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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: bryant.coleman on August 15, 2015, 05:52:58 AM

Title: Turkey blocks return of bodies of Kurds killed fighting IS
Post by: bryant.coleman on August 15, 2015, 05:52:58 AM

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has recently signed a presidential decree, banning the return of bodies belonging to the dead Kurdish fighters, who got martyred while fighting the ISIS in Syria. Now the Kurds can't bury their loved ones in Turkey. But at the same time, no such restriction is applicable for the dead Turkish members of the ISIS. 

Title: Re: Turkey blocks return of bodies of Kurds killed fighting IS
Post by: OBAViJEST on August 15, 2015, 05:58:44 AM
Turkey has been supporting terrorism in Syria on many fronts - not only going Armenia 2.0 on the Kurds around Hasakah governorate, but looting Aleppo (especially the Industrial District of Sheikh Najjar ( and bombarding the coastal city of Latakia ( (also home to a large Armenian population).


Title: Re: Turkey blocks return of bodies of Kurds killed fighting IS
Post by: mindrust on August 15, 2015, 06:05:54 AM
Well, they were fighting against IS but their brothers from the same organisation were also fighting againts Turkey. Read some news everyday 3-4 officers/police dying because of Kurdish terrorists.

Let's see what we got here;


ISIS = TERRORIST - not even negotiable

KURDS = TERRORISTS - definietly true. they harm only Turkish people for now tho. So faggot westerns don't want to call them terrorists. Wait until they f**k up your civizilation too noobs.

Title: Re: Turkey blocks return of bodies of Kurds killed fighting IS
Post by: bryant.coleman on August 15, 2015, 06:54:58 AM
KURDS = TERRORISTS - definietly true. they harm only Turkish people for now tho. So faggot westerns don't want to call them terrorists. Wait until they f**k up your civizilation too noobs.

Everything will be fine, if the Turks respect the Kurds, and allow the usage of the Kurdish language and the observance of the Kurdish customs. The Turks are trying to do to the Kurds what they did to the Armenians, Greeks, and the Assyrians exactly 100 years ago. But this time, it is not going to work. If someone becomes a faggot for just refusing to brand the Kurds as terrorist, then so be it.

Title: Re: Turkey blocks return of bodies of Kurds killed fighting IS
Post by: mindrust on August 15, 2015, 08:01:38 AM
KURDS = TERRORISTS - definietly true. they harm only Turkish people for now tho. So faggot westerns don't want to call them terrorists. Wait until they f**k up your civizilation too noobs.

Everything will be fine, if the Turks respect the Kurds, and allow the usage of the Kurdish language and the observance of the Kurdish customs. The Turks are trying to do to the Kurds what they did to the Armenians, Greeks, and the Assyrians exactly 100 years ago. But this time, it is not going to work. If someone becomes a faggot for just refusing to brand the Kurds as terrorist, then so be it.

You are wrong. Every kurd in Turkey can speak kurdish freely. Nobody tells them not to. You don't even know what they want from Turkey. They dont want be independent completely. They want Turkish government to help them (money, substructures, electric lines etc), but also they want to rule the land and dont want Turkish people to interfere. How is this going to work?

If Turkey completely leaves the land today with everything they got, Kurds will die in their own shit. They dont want that.

Title: Re: Turkey blocks return of bodies of Kurds killed fighting IS
Post by: bryant.coleman on August 15, 2015, 08:19:44 AM
You are wrong. Every kurd in Turkey can speak kurdish freely.

"Linguicide" or "Linguistic genocide" has been the official policy of the Republican Turkey towards its Kurdish citizens, ever since its establishment in 1923.

In Turkey, the only language of instruction in the education system is Turkish. There is a ban on the usage of the Kurdish language in public places, government offices and schools. Special boarding schools were established in Kurdish areas, to isolate Kurdish children from their parents and to make them forget their mother tongue.

In 1994, Leyla Zana was sentenced to 15 years in jail, for using Kurdish in the parliament.

