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Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Kprawn on August 02, 2015, 02:53:13 PM

Title: Biggest Stock Market crash coming in 2016 - What advice do we have?
Post by: Kprawn on August 02, 2015, 02:53:13 PM
Robert Kiyosaki: Biggest Stock Market Crash in History Coming in 2016

He is saying, the things we are saying..... Cash is trash... A crash is coming... China already won the economic race.... America cannot keep on funding a war with fake money.

The Ruble is the current best performing fiat currency in the world?  :o

We all know, when the USA cough, the rest of the world gets a cold.... so it's already down with flu, and the rest of the world is going soon.

If I were you, I would start to stock up on something.... Gold / Silver / Bitcoin .....BUT not stocks and fiat. What advice do we have for a huge stock market crash?

Let's discuss this.... Robert is no fool, and we need to listen and prepare.  ;)

Edit : Let's not shoot the messenger... I am just creating a hypothetical situation based on what Robert said in the video to stimulate discussion on the subject.

Can we ignore the signs that everything is not well in the USA? This is something that can, and will happen... If not in 2016... but in the near future.

Title: Re: Biggest Stock Market crash coming in 2016 - What advice do we have?
Post by: Poolie on August 02, 2015, 02:57:55 PM
What is he really basing this on? Saying a stock market crash is coming is like saying bitcoin crash is coming. Usually all just speculation not really based on anything other than opinion./

Title: Re: Biggest Stock Market crash coming in 2016 - What advice do we have?
Post by: Hazir on August 02, 2015, 03:03:07 PM
While it is true that crisis is approaching and we need to be ready for it there are some pretty messed up things stated in your op. China markets are not the biggest, their economy and potential is.
And you think that Yuan is better currency that US dollars in terms of 'being more real' think again. Every Fiat is the same. Ruble is a thrash and because of the EU and US sanctions russian currency is in the worse state since many years. One point you got right, invest in gold, bitcoin, commodities and disregard FIAT.

Title: Re: Biggest Stock Market crash coming in 2016 - What advice do we have?
Post by: Bitcoinpro on August 02, 2015, 03:16:41 PM
The Crypto Currency Central Bank will keep the electronic economic tranmission gear changes as smooth as it possibly can :)

though investing in manuel peanut cracking labour at this time would be considered unwise

Title: Re: Biggest Stock Market crash coming in 2016 - What advice do we have?
Post by: Kprawn on August 03, 2015, 06:31:28 AM
While it is true that crisis is approaching and we need to be ready for it there are some pretty messed up things stated in your op. China markets are not the biggest, their economy and potential is.
And you think that Yuan is better currency that US dollars in terms of 'being more real' think again. Every Fiat is the same. Ruble is a thrash and because of the EU and US sanctions russian currency is in the worse state since many years. One point you got right, invest in gold, bitcoin, commodities and disregard FIAT.

This kind of debate is constructive... thanks. I am not saying the Ruble is a better currency... I am repeating what was said in the video... "note the ? after that sentence.. I am asking.

I have nothing against the USA.... They have some great people and I would rather support them, than fight against them. The problem is, they are making some terrible decisions and these decisions are

killing them from within. The war on terrorism is a losing battle, like the fight in Vietnam. The weapons of mass destruction was never found, but Billions of dollars got wasted in the show of power to defend against it.

When you go to a foreign country and bomb the shit out of them, and kill some innocent civilians in the process, you just make more enemies.

Do I have the perfect sollution.... No. Would I have done it differently.... for sure. How long are they going to fund a war, they cannot win, and how much is this going to cost them in the end?

Could that money have been spend to defend their country? Yes..... Help unemployment ... Yes... Improve the life of the people within their borders... Yes.

Lots of things are going wrong there now... and it's slowly turning into a police state, with loads of crime and poverty... Is that what they want to defend.   

Title: Re: Biggest Stock Market crash coming in 2016 - What advice do we have?
Post by: Possum577 on August 03, 2015, 06:46:09 AM
The Bears have been predicting this crash for a few years now, no?

