Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Altcoin Discussion => Topic started by: crypto jerk on August 09, 2015, 03:48:45 PM

Title: Who wants to fork ethereum?
Post by: crypto jerk on August 09, 2015, 03:48:45 PM
Let's ignore ibm, they can fuck off.

Just as bytecoin was horribly premined and resulted in monero fork so should we the crypto community fork ethereum .

Title: Re: Who wants to fork ethereum?
Post by: sofu on August 09, 2015, 03:52:17 PM
Don't forget to make a GUI wallet when you fork it  :D

Title: Re: Who wants to fork ethereum?
Post by: Snail2 on August 09, 2015, 04:04:04 PM
Don't forget to make a GUI wallet when you fork it  :D

That's the problem I guess. Most cloners here are not that good on programming, and writing a user friendly GUI from scratch could be an issue even for the more advanced cloners :). But heads up, we will see plenty of "This will surpass bitcoin, jump into the IPO for getting rich instantly" type clones in one or two months.

Title: Re: Who wants to fork ethereum?
Post by: OBAViJEST on August 09, 2015, 04:09:09 PM
I heard some groups are already working on a fork....not much other info though :(

Title: Re: Who wants to fork ethereum?
Post by: Snail2 on August 09, 2015, 04:23:45 PM
I heard some groups are already working on a fork....not much other info though :(

Aethereum was an idea to fork it, but it seems to be dead: ( Perhaps now, as the first more or less stable version is out they will start working on it.

Title: Re: Who wants to fork ethereum?
Post by: tvv on August 10, 2015, 01:28:32 AM
Just as bytecoin was horribly premined and resulted in monero fork so should we the crypto community fork ethereum .

premine paзвe являeтcя пpoблeмoй? ;)
(пpoблeмa в тoм, чтo oчeнь мaлый пpoцeнт людeй пoнимaeт этo - a бoлee мaccoвыe вaлюты бoлee цeнныe, coглacнo фopмyлe "ceтeвoгo эффeктa" цeннocть pacтeт квaдpaтичнo oт чиcлa людeй, пoэтoмy бoлee мaccoвыe вaлюты пoбeдят и вытecнят мeнee мaccoвыe, дaжe ecли тe бyдyт "бoлee пpaвильными"!)

Я дyмaю, cтoит paди экcпepимeнтa выпycтить cepию пoxoжиx фopкoв c paзличнoй дoлeй premine - чтoбы oпpeдeлить oптимaльнyю дoлю premine...
(premine инoгдa пoзвoляeт финaнcиpoвaть paзвитиe, нaпpимep, peклaмныe кoмпaнии и development)


Title: Re: Who wants to fork ethereum?
Post by: ArticMine on August 10, 2015, 01:38:23 AM
Just as bytecoin was horribly premined and resulted in monero fork so should we the crypto community fork ethereum .

premine paзвe являeтcя пpoблeмoй? ;)
(пpoблeмa в тoм, чтo oчeнь мaлый пpoцeнт людeй пoнимaeт этo - a бoлee мaccoвыe вaлюты бoлee цeнныe, coглacнo фopмyлe "ceтeвoгo эффeктa" цeннocть pacтeт квaдpaтичнo oт чиcлa людeй, пoэтoмy бoлee мaccoвыe вaлюты пoбeдят и вытecнят мeнee мaccoвыe, дaжe ecли тe бyдyт "бoлee пpaвильными"!)

Я дyмaю, cтoит paди экcпepимeнтa выпycтить cepию пoxoжиx фopкoв c paзличнoй дoлeй premine - чтoбы oпpeдeлить oптимaльнyю дoлю premine...
(premine инoгдa пoзвoляeт финaнcиpoвaть paзвитиe, нaпpимep, peклaмныe кoмпaнии и development)


You are forgetting for starters about regulatory risk a la Ripple on each of your pre mined forks. It works out at 750,000 USD per fork for the Ripple Labs US Government agreement. That is just one regulator there are many more around the world. This can get very expensive very fast.

Title: Re: Who wants to fork ethereum?
Post by: monsanto on August 10, 2015, 01:41:06 AM
Don't forget to make a GUI wallet when you fork it  :D

Or wait for the ethereum one and copy that too  ;D

Title: Re: Who wants to fork ethereum?
Post by: tvv on August 10, 2015, 02:23:36 AM
You are forgetting for starters about regulatory risk a la Ripple on each of your pre mined forks. It works out at 750,000 USD per fork for the Ripple Labs US Government agreement. That is just one regulator there are many more around the world. This can get very expensive very fast.

oт peгyлятopoв oтличнo cпacaют aнoнимaйзepы - дaвнo пpoвepeнный вapиaнт ;)

Title: Re: Who wants to fork ethereum?
Post by: ArticMine on August 10, 2015, 03:06:18 AM
You are forgetting for starters about regulatory risk a la Ripple on each of your pre mined forks. It works out at 750,000 USD per fork for the Ripple Labs US Government agreement. That is just one regulator there are many more around the world. This can get very expensive very fast.

oт peгyлятopoв oтличнo cпacaют aнoнимaйзepы - дaвнo пpoвepeнный вapиaнт ;)

A much better solution is to not have a premine
1) Regulators leave you alone
2) The Anonymity without a premine then becomes very strong, An anonymous coin with a substantial premine can be trivial for a regulator to break wide open. The regulators first find the holders of the premine. All the regulators then need to do is apply rubber hose cryptoanalysis to the holders of the premine.