Title: Re: Turkey blocks return of bodies of Kurds killed fighting IS
Post by: mindrust on August 15, 2015, 08:34:48 AM
Yeah i don't support that, So this gave them  rights to kill the civillians and police? Is that what you're saying?

Btw check this out too;

"The military alliance NATO has declared the PKK to be a terrorist group;[133]"

Title: Re: Turkey blocks return of bodies of Kurds killed fighting IS
Post by: andysbizz on August 15, 2015, 11:16:17 AM

You are wrong. Every kurd in Turkey can speak kurdish freely.

He can speak the Kurdish language is not an official language in Turkey

Title: Re: Turkey blocks return of bodies of Kurds killed fighting IS
Post by: mindrust on August 15, 2015, 01:53:21 PM

You are wrong. Every kurd in Turkey can speak kurdish freely.

He can speak the Kurdish language is not an official language in Turkey

Because majority doesn't want that. That's called democracy. Now kurdish party is in the parliament, they may offer kurdish language to be the 2nd official language. If its accepted by the parliament than it is okay, if not it's okay too. Thats democracy isnt it?

Title: Re: Turkey blocks return of bodies of Kurds killed fighting IS
Post by: OBAViJEST on August 15, 2015, 03:34:00 PM
Yeah i don't support that, So this gave them  rights to kill the civillians and police? Is that what you're saying?

Btw check this out too;

"The military alliance NATO has declared the PKK to be a terrorist group;[133]"

NATO is the largest terrorist group of them all.

Groups are oftentimes designated as 'terrorists' for mere geopolitical strategy - look who just got cleared of their designation as terrorists:

Title: Re: Turkey blocks return of bodies of Kurds killed fighting IS
Post by: bryant.coleman on August 15, 2015, 05:08:59 PM
Because majority doesn't want that. That's called democracy.

No. That is NOT democracy. Even the oppressive China is allowing the usage of dozens of minority languages (including Uighur, Yii, Zhuang, Korean, and Mongol) in schools and government offices. They have recognized these languages as "minority languages". This is called democracy. Banning minority languages, just because the majority is against their usage is not democracy.

Title: Re: Turkey blocks return of bodies of Kurds killed fighting IS
Post by: Sourgummies on August 15, 2015, 09:58:44 PM
Turkey joined the fight on Isis by first bombing Kurdish strongpoints.  So this is no shock and its to bad they can not come to a agreement that would suffice for both sides but the Kurds are definitely using this battler to claw out their own Country.

Title: Re: Turkey blocks return of bodies of Kurds killed fighting IS
Post by: mindrust on August 16, 2015, 07:15:58 AM
Still i haven't heard a single sensible answer to explain that kurds are not terrorists. ( you know i dont mean all kurds, only pkk followers)

If you are not going to say something about this then don't say anything at all.

Terrorists have no rights to live. End of the story.

Title: Re: Turkey blocks return of bodies of Kurds killed fighting IS
Post by: bryant.coleman on August 16, 2015, 07:31:52 AM
Still i haven't heard a single sensible answer to explain that kurds are not terrorists. ( you know i dont mean all kurds, only pkk followers)

Your xenophobia and arrogance is quite evident. First you post that all the Kurds are terrorist. Then you claim that you meant just the PKK guys and not the remaining Kurds. Terrorists are not born all of a sudden. There will be some solid reason behind their emergence. And I am not willing to brand PKK as a terrorist organization. They are fighting for their human rights. First, you Turks start treating Kurds as fellow human beings. After that we can talk about exterminating the PKK.

Title: Re: Turkey blocks return of bodies of Kurds killed fighting IS
Post by: mindrust on August 16, 2015, 07:43:42 AM
Still i haven't heard a single sensible answer to explain that kurds are not terrorists. ( you know i dont mean all kurds, only pkk followers)

Your xenophobia and arrogance is quite evident. First you post that all the Kurds are terrorist. Then you claim that you meant just the PKK guys and not the remaining Kurds. Terrorists are not born all of a sudden. There will be some solid reason behind their emergence. And I am not willing to brand PKK as a terrorist organization. They are fighting for their human rights. First, you Turks start treating Kurds as fellow human beings. After that we can talk about exterminating the PKK.