What's the real reason this guy believes it will happen in 2016? Why will it take that long for the bottom to fall out?

I agree we're in for a pull back, we've been up and up for too long. However, this could be the effects of the Quantitative Easing being nearly halted last year. Growth is slow, but cautious...

If the market does fall out have some money in cash so you can buy in on the foundational companies, those that core to a working economy and have sound financials. A drop as your guy predicts is once in a lifetime and a fortune can be made on the return of all the sound companies that lose share price value as a consequence of he real break down in fundamentals.

Title: Re: Biggest Stock Market crash coming in 2016 - What advice do we have?
Post by: Dire on August 03, 2015, 07:35:50 AM
What is he really basing this on? Saying a stock market crash is coming is like saying bitcoin crash is coming. Usually all just speculation not really based on anything other than opinion./

Since 1913 the US Dollar has lost 98% of its value, that's one point. There are plenty of others you'll find if you research it. There are quite a few well respected analysts pointing out that the crash is inevitable too.

Every fiat currency has crashed 100% percent of the time in history.

Title: Re: Biggest Stock Market crash coming in 2016 - What advice do we have?
Post by: tokeweed on August 03, 2015, 07:48:07 AM
Actually the crash is coming this October because China.

Title: Re: Biggest Stock Market crash coming in 2016 - What advice do we have?
Post by: Kprawn on August 03, 2015, 08:22:00 AM
Some analysis has picked up that there is a 7 year cycle and the next 7 year cycle ends in 2016. {This is not from the vid in the first post}

Some pretty big names in the industry are predicting the same thing for next year, and they have even observed some banks preparing for it now.

Just search for "Economic collapse" in youtube and Google and get the details on this. I did not take any of it seriously, until I saw Robert's video on Youtube. I respect his opinion and the people who shares

his vision. I like people who think "outside the box" and not just what they see on CNN.  ;)

Title: Re: Biggest Stock Market crash coming in 2016 - What advice do we have?
Post by: Pab on August 03, 2015, 09:58:09 PM
 I also think that market crash will come,it was already very long pump driven by virtual money
during stock crash the best is cash,if you have cash than yu can invest at start of new pump cycle

Title: Re: Biggest Stock Market crash coming in 2016 - What advice do we have?
Post by: gadman2 on August 03, 2015, 10:10:22 PM
Go ahead and just tell me a few winning lottery ticket numbers while you're predicting the future.

Title: Re: Biggest Stock Market crash coming in 2016 - What advice do we have?
Post by: Meuh6879 on August 03, 2015, 10:23:43 PM
Actually the crash is coming this October because China.

no, this 15 september.

Title: Re: Biggest Stock Market crash coming in 2016 - What advice do we have?
Post by: EbookSeller on August 03, 2015, 11:02:05 PM

Title: Re: Biggest Stock Market crash coming in 2016 - What advice do we have?
Post by: tokeweed on August 04, 2015, 12:08:24 AM
Actually the crash is coming this October because China.

no, this 15 september.

Ah, missed by 15 days.

Title: Re: Biggest Stock Market crash coming in 2016 - What advice do we have?
Post by: jonald_fyookball on August 04, 2015, 12:58:12 AM
Don't have time to listen to Robert right now, but
the stock market may be overbought simply because
there are no other vehicles right now that give decent
returns with the low interest rates and all... when interest
rates rise, a lot of money may be liquidated.

i wouldn't worry too much about it.  stocks always
recover from crashes.  good buy opportunity too.

Title: Re: Biggest Stock Market crash coming in 2016 - What advice do we have?
Post by: icedemon on August 04, 2015, 01:38:51 AM
The stock market usually goes through a 7 year cycle. Since the last crash was in 2008, 2015 would be the next crash. It's usually in or at least around October. I've seen a lot of people say September of this year. If you look at history, that is when the signs show that the stock market is start to go down (the big guys start taking their money out). Then by October, everybody sees what's going on and the crash happens. I'm not saying it'll happen this October. I'm just looking at what I have seen the past couple of decades.

