Porn ever.

Title: Re: Por* website's Banned!
Post by: skang on August 01, 2015, 01:57:43 PM
Should porn be allowed is a debatable topic which I won't discuss but there are other important sides to bans like these.

Prior to 2008, censorship of Internet content by the Indian government was relatively rare and sporadic.
Following the November 2008 terrorist attacks in Mumbai, which killed 171 people, the Indian Parliament passed amendments to the Information Technology Act (ITA) that expanded the government's censorship and monitoring capabilities.
While there is no sustained government policy or strategy to block access to Internet content on a large scale, measures for removing certain content from the web, sometimes for fear they could incite violence, have become more common.

There is no case where these amendments were used to catch a terrorist but the govt has successfully used it to push various of its agenda:
- Internet users have sporadically faced prosecution for online postings, and private companies hosting the content are obliged by law to hand over user information to the authorities; such as people speaking against politicians on social media.
- Prior judicial approval for communications interception is NOT required. Even state govt can ban any site it wants.
- All licensed ISPs are obliged by law to sign an agreement that allows Indian government authorities to access user data.

All of these practical effects really hamper press freedom in India and are anti-democratic.
Even whistleblower's sites have been banned WTF!

The Gujrat state govt shut down the entire internet for 3 days in the state! And it has no power to do so!
Only the central govt has such power and that too in a declared state of emergency.
But who is to challenge them?

People really need to wake up. If the fire in the jungle hasn't reached our homes doesn't mean that it won't.
Just imagine, you can never tell other people about a bad deed of a powerful person, cause you'd be jailed and your text banned and removed.
Porn or no porn, people need to fight internet censorship.

Title: Re: Por* website's Banned!
Post by: Amitabh S on August 01, 2015, 04:44:15 PM
The govt. of India has banned all the content's related to porns in INDIA!!
Do you really think they should have control over OUR internet!
The next hing will be bitcoins if we don't put a fight against them.

OMG!! Pron banned! What will happen to society now?? Civilization as we know it will crumble without access to p0rn!

Title: Re: Por* website's Banned!
Post by: Fernandez on August 02, 2015, 04:40:16 AM
Wait, so was it allowed earlier?

It doesn't matter. Surfing porn doesn't feel right unless doing it secretly and with a jumpy attitude.

Title: Re: Por* website's Banned!
Post by: polynesia on August 02, 2015, 04:47:56 AM
Wait, so was it allowed earlier?

It doesn't matter. Surfing porn doesn't feel right unless doing it secretly and with a jumpy attitude.

All colleges are hot beds of this illegal activity. The authorities should get cracking.  :P

Title: Re: Por* website's Banned!
Post by: Benson Samuel on August 04, 2015, 02:21:25 PM
Porn websites were never banned or blocked in India.
They just made direct access a bit tougher.

I hear that they just removed part of the websites from the 'direct access disabled' list.
Since they have now allowed it, it endorses it a bit and will become more popular.

Title: Re: Por* website's Banned!
Post by: GiocareHost on August 04, 2015, 03:23:28 PM
Porn websites were never banned or blocked in India.
They just made direct access a bit tougher.

I hear that they just removed part of the websites from the 'direct access disabled' list.
Since they have now allowed it, it endorses it a bit and will become more popular.

True dat.
All the grown-ups knows how to access it.And it will prevent children from accessing it.

Title: Re: Por* website's Banned!
Post by: baristor on August 05, 2015, 10:15:05 PM
The govt. of India has banned all the content's related to porns in INDIA!!
Do you really think they should have control over OUR internet!
The next hing will be bitcoins if we don't put a fight against them.

Porn is illegal in India.
They can't ban sites (if the server is outside India), they can only block them. Use a proxy server, if you are that desperate.
I don't think the Government's attitude towards bitcoin will be anything close to their attitude towards porn.

^ What he said,

Also i think its a good change , less porn addicts india used to be no1 most searched site for porn its a pretty great change if u ask me,

Need be u ppl can always use a proxy. Although on the forefront of our freedom indian govt doesnt have the right to do anything, hopefully they wont target bitcoin next

Title: Re: Por* website's Banned!
Post by: baristor on August 05, 2015, 10:17:51 PM
Sorry for double post but had to get this in,

The reason it got banned in first place is coz indian lawyer initiated the notion that porn sites fueld sex related crimes in india,,, lollll  ( ex; rape)

And we know how much trouble wev had coz of that, As always its just a political game 1 lawyer ignorantly arguing his point of view If anything the lawyer should be banned for talking bs

Now.. they will lift the ban on some websites but websites which show child porn are still banned hence proving the lawyer's theory right shame on Indian govt to have such a simple and ignorant mind.

Title: Re: Por* website's Banned!
Post by: dashingriddler on August 07, 2015, 03:05:40 PM
seems such attempts are working to some extent
i used to see more than a couple on this list of top 25 most browsed websites in india
now i see only one !

Title: Re: Por* website's Banned!
Post by: polynesia on August 08, 2015, 02:45:40 AM
seems such attempts are working to some extent
i used to see more than a couple on this list of top 25 most browsed websites in india
now i see only one !

I doubt if people will change their habits just because of a government order.
Most of the action would have shifted to proxy servers.