Nice to meet you, i can Gladly brand you as terrorist supporter now. Have a nice day.

Title: Re: Turkey blocks return of bodies of Kurds killed fighting IS
Post by: leps on August 16, 2015, 08:00:18 AM
im 28 years old now and when im in my 10s i had dizens of kurd friends that talks kurdush freely among them but now half of em joined to PKK for "freedom".
This is just shiting the plate which you are eating food.

Title: Re: Turkey blocks return of bodies of Kurds killed fighting IS
Post by: bryant.coleman on August 16, 2015, 09:12:00 AM
This is just shiting the plate which you are eating food.

No. It is not. Ethnic Turks are having an illusion that all of Turkey is ethnic Turk homeland. It is not. Historically, a large number of ethnic groups have lived in the Anatolian peninsula, including the Greeks, Assyrians, Kurds, and the Armenians. Most of the Christian groups were exterminated by the Turks during the 1915-1918 period. The Kurds escaped extermination. But that doesn't mean that the Turks can now exterminate them and occupy the lands which were historically occupied by the Kurds.

BTW... what is your opinion about the ethnic Turks who are living in other parts of the world such as Bulgaria and Germany? Should they be prohibited from speaking their language and deported to Turkey?

Title: Re: Turkey blocks return of bodies of Kurds killed fighting IS
Post by: ingiltere on August 16, 2015, 11:55:18 AM
Erdogan government is behind terrorist organisation ISIS for a long time. They help ISIS privately, everybody in Turkey know that fact. This news is not surprising for anyone.

Because majority doesn't want that. That's called democracy. Now kurdish party is in the parliament, they may offer kurdish language to be the 2nd official language. If its accepted by the parliament than it is okay, if not it's okay too. Thats democracy isnt it?

Government have to protect minority rights, but that's not a democratic way. I can't see this being happened in a short time.

KURDS = TERRORISTS - definietly true. they harm only Turkish people for now tho. So faggot westerns don't want to call them terrorists. Wait until they f**k up your civizilation too noobs.

You can't blame and label a whole nation as terrorists. That's fascism.

Title: Re: Turkey blocks return of bodies of Kurds killed fighting IS
Post by: mindrust on August 16, 2015, 12:19:13 PM
Erdogan government is behind terrorist organisation ISIS for a long time. They help ISIS privately, everybody in Turkey know that fact. This news is not surprising for anyone.

Because majority doesn't want that. That's called democracy. Now kurdish party is in the parliament, they may offer kurdish language to be the 2nd official language. If its accepted by the parliament than it is okay, if not it's okay too. Thats democracy isnt it?

Government have to protect minority rights, but that's not a democratic way. I can't see this being happened in a short time.

KURDS = TERRORISTS - definietly true. they harm only Turkish people for now tho. So faggot westerns don't want to call them terrorists. Wait until they f**k up your civizilation too noobs.

You can't blame and label a whole nation as terrorists. That's fascism.

I don't. I said only "pkk followers" lately. On the other hand most kurds follow PKK, so... you get where i am going?

Title: Re: Turkey blocks return of bodies of Kurds killed fighting IS
Post by: leps on August 16, 2015, 12:29:56 PM

BTW... what is your opinion about the ethnic Turks who are living in other parts of the world such as Bulgaria and Germany? Should they be prohibited from speaking their language and deported to Turkey?

Yes if they start to kill people for their "freedom".
Kurds or armenians arent the only ethnic groups lives  in Turkey. But now we are buring daily 4-5 soldiers who died while fighting them or they get ambushed by them so why is it wrong to not let their bodies in our country.

Title: Re: Turkey blocks return of bodies of Kurds killed fighting IS
Post by: bryant.coleman on August 16, 2015, 01:25:54 PM
KURDS = TERRORISTS - definietly true. they harm only Turkish people for now tho. So faggot westerns don't want to call them terrorists. Wait until they f**k up your civizilation too noobs.

You can't blame and label a whole nation as terrorists. That's fascism.