Title: Re: Biggest Stock Market crash coming in 2016 - What advice do we have?
Post by: Snorek on August 04, 2015, 01:44:54 AM
Internet is full of rumors like that and many economic celebrities and FUD spreaders are predicting Stock market collapse every year.
If you want o see yourself you just need to search youtube for a phrase: "stock collapse 2014''.
You can exchange 2014 for any year really and you'll see amount of bad predictions is overwhelming.

Title: Re: Biggest Stock Market crash coming in 2016 - What advice do we have?
Post by: mrbrt on August 04, 2015, 01:55:00 AM
I recently heard Jim Rogers on the Peak Prosperity podcast, and thought he had some reasonable predictions, in the broadest sense, as far as how things will play out.

Title: Re: Biggest Stock Market crash coming in 2016 - What advice do we have?
Post by: Kprawn on August 04, 2015, 08:26:59 AM
Let's just discuss this without getting personal. It's a possibility given the trend we have seen in the last couple of cycles and the world economy as a whole. The signs are there and we need to make preperations

for this, before it happens. Do you think people would see Bitcoin as a safe haven in such a scenario? We have seen some interest in Europe when the Greek fiasko was at it's peek.

Do you think the lower mineral price, have anything to do with this? It all started when the Chinese stock market declined and the need for these minerals declined too.

People might manipulate these markets in preparation for a cheaper run, when the stock markets starts to crash, and minerals like gold, become the safe haven again. It's all pure speculation, but we need to

think about these things.

Question : When the crash happens, will you run to gold / silver or rather buy Bitcoins?   

Title: Re: Biggest Stock Market crash coming in 2016 - What advice do we have?
Post by: thebenjamincode on August 04, 2015, 01:50:25 PM
in my opinion, if the stock market crashes then its one of the best time to buy stocks since its low. then wait for the time when it rises up again like what happened during the great depression

Title: Re: Biggest Stock Market crash coming in 2016 - What advice do we have?
Post by: meono on August 04, 2015, 03:56:34 PM
Robert Kiyosaki: Biggest Stock Market Crash in History Coming in 2016

He is saying, the things we are saying..... Cash is trash... A crash is coming... China already won the economic race.... America cannot keep on funding a war with fake money.

The Ruble is the current best performing fiat currency in the world?  :o

We all know, when the USA cough, the rest of the world gets a cold.... so it's already down with flu, and the rest of the world is going soon.

If I were you, I would start to stock up on something.... Gold / Silver / Bitcoin .....BUT not stocks and fiat. What advice do we have for a huge stock market crash?

Let's discuss this.... Robert is no fool, and we need to listen and prepare.  ;)

Edit : Let's not shoot the messenger... I am just creating a hypothetical situation based on what Robert said in the video to stimulate discussion on the subject.

Can we ignore the signs that everything is not well in the USA? This is something that can, and will happen... If not in 2016... but in the near future.

LOL are you even aware that Rich Dad is a scam? The fucker should have been jailed but thanks to the wonderful justice system we got here.

Title: Re: Biggest Stock Market crash coming in 2016 - What advice do we have?
Post by: Kprawn on August 05, 2015, 05:50:57 AM
Oh Please.... enlighten us with your knowledge. Rich Global LLC, one of the corporate arms Kiyosaki has done business under, filed for bankruptcy protection in August, after it was ordered to pay just under

$24 million to the Learning Annex and its chairman Bill Zanker. { corporate bankruptcy, not a personal bankruptcy } <--- a strategic business move.

The claim against that company is bogus and is motivated from pure greed on Bill Zanker's side. The thing about being rich, is everyone wants a piece of the pie... It's your task to protect it.