Title: Re: Who wants to fork ethereum?
Post by: fartbags on August 10, 2015, 05:44:24 AM

Ethereum is pretty sweet. Why hasn't anyone clones it yet? Isn't it just switching a few variables and boom a new coin?

Title: Re: Who wants to fork ethereum?
Post by: HCLivess on August 10, 2015, 08:39:52 AM

Ethereum is pretty sweet. Why hasn't anyone clones it yet? Isn't it just switching a few variables and boom a new coin?

people too lazy these days

Title: Re: Who wants to fork ethereum?
Post by: crypto jerk on August 12, 2015, 03:00:42 PM
I've got a great name for an ethereum fork


ha ha ha ha ha

Frontier comes with NO PREMINE, a finite number of tokens, and a proper launch that doesn't allow insiders to trade first.

Title: Re: Who wants to fork ethereum?
Post by: solid12345 on August 12, 2015, 03:09:03 PM
Don't worry we're working on it

Title: Re: Who wants to fork ethereum?
Post by: Robin,Hood on August 12, 2015, 03:31:52 PM
Don't worry we're working on it
Christmas coming early.

Instead of using a different mining reward why not use the same.
Electively the same chain but cut out the ICO crap. So 60 (70) million less supply to start with.
More or less taking over the coin.

Title: Re: Who wants to fork ethereum?
Post by: stoat on August 12, 2015, 03:45:43 PM
Come back when you've got more than that shitty logo.

Trying to kill ethereum the same way you tried to kill Bitcoin with your copycat antics won't work. 

Thanks for the tribute though. It shows how shook you all are by ETH.

Title: Re: Who wants to fork ethereum?
Post by: Snail2 on August 12, 2015, 04:02:49 PM
Come back when you've got more than that shitty logo.

Trying to kill ethereum the same way you tried to kill Bitcoin with your copycat antics won't work. 

Thanks for the tribute though. It shows how shook you all are by ETH.

I think no one trying to kill ETH. Actually these guys like it... just want to eliminate a few controversial things like premine, ICO, insider trading, etc. :). Even ETH can profit from a little bit of parallel development and competition.

Title: Re: Who wants to fork ethereum?
Post by: CryptoClub on August 12, 2015, 04:03:51 PM
Come back when you've got more than that shitty logo.

Trying to kill ethereum the same way you tried to kill Bitcoin with your copycat antics won't work. 

Thanks for the tribute though. It shows how shook you all are by ETH.

I think Ethereum is great and I own and trade it. The build has already been made and some skilled people are joining the team. Perhaps something innovative can come from variations based on ETH that they could use, who knows? Why the bizarre assumptions? We love Bitcoin, Ethereum, and cryptos in general.

Title: Re: Who wants to fork ethereum?
Post by: americanpegasus on August 12, 2015, 08:18:28 PM
Let's ignore ibm, they can fuck off.

Just as bytecoin was horribly premined and resulted in monero fork so should we the crypto community fork ethereum .

People have been expecting Pegasus "Coin" for some time. 
You have my permission to use the Pegasus brand name if you create a fairly launched, zero premine version of Ethereum with open development. 
I'll even give permission to use my logo: 
I think that the Ethereum technology has a lot of promise, but the way it was rolled out kills its future.  I'd love to be involved with a fair relaunch with a future.

Title: Re: Who wants to fork ethereum?
Post by: stoat on August 12, 2015, 08:24:09 PM
Nice opinion, do you have facts to back that up?

Title: Re: Who wants to fork ethereum?
Post by: contraband on August 12, 2015, 10:59:26 PM
Come back when you've got more than that shitty logo.

Trying to kill ethereum the same way you tried to kill Bitcoin with your copycat antics won't work. 

Thanks for the tribute though. It shows how shook you all are by ETH.

I think Ethereum is great and I own and trade it. The build has already been made and some skilled people are joining the team. Perhaps something innovative can come from variations based on ETH that they could use, who knows? Why the bizarre assumptions? We love Bitcoin, Ethereum, and cryptos in general.

Yeah, why are they saying Expanse is out to hurt Ethereum??

Where did that come from?

And please elaborate on the instances which took place that brought about the charge of attempting to hurt BTC as well.

I'm not expecting any meaningful answers based in truth, but I thought I would ask just to make sure lol

Title: Re: Who wants to fork ethereum?
Post by: dfd1 on March 24, 2017, 09:24:26 PM
I think something like PIVX on ethereum codebase would be a great idea. POS and without horrible premine.