I don't. I said only "pkk followers" lately. On the other hand most kurds follow PKK, so... you get where i am going?

Whom you are trying to fool?

You had earlier posted KURDS = TERRORISTS.

If you had actually meant to say that the PKK are terrorist, then you should have typed PKK = TERRORISTS. Do you think that those who take part in the discussions here are having IQ <60? Or do you have problems with English comprehension?

Admit it. You are having issued with Kurds, and not with the PKK.

Title: Re: Turkey blocks return of bodies of Kurds killed fighting IS
Post by: OBAViJEST on August 16, 2015, 01:57:45 PM
KURDS = TERRORISTS - definietly true. they harm only Turkish people for now tho. So faggot westerns don't want to call them terrorists. Wait until they f**k up your civizilation too noobs.

You can't blame and label a whole nation as terrorists. That's fascism.

I don't. I said only "pkk followers" lately. On the other hand most kurds follow PKK, so... you get where i am going?

Whom you are trying to fool?

You had earlier posted KURDS = TERRORISTS.

If you had actually meant to say that the PKK are terrorist, then you should have typed PKK = TERRORISTS. Do you think that those who take part in the discussions here are having IQ <60? Or do you have problems with English comprehension?

Admit it. You are having issued with Kurds, and not with the PKK.

Dude...just give it up and save yourself the time, if anything else ;) He obviously has problems with English comprehension, on top of a significant logic and reasoning deficiencies.  He truly cannot fathom why the Kurds (and those whom support Kurds) despise the Turkish government...maybe the inability to read is the reason he refuses to admit the genocidal past of his country?  But who am I to talk, I'm a faggot westerner whose country can't defend themselves against a couple DsHK-mounted pickup trucks and AK47s...

Title: Re: Turkey blocks return of bodies of Kurds killed fighting IS
Post by: ingiltere on August 16, 2015, 02:57:07 PM
He has average Turkish mind. They hate Kurds but they never accept they are fascists. That's typical in Turkey, %65 of the population think like this. Liberals, leftists, anarchists and even social democrats are minority here. That's why our country never get bigger in any area from economics to international relations.

Title: Re: Turkey blocks return of bodies of Kurds killed fighting IS
Post by: mindrust on August 16, 2015, 05:50:15 PM
KURDS = TERRORISTS - definietly true. they harm only Turkish people for now tho. So faggot westerns don't want to call them terrorists. Wait until they f**k up your civizilation too noobs.

You can't blame and label a whole nation as terrorists. That's fascism.

I don't. I said only "pkk followers" lately. On the other hand most kurds follow PKK, so... you get where i am going?

Whom you are trying to fool?

You had earlier posted KURDS = TERRORISTS.

If you had actually meant to say that the PKK are terrorist, then you should have typed PKK = TERRORISTS. Do you think that those who take part in the discussions here are having IQ <60? Or do you have problems with English comprehension?

Admit it. You are having issued with Kurds, and not with the PKK.

Nope. You admit you support terrorists first.

I am not against kurds, i am against PKK and who follows them. It is clear since the beginning. Stop manipulating.

If you support PKK terrorists you are as terrorist as ISIS supporters. Admit it.

Title: Re: Turkey blocks return of bodies of Kurds killed fighting IS
Post by: OBAViJEST on August 16, 2015, 06:56:20 PM

If you support PKK terrorists you are as terrorist as ISIS supporters. Admit it.


You just went full retard dude..aren't you Turkish?

You realize Turkey supports ISIS, and allows them to cross their borders?

Turkey blocked their border at Rojava, preventing kurdish civilians from escaping conflict, while ISIS cornered them against the border.

Turkey supports ISIS terrorists, who are destabilizing Syria - in the same fashion they supported Muslim brotherhood in the 1980s (who failed at destabilizing syria)

Do you even read history books?

Title: Re: Turkey blocks return of bodies of Kurds killed fighting IS
Post by: mindrust on August 16, 2015, 10:21:12 PM

If you support PKK terrorists you are as terrorist as ISIS supporters. Admit it.