Once you think out side the box and you speak out openly against the government and the financial system, you will have a target posted on your back. It's only a question of time, before they start to

hunt you down, and attack your reputation.  ;)

Title: Re: Biggest Stock Market crash coming in 2016 - What advice do we have?
Post by: electerium on August 05, 2015, 06:12:13 AM
china won no economic race

they have a serious pollution issue
they have a serious water supply crisis (that will eventually lead to conflict once those countries downstream figure out china stole/diverted all the water)
they have a horrid infrastructure for city planning/highway
they are unbelievably rife with local government corruption

Title: Re: Biggest Stock Market crash coming in 2016 - What advice do we have?
Post by: MF Doom on August 05, 2015, 01:58:34 PM
kiyasaki is not the only one predicting this, for some reason a LOT of finance experts, economists are looking at the beginning of october as the time frame when this global depression will begin:

Their reasoning makes sense, the euro is in the process of failing, country by country.  The US has propped up the illusion that the USD is strong, thereby inflating stock values.

The one thing I dont know if I agree with is if people will "flock" to US stocks.  Sounds like the recent pushing down of gold/silver prices is a bear trap, and those may be the "safe haven" come october -> into 2016...

Title: Re: Biggest Stock Market crash coming in 2016 - What advice do we have?
Post by: Pk880058 on August 05, 2015, 02:57:06 PM
If stock market is gonna crash then I'll be cashing out of it and invest all my money in Bitcoin.

But maybe it's also just another scam or something like that.

Title: Re: Biggest Stock Market crash coming in 2016 - What advice do we have?
Post by: Snail2 on August 05, 2015, 02:58:01 PM
Great many economists and investment experts are predicted the coming stock market collapse. It's overbought and overinflated indeed, and the rest of the world economy (EU, China, Russia) is slowing down so sooner or later a correction surely going to happen. I'd say buying precious metals and bitcoin now, then cashing out during the collapse and buying stocks could be a good idea.

Title: Re: Biggest Stock Market crash coming in 2016 - What advice do we have?
Post by: MF Doom on August 05, 2015, 03:25:47 PM
Great many economists and investment experts are predicted the coming stock market collapse. It's overbought and overinflated indeed, and the rest of the world economy (EU, China, Russia) is slowing down so sooner or later a correction surely going to happen. I'd say buying precious metals and bitcoin now, then cashing out during the collapse and buying stocks could be a good idea.

Zerohedge has some good thoughts about buying gold:

I agree, its hard not to value gold (and even bitcoin) in terms of dollars, but if you are buying either of those you are essentially betting against fiat currency.  So you should take a long term perspective, and not get caught up in day-to-day price movement.

I think he makes a very solid point when he highlights te fact that gold/silver have held value for thousands of years while fiat currencies have come and gone many times.  I think btc also has more value than its current "worth" in terms of dollars.

Title: Re: Biggest Stock Market crash coming in 2016 - What advice do we have?
Post by: OROBTC on August 05, 2015, 03:54:11 PM

Exactly this kind of discussion is what everyone should be thinking about, but you never hear our politicians talking about our real problems of debt and insolvency.

The solution that works for me (and you hear this elsewhere) is diversification.  Members here (as well as Zero Hedge) seem to be at least somewhat into gold, and especially into Bitcoin (here at bitcointalk).

There is nothing wrong with holding shares, nothing wrong with real estate.  But hold other assets too.  Avoid debt.

Title: Re: Biggest Stock Market crash coming in 2016 - What advice do we have?
Post by: eternalgloom on August 05, 2015, 04:08:42 PM
I agree that a crash is not out of the question, but I think there is also quite a bit of fear-mongering in play.

There still are relatively safe investments out there and gotta diversify your investments anyway...

Title: Re: Biggest Stock Market crash coming in 2016 - What advice do we have?
Post by: MF Doom on August 10, 2015, 05:08:19 PM
I agree that a crash is not out of the question, but I think there is also quite a bit of fear-mongering in play.

