Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Searing on August 01, 2015, 12:35:14 PM

Title: Mark Karpeles may be making "Hello Kitty" Items if Prison he goes I kid thee NOT
Post by: Searing on August 01, 2015, 12:35:14 PM

 Well there may be SOME KIND OF JUSTICE in the world. It seems in a Japanese Prison they put you to work. So if Mark Karpeles from MT.GOX fame is convicted
 and goes to a Japanese Prison he could be (hell probably) making HELLO KITTY items. LOL :)

 here is one of the links I found mentioning this unique way of punishment (the horror) :) (

 The irony....virtual coin swindling and now virtual toy making ...the circle of 'HUH' continues :)

 I live for the day we can get pictures of him making such in his little orange jump suit!

Title: Re: Mark Karpeles may be making "Hello Kitty" Items if Prison he goes I kid thee NOT
Post by: Balls on August 01, 2015, 12:47:25 PM
If he's found guilty then he'll definitely get a prison sentence. No idea how long. What do they Japanese normally dish out for fraud and insider trading? Will they be able to prove he was involved in the shady business, though? Maybe they already have enough evidence or maybe not.

Title: Re: Mark Karpeles may be making "Hello Kitty" Items if Prison he goes I kid thee NOT
Post by: newguy05 on August 01, 2015, 12:58:03 PM
i wish it was china instead of japan, they would put those scammers to hard labor camps.  I don't think japan does much, maybe 1-2 years behind prison - that is nicer and cleaner than a lot of apartments in the us.

Title: Re: Mark Karpeles may be making "Hello Kitty" Items if Prison he goes I kid thee NOT
Post by: g1974ak on August 01, 2015, 12:59:05 PM
If he's found guilty then he'll definitely get a prison sentence. No idea how long. What do they Japanese normally dish out for fraud and insider trading? Will they be able to prove he was involved in the shady business, though? Maybe they already have enough evidence or maybe not.

I heard at Euronews now that he was founded guilty for manipulation of data. According to the reporter he was access to the data of the customers and has manipulated those in order to have profits for himself. Otherwise it will not be arrested.

Title: Re: Mark Karpeles may be making "Hello Kitty" Items if Prison he goes I kid thee NOT
Post by: aso118 on August 01, 2015, 01:16:33 PM
i wish it was china instead of japan, they would put those scammers to hard labor camps.  I don't think japan does much, maybe 1-2 years behind prison - that is nicer and cleaner than a lot of apartments in the us.

Well at least it is not one of those Scandinavian countries. Mark would enjoy his stay at one of those resorts.
We should remember that he has only been charged, not been convicted.

Title: Re: Mark Karpeles may be making "Hello Kitty" Items if Prison he goes I kid thee NOT
Post by: BTCBinary on August 01, 2015, 02:47:10 PM
This guys should pay for what he's done!
I honestly hope he gets what he deserves

Title: Re: Mark Karpeles may be making "Hello Kitty" Items if Prison he goes I kid thee NOT
Post by: notbatman on August 01, 2015, 03:34:07 PM

Title: Re: Mark Karpeles may be making "Hello Kitty" Items if Prison he goes I kid thee NOT
Post by: BTCBinary on August 03, 2015, 02:17:32 AM
The guy should rot in jail just to serve as an example for scammers!

Title: Re: Mark Karpeles may be making "Hello Kitty" Items if Prison he goes I kid thee NOT
Post by: Chef Ramsay on August 03, 2015, 02:54:50 AM
If only he could taste what a North Korean prison camp has to offer the likes of him especially if they profit at the expense of the regime in charge.. Heck, w/ that kind of take he'd probably get lodged to a stake and have a mortar fired at him for his deeds. Realistically if he doesn't get off to pay a fine and flee the scene, he'll hopefully get some multi-year sentence + fine and see the Japanese prison system at his finest which could and likely be rough (and slightly inhumane). He could stand to lose a few lbs I'm sure we all could agree w/ that. The difficult thing is who gets the coinage and what happens to it.

Title: Re: Mark Karpeles may be making "Hello Kitty" Items if Prison he goes I kid thee NOT
Post by: ayesha201006 on August 03, 2015, 02:56:55 AM
If it is anything like american justice, he will either get probation, house arrest, or a low security resort prison.