You just went full retard dude..aren't you Turkish?

You realize Turkey supports ISIS, and allows them to cross their borders?

Turkey blocked their border at Rojava, preventing kurdish civilians from escaping conflict, while ISIS cornered them against the border.

Turkey supports ISIS terrorists, who are destabilizing Syria - in the same fashion they supported Muslim brotherhood in the 1980s (who failed at destabilizing syria)

Do you even read history books?

Turkey is not supporting ISIS, Erdogan and his supporters do. Anyone with a brain can see whos the retard here.

If you can kill/murder/jail Erdogan i will gladly help you. Now stfu you two-faced piece of terrorist supporter :)


Btw; Erdogan is the product of faggot westerners. They supported him to win the elections 14 years ago and now they are not pleased with him. You bring all this shit to middleeast and now you ll pay the price.

Arabs and Kurds will invade the whole world.


Title: Re: Turkey blocks return of bodies of Kurds killed fighting IS
Post by: ingiltere on August 17, 2015, 08:11:15 AM
Arabs and Kurds will invade the whole world.

LOL. I literally laughed hard on that part. :D :D

15-20 years later we won't see any rich Arabs, when they waste all their oil money.
Kurds will probably build a new country with USA support inside the Syria/Iraq borders.

Title: Re: Turkey blocks return of bodies of Kurds killed fighting IS
Post by: redhack on August 17, 2015, 01:40:18 PM
RTE think that he can do whatever he want. His time is up!

Title: Re: Turkey blocks return of bodies of Kurds killed fighting IS
Post by: mindrust on August 19, 2015, 08:51:36 AM
Arabs and Kurds will invade the whole world.

LOL. I literally laughed hard on that part. :D :D

15-20 years later we won't see any rich Arabs, when they waste all their oil money.
Kurds will probably build a new country with USA support inside the Syria/Iraq borders.

This is how Kos Island of Greece looks like today. When i say "they will invade the world", I mean it.

I don't see anything to laugh here. This shit doesn't look funny at all, looks more like an armageddon to me.

Do you want to see this sight in all Europe? I guess not, well guess what? That is the exact thing going to happen! (like happened in Turkey)

Title: Re: Turkey blocks return of bodies of Kurds killed fighting IS
Post by: ingiltere on August 20, 2015, 07:50:42 AM

This is how Kos Island of Greece looks like today. When i say "they will invade the world", I mean it.

I don't see anything to laugh here. This shit doesn't look funny at all, looks more like an armageddon to me.

Do you want to see this sight in all Europe? I guess not, well guess what? That is the exact thing going to happen! (like happened in Turkey)

This is because the world has not balanced income distribution. If you stop poverty they don't go to Europe.

Title: Re: Turkey blocks return of bodies of Kurds killed fighting IS
Post by: onurakkas on August 20, 2015, 06:16:45 PM
if you dont want to see this scene then you should stop this flow. when i say ''you'' it means you and your country. we dont like these people and dont want to see them in our counrty. but there is nothing we can do. if you have any idea tell us. @mindrust

Title: Re: Turkey blocks return of bodies of Kurds killed fighting IS
Post by: mindrust on August 20, 2015, 06:20:51 PM
if you dont want to see this scene then you should stop this flow. when i say ''you'' it means you and your country. we dont like these people and dont want to see them in our counrty. but there is nothing we can do. if you have any idea tell us. @mindrust

We kill the batman.

(get it?)

Title: Re: Turkey blocks return of bodies of Kurds killed fighting IS
Post by: onurakkas on August 20, 2015, 06:33:39 PM
i dont got it. do you think so i have to know your laugh idioms? if you think you are swaggering a guy.

Title: Re: Turkey blocks return of bodies of Kurds killed fighting IS
Post by: OBAViJEST on August 20, 2015, 06:57:50 PM
if you dont want to see this scene then you should stop this flow. when i say ''you'' it means you and your country. we dont like these people and dont want to see them in our counrty. but there is nothing we can do. if you have any idea tell us. @mindrust

We kill the batman.

(get it?)

I don't understand the relevance.