There still are relatively safe investments out there and gotta diversify your investments anyway...

That is a big problem, it's hard to see through the "doom & gloom" that gets repeated over and over about how a crash is "imminent".

The thing is the same people predicting a crash now, were predicting the same thing last year, and the year before, and the year before...

And the ones who have "correctly" predicted crashes in the past, well maybe they did.  But what about all their failed predictions?  How long did they "predict" something like this before it actually happened?  Anyone could say "we have a market crash coming in soon!"  and if they say it long enough, eventually they'll be right.

Title: Re: Biggest Stock Market crash coming in 2016 - What advice do we have?
Post by: Harry Hood on August 10, 2015, 06:42:06 PM
What is he really basing this on? Saying a stock market crash is coming is like saying bitcoin crash is coming. Usually all just speculation not really based on anything other than opinion./

Since 1913 the US Dollar has lost 98% of its value, that's one point. There are plenty of others you'll find if you research it. There are quite a few well respected analysts pointing out that the crash is inevitable too.

Every fiat currency has crashed 100% percent of the time in history.

So a crash represents a correction to that loss of value, yes? The price of stocks go down, the dollar can buy more shares of stock, therefore the dollar is stronger compared to the stock price...shouldn't we be celebrating a pending stock market crash!!!!????

It depends on where you keep your money - if you keep your money in the US Dollar, then yes value has been eroded and a stock market crash represents a buying  opportunity for stocks. If you keep your money in US stocks, then you've been making boat loads of money, despite the crashes for over a century!

Title: Re: Biggest Stock Market crash coming in 2016 - What advice do we have?
Post by: OROBTC on August 11, 2015, 04:39:08 PM

After yesterday's big run-up in stocks, we are down hard today after the Chinese Yuan Devaluation.

It is too soon to really understand how the devaluation fits in (lots of variables in that equation), but it pretty much kills the idea of the Yuan becoming part of the SDR.

The Autumn is typically a dangerous time to be a bull in stocks.  I have been lightening up (but have been for 15 + years).

Some indicators (particularly commodity prices) are pointing to recession soon!

CA$H (in your hand/under the mattress -- NOT in the bank), gold, Bitcoin are all good diversification.  Buy what you feel comfortable at.

Title: Re: Biggest Stock Market crash coming in 2016 - What advice do we have?
Post by: dothebeats on August 11, 2015, 05:25:02 PM

Exactly this kind of discussion is what everyone should be thinking about, but you never hear our politicians talking about our real problems of debt and insolvency.

The solution that works for me (and you hear this elsewhere) is diversification.  Members here (as well as Zero Hedge) seem to be at least somewhat into gold, and especially into Bitcoin (here at bitcointalk).

There is nothing wrong with holding shares, nothing wrong with real estate.  But hold other assets too.  Avoid debt.

True. Play with many assets at once and do not let your money sitting in a single asset that is very prone to crashes. Real estate and precious metals seems the way to go at this point in time, also bitcoin. If the stocks reached its bottom, buy back in and let the market do the rest.

Title: Re: Biggest Stock Market crash coming in 2016 - What advice do we have?
Post by: Kprawn on August 25, 2015, 03:05:35 PM
Could this be the beginning of the prediction made by Robert? We have seen some huge indicators that everything is not square in the Stock Markets around the world.

The oil price is also crazy and manipulation in this is also feeding the demise of the world markets.

The Bitcoin price should have spiked during this time, but it's going the wrong way... Our timing and luck is playing against us for this whole fork fiasco.

Let's just hope sanity would prevail and people would back off and give Bitcoin an opportunity to breath in this unstable stock market crisis... a Bitcoin price of $400 - $500 is

within our reach for this year, if this fork can just go away...  ::)   

Title: Re: Biggest Stock Market crash coming in 2016 - What advice do we have?
Post by: LiteCoinGuy on August 25, 2015, 05:17:47 PM
that crash is coming since 6 years  ::)  - buddy, nobody can predict that.

Title: Re: Biggest Stock Market crash coming in 2016 - What advice do we have?
Post by: OROBTC on September 04, 2015, 03:28:26 AM
that crash is coming since 6 years  ::)  - buddy, nobody can predict that.

Since many of the purportedly "smartest brains" (those who got good grades at Harvard Business School, Princeton and Wharton for example) are always wrong about making such predictions, my predictions would likely be worth even less.*  And most of even them saying that timing is the hardest part.

[Ahh, I have been bearish since Jimmy Carter.  Is that a record?  Fortunately I did NOT have the courage of my convictions through the decades.]

* Except for diversification, almost always the smart choice.

Title: Re: Biggest Stock Market crash coming in 2016 - What advice do we have?
Post by: dopecoindude on September 04, 2015, 03:31:16 AM
Actually the crash is coming this October because China.

no, this 15 september.

Ah, missed by 15 days.

Yes, this sept. 15th.

Take a moment invest in Cannabis/DOPEcoin and Bitcoin  ;D

Title: Re: Biggest Stock Market crash coming in 2016 - What advice do we have?
Post by: Possum577 on September 04, 2015, 04:41:24 AM
People have been talking about a crash for years...and guess what....they're right! A crash is coming, one always does...what goes up must come down (a little bit), a correction.

A crash does not mean that everything ceases to exist the next day. If you have time to stay in the market then you should look at a crash as a time to buy the good stuff at a discount. If you don't have time come back from a correction you shouldn't have much in the market to begin with.

By the way, the only rationale that says the Russian Ruble is the best performing currency right now is because the Ruble has stayed stable (no movement, because Russia barely has a global economy) while other currencies have seen recession. It doesn't mean the ruble is strong or performing...

Title: Re: Biggest Stock Market crash coming in 2016 - What advice do we have?
Post by: RustyNomad on September 04, 2015, 04:54:07 AM
There is most definitely a crash or a very big correction on its way but I personally think that many bears are going to be taken to the slaughter house before then.

Most central banks will go all in as soon as the house of cards starts to tumble leading to the mother of all QE's which I think is going to push the markets to sky high limits. Once we get there we will see a major correction and depending on the levels of panic, maybe the crash everybody is waiting for.

But as said, don't expect it to just start dropping, we need that last major pump before the big dump.

Personally I'm keeping as much as possible in cash, physical gold and of course bitcoin. Just wish I could accumulate all of those at a much faster rate, don't we all  ;D

Title: Re: Biggest Stock Market crash coming in 2016 - What advice do we have?
Post by: LiteCoinGuy on September 04, 2015, 05:48:33 AM
most definitely a big crash will occur but noone knows when this will happen. and it will not happen on the "16. september"


Title: Re: Biggest Stock Market crash coming in 2016 - What advice do we have?
Post by: nagatlakshmi on September 04, 2015, 05:53:48 AM
A stock market crash can be the result of major catastrophic events, economic crisis or the collapse of a long-term speculative bubble. At the same time it is the best opportunity to investing - even they are stocks or Bitcoin).

Title: Re: Biggest Stock Market crash coming in 2016 - What advice do we have?
Post by: Kakmakr on September 04, 2015, 06:09:04 AM
Well the OP is talking about Robert Kiyosaki and he is launching a online event about this subject on the 17th of September 2015 to discuss this.

It might be interesting to hear what they have to say and if it is just another publicity stunt to make more money. I normally take something with a pinch of salt, but the latest stock market crashes has triggered the red flags.

Title: Re: Biggest Stock Market crash coming in 2016 - What advice do we have?
Post by: S4VV4S on September 04, 2015, 09:56:06 AM

Personally I'm keeping as much as possible in cash, physical gold and of course bitcoin. Just wish I could accumulate all of those at a much faster rate, don't we all  ;D

Same here, but I am not sure about the market crash.
We have heard about that before but it didn't really happen.
It's just a different date everytime this